by Michael Welch and Prof. Anthony J. Hall
May 28, 2022
GlobalResearch Website

Warren Buffett - Bill Gates
"For me it was
never about money,
but solving
for the future
of humanity."
Elon Musk
On May 23,
Oxfam International released the latest study examining
how the
COVID-19 'pandemic' affected the distribution of wealth
The results were alarming, and for people with any sense
of fairness, out and out infuriating:
Billionaires increased their wealth as much in the last 24 months as
it normally does in 23 years!
As many as 263 million people could be pushed into extreme poverty
this year.
The world's billionaires saw their collective wealth increase by
$12.7 trillion (42%) during the 'pandemic'.
The richest 10 men possess more wealth than the poorest 40% of
humanity combined.
Elon Musk could lose 99% of his wealth and would still be among the
top 0.0001% of the world's richest people. Since 2019, his wealth
increased by 699%.
The incomes of 99% of humanity fell because of the
'pandemic', with
125 million full-time jobs lost in 2021.
Total billionaire wealth currently stands at
13.9% of Global Gross
Domestic Product, up from 4.4% in 2020. 2
With the event recently passed known as
May Day, the International
Workers' Day, commemorating the efforts and victories of the working
class and the labor movement, and celebrated in over 80 countries
around the world, these developments in recent years is hardly cause
to gloat!
Moreover, new struggles have confronted the workers while the elites
are dominating the gains.
The fourth industrial revolution,
artificial intelligence, ad a whole gamut of new technologies seem
to have given the tech lords an edge.
In a March 2021 Global Research News Hour interview, Catherine
Austin Fitts explained how the decision by the G7 banks to
re-organize the financial systems under the plan 'Going Direct
COVID to be a cover for a major thrust of wealth
toward the wealthy and allow new technologies to once again return
to them control of the mass population.
In a statement on what
labor would be facing she said the
"If I can insert things into your body, if I can mind-control you,
if I can turn off your ability to transact, that's a slavery
system... and you're looking at a leadership who thinks they can do
almost everything with software and AI and
robotics, and they don't
need people." 3
These threats are no longer
science fiction....
For any serious person
with a quest for worker solidarity, it is imperative that we not
only remember with fondness the past glories of our collective
triumphs, but muster like there's no tomorrow against the scourge of
the clear and present threat to our gains and possibly even our
The anthem of The Internationale will underscore this
week's episode of the Global Research News Hour.
Our first half hour features an interview with Professor Anthony
Hall, a man who has been skeptical of many of the assertions of the
COVID-19 'pandemic'.
He shares with us his assessment of the lost
freedoms the working man and woman are forced to reckon with, and
also takes on the left and organized labor who, given their stand
on the freedom convoy, are hurting rather than helping those they
claim to protect.
This is then followed by a panel who will discuss the road ahead for
labor given the sobering facts available at present.
Richard Wolff, Nora Loreto and Paul Moist all compare notes on the
path forward, including where labor is and should be at, what the
role of the freedom convoy might have been able to show us, and what
lessons might have presented itself in the wake of the Indian
General Strike.
Anthony J Hall is Emeritus Professor of Liberal Education
and Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in
Alberta, Canada. He is a regular contributor to Global Research, and
has written a great deal on
COVID-19 and "The
Great Reset."
Professor Richard Wolff is an American Marxian economist. He is
Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts
Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program
in International Affairs of the New School in New York. He is host,
creator and writer of Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff. He is
also a frequent lecturer at community and academic institutions
across the country.
Nora Loreto is an activist based in Quebec City and editor of the
Canadian Association of Labour Media and a much sought-after
facilitator. She presents regularly on media relations, writing,
editing, social media and online security and privacy. She authored
Take Back the Fight, Organizing Feminism in the Digital Age (2020)
and her latest from November 2021, Spin Doctors: How Media and
Politicians Misdiagnosed the COVID-19 'pandemic'.
Paul Moist has been a member of the Canadian Union of Public
Employees for 40 years, serving 6 years as president of the CUPE
local in Manitoba and 10 years as national president. He also got a
bachelor's degree in history and politics at the University of
Manitoba. He is also active with the New Democratic Party.
Alex Davies
(March 13, 2013), "How
Elon Musk is Revolutionizing Two Major Industries at the
Same Time", Business Insider.
Briefing (23 May, 2022), "Profiting
from Pain - The urgency of taxing the rich amid a surge in
billionaire wealth and a global cost-of-living crisis".