The World Economic
Forum (pompously and arrogantly announced as 'Committed to
Improving the State of the World') was set up in 1971 by a man
Klaus Schwab, though the
organization wasn't called that then.
When Schwab began
what was to become
the WEF he had an endowment of
just 25,000 Swiss francs in a bank account.
The first Davos meeting of what was then called the European
Management Symposium, lasted two weeks and involved 450
participants, including chief executives and senior managers
from top companies and 50 faculty members from business schools.
Things then moved
The chairman of the second Davos meeting was supposed to be
Herman J. Abs who had to cancel at the last minute but this
link gives us a clear insight into the background of the WEF...

Hermann J. Abs.
Source: Alchetron
As Zina Cohen (one of my pen names) explains in her book
Shocking History of the EU',
Abs was a bank
director who helped Hitler enormously by forcibly
purchasing Jewish banks at low prices. The money was then
used to build the Nazi war machine.
During the Second
World War, Abs was a member of a secret group formed in
1943 and known as the Committee for Foreign Economic Affairs
(Tower of Basel - The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank
that Runs the
World - Chapter 10 'All is Forgiven') - a group of
bankers and businessmen who met to discuss Germany's future
after the end of the War.
After the War, a friend of his, Charles Gunston of the
Bank of England, asked Abs to help rebuild German banking -
though Abs had been arrested as a war criminal and sentenced to
death in his absence.
Gunston worked for
the Bank of England as the manager of the German desk and was a
senior official in the British occupational authority after the
Gunston cared
nothing about the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis.
All he wanted to
do was to help rebuild the German banks.
To this end, he
recruited Abs who was high on a list of Nazi officials
wanted for war crimes.
Gunston protected Abs
to help Germany rebuild its banking system ready to continue
Hitler's work.
Thanks to help from
his friends at the Bank of England, Abs was not executed or even
imprisoned, and by 1948, he was deputy head of the
Reconstruction Loan Corporation and President of the Bank
Deutsche Lander.
Unbelievably, it was
then Abs who decided which German companies should receive the
billions of dollars provided as Marshall Aid.
And for decades
afterwards, Abs had a powerful role in Germany. He was one of a
number of former Nazis who helped create the organization which
became the European Union.
Until the mid-1990s, Abs was chairman of the Deutsche Bank and
his Nazi background was ignored.
The Independent, a
British newspaper, described Abs as the outstanding German
banker of his time and quietly ignored his work with
IG Farben and Kontinental-Ol,
where he had knowingly employed slave labor in the concentration
camps. Nor did they mention the money he had helped steal from
Jewish people and banks.
And this was the man
Schwab asked to chair the second Davos meeting of his new
It has frequently
been rumored that Schwab's father was a Nazi who
was an associate of Hitler but, of course, the fact-checkers
deny this.
The honorary sponsor of the third Davos meeting in 1973 was
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (a former Nazi and the
founder of
the Bilderberger meetings) and
the Commission of the European Communities "renewed its
An Italian
industrialist delivered a speech summarizing 'The
Limits to Growth', a book that had been commissioned
the Club of Rome and published
in 1972.
Participants drafted
a code of ethics based on Klaus Schwab's stakeholder concept.
It was clear early on that the WEF was very close to the
European Commission of the EU with two meetings held at the
European Commission in Brussels.
Today, the WEF
describes itself as a public interest not-for-profit
organization based in Switzerland.
It has offices in
New York (USA), San Francisco (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Mumbai
(India) and Beijing (China).
In 2022 the WEF
reported an income of 383,000,000 Swiss francs in fees and other
Out of this, 130
million Swiss francs was spent on staff, with Schwab himself
reportedly being paid more than $1,000,000 a year (plus,
allegedly, rewards from associated companies).
Around 252 million
Swiss francs were spent on "office and activity."
(It is
interesting that many of those working with the conspirators
in some way have become extraordinarily wealthy.
Tony Blair,
for example, was a modestly paid politician for most of his
working life but is now a multi-millionaire.
The staff of
environmental and green charities are often enormously
well-paid and enjoy first-class travel around the world.)
The WEF does not pay
any federal taxes.
An organization which, just a dozen years ago was regarded as
having no influence and was known merely as the organizer of an
annual shindig where virtue-signaling celebrities such as pop
star Bono (famous to many for his tax avoidance schemes
and hypocrisy) could rub shoulders with politicians and
industrialists eager to be photographed with famous people, and
which was not taken seriously by many people, is now one of the
most powerful bodies in the world.
It has taken over
from the far more secretive Bilderbergers as the face (and
voice) of the conspirators.
Schwab himself was born in Germany in 1938 and acquired a
variety of academic qualifications before founding the WEF in
1971 when he was just 33-years-old.
The WEF was
originally called the European Management Forum but
changed its name to the rather grander and more ambitious
World Economic Forum in 1987.
Just prior to founding the European Management Forum,
Schwab had been a member of the Managing Board of a medium-sized
Swiss manufacturing company with which his father appears to
have been associated.
Today the WEF claims
to have more than 600 employees but,
I would describe
Schwab - like Charles III and Tony Blair - as
a fixer and a pimp for the
None of them seems to
me to be serious players.
There is no record on the WEF's website of how Schwab acquired
the money to set up what is described (on its own website) as
"the foremost global multi-stakeholder organization" nor is it
clear how, within three years, his organization had been able to
invite political leaders from around the world to a conference
in Davos.
In 1971, the same year that he founded the forerunner of the WEF,
Schwab wrote a book called Modern Enterprise
Management in Mechanical Engineering (it seems unlikely that
the royalties from this enabled him to found the WEF).
There have been
rumors that his mother was related to
the Rothschild family and that
his father was close to Adolf Hitler but both these
suggestions have been dismissed by fact-checkers (though we
should remember that fact-checkers claimed that
the Covid vaccine was effective
and perfectly safe).
In that early book,
Schwab argued that the management of a modern enterprise must
serve both the shareholders and the corporate stakeholders -
with the stakeholders including employees, customers,
government, creditors, local communities and financiers.
Schwab has worked
the United Nations for many
decades and has advised various UN bodies on sustainable
development issues.
Schwab has
warned that there would be much anger in the world as the
conspirators' plans unfolded, and is best known for warning
citizens everywhere,
"you will own
nothing and be happy..."
As an aside, it is
curious, is it not, how the phrase "you
will own nothing and be happy," which is believed to
have originated with the World Economic Forum can be compared to
the principles of the communist revolution as described in
Karl Marx's 'Communist Manifesto'?
Marx wrote that in
order to establish a socialist dictatorship, and to obtain total
control over the proletariat, the communists would have to
eliminate all rights to private property, destroy all religion,
which Marx famously described as "the opiate of the people" and
dissolve the family unit which was seen as a threat to the
ability of the State to obtain total control over people's
(Today, under
the Great Reset,
traditional religions will be replaced by a faith in
nature as defined by the United Nations and promoted by
the consortium of bankers who are managing the global
the leaders of traditional religions have accepted the
change, and
the Pope and the Archbishop
of Canterbury seem happy to commit themselves and their
followers to the pseudoscience in preference to the
traditional teachings their religions have espoused.
It doesn't seem
to matter to them that the 'science'
of climate change is provably fake; they are
wedded to, and happy to influence, the blasphemies promoted
by the rabid environmentalists.
In 2023, a WEF
advisor and establishment enthusiast called
Yuval Noah Harari
claimed that AI could create a new religion and a new bible,
thereby making AI the new god.
This is,
presumably, the proposed replacement for orthodox,
traditional religion.
We already know
that AI will bring an endless encyclopedia of lies to the
internet, now, it seems, AI will also bring us a brand new
fake religion.)
Actually, as Gary
Allen and Larry Abraham point out in their excellent
book 'None Dare Call It Conspiracy', which was published in
1971, the Communist Manifesto was merely an update of the
revolutionary plans proposed 70 years earlier by Adam
Weishaupt, the founder of the
Order of Illuminati.
Today we can see the
WEF, the Bilderbergers and the other conspirators following the
recommendations made by Marx, and previously by the Order
of Illuminati.
Meetings of the WEF are held annually in Davos and participants
arrive from all over the world (many of them in private jets) to
discuss the threat of climate change.
Most dangerously, perhaps, the WEF has what it pompously calls a
Global Leaders" which trains ruthless young men and
women to be puppets of the cabal.
Many of the graduates
get jobs in politics, the green movement, charity management and
so on, and Schwab boasts that "graduates" from what might
by some be seen as a brainwashing program can be found in high
places everywhere.
The boast is
justified and WEF followers can be found in many governments:
...all have links to
the WEF.
The whole
organization reminds me very much of the Scientology cult
though, as a replacement for the Bilderbergers and a promotional
organization for
the European Union and
the United Nations, it is
infinitely more dangerous and it has influence far greater than
would seem justified...