by Caitlin Johnstone
October 21,
CaitlinJohnstone Website

US geostrategist
John Mearsheimer
threatens Australia, saying we must
"sacrifice prosperity for security"
because we
"do not want to
underestimate how nasty [the US] can be".
The new
of Bolivia, Luis Arce,
has told the Spanish international news agency EFE that he
intends to restore the nation's relations with,
This reverses the
policies of the
US-backed coup regime which immediately began,
those nations after illegally seizing power last year.
Arce also spoke of
warm relations with
Russia and
"We are going
to reestablish all relations," he told EFE.
government has acted very ideologically, depriving the Bolivian
people of access to Cuban medicine, to Russian medicine, to
advances in China.
For a purely
ideological issue, it has exposed the population in a way that
is unnecessary and harmful."
Arce expressed a
willingness to,
"open the door
to all countries, the only requirement is that they respect us
and respect our sovereignty, nothing more.
All countries,
no matter the size, who want a relationship with Bolivia, the
only requirement is that we respect each other as equals. If
that is so, we have no problem."
If you know
anything about US imperialism and global politics, you will
recognize that last bit as brazen heresy against imperial doctrine.
The unofficial
doctrine of the empire-like cluster of international allies that is
loosely centralized around the United States does not recognize the
sovereignty of other nations, much less respect them as equals.
This 'empire' takes
it as a given that it has every right to determine what every nation
in the world does, who their leaders will be, where their resources
will go, and what their military posture on the world stage will be.
If a government
refuses to accept the empire's right to determine these things, it
is targeted, sabotaged, attacked, and eventually replaced with a
puppet regime.
The US-centralized
empire functions like a giant blob that slowly works to absorb
nations which have not yet been converted into imperial client
It is rare that a
nation is able to escape from that blob and rejoin the unabsorbed
nations like China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba in their fight
for self-sovereignty, and it is encouraging that it was able to do
We saw the dynamics
of the imperial blob
explained quite vividly last year by American political analyst
John Mearsheimer
at a debate hosted by the Australian think tank
Center for Independent Studies.
Mearsheimer told
his audience that the US is going to do everything it can to halt
China's rise and prevent it from becoming the regional hegemon in
the eastern hemisphere, and that
Australia should align with the US
in that battle or else it would face the wrath of Washington.
"The question
that's on the table is what should the Australia's foreign
policy be in light of the rise of China," Mearsheimer
"I'll tell you
what I would suggest if I were an Australian."
Mearsheimer said
China is going to continue to grow economically and will convert
that economic power into military power to dominate Asia,
"the way
the US dominates the western hemisphere",
...and explained why he think
the US and its allies have every ability to prevent that from
"Now the
question is what does this all mean for Australia?" Mearsheimer
"Well, you're
in a quandary (dilemma) for sure. Everybody knows what the quandary is.
And by the way you're not the only country in East Asia that's
in this quandary.
You trade a lot
with China, and that trade is very important for your
prosperity, no question about that. Security-wise you really
want to go with us.
It makes just a lot more sense, right?
And you
understand that security is more important than prosperity,
because if you don't survive, you're not going to prosper."
"Now some
people say there's an alternative: you can go with China," said
"Right you have
a choice here: you can go with China rather the United States.
There's two things I'll say about that.
Number one, if you go
with China you want to understand you are our enemy.
You are then
deciding to become an enemy of the United States. Because again,
we're talking about an intense security competition."
"You're either
with us or against us," he continued.
"And if you're
trading extensively with China, and you're friendly with China,
you're undermining the United States in this security
competition. You're feeding the beast, from our perspective.
that is not going to make us happy. And when we are
not happy you do not want to underestimate how nasty we can be.
Just ask
Fidel Castro."
Nervous laughter
from the Australian think tank audience punctuated Mearsheimer's
more incendiary observations.
The CIA is known to
made numerous attempts to assassinate Castro.
If you've ever
wondered how the the US is so successful in getting other nations
around the world to align with its interests, this is how.
It's not that
the US is a good actor on the world stage or a kind friend to
its allies, it's that it will destroy you if you disobey it.
Australia is
not aligned with the US to protect itself from China.
Australia is
aligned with the US to protect itself from the US...
As a Twitter
recently observed,
the US doesn't have allies, only hostages...
As the recently
Palace Letters illustrated, the CIA
staged a coup to oust Australia's Prime Minister Gough
Whitlam because he was prioritizing the nation's
Journalist John Pilger
wrote in 2014 after Whitlam's death:
briefly became an independent state during the Whitlam years,
An American
commentator wrote that no country had,
"reversed its posture in
international affairs so totally without going through a
domestic revolution"...
Whitlam ended his nation's colonial
He abolished
royal patronage, moved Australia towards the
Movement, supported "zones of peace" and opposed nuclear weapons
The primary
difference between the coup in Australia and
the one in Bolivia was
that the Bolivians
refused to roll over and take it while we shrugged and said no
worries mate...
We had every option
to become a real nation and insist on our own self-sovereignty, but
we, unlike the Bolivians, were too thoroughly propagandized and
Some hostages escape, some don't...
The US empire got
rid of Whitlam, and then when we elected in 2007 a Prime Minister
who was considered too friendly with China they did it again; in
order to facilitate the
Obama administration's "pivot" against
Beijing the pro-China
Rudd was replaced by the compliant Julia Gillard.
World Socialist
Secret US
diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks in December 2010
revealed that "protected sources" of the US embassy were pivotal
figures in Gillard's elevation.
For months, key
coup plotters, including senators Mark Arbib and David Feeney,
and Australian Workers Union (AWU) chief Paul Howes, secretly
provided the US embassy with regular updates on internal
government discussions and divisions within the leadership…
Rudd had
proposed an Asia-Pacific Community, attempting to mediate the
escalating strategic rivalry between the US and China, and
opposed the formation of a Quadrilateral military alliance
between the US, India, Japan and Australia, aimed against China.
Gillard, who
had cultivated her pro-US credentials through Australia-US and
Australia-Israel leadership forums, was literally selected by
the US embassy as a reliable replacement to Rudd.
In her first
public appearance after knifing Rudd, she demonstrated her
devotion to Washington by posing for a photo op with the US
ambassador, flanked by US and Australian flags.
She soon had a
phone call with Obama, who had previously twice postponed a
planned visit to Australia under Rudd.
The centrality
of Australia to the US preparations for war against China became
apparent in November 2011, when Obama announced his "pivot to
Asia" in the Australian parliament, rather than the White House.
During the
visit, Gillard and Obama signed an agreement to station American
Marines in Darwin and allow greater US access to other military
bases, placing the Australian population on the front line of
any conflict with China.
government also sanctioned the expansion of the major US spying
and weapons-targeting base at
Pine Gap, agreed to the US
military's increased use of Australian ports and airbases, and
stepped up Australia's role in the US-led top-level "Five Eyes"
global surveillance network, which monitors the communications
and online activities of millions of people worldwide.
Rudd's removal
marked a turning point.
US imperialism, via the Obama
administration, sent a blunt message:
there was no longer any
room for equivocation by the Australian ruling elite.
Regardless of
which party was in office, it had to line up unconditionally
behind the US conflict with China, no matter what the
consequences for the loss of its massive export markets in
This is what we're
seeing all around the world now:
slow motion third world war being
waged by the US power alliance against the remaining nations
which have resisted being absorbed into it.
As the most
powerful of the unabsorbed nations by far,
China is the ultimate target of this war.
If the empire
succeeds in its ultimate goal of stopping China, it will have
attained a de facto planetary government which no population will be
able to oppose or dissent from.
I don't know about
you, but I never consented to a world where powerful nuclear-armed
forces wave armageddon weapons at each other while fighting for
planetary domination and subverting less powerful nations if they
don't play along with their cold war games.
Detente and
must be sought and obtained, and we must all work to live together
on this planet in collaboration with each other and with our
This omnicidal,
ecocidal way of living that
the oligarchic empire has laid out for
us does not suit our species, and it will drive us to extinction
along with God knows how many other species if we do not find a way
to end it.
Rulers historically
do not cede their power willingly, so we ordinary human beings as a
collective are going to have to find a way to
destroy their propaganda engine, force an end to imperialism,
and build a healthy world...