by Patricia Harrity
December 12, 2023
Expose-News Website

Great Taking",
a new
documentary initially aired on
Childrens Health Defense (CHD.TV),
where former
hedge fund manager David Webb
takes the
audience step by step
through his
forensic investigation into
the legal,
financial and regulatory changes
that have set
"the greatest
crime ever contemplated...
the planned
of everyone's
global securities assets."
David Webb,
author of a book by the same title,
exposes the
"scheme by central bankers
to subjugate
humanity by taking
all securities,
bank deposits and property financed
with debt."
In "The Great Taking"
documentary now airing on CHD.TV, former hedge
fund manager
David Webb takes the audience step by step
through his forensic investigation into the legal, financial and
regulatory changes that have set up,
"the greatest crime
ever contemplated... the planned confiscation of everyone's
global securities assets."
"Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be
taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities
described in court documents as 'the protected class'," Webb
says in the film.
"Even sophisticated
professional investors, who were assured that their securities
are 'segregated,' will not be protected."
In a CHD.TV interview
Saturday with Children's Heath Defense (CHD) President and CEO
Holland, Webb said he has been studying global financial systems and
warning of a coming "Great Taking"
financial collapse for more than
20 years.
His decades of hedge fund
experience gave him insight into money flows and systemic risks that
he believes foreshadow an orchestrated crash.
Webb spent years researching historical precedents like Great
Depression-era bank closures and
gold confiscation to help him
understand the,
"playbook used by
powerful banking interests during times of financial turmoil."
He first noticed that
money velocity rates showed how excessive money creation drives
unstable economic bubbles.
The mainstream news
coverage during the 1990s
Asian financial crisis aftermath did not
fully explain the odd market movements he was seeing.
Digging deeper, Webb realized,
"the scale of the
money creation during this period was very high."
He found
Federal Reserve
Board activity generating over 1% of gross domestic product worth of
new money in one week, "an order magnitude bigger" than annual
growth rates, he said.
The massive liquidity influx was not going into the real economy,
Webb said, but into,
things... wars… various operations that are
about control."
Webb compared the state
of the economy just before World War I to today's
economy, saying both are about "looting" in the late phase of
economic bubbles, just prior to a crash.
Webb also witnessed a decade-long campaign to change commercial
banking statutes and ownership definitions, state by state, that set
the stage for revoking investor property rights during defaults.
"The underpinning of
the entire securities infrastructure in the U.S. is the
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, and this is the
entity that was first formed to dematerialize all securities in
the U.S.," Webb said.
Webb told Holland a
career CIA operative with,
"absolutely no
background and banking or finance" was involved in this project
and was later made the superintendent of banks in New York state
Nelson Rockefeller.
"It's very clear that this was a CIA project," he said.
Lehman Brothers
failure during the
2008 Financial Crisis was "teed up" to cement new
precedents allowing elite creditors to seize client assets during
financial busts, Webb told Holland.
The Lehman collapse involved using client assets secured through
derivatives and securitized bonds as collateral, which creditors
then seized.
"The bankruptcy judge
said that J.P. Morgan was under 'safe harbor' and could take the
client assets" and, as one of the largest banks, it was
"certainly a member of the 'protected class'," Webb said.
"And those words are
used in the decision."
In Webb's view,
sophisticated financial instruments promote interconnectedness and
complexity in global financial markets in order to multiply
collateral flows while hiding systemic risks and property rights
In Webb's assessment, creating centralized pools of assets sets up
the system for secured creditors to instantly seize collateral.
If widespread insolvency
hits, as Webb predicts will be triggered, the "protected class" of
big banks and funds will take all they can while everyday investors
"only a pro-rata
share of what is left."
"The main takeaway is
that this will affect everyone everywhere, globally, all the way
to the top of the system," Webb told Holland.
"This has the
potential to unite people to wind this down."
In the film, Webb said,
"Central banking
should be a public utility.
The very idea that it
should be controlled by private interests, that is the source of
all the problems for humanity."
"The Great Taking" was
produced by Webb and executive produced by Holocaust survivor
Vera Sharav.
Webb has turned his efforts into a nonprofit project that aims to
share this information worldwide. Both the documentary and the
downloadable book (The
Great Taking) are available for free on his website.
HERE and