by Winter Oak
10, 2023
WinterOak Website
Italian version

The Rothschild banking and industrial dynasty has long used
financial leverage to exercise control over governments and thus
facilitate massive transfers of public wealth into private hands,
explains Paul Cudenec in this latest excerpt from his essay,
'Enemies of the People - The
Rothschilds and their corrupt Global Empire,'
part of his 2023 book 'The
Great Racket - The ongoing development of the criminal global
Probably the most
important infrastructure over which
the Rothschilds have been able to
seize control is that of governance and what used to be the public
That much was already evident more than a century ago, in 1909, when
future British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, in his
earlier radical phase, asked:
"Now, really, I
should l like to know, is Lord Rothschild the dictator of this
country?" [197]
The Rothschilds'
deliberate targeting of governments can, like their control of
individual politicians, be traced back to patriarch Mayer Amschel
Rothschild's hard-nosed business rules.
He told his sons:
"It is better to deal
with a government in difficulties than with one that has luck on
its side". [198]

A country with financial
problems was,
"a natural target for
Rothschild financial penetration", [199] says
historian Niall Ferguson.
As we have seen,
expensive wars create governments in need of loans, and so do
sustainably endless waves of costly infrastructure "development".
Governments crippled with debt also find themselves "in
difficulties" and thus in aid of further "help" from those brought
them to that point.
Economic historian Jean Bouvier says the first "direct" loan
by the Rothschilds to a government, that is to say with their own
money, was to Denmark in 1810. [200]
The creation of Greece and Belgium as new states was
literally underwritten by Rothschild finance in the forms of loans
guaranteed by the great powers and floated by the family. [201]
And Ferguson writes that by the end of the 1850s,
"the Rothschilds had
reaffirmed their position as Europe's pre-eminent lender to
Britain, France,
Turkey, Austria and Prussia,
... all issued bonds
through one or more of the Rothschild houses". [202]
In the 12 years from 1895
to 1907 alone, it is estimated that the Rothschilds loaned nearly
$450,000,000 ($13,350,000,000 adjusted to inflation in 2022) to
European governments. [203]

In France, following defeat against Prussia the Rothschilds were
involved in a series of massive loans to the government, as well as
to the city of Paris:
Bouvier estimates
that the profit they made from these loans in 1871 and 1872
alone was in the order of 75 million francs. [204]
Debts provide financiers
not just with profit, but also with control.
Ferguson notes:
"A government that
did not borrow money was a government the Rothschilds could
advise, but not pressurize". [205]
Thus the family
maintained what he describes as,
"a unique influence
over French foreign policy and European international relations
in general". [206]
Governments which
declined to submit to this unique influence could easily be taught
the error of their ways.

An interesting example is what happened when Léon Gambetta
(pictured) became Prime Minister of France in November 1881.
Alphonse de Rothschild assembled tame journalists in December
to warn them that Gambetta aimed to tamper with government bonds
with which the Rothschilds were involved and to embark on some kind
of railway nationalization.
He told them:
"I want an all-out
campaign; it is necessary to demolish Gambetta before he
demolishes us". [207]
The increasingly
beleaguered Gambetta was forced to resign the very next month,
January 1882, after a disastrous collapse on the stock exchange.
The police chief in Paris took an interest in these goings-on,
noting that,
"it is generally
admitted that Monsieur Rothschild dominates the market".
In the post-Gambetta
administration the new finance minister was Léon Say, the
"Rothschild man" I have already mentioned.
Not only was the rail
nationalization idea dropped, but in 1883 the position of the big
rail companies was even legally consolidated. [209]
The Rothschilds were early enthusiasts for the public-private
partnership agenda later favored by such luminaries as Benito
Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and
Klaus Schwab (pictured).

As such, the idea of privatizing assets previously owned by the
state has long appealed to them and they were suggesting the
sell-off of railways as a way for European states to raise cash as
early as 1865. [210]
But in the UK in the 1980s privatization became, as Ferguson
"one of the bank's
most important areas of activity". [211]
He identifies this
involvement as beginning with Victor Rothschild's role as the
head of Prime Minister Edward Heath's Central Policy Review
Staff "think tank" between 1970 and 1973.
"This may partly
explain why in July 1971 the Heath government entrusted N.M.
Rothschild with the sale of the Industrial Reorganization
Corporation". [212]
Then in August 1976
Miles Emley was seconded from the Rothschilds' bank to advise
Labour Party minister Tony Benn as the Department of Energy
began to sell its stakes in the North Sea oil fields. [213]
But privatization really took off under the premiership of
Margaret Thatcher.

One of the main architects of the program was John Redwood,
who set out the agenda in his 1980 book Public Enterprise in
He was working at the time for the N.M. Rothschild Equity
Research Team and, though he left to join Mrs Thatcher's
Downing Street Policy Unit in 1983, he returned to the
Rothschilds three years later as director of overseas privatization.
Ferguson writes:
"He and Michael
Richardson, who joined N.M. Rothschild from the stockbrokers
Cazenove in 1981, can (and do) claim much of the credit for
turning the idea of privatization into a political reality,
though the firm's involvement predated their arrival".

An obituary of Evelyn
de Rothschild (pictured) sheds more light on this period:
"His friendship with
Margaret Thatcher - British prime minister from 1979 to 1990 -
helped the bank win the job of lead underwriter in the sales of
shares in state-owned companies such as British Gas Plc
and British Petroleum Plc." [215]
Ferguson relates that in
February 1982 N.M. Rothschild handled the sell-off of high
technology company Amersham International,
"the first time a
wholly government-owned concern had been floated on the stock
market", [216]
...and during the BNOC
(Britoil) sale in that same year,
"it did not go
unnoticed that the head of Britoil was a former N.M. Rothschild
director (Philip Shelbourne)". [217]
N.M. Rothschild scored
what Ferguson describes as its "biggest success" in this context
when it won the contract in 1986 to advise British Gas on its £6
billion sell-off, famously advertised as some kind of move towards a
share-owning democracy. [218]
The firm's interventions did not entirely escape criticism and it
was taken to task by the National Audit Office for advising
the government to sell the Royal Ordinance to British Aerospace in
1985 at a bargain price. [219]
But its role continued and it was also involved in the sell-offs of
BP, as we have seen, and of,
British Steel,
British Coal, the twelve regional electricity boards and ten
water authorities. [220]
Ferguson writes
that it is "inconceivable" that a program as drastic as
privatization could have been implemented without close contact
between the government and the City - and in particular with the
Rothschild HQ at New Court (pictured).

"After Margaret
Thatcher's deposition in 1990, political support for the
Conservative government dwindled rapidly; and the links between
New Court and Westminster inevitably became the target of fresh
Opposition criticism". [221]
In the post-1992
administration, not only Redwood but also Chancellor Norman
Lamont and junior minister Tony Nelson were former N.M.
Rothschild employees, he notes.
"But it was the
appointment of former ministers (and senior civil servants) to
positions at New Court which prompted the most public comment".
Peter Walker, the
former Secretary of State for Wales, became a non-executive director
of the bank's Welsh subsidiary and of Smith New Court, Norman
Lamont joined the N.M. Rothschild board after being replaced as
Chancellor in 1993 and so did Lord Wakeham, the former Energy
Secretary who had earlier commissioned N.M. Rothschild to assess the
viability (and potential for privatization) of British Coal.
The Rothschilds have subsequently been involved in the privatization
of British Rail and Northern Ireland Electricity,
and advised the British government on the sale of housing
association loans and student loans. [224]

And their enabling of privatization has not been confined to
in 1988 alone, the
bank handled eleven privatizations in eight different
countries. [225]
In 1996-7 it advised,
Brazilian government on the sale of its stake in the Companhia
Vale do Rio Doce iron ore mines
Zambia on the privatization of
its copper industry
Germany on the £6 billion flotation of
Deutsche Telekom
It later did the same
thing for the Australian Telstra. [226]
What all this amounted to, says Ferguson, was a maneuver of
historical proportions, an,
"immense transfer
of assets from the public to the private sector". [227]
[197] Niall Ferguson,
The House of Rothschild - The World's Banker 1849-1998
(New York: Penguin,
2000), p. 428.
[198] Ferguson, p. xxii.
[199] Ferguson, p. 80.
[200] Jean Bouvier, Les Rothschild (Brussels: Editions Complexe,
1983), p. 35.
[201] Ferguson, p. xxvii.
[202] Ferguson, p. 79.
[204] Bouvier, p. 220.
[205] Ferguson, p. 115.
[206] Ferguson, p. 156.
[207] Ferguson, p. 337.
[208] Archives de la préfecture de police de la Seine, dossier
Ba, 90, cit. Bouvier, p. 228.
[209] Bouvier, pp. 227-28.
[210] Ferguson, p. 130.
[211] Ferguson, p. 491.
[212] Ferguson, p. 491.
[213] Ferguson, p. 491.
[214] Ferguson, pp. 491-92.
[216] Ferguson, p. 492.
[217] Ferguson, p. 492.
[218] Ferguson, p. 492.
[219] Ferguson, p. 492.
[220] Ferguson, pp. 492-94.
[221] Ferguson, p. 493.
[222] Ferguson, p. 493.
[223] Ferguson, p. 493.
[224] Ferguson, p. 493.
[225] Ferguson, p. 494.
[226] Ferguson, p. 494.
[227] Ferguson, p. 494.