by Iain Davis
22, 2020
Off-Guardian Website
Spanish version

Protesters demonstrate
stay-at-home orders in California,
Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
writers are getting the big picture that a global coup
d'etat of Technocrats is taking place and they are bent
on establishing a global Technocracy.
contrived "Great Panic of 2020" uses COVID-19 as a prop
to create a single, global biosecurity State that will
control all human activity.
World - Resist...!
COVID 19 is being used to create a
global fascist dictatorship.
From New Zealand to the
the U.S, so called western democracies have adopted and
developed the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single
biosecurity State...
Globalist Corporate State is to be
centrally controlled and administered by a distant global governance
cartel of appointed bureaucrats. Tasked only to serve the interests
of a tiny, disproportionately wealthy group we can call the parasite
Every aspect of your
life will be monitored and controlled, as we move towards the
ultimate surveillance State...
Your ability to work, to
socialize, to travel, conduct business, access public services and
to purchase essential goods and services will be dictated to you,
and restricted, by the State, based upon your biosecurity or
immunity status.
This transformation process is well underway.
You are no longer a human
being, you are a biosecurity risk. As such you may be removed
to a military controlled quarantine camp as and when the State sees
Detention without
trial will be the norm.
All protest will be
outlawed unless the protest suits the agenda of the parasite

You will not leave home
Your children will no longer be your own.
They will belong to
the State...
Parental consent for
medical procedures will be presumed or, in the case of mandatory
procedures, not required.
Once the
biosecurity State is firmly established consent will be a
distant memory...
We have a diminishing
window of opportunity to stop this global fascist dictatorship.
Violent protest will
not work.
Not only are they
morally indefensible, they are tactically naive.
Violence is the language of the oppressor.
The global State holds
total dominion over instigation of the use of force.
To crack down, in
response to a violent uprising, is the fervent hope of the
oppressor. It allows the State to exercise more, not less,
authoritarian control.
In reality, to stop it, all we need to do is refuse, en masse,
to comply...
We must do this with our
eyes open. It won't be easy and many of us will face harsh
punishment from a desperate tyrant. However, if we don't stand up
now, we are condemning future generations to unimaginable levels of
slavery and misery.
In order to foist this upon us, the apparatus behind it has invested
billions in propaganda.
fascist technocracy, presently being constructed at an alarming
pace, requires our cooperation. Without it, the biosecurity
dictatorship cannot gain its desired authority.
Our representative democratic systems are not what our forebears
gave everything to build.
parasite class have hollowed
them out, replacing the organs of State with their own, leaving only
the shell as a chimera to maintain our delusions and keep us
believing that we have a semblance of control.
It is a fool's errand
to attempt to use their system to win our freedom.
It is designed to
control us.
Appeals to their courts
will never deliver justice to us.
Temporary, small
victories will always be overturned.
Nor can we vote
harder expecting yet another of their puppets to save us.
The purpose of the representative democratic apparition is to
centralize all global power in the hands of the parasite class.
This course is
inexorable and, while we persist in our electoral folly,
we will not alter it.
We must build
something new to replace it.
The obvious solution
is the decentralization of all power to the individual.
We must construct a
voluntary society.
Without us, without our obedience, the parasite class is
currently nothing but a group of ineffectual, wannabe
plutocrats, sat on piles of paper, created from nothing and
worth nothing.
If we don't obey,
there are no rulers...
Should we refuse to use
their monetary system, their usury will be fruitless.
If we decide not
to pay their taxes, we cut will off their economic
exploitation and if we never vote for their bureaucrats we won't
consent to their nominated, elected aristocracy.
We are the scientists
and the engineers, the doctors and the nurses
We are the builders
and the architects, the mechanics and the farmers
We are the soldiers
who kill and die for their enrichment
We are the police
officers who enforce their unlawful rules
We are the people who
build and work in their factories
We are the office
workers and bank clerks who administer their system, the shop
workers, the programmers, the writers, the artists, the teachers
We are the people
who, through our belief in their mythical authority, allow the
parasite class to control us
We are the meek, we are the receivers of all knowledge and all
We possess all the
technology we need and we are the experts...
It is our world,
leased from our future generations, not theirs.
Without us the
parasite class are utterly incapable of controlling anyone or
We must create, not
We must liberate
science, technology, art and knowledge itself from their occult
We must build
alternative decentralized systems, enabling humanity to live as
a coexistence of free, sovereign beings.
We must focus upon
self sufficiency.
We must support each
other, turn our backs on the control systems of the parasitic
State and build our own autonomous communities.
We must refuse to comply with any and all attempts to centralize
We can do this by
rejecting, outright, the concept of authority.
No one ever has any right
to tell anyone else what to do.
But nor does anyone ever
have the right to cause any harm or loss to another human being. We
can live in harmony because we are capable of respecting each other
equally, without reservation.
We know this...!
Not a single human being on this Earth has the right to order any
other to obey their authority. None of us possess this power.
Therefore, this power can never be derived from us. We do not have
it to give.
The State's claim of
authority, gleaned from their electoral anointment ceremony, is a
Their authority does not exist in reality, only in our
We don't need anyone
to tell us how to live. Nor how to deal with the tiny minority
incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.
voluntary society would be a society without rulers, not a
society without rules.
We don't need their systems of authority to live in relative
peace and harmony and we never have. Spontaneous order is all
around us.
We already live the
overwhelming majority of our lives free from State control and
without the need for anyone to impose any rulers upon us.

A disease,
or a control mechanism?
With a few exceptions, no State compels the farmer to grow crops, no
State coerces labourers to pick the harvest or engineers to design
and operate packing plants and no State forces anyone to transport
the produce to market nor any consumer to buy it.
This system isn't controlled by any single authority.
It is an intricate, often
global, network of free individuals, each acting in their own best
interests, creating a harmonious social order way beyond the
operational control of any State.
The State has no
part in this social order of immeasurable complexity.
This ordered
social construct, bringing food to the family table, is
entirely voluntary.
Our society is built
from millions of such systems and trillions of voluntary actions
and exchanges that happen every day.
The voluntary society
already exists.
All we need do is
recognize it, and then seize it.
The State is, and always
has been, entirely unnecessary. It is a hindrance, not a utility...
What benefit does the
State and its regulation bring to our food supply chains?
It claims to protect
it. Protect for whom...?
It removes the free market to protect the profits of
multinational corporations.
It imposes taxes,
raising everyone's costs, to pay for its wars of neocolonialist
It forces wages down,
it cuts the margins for everyone from growers to retailers,
pushing some into poverty to be preyed upon by the same
corporate State.
Its food standard regulations, supposedly designed to keep us
safe, effectively reduce food quality, creates massive waste,
reduces nutrition, causes more sickness and lengthens the queues
at the pharmacy.
Again for the benefit of
the parasite class and
their pharmaceutical corporations.
In a truly voluntary, free market,
what would a supplier gain from
providing low quality, expensive produce to consumers?
They would
quickly go out of business.
Only State regulations can possibly facilitate lowering quality,
while raising prices, without anyone in the supply chain, other than
the oligarchs at the top, profiting from it.
Corporate profit is the
bottom line and the State's sole purpose is to protect it...
Yet, somehow, we remain
convinced that society could not possibly order itself
spontaneously, without the forced coercion of the State.
Despite the fact that, in
great measure, it already does.
We neither lack the
ability nor the knowledge to build a voluntary society.
We lack the
confidence, because this pernicious system is purpose built to
rob us of it.
We are taught, practically from birth, that respecting authority
is a 'virtue'.
To obey is to be good,
disobedience is punished.
What could we be if
instead we taught our children to think critically, that all of us
have equal, inalienable rights, never to cause harm or loss and to
take responsibility for themselves because there is no claimed
protection from any authority?
Unfortunately, once we enter
the education system the doctrine of
authority is vigorously reinforced through perpetual repetition and
the systemic application of reward and punishment.
We are taught what we
are allowed to know. This prepares us to be productive workers
and responsible members of the State.
We are then permitted to work until we are no longer productive,
with every last ounce of profit milked from us, as we shuffle
off to our graves on pharmaceutical life support, before the
State swoops in to hoover up the remnants of our lives.
This is not done for our
We are programmed to
believe in the farcical notion of a benevolent State. A State which
exclusively serves the parasite class and one in which our lives are
the real commodity.
COVID 19 is not a high
impact infectious disease, it has low mortality rates and is
absolutely comparable to influenza.
It isn't even clear
that is can be identified as a disease at all.
Sadly, it seems the vast
majority of us are so adapted to our authoritarian environment that
we are incapable of ever questioning anything we are told by our

"Non-Violent Resistance"
by Judy Baca
COVID 19 is nothing more than a casus belli for the Third World War.
As the representatives of
the State openly admit, that war is a hybrid war. Just as there is
no such thing as a healthy human being, nor is there any distinction
between war and peace.
All is war and we are the enemy...
The military objective is
to grind us into docile and compliant slaves, serving the
new normal
We must face reality.
In the new normal, driven by the "Fourth Industrial Revolution,"
our labour is no longer required.
We are destined only
to consume, and that consumption is to be ruthlessly controlled.
As are we...
There is no black and no
white, no right-wing nor any leftists, there is no gay and no
straight, no Republicans nor Democrats, no Conservatives nor Labour
These are just some of
the divisions forced upon us by the parasite class, and its
compliant lapdog
the mainstream media, to keep us divided and to
stop us realizing the truth.
We are in this together. All of us. No matter where we live or what
we believe.
We are all part of a
single, inviolable truth.
Call it God,
Allah, Yahweh, the Divine Spirit, the
Universe, Mother Earth or Natural Law, there
is one truth and we all understand it...
Cause no harm, cause no
loss, take responsibility for our actions and treat all with
compassion and respect.
We are not merely a
random cluster of atoms.
We are sovereign
spiritual beings.
We have purpose and
every life has inestimable value.
We stand together or
divided we fall.
You have a choice.
Choose wisely...