There are people
who were disappointed and surprised when the lockdown rules
were extended and the mask wearing and social distancing
regulations stayed in place.
They are, presumably, the same
naïve and ignorant souls who think all these rules and
regulations are temporary and that things will soon revert
to the old normal - with concerts, pubs, theatres and
sporting events all catering to huge, excited, happy crowds,
and the newspapers reporting news instead of providing an
unremitting diet of government propaganda.
They are the same
innocents who think that the mask manufacturers will soon be
out of business and we'll be back to hugging friends in the
street before Christmas.
Many months ago I predicted that the lockdowns and so on
would never end.
It was always predictable because this war
is real and it's not going to end until they have total
control and those of us left have no control over anything,
not even our lives or our bodies, or we have won and they
are in prison.
The mistake people make is to believe what they are told, to
assume that what is happening is for their protection and
that when things go wrong it is a result of error or
There have been no mistakes. There has been no
bald incompetence.
Everything that has happened has been
deliberate. Every lie and deceit has had a purpose.
The gullible believe that if they have their jabs then
they'll be allowed to go to the football again. They don't
realize that if Agenda 21 comes to full fruition there will
be no football. No sports of any kind.
That might not be too
bad, of course. I see that the commercial partners of the
Football Association in the UK include Coca Cola, Lucozade,
Walkers Crisps, Snickers chocolate and McDonald's.
to think of a more unhealthy diet to promote to kids. Two
footballers called Harry kane and Marcus Rashford have
personal deals with Coca Cola.
Must be difficult to cope
financially without having advertising deals. Kane
apparently sent a tweet which read:
'That indescribable
first taste of Coca Cola, similar to the indescribable
feeling of scoring a goal'.
Rashford supported this. You'd
think they'd be embarrassed wouldn't you? This is the team
which takes a moral stance by half kneeling before matches
and then protests if some spectators take a different
position and object to their stance.
Anyway, that's all by the by.
The point is that never before have so many people believed
so many lies.
Aided by an immoral and ruthless media
(particularly the BBC where ignorant pseudo-journalists have
plumbed new depths in the service of deceit and
manipulation) frauds have been devised and perpetuated with
ruthless, lethal efficiency.
Now we know why the British
Government clamped down on people owning guns - it wasn't to
protect the police from robbers but to protect the
establishment from angry voters.
When are the mask wearing, side skipping, empty headed,
doubled-jabbed dead eyed zombies going to realise that none
of this will ever end.
They're living the new normal
promised to us by Klaus 'Anal' Schwab, Bill Gates and Prince
Charles - who, incidentally, behaves more and more like the
yappy little dog he sounds as if he should be.
A Prince
Charles Spaniel, perhaps. It's a new normal managed and
controlled by some of the worst people the world has ever
Right from March 2020 I have believed that
Fauci, in
the United States, and
Whitty in the UK have been operating
not on behalf of the people they are paid to care for but by
the cabal now intent on the sort of world domination
previously associated with villains in James Bond films.
Unless we make things change, and defeat the forces of evil
which threaten what is left of our freedom and humanity,
life is never going to be as good as it was in 2019.
Gates of Hell are already wide open and zombies are
streaming through.
They've sold their bodies, their minds
and their souls for the biblical mess of pottage.
They wear
their masks with pride.
They think they look
'important' and 'socially responsible'.
It doesn't occur to them that they
look like slaves on their way to market.
As each day goes by so we find more and more evidence
showing just what our future is going to look like. They are
finding new ways to kill the elderly.
The success of 2020,
which resulted in politicians and business leaders boasting
about how much money they were saving because of all the
pensions they weren't having to pay, has encouraged more
tranquillizers, which I managed to
get controlled in 1988, are now being used to dope and kill.
It's all legal too...
And, of course who is a bit under the
weather will have a Do Not Resuscitate notice stapled to
their chest.
Hospitals will never catch up with the millions
now waiting for urgent medical or surgical treatment - and
politicians, doctors and nurses don't seem to give a damn.
In the UK, over twelve million people are now awaiting
Hundreds of thousands are going to die because of
insane, illogical, unnecessary and entirely stupid social
distancing rules in hospitals where vast sums have been
wasted on the annual flu leaving the seriously ill and
susceptible to die.
There is much talk of hospital staff
being exhausted but I fail to see why. They are seeing fewer
patients, though the formation dancing is doubtless tiring.
This is officially
organized, medically approved genocide.
I had to visit a hospital in Wales the other day and I have
to say that this one could have played the part of a septic
tank without any difficulty.
Citizens in the Middle Ages
would have been ashamed if it had been their local hospital.
But the staff were all dutifully wearing masks and they had
the dead eyes of long-term mask wearers who are developing
the inevitable dementia that comes with constant
hypoxia and
The staff and patients going into and out of the building
mostly wore their masks all the time.
Several kept their
masks on as they drove away.
The few who removed their masks as they came out screwed
them up and stuffed them into pockets or bags and doubtless
pulled them back on again within minutes.
One patient just
tossed her mask on the ground.
Two covered mouths and noses
with scarves which looked as though they'd last been washed
in 1973.
Several patients were struggling to breathe through
their masks.
Most masks were filthy.
People who have
believed the official lies are terrified of dying - the
advertised process as well as the consequence.
believe that if they do what they are told they will be 'safe
and immortal, immune to the ravages of illness'...
The very intensity with which they are now pushing their
jabs proves that there is something truly horrid in the
If you don't have their jabs then you cannot travel
abroad or sit in a cinema.
Will you receive medical
treatment if you're not jabbed?
Will you be able to work
without a jab?
I have proved conclusively and beyond doubt that
Covid-19 is
just the rebranded flu...
The science proves that. They never
pushed the ordinary flu jab with this level of intensity.
So, this is clearly something sinister.
Just what is going to happen is still a mystery - probably
to them as well as us.
Young women who have the experimental
jab will be infertile.
Tens of thousands will die in the
short term, hundreds of thousands will die in the medium
term and millions will die in the long term.
In some countries they are giving useless and dangerous jabs
to children - though I still hope that our campaigns may
cause a temporary stop to this in the UK.
If the authorities
fear the take-up will be low they'll delay killing the kids
to avoid embarrassment.
Sorry, I
meant to say jabbing, of
course, though the end result isn't much different.
who have their children jabbed should not expect to see any
grandchildren. They may not even see their children grow up.
Unwittingly, someone called
Devi Sridhar helped our campaign
enormously in my view.
The BBC published a mealy mouthed
correction to her lies but that wasn't anywhere near good
Sridhar's video of death and devil was so utterly
absurd that even a half-wit could spot the flaws in it.
only question was:
did she lie through ignorance and
stupidity or did she do it deliberately knowing that
millions of children would possibly die?
Either way the BBC
is equally to blame for this shameless piece of
child-killing propaganda.
Someone at the BBC ought to know
that medical information ought to be checked by a doctor.
The only thing the BBC seems to be good at is raising money.
The BBC gets taxpayer money from the Government, money
gouged out of innocent and gullible license fee payers and,
of course, lorry loads of cash from the Devil Incarnate
No, whoops, mistake.
It's from the
Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation...
Any so-called fact checker which didn't pick up Sridhar and
the BBC is clearly bent and can be ignored.
For the record,
I didn't see a single fact checker anywhere in the world
which shone a spot light on this egregious example of
crooked propaganda.
What else have these people done wrong...?
My video condemning this deeply offensive garbage was, of
course, duly hidden and suppressed by heartless people who
hate children and old people because it contained too many
For over a year now mainstream media has ruthlessly
suppressed the truth and replaced it with pseudoscientific
Governments like to say they are following the
science but that's another lie, of course.
They aren't in
the same universe as the truth. For many the only future
option on offer is suicide.
But that's what the cabal wants,
of course. More deaths...
For the first time in history people are being encouraged to
become hypochondriacs.
Anyone who develops dandruff, pimples
or athletes foot subsequent to a positive PCR test is
automatically diagnosed as suffering from 'long Covid'.
"Take a year off at the taxpayers'
expense and attend a special clinic where you will be
given help denied, for example, to those who have become
addicted to prescription drugs such as benzodiazepines
or painkillers."
It is a basic principle of our identity and freedom as human
beings that we can question authority, rules, orders, laws,
regulations and so on.
If we don't have that right then we
aren't free and we have lost our identity as free men.
are slaves...
And the rest of the media is just as disgraceful, of course.
The Daily Telegraph had a headline which read
'Scrap school Covid tests, says Oxford jab pioneer'.
Brilliant, I thought though I ought to have known better
because the Daily Telegraph is, like the Daily Mail, to
newspapers what the Spice Girls are to opera.
And then I read the rest of the story.
In the fourth
paragraph I found this:
'Professor Sir Andrew Pollard who led
the Oxford vaccine program, warned that mass testing was
leading to such huge disruption in schools that it might
be worth vaccinating youngsters in order to stop the
Well, bollocks to Pollard is my new slogan.
It's like a
bullet and landmine manufacturer recommending that we have
more wars.
Talking of jibby jab nonsenses,
did you see that people who
want to go and see Bruce Springstein in the USA can't go if
they had the Astra Zeneca poison?
Astra Zeneca (promoted as offering free blood clots with
every jab) isn't accepted because it's not approved by the
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
I warned right at the start that the morons and cretins who
sold their souls so that they could travel would find that
they would have difficulties getting into the USA if they
had the Astra Zeneca.
And so it seems...
I can't help smiling
at the thought of all those who had the wrong gunk injected
into their bodies. I wonder what
Peter Hitchens had…
Meanwhile, the confusion is everywhere.
'expert' Sir
Andrew Lloyd Webber says that people can't get
Covid in
"Theatres are completely safe," says the theatre
owner, "and the virus is not carried there".
Maybe it's
because the virus can't afford the ticket price.
The BBC's favorite sporting venue, Wimbledon, seems
surprisingly capable of allowing huge numbers of people in
to watch the tennis while pubs and wedding venues are
limited to two men and a dog.
The Government in the UK
allowed 12,000 people a day to go to Ascot for an elite day
at the races.
No masks in France for the Tour de France.
The G7 crowd hugged and had a barbecue and enjoyed wonderful
weather - which changed as soon as the delegates had all
buggered off somewhere else.

The pictures have drawn
a backlash from some quarters.
This was reportedly OK because
they were all 'important people' and I assume that important
people cannot get Covid unless their popularity ratings are
falling and they want to pretend to have it to get some
sympathy support.
UEFA, which is apparently some sort of football body, says
that 2,500 officials must be allowed into London for the
final of last year's 2020 football tournament which,
confusingly still seems to be taking place - or else they'll
move the final to Hungary.
And there was me thinking a
football match just needed one referee and two linespersons.
I wonder what the other 2,497 officials do.
Patrick Henningsen's 21st Century Wire reports that Ireland
has banned seniors from travelling anywhere until they take
the second dose of the experimental jab.
Presumably they
won't be allowed to come back from wherever they've been
until they've had a third jab or died.
And there's another rumor that airlines have opened talks
on banning the vaccinated from flying because of the risk of
blood clots and deaths.
Not many
airplanes have enough room
in the fridge for more than one dead body.
There's a rumor that four British Airways pilots died
though we're told they didn't die of the vaccine, of course,
though sensible passengers might like to pack parachutes in
their on-board luggage.
A report I've seen from the World Obesity Federation
suggests that not one country with less than 40% of its
population overweight had a problem with Covid-19.
Only 'old
age' was a higher risk factor.
Didn't see much about that on
the BBC.
A study I believe like I believe in the tooth fairy says
that more than half the people in the UK who were firmly
against the Covid-19 jab have submitted and have now been
duly vaccinated.
I'm waiting for a survey that tells me I've
been selected to play for England in last year's eurofootball.
William Rees-Mogg says Madge Hancock, the UK health supremo,
is a successful genius which left me looking up 'successful'
and 'genius' in the dictionary to see if they'd changed the
A UK government advisor called Professor
Andrew Hayward says
that opening up the country too soon will result in a
substantial third wave.
That was a big surprise...
Actually, I
thought we'd already had a third wave and I'm rather losing
count. Maybe we're going to have a lot of third waves.
That's what they're saying.
My contribution to this debate is that anyone who obeys the
Government is a traitor. Mask wearing, jabbed zombies are
our enemy as much as the constantly evil drug companies, the
politicians and the media.
I no longer have sympathy for
their ignorance and gullibility and willingness to sacrifice
everything to obey.
The sympathy has been replaced with
utter contempt.
mask wearers will develop a whole range
of nasty disorders.
The jabbed fools will die of their
They look and walk like the zombies they have
The evil are amongst us. They have agreed to the jab
and they have taken it. They threaten our very existence.
The simple truth is that no one has to wear a mask.
I don't even wear a disability lanyard - they're too
reminiscent of yellow stars sewn on jackets. There is no law
that says I have to wear a mask, and if anyone questions me
I just tell them I am legally exempt from wearing a mask.
sometimes add that I don't need a mask because I have a
brain, though this sometimes results in discussions.
I have
some success with telling enquirers that I am wearing one of
the new invisible masks.
The mask wearers all have early
dementia as a result of their oxygen shortage so they tend
to believe me.
Finally, I don't believe they can make their experimental
jabs compulsory.
You can't force people to take part in an
experiment without breaking international law and breaching
many laws about discrimination.
If your employer tells you
that you need to be jabbed ask them for a letter confirming
the instruction and accepting full legal liability for
anything that might happen now or in the future.
If they are
wise they will back down. Alternatively, consult a lawyer
and wait for your employer to dismiss you.
Warnings about compulsory experimental jabs are merely part
of the scare process.
And that's the only thing they're really, really good at.
Scaring people...
These are days of terror and intimidation.