by Peter Koenig
May 11, 2022
GlobalResearch Website
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former
Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health
Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30
years on water and environment around the world.
lectures at universities in the US, Europe
South America.
writes regularly for online journals and is the author
of 'Implosion - An Economic Thriller about War,
Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed' and
co-author of Cynthia McKinney's book "When China
Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global
Politico-Economic Crisis" (Clarity Press - November 1,
He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on
Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior
Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University,
Beijing. |

Our humanity is obsessed with power.
The currently ongoing and devastating Ukraine-Russia war is the
result of such power obsession. Let's look back and analyze what may
unfold, when we connect the dots; how the WEF may be crucially
involved in this war.
A war of Power towards
the Great Reset?
Ever-so-often, one or a group of extreme power-crazy people wants to
take over a country, a region - and even the world, as we see it
happen now.
And in the process
thousands, or millions of innocent people die, or are thrown into
abject misery.
And that for the whim of
power-thirsty people, whose mind for some sick reason has become
"possessed" with evil and they believe they must control humanity
and the globe's resources.
Similar events, on much smaller scale, have happened many times in
the past 100 years, let alone in the last 2000 years and all the way
back, since humanity exists.
Progress today of
humanity, when all is said and done, despite all the so-called
technical "advances", is insignificant.
And today's perpetrators
have similar motives like those of thousands of years back.
They have similar
mental diseases, thirst of domination, fed by hate, as they had
They lead to similar
criminal behaviors.
What is happening today
and has been playing out over the past two years is a worldwide
crime against humanity, of biblical proportions, never experienced
in recent history.
It is maybe the largest and most illicit attempt at world control,
to the point where it literally threatens the future of humanity.
This has been prepared for decades, possibly for at least a century.
It has been cleverly planned in connivance with what humanity
thought having created to preserve peace, justice, nations'
sovereignty and human rights - with a deceptive United Nations.
Today the playbook is called the UN
Agenda 2030...
The agenda is being
disguised as a noble plan presenting to the world 17 so-called
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), decided by a UN Summit of
the same name, in September 2015 in NYC.
Reaching these SDGs
pretends to mainly lift the Global South out of poverty.
Any politician or serious economist who looks at these development
goals, will soon see that implementing them is an absolute illusion,
from points of view of costs, political will, implementation
capacity and many more impending factors which are not even
addressed in the 17 SDGs.
The political architects who designed them, or the masters behind
them, know exactly that the SDGs are but a smoke screen, that they
can never be fulfilled. So, what's behind this smoke screen?
An unbelievable deranged concept that was prepared by a long-hand,
probably for decades or more.
A solid concept that is
difficult - but not impossible - to undo, especially because the
people behind this global construct are powerful financial
individuals or entities, that have no scruples, no remorse, no human
What could be the
executing "construct" behind the monstrous plan?
Could it be the
World Economic Forum (WEF) under its founder and eternal
Klaus Schwab?
The WEF was created in
January 1971, as an NGO.
It is headquartered in
Cologny, a lush suburb of Geneva, Switzerland. As of this day it
remains an NGO - alas, by far the wealthiest most powerful NGO in
the world, controlling or leveraging billions of dollars through
associated businesses, corporations and financial giants.
The WEF started as the
European Management Forum, and converted in 1987, with the support
of the European Commission, to today's WEF.
More outreach - around
the globe - more money - more power - more control.
The WEF's stated purpose:
Directly influencing
global agendas & decision making, promoting public-private
cooperation - see this.

Klaus Schwab is the ideal
leader for the sick-wealthy multi-multi billionaire elite.
This mentally deranged
elite want to control literally the entire universe, if they could.
Just listen and watch Elon Musk with his space shuttle plans,
attempting at controlling parts of the universe.
They also want a
globalist fully digitized One World Order - better called a
One World Tyranny (OWT), which Schwab also calls the 4th
Industrial Revolution, alias, The Great Reset.
Its Klaus Schwab's
wet dream numero uno.
And certainly,
supported by lots of think-alikes around the globe.
He is well-qualified for
carrying out their agenda.
His influence peddling
reaches "high-flyers", politicians, industrialists, corporate
managers, artists - anybody of "name and reputation" - around the
Through the now famous - some would call it infamous -
annual meetings in Davos,
Switzerland, where the elite and their associates meet, Schwab and
his cronies intend to shape the world according to their own
concocted scheme.
Of course, Schwab also
meets his power-friends and buddies through other special events and
personal contacts, to concoct world-decision-making in private.
If you were to tell this story to an Alien from outer space, he/she
would not believe it. Unless these "people" who intend to shape the
world of some 7.9 billion people according to their will and image,
are themselves unelected "aliens".
Imagine, nobody has elected either Schwab or the WEF, or any of his
wealthy corporate and finance cronies. Yet, they behave as if they
owned Mother Earth - maybe the entire universe.
A thought worth pondering
In the words of
David Rockefeller:
"…The world is now
more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world
The supranational
sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely
preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past
(quoted by Aspen Times, August 15, 2011)
We, the People, shall not
accept any unelected self-imposed individual or entity - not Schwab,
not the WEF, not the G-7, not the G-20 - not NATO - to decide over
our lives, the lives of our children.
People, wake up!
The Great
Reset emerged from Covid-19
The Great Reset which Schwab says emerged from
Covid-19, seems according to Schwab
to have the support of the world elite - not the world's population
at all.
It is, again according to
Schwab, a unique opportunity to reshape the world. Unelected, but he
and his cronies decide how 7.9 billion people must live.
Has he asked the people around the world whether they want to be
reshaped according to his neoliberal dictatorial and
people-enslaving, unfriendly ideas? No, of course not.
Megalomaniacs never care
for the people.
We, the People, shall not accept it; We, the People shall overcome.
The Great
Reset and the Putin-Schwab Relationship
The WEF and Co, using their influence and even flexing their muscle,
if they were interested in Peace, could stop the currently ongoing
atrocious war in Ukraine.
They could stop the
atrocious killing.
But the WEF remains silent except for removing
any reference of Putin's relation to the WEF from the WEF's website.
What does that say?
President Putin in his keynote address of the virtual "Davos" in
2021, boasted about his 30 years-old friendship with Klaus Schwab.
Putin also attended Klaus Schwab's academy for "Young Global
Leaders" (YGL).
All references and photos referring to this fact, disappeared from
the internet. Putin's name was erased from the WEF's website. The
WEF, alias Klaus Schwab, does not want the world to believe that he
is associated with Putin.
Obviously, such a
relation doesn't usually disappear overnight.
It's just no longer
readily visible to the world at large...

These photos speak for themselves.
Below is Klaus Schwab's introduction of Vladimir Putin at the
January 2021 virtual WEF Meeting, inviting President Putin to
deliver a special address.
Vlad opens his speech by referring to his friend Klaus - mentioning
that they know each other since 1992 - a 30-year long friendship
(authors addition):
Has President Putin broken with Schwab, with the WEF, with the elite
circles that run the west - and attempt to run Russia and the world?
It is possible, but for
now it remains an enigma. There are still too many dots that do not
connect. For example, the Head of the Central Bank of Russia, Ms.
Elvira Nabiullina.
Mr. Putin made every effort to have good relations with the west, to
cooperate with Europe - to no avail.
The more he tried, the
more he was rejected. His relentless overtures towards the west, his
diplomatic approaches, appeared to the outside observer almost as
ridiculously subservient.
One of the latest incidents, is the apparent failure of having taken
control of the Russian Central Bank, leaving it in the hands of an
apparent western Fifth Columnist, Ms. Nabiullina.
Thereby losing most
likely some US$ 500 billion equivalent in Russian reserves,
"blocked", a euphemism for "stolen" - by the G7 countries.

Holds Russia's Central Bank Reserves?
Is this a planned farce, or real...?
Ms. Nabiullina was also President Putin's economic adviser from May
2012 to June 2013, after serving as minister of Economic
Development and Trade from September 2007 to May 2012.
As of 2019, Ms. Nabiullina was listed as the 53rd most
powerful woman in the world by Forbes.
Only recently has Mr. Sergey Glazyev, an economic genius,
returned to the Kremlin, as Mr. Putin's chief adviser. One of
Glazyev's first brilliant advice, made reality by Putin, was a
decision that all hydrocarbons sold by Russia to the west must be
paid in Russian rubles.
As a consequence, the ruble's value jumped overnight to the highest
level since the beginning of the war. It is poised to rise even
further as the western world is desperate for energy - and Russia is
a key supplier.
May we soon have a
Petro-Ruble that would allow Russia to print unlimited amounts
of rubles, as did the US Treasury, when in 1973 the US-dollar
became the OPEC currency for trading in hydrocarbons?
How would that fit the WEF's intentions of a globalized,
digitized world under a One World Tyranny, with eventually one
digitized currency - controlled, by whom else, the western
financial oligarchs?

Source: Armstrong Economics
Then there is Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
He is no stranger to
Klaus Schwab either. He seems to have rather a cozy relationship
with Klaus Schwab.
Was the WEF
instrumental to put a former comedian at the helm of Ukraine?
Maybe time will tell...
As of now, Schwab and the
WEF appear to be equally silent vis-à-vis Zelenskyy, not even
recommending an armistice cum Peace Agreement.
One wonders why not?
One would have hoped, the WEF's influence would be there to stop the
fighting, the insane killing, by calling both sides to a negotiating
table, by promoting Peace.
In the face of this senseless killing of tens of thousands of
innocent people, destruction of entire cities, peoples' homes,
why doesn't Schwab
even try?
What's his agenda?
One just wonders whether
the WEF has a Peace or War Agenda since the WEF's boss seems
to be friendly with both leaders of this brutal war but remains
silent, doesn't call them to reason for Peace Talks.
Maybe the war, like the Covid fraud before the war - are they part
of Klaus Schwab's plan and dream of the Great Reset?
Assuming the Covid fraud was and is part of the Great Reset - since
Klaus Schwab said jubilantly in the mid 2020's when his Reset-book
was issued,
"The pandemic
[Covid-19] represents a rare but narrow window of
opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world".
Does Schwab know what
is in the vaxxes that were hurriedly developed?
That they may serve
an eugenist agenda and over time resulting in contribute killing
untold-millions, maybe resulting in hundreds of millions of
There are allegations
that some of the vaxxes, especially the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA
jabs, contain poisonous or deadly substances, like graphene oxide,
the HIV-virus, and "adjuvants" (term used by Moderna) to sterilize
women and to cause miscarriages.
None of this is proven as
of yet, and needs further investigation.
The Ukraine
Ukraine is the cesspool of the west, for trafficking of women and
children, of drugs, of human organs.
Where billions upon
billions of dollar-equivalents are laundered
Where high-ranking US
politicians and their sons do their shady businesses, among
them, Hunter Biden, President Biden's son.
There are others,
offsprings of US Senators, uncontrolled, because in a swamp only the
mafiosi and - of course - white-collar criminals stay on top of the
fraud and misdeeds that in any civilized country could not go
unpunished - see also this short article, including a 4-min video by
American on-the-ground journalist Laura Logan.
She leaves hardly a stone
The place of war -
Ukraine - is a western-oriented country, but strangely none of
the western leaders get seriously involved saying stop.
It wouldn't have to
be NATO, it could be any of the European brother-countries, in
solidarity calling on Russia to stop and seek a peace agreement,
or telling Zelenskyy to accept Putin's conditions for at least a
ceasefire to seriously negotiating a peace agreement.
Anyone of these leaders (sic) could offer mediating.
Strange, none of them
All prefer
sanctioning the "villain", knowing very well that the main
sufferers of these sanctions are the European themselves.
Instead, there are rumors
of a NATO impending attack on Russia.
Lets hope and pray that
they remain just rumors...
Is the western
countries' inactivity towards Peace and instead committing
economic suicide with boomerang-sanctions, part of their
sacrifice for a bigger plan, they may have concocted with the
WEF, a giant step towards The Great Reset?
Again, no matter, how
many civilians, including children and women are killed in the
process, these Globalists have no regard for human lives.
Globalists are
megalomaniacs, striving for a One World Tyranny (OWT).
In addition to the thousands killed, the war has already produced 2
to 3 million refugees fleeing to western Europe, where, on the
surface, they are relatively well received.
Their welcome is in
direct juxtaposition of the way the west, speak mainly Europe,
treats war or political and economic refugees from Africa,
Afghanistan and other countries with colored-faced people.
These colored faces,
women and children and men, are frequently rejected and
discriminated in Europe, though most of them come from utmost
hardship situations and poverty.
As a sideline,
doesn't that in itself already tell a story about the west?
If they are capable
of such ruthlessly flagrant and open discrimination - aren't
they logically also capable of "colluding with the devil",
arguably with the WEF and all those supporting and driving the
Great Reset forward, towards a One World Tyranny?
The US has multiplied its
weapons sales by a factor of 8 since the preparation to and the
beginning of the war- most for export to NATO countries which then
transship them to Ukraine, where they are being handed out to
sometimes trained military or non-military personnel.
For sure, many of these
uncontrolled weapons that enter Ukraine will end up on the black
market - with mafia-type organizations, or being re-exported.
US economic growth recovers:
"War is a condition
for new growth, that is, it is the continuation not only of
politics, but also precisely the continuation of the economy by
other means."
Claudia von Werlhof
German sociologist and political scientist
The US economy depends to
more than 50% on the military industrial complex, including other
war-related industries and services.
Wars and conflicts would be needed in the future too, under a New
Word Tyranny (NWT), as long as we maintain the neoliberal
financial and economic structure. Ukraine is just a precursor to
more to come, with the world economy in shambles - planned shambles
- creating the momentum for bringing in an all-digital currency
financial system.
War is profitable. Killing is hugely profitable. Mass killing with
weapons of mass destruction even more so regardless whether they are
in the tens of thousands of western-loved Ukrainians - what a
Death is profit...
And the omni-powerful
WEF does not intervene for Peace, for stopping the killing?
The so-powerful WEF
that wants and pretends to reset the world, to make it a "better
place", under its guidance?
And what about this jewel?
BlackRock's Larry Fink in a
recent letter to shareholders says,
"But the Russian
invasion of Ukraine, has put an end to the globalization we have
experienced over the last three decades..."
Real or fake? See this
RT link.
Larry Fink alias BlackRock, is an intimate supporter of Klaus
Schwab's and the WEF.
What would a
deglobalizing war mean for the Great Reset?
Ukraine war -
Towards the "Privatization of Nuclear War"?
On 22 March 2020, Professor Chossudovsky
"...On August 6,
2003, on Hiroshima Day, a secret meeting was held behind closed
doors at Strategic Command Headquarters at the Offutt Air Force
Base in Nebraska."
"Senior executives from the nuclear industry and the military
industrial complex were in attendance. This mingling of defense
contractors, scientists and policy-makers was not intended to
commemorate Hiroshima.
The meeting was
intended to set the stage for the development of a new
generation of 'smaller', 'safer' and 'more usable' nuclear
weapons, to be used in the 'in-theater nuclear wars' of the 21st
Michel Chossudovsky
August 2011
This meeting was
instrumental in setting the stage for "the privatization of nuclear
war" leading up to Obama's $1.2 trillion-dollar nuclear weapons
program, which is now slated to increase (under Biden) to $2
trillion by 2030. (Ibid)
Is this an indication that there is no immediate end in sight for
the Ukraine war? That it may turn nuclear?
Chossudovsky continues,
"The unspoken reality
of a nuclear war is Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) and
the End of Humanity as we know it."
Privatization of the
Russia-Ukraine war may arguably be an instrument to accelerate
The Great Reset - alias, the completion of UN
Agenda 2030.
If so, it would
contradict Larry Fink's prediction of the end of
It would make the WEF's
silent involvement in the war - by "tolerating" it - and Russia's
actively playing along, as a highly valuable partner of the WEF,
understandable, but never ever justifiable.
President Putin's closeness to Schwab and the WEF is further
demonstrated by Russia's building a "Centre for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution".
It will be hosted by
ANO Digital Economy in Moscow.
ANO (Autonomous
Non-profit Organization) is a platform for public-private
cooperation, promoting Digital Economy, coordinating the
participation of expert and business community.
"It will work across
the global network to maximize the benefits of technologies such
as Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, while
minimizing its risks."
On 13 October 2021, the
WEF published:
Russia Joins Center for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution Network
Moscow, Russia, 13
October 2021
Russia will take a
leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial
Today, leaders from
the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum announced
the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia.
Part of the Forum's global Network, the new Centre will bring
together leading businesses, policy makers and members of civil
society to co-design and pilot innovative approaches to
technology governance.
Over the past five years, the World Economic Forum Centre for
the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network has expanded to 15
Project teams worked
across public and private sectors to built new policies for
drones and commercial aircraft to fly in the same airspace,
government procurement of artificial intelligence and
accelerated responsible blockchain deployment across the global
supply chain.
Given these precedents of
a relatively close relationship between President Putin
and Klaus Schwab, the WEF, the question emerges,
Is this war
furthering the WEF's agenda of a globalized world, a One World
Or is Mr. Putin
rather breaking with Schwab and the WEF, by a definitive
separation from the west?
If so, it could mean an
end to the Great Reset as planned and dreamt by Schwab and his
cronies and a move towards a multi-polar world, with a massive
Eurasian Pole, led by China and Russia, while preserving individual
countries' autonomy and sovereignty.
In the past few weeks, China has repeatedly told the world that a
war was not the solution, that Peace Talks should be initiated and
that a new world structure should be multi-polar (as opposed to
unipolar, as per Klaus Schwab's dream), and that nations'
sovereignty should be respected.
While it may be too soon to come to a final conclusion, it is never
too soon, to remember that with the unelected WEF and the associated
obscure oligarchs, We, the People, are in the process of
being enslaved by an unelected, nefarious dark cult and we will not
allow it.
People! Stand up in Peace and for Peace...
We, the People,
reject the WEF's Great Reset, reject UN Agenda 2030
We, the People, reject an all-digitized, fully controlled and
surveilled world
We, the People, will never-ever accept a One World Tyranny
Let's return to sovereign
nations' states, seeking real democracy, where people decide their
lives and their future.
And finally, let's forgive them, they don't know what they are