by Bernhard Guenther
December 27,
VeilOfReality Website

In light of a recent upsurge in revelations regarding predatory and
abusive behavior exhibited by "spiritual" gurus/teachers around the
world, I've witnessed two different reactions (generally speaking)
to these 'unmasking' events.
On one hand, many
people speak out and help to spread the word about these
pathological individuals who have abused their power
(usually exhibiting a history of abuse that's been exposed
via the many testimonials of brave individuals who chose to
come forward).
On the other
hand, there are people who claim that it is not "spiritual"
to "judge" these gurus/teachers, and that the men/women who
have accused them are just coming from a place of victim
consciousness, projecting their own stuff/wounds/shadow onto
the person in question (or they are just engaging in
"gossip"), going so far in this approach as to shame/insult
the people (victim-blaming) who have stepped forward and
shared their stories.
Some have even literally
stated that they won't read the testimonials/article in question
(motivated reasoning fallacy), and simply defend the guru/teacher in
a reflexive manner.
Many of the people who fall into the second category are oftentimes
revealed to be very attached followers of said gurus/teachers (or
are even part of their "inner circle") .
This behavior is a good
example of being caught up in the group-think and cult-programming
mentality, which they are obviously not aware of at all. It's the
main reason why abuse (sexual, psychological, emotional, physical)
in spiritual circles/communities keeps happing, and has been going
on for decades - in the case of some "traditions", for centuries.
These violations of human
sovereignty are usually "swept under the rug" through the abuse (no
pun intended) of spiritual "truths" and psychology.
It's a form of spiritual
bypassing - the worst kind of avoidance - because it not only feeds
and fuels more abuse, but justifies it.
In light of this topic and its wider implications, I'd like to
address some points about judging, gossip, victim consciousness,
shadow projection, making the darkness conscious, pathology, truth
and lies, etc...
1. Gossip
There is a huge difference between engaging in gossip (i.e., "shit
talking", malicious rumors, and jealous innuendo), and exposing
obvious abuse via the cult behavior/programming of self-proclaimed
(pathological) teachers/gurus (based on many testimonials and data
spanning over prolonged periods of time).
Gossip is a dualistic virus of petty small-mindedness, founded upon
shadow projections in order to make oneself "feel good" (superior)
by talking "bad" about another person based on nothing more than
unfounded whispers, assumptions, lies, and accusations.
This distraction is what
truly "lowers a person's frequency"; and in fact, it is an activity
which feeds those occult forces who relish in the narrow-bandwidth
frequency of rumor-spreading, and are actively working through those
people engaging in it.
2. Victim/Blame
I've written about the
trap of victim/blame consciousness before:
getting stuck in this
very disempowering state can result in severe shadow projection,
leading to the hatred of another person (to the point of wanting
revenge) - it can lead to distortions/exaggerations, and even
the leveling of false accusations.
This behavior can be
clearly seen in the shadow "inversion" expression of the popular
#metoo movement.
It also shows itself in
some articles that, while exposing the pathological traits of gurus,
are more interested in focusing upon the sensationalist
reinforcement of victim consciousness and "outrage porn" (getting
excited about something new to be angry about) group mentalities,
without exploring how the victims of cult-abuse found themselves in
such a position to begin with.
However, avoiding the trap of victim/blame consciousness does not
imply that one should remain silent with regards to suffering abuse
at the deeds of a perpetrator/predator.
In fact, it is important
for the victim to speak out and be heard as part of the healing
process, while raising awareness so as to help others.
Victim-shaming is a big
issue in spiritual circles, most of it based upon very distorted
spiritual truths (which the pathological guru uses, in turn, to
"save face" and manipulate his/her followers into defending
This is an ancient
game of accountability-avoidance, and relates to the
distorted religious program of,
"Whomever is without
sin among you, let him be the first to cast stones".
It's the main reason why
pathological "spiritual leaders" have gotten away with abuse - or
even justified it amongst their followers - for centuries.
It's also one of the
reasons why people are afraid to speak out - there are intense
emotional programs of guilt/shame attached to such honest courageous
Another way of justifying abuse is the typical, over-simplified
misapplication of "It's
your Karma" (an inversion of the original Sanskrit
meaning, which described the process of sincere self-work, not the
subsequent Caste-system-reinforcing fable of reincarnation
"consequences"), along with other distorted excuses such as,
These deflection/"cosmic
strawman arguments also usually result in
gaslighting the victim.
It also relates to the
watered-down/misinterpreted use of Jungian Psychology, based on the
(New Age) fallacy,
"when you spot it,
you got it", along with "it's just an expression of all of your
wound projections".
Having said that, there
are abuse survivors who can indeed get stuck in victim consciousness
(and resulting - wound - projections), remaining "locked" into a
particular existential playback loop.
This state is exacerbated
due to a lack of sincere self-examination with regards to how they
initially got themselves into this situation, especially with
respect to the mindset they had when first joining a cult-like
So, it is also about
taking responsibility for past choices in order to truly heal and
move out of the victim triangle maze (Victim-Rescuer-Perpetrator).

"Whether we know it,
or not, most of us react to life as victims.
Whenever we refuse
to take responsibility for ourselves, we are unconsciously
choosing to react as victim. This inevitably creates
feelings of anger, fear, guilt or inadequacy and leaves us
feeling betrayed, or taken advantage of by others.
Victim-hood can be defined by the three positions beautifully
outlined in a diagram developed by a well respected
psychiatrist, and teacher of Transactional Analysis, named
Stephen Karpman.
He calls it the
"drama triangle," I refer to it as the victim triangle.
I believe that every dysfunctional interaction, in
relationship with other or self, takes place on the victim
triangle. But until we become conscious of these dynamics,
we cannot transform them. And unless we transform them, we
cannot move forward on our journey towards re-claiming
emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
The three roles on the victim triangle are Persecutor,
Rescuer and Victim.
Karpman placed these
three roles on an inverted triangle and described them as
being the three aspects, or faces of victim. No matter where
we may start out on the triangle, victim is where we end up,
therefore no matter what role we're in on the triangle,
we're in victimhood.
If we're on the
triangle we're living as victims, plain and simple!
Each person has a primary or most familiar role - what I call
their "starting gate" position. This is the place from which
we generally enter, or "get hooked" onto, the triangle.
We first learn our
starting gate position in our family of origin.
Although we each have
a role with which we most identify, once we're on the
triangle, we automatically rotate through all the
positions, going completely around the triangle, sometimes
in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, many times every
Starting gate Rescuers (SGR) see themselves as "helpers" and
"caretakers." They need someone to rescue (victim) in order
to feel vital and important. It's difficult for SGR's to
recognize themselves as ever being in a victim position -
they're the ones with the answers after all.
Starting Gate Persecutors (SGP), on the other hand,
identify themselves primarily as victims. They are usually
in complete denial about their blaming tactics.
When it is pointed
out to them, they argue that attack is warranted and
necessary for self protection.
These two - the
Rescuer and the Persecutor - are the two opposite extremes
of Victim. But again, regardless of where we start out on the
triangle, all roles eventually end up in victim. It's
Living on the victim triangle creates misery and suffering no
matter what your primary starting gate position may be.
The cost is
tremendous for all three roles and leads to emotional, mental
and even physical pain. Efforts to avoid pain, by blaming or
looking for someone to take care of us, only ends up generating
greater pain in the end.
When we try to shield
others from the truth, (rescue) we discount their abilities and
this creates more pain. Everyone involved in triangular dynamics
ends up hurt and angry at some point; no-one wins."
from "The
Three Faces of Victim - An Overview of the Victim Triangle"
by Lynne Forest
The way out of the
Victim-Rescuer-Perpetrator Triangle trap is to transmute these
lower three default states into their higher expression of
Empowerment Dynamic.
This can only happen if
there is self-responsibility, self-awareness and sincere
psychological/esoteric self-work:

"The Enlightened
Victim understands that real power comes from within and is
bound up with personal responsibility [Creator].
When you are the
Enlightened Victim you cannot blame others because you can see
that the loss of power happens from within. It would be useless
to look for empowerment where it does not exist.
The Enlightened
Victim asks,
"what can I do
with the situation that I have been given?"
There is this great
scene from The Lord of the Rings movie where Frodo,
feeling victimized by the fact that the ring of power has come
to him, says to Gandalf:
"I wish the ring
had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
And Gandalf answers
him wisely:
"So do all who
live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is
given to us.
There are other
forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of
evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you
were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging
Here Gandalf shows
Frodo where his true power lies.
There are some things
in life that are not for us to decide but we can decide what to
do with what we have been given, or what has happened to us.
It is a very
encouraging thought.
The Enlightened Victim is not afraid of weakness and fragility
because you maintain vulnerability as a strength.
You have learned that
power can be found even in the worst victimization. You are no
longer afraid of failures, losses, tragedies, suffering and
misfortune because none of these outer circumstances has the
power to control your life.
Vulnerability is the
keystone of your strength because it allows you to discover
different kinds of power and especially recognize the strength
of openness.
Vulnerability makes
you pliable and willing to be changed by your circumstances
without losing your power."
"Understanding the Victim Archetype"
by Susanna Barlow
Obviously, none of us are
perfect, and we all need to watch out for shadow projections, our
tendencies to gossip, or getting caught up in victim/blame mode.
But "not being perfect"
(i.e. without "sin") does not imply that one should stay
During this
Time of Transition,
any-and-everything is rising up from the lurking shadows of our
collective unconsciousness. All of it needs to be revealed,
examined, healed and transmuted. It is all about making the darkness
conscious, and part of this process involves exposing lies,
corruption and pathology.
This is NOT about being
"negative", nor does it "lower" one's frequency.
It's about
accountability, integrity, self-responsibility and giving the lie
what it deserves:
the truth.
Keep in mind that ALL
there is out here (from a soul evolutionary perspective) in
the realm of material existence are lessons, and even the
pathological guru/teacher predator archetype serves a "teaching
it asks a person to
reclaim their own power and sovereignty, without giving it away
to anyone or any group, and to avoid putting anyone on a
As I have
said before:
the time of 'gurus'
who claim to have special/sacred/ancient knowledge - and have
built a school/organization/movement around it, complete with a
hierarchy of wisdom-keeping - is over, and so is any group-think
mentality that's centered around one teacher/teaching.
It's all just a breeding
ground for cults and cult-mentality, with the usual tunnel vision of
group-think psychology (which is usually far-from-obvious to anyone
within the group itself, until the damage/abuse is made clear and
the disillusionment/shock stage kicks in).
3. Psycho-Pathology
It's very important to understand that "we" are not all
the same.
There are pathological
individuals (Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths) who operate very
differently than most "normal" human beings, but perform behind a
well-crafted "mask of sanity".
They can have very
high IQs, exude self-confidence, express themselves eloquently,
and can even possess certain "powers" to heal AND manipulate
others, while emulating and mimicking "spiritual wisdom",
"empathy" and "love" quite well, without truly meaning,
embodying, or feeling any of it.
In fact, it is very hard
to spot high-functioning psychopaths right away, due to their
experience with self-camouflage.
That's why a
basic understanding of Psychopathology
is a key resource to possess in this day and age, especially within
spiritual circles/communities.
One must understand how
the wolf in sheep's clothing operates - to be able to see through
their "mask
of sanity".

I've noticed that many people get into esoteric/occult topics in a
search for "ancient" techniques which offer 'healing/awakening', and
latch onto those spiritual groups/teachers who claim to have "sacred
Many times, these
declarations include the boast that said knowledge was given to them
(or they "downloaded" it) because they are "special" - that's the
first red flag to take note of, and it's easy to spot if
one has a basic understanding of Narcissism.
The lack of understanding
surrounding basic psycho-pathology - or even basic psychology and
cult-psychology - is a primary reason why so many well-meaning
(wounded) people get so easily trapped/abused in cult-like group
dynamics, and it's also why dedicated followers of such predators
keep defending him/her, because they are still under his/her
"spell", mimicking/repeating the same distorted "spiritual truths".
It's the Stockholm
Syndrome in action (see below).
Also, keep in mind that a full-blown
Narcissist/Sociopaths/Psychopath will never be able to truly own
his/her stuff, nor feel any remorse for their abuses, nor take true
responsibility for his/her actions.
He/she may engage in
superficial apologetic behaviors that are not sincere; given that
these types are pathological liars and master manipulators, you
cannot expect to reason with them nor make them "see" the truth.
It's not that they don't
want to do so - they simply can't actualize such a process.
The only way out, so to
speak, is to establish CLEAR boundaries, and disengage
from the previous relational situation.
"One phenomenon all
ponerogenic groups [people who have normalized pathology] and
associations have in common is the fact that their members lose
(or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological
individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in fascinated,
heroic, or melodramatic ways.
When the habits of
subconscious selection and substitution of thought-data spread
to the macrosocial level, a society tends to develop contempt
for factual criticism and to humiliate anyone sounding an
Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Another vital aspect of
this dynamic between controller/controlled (abuser/victim) are the
many ways in which the 'traumatology' inflicted on the
trapped/coerced individual becomes internalized and
self-perpetuating... the abused comes to equate their tormentor as
the authority figure in need of their compliant good will.
This pathology is
heightened in the context of a guru/teacher situation due to the
pre-existing conformity/subservience pressures placed on those
"followers/students" who exist at the bottom rung of the cult
"Carver states that
he commonly runs in his practice into women involved with
psychopathic partners who say something to the effect of,
"I know it's hard
for others to understand, but despite everything he's done,
I still love him."
While cultivating
feelings of love for a partner who repeatedly mistreats you may
seem irrational, it's unfortunately quite common.
Psychological studies
show that molested children, battered women, prisoners of war,
cult members and hostages often bond with their abusers.
Sometimes they even go so far as to defend them to their
families and friends, to the media, to the police and in court
when their crimes are brought to justice.
This psychological phenomenon is so common that it acquired its
own label: "Stockholm Syndrome," named after an incident that
occurred in Stockholm, Sweden.
On August 23rd, 1974,
two men carrying machine guns entered a bank.
They held three women
and one man hostage for several days. By the end of this ordeal,
surprisingly, the victims took the side of their captors. They
also defended them to the media and to the police. One woman
even became engaged to one of the bank robbers.
Another spent a lot
of money for the legal defense of one of the criminals.
Those who suffer from
Stockholm Syndrome develop an
unhealthy positive attachment to their abusers. They come to
accept the abuser's lies and rationalizations for his bad
behavior. They sometimes also assist the abuser in harming
This psychological
condition makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the victims
to engage in behaviors that facilitate detachment from the
abuser, such as turning him in, exposing his misconduct or
leaving him.
The combination of 'Stockholm Syndrome' and 'cognitive
dissonance' produces a victim who firmly believes the
relationship is not only acceptable, but also desperately needed
for their survival.
The victim feels they
would mentally collapse if the relationship ended. In long-term
relationships, the victims have invested everything and 'placed
all their eggs in one basket.'
The relationship now
decides their level of self-esteem, self-worth, and emotional
from "When
You Love Your Abuser - Stockholm Syndrome and Trauma Bonds"
by Claudia
Further reading:
Psychopaths in Power - The Elephant in the
Living Room
Organic Portals - Soulless Humans
Here are some good books
on that topic:
'The Mask of Sanity'
by Hervey Cleckley
'The Sociopath
Next Door' by Martha Stout, Ph.D.
'Snakes in Suits'
by Paul Babiak & Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.
Conscience' by Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.
'Women Who Love
Psychopaths' by Sandra L. Brown, M.A.
Ponerology' by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
4. Critical
Another issue I have observed is that many people who attach
themselves to spiritual/esoteric groups/communities lack the applied
basics of critical thinking.
This shows itself, for
example, when the predator guru engages in strawman arguments
(among other logical fallacies), deflecting from the issue at hand
whilst manipulating other followers into supporting him/her via
NLP techniques.
There is also a hierarchy structure in groups/movements that can
result in hive-mind thinking, where the opinions and proclamations
of the founders/leaders within these organizations are accepted
without question as "the truth", and the opinions of group members
becomes just a parroted version of those who are higher-up on the
socio-cultural "ladder".
This also ties into the,
...logical fallacies that
are so prevalent in public discourse these days.
The parental image,
projected onto "leaders" and authority regimes, is part of this
Public Relations programming package, where Government is lauded as
the ultimate exemplar of the
collectively-perceived Daddy/Mommy
5. Truth is mixed
with Lies
Another big issue I've observed is that those followers of
pathological gurus/teachers who come to his/her defense oftentimes
claim that his/her work/teachings has helped them tremendously in
their process and healing journey, and hence, there can't be
anything wrong with them as individuals/mentors.
First of all,
this is actually a very selfish/narcissistic tactic on the
part of the follower, because it's re-framing the
conversation around "their process" and eliminating the
voice of the brave individuals who have come forward with
their testimonials of abuse.
Secondly, it may
well be the truth that some aspects of a guru/teacher's
work/teachings have helped them, but this does not
automatically imply that all is fine and good with regard to
the personal actions of the healer/teacher, and no abuse has
happened with other clients/students (it's actually a 'red
herring'/'No True Scotsman' logical fallacy, which goes back
to the last point about critical thinking).
In Psychological
Manipulation programs, truth is often mixed with lies, and
powerful/pathological gurus/teachers who claim to have "special
knowledge" and "powers" will deploy "truths" in order to lure the
seeker into their grip, and then distort said truth enough to keep
them entrapped within their game, especially when there's an
established hierarchy (and inside competition between followers who
want to get closer to the guru/teacher).
It's also an ancient game
which relates to the
esoteric saying,
"Satan most often
appears as an angel of light".
Good (as in
'effective') disinformation is a potent combination of
empowerment and deception, most often packaged as a high percentage
of truth (or imitation of truth) to lure the seeker in, only for
them to then be "undone" by the underlying foundation of lies.
The falsehoods are
usually designed so as to undermine the 'window dressing' truth,
vector the undiscerning seeker away from uncovering more truth for
themselves, and to make him/her take a detour off of their own path
as they get lost in the cult-ish labyrinth (while believing
themselves to be on the right track).
"Since the Negative
is altogether, in one sense, an inverse reflection of the
Positive or True Creative Logos, a parallel configuration
borrowing all its components by simple reversal and distortion,
it proceeds by the method of imitation.
It apes the
expression of positive, the more meticulously where it wishes to
be mistaken altogether for the positive so as to subvert the
message for those who tend to abide by it.
Its typical strategy
is to adhere so closely to the letter of the positive as to be
virtually indistinguishable to all but the initiated awareness,
installing itself through the rhythmic lull of entrainment so as
to catch the 'congregation' totally off guard when it diverges
slightly or greatly from pattern and so pulls a portion of the
positive track with it."
Michael Topper
"There are forces and beings that are interested in maintaining
the falsehoods they have created in the world of the Ignorance
and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow.
The word
'Appearances' refers to the forms they take in order to rule the
world, forms often false and always incarnating falsehood,
sometimes pseudo-divine.
Often, representing
themselves as divine powers, they mislead, give erring
suggestions and impulsions and pervert the inner life.
To say that all light is good is as if you said that all water
is good - or even that all clear or transparent water is good:
it would not be true.
One must see what is
the nature of the light or where it comes from or what is in it,
before one can say that it is the true Light. False lights exist
and misleading lustres, lower lights too that belong to the
being's inferior reaches.
One must therefore be
on one's guard and distinguish; the true discrimination has to
come by growth of the psychic feeling and a purified mind and
6. Not talking
negatively about others
This relates to the first point, above, with regards to mistakenly
conflating the exposure of pathological behavior/abuse with
gossiping or "judgmental" negativity.
It is directly tied into
the typical New Age fallacy which preaches that we should
"just focus on the
positive and ignore the negative".
Here's something I wrote
7 years ago:
There is this
contrived "niceness" in today's "conscious movements", where
people don't want to say anything "negative" (in their
subjective understanding of it, of course).
In general, some
folks hide behind a "social étiquette" mask, without wanting to
say anything "bad" or touching on any "taboo subjects". They
speak around issues in order to be spiritually or politically
"correct" so as to "not step on anyone's toes".
The other day I was at a yoga class and the teacher finished the
class with a prayer in which she said:
"Let's be
conscious of what we say, and if we don't have anything nice
to say, it's better to be silent".
That is a good
example of the distortion of "being conscious/aware" and relates
to the fact why more spiritually-minded people don't look at the
world more objectively, speaking out and standing up against the
lies and psychopathic ways of our culture.
It's not "nice"
to say that
is a pathological liar and that there are no
"free elections" in the US.
It's not "nice"
to state that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza or that
there are some
serious issues with the man-made
Global Warming "science".
It's not "nice"
to point out that 6% of humanity have no conscience by
birth and are mostly found
in positions of power.
It's not only
"not nice", it's also being "negative", according to some
people's convoluted perception - hence, one should not say
anything at all.
This attitude of
contrived "niceness" essentially creates the conditions for
conformity, complacency, ignorance and the atrophy of critical
"Cowardice asks
the question: "Is it safe?"
Expediency asks the question: "Is it politic?"
Vanity asks the question: "Is it popular?"
But conscience asks the question: "Is it right?"
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is
neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it
because one's conscience tells one what is right."
Martin Luther King,
It also relates to the
trap of "blind compassion":
"Blind compassion is
rooted in the belief that we are all doing the best we can.
When we are driven by
blind compassion, we cut everyone far too much slack, making
excuses for others' behavior and making nice situations that
require a forceful "no", an unmistakable voicing of displeasure,
or a firm setting and maintaining of boundaries.
These things can, and
often should be done out of love, but blind compassion keeps
love too meek, sentenced to wearing a kind face.
Blind compassion is kindness rooted in fear, and not just fear
of confrontation, but also fear of not coming across as a good
or spiritual person. When we are engaged in blind compassion we
rarely show anger, for we not only believe that compassion has
to be gentle, we are also frightened of upsetting anyone,
especially to the point of their confronting us.
This is reinforced by
our judgment about anger, especially in its more fiery forms, as
something less spiritual; something that shouldn't be there if
we were being truly loving.
Blind compassion
reduces us to harmony junkies, entrapping us in unrelentingly
positive expression.
With blind compassion we don't know how to - or won't learn how
to - say "no" with any real power, avoiding confrontation at all
costs and, as a result, enabling unhealthy patterns to continue.
Our "yes" is then
anemic and impotent, devoid of impact it could have if we were
also able to access a clear, strong "no" that emanated from our
When we mute our essential voice, our openness is reduced to a
permissive gap, an undiscerning embrace, a poorly boundaries
receptivity, all of which indicate a lack of compassion for
ourselves (in that we don't adequately protect ourselves).
Blind compassion confuses anger with aggression, forcefulness
with violence, judgment with condemnation, caring with
exaggerated tolerance, and more tolerance with spiritual
Augustus Masters
Spiritual Bypassing
7. Occult
Forces and Metaphysical Considerations
Beyond the psychological understandings mentioned above, this topic
is intrinsically-connected to the occult realms, and relates to the
"topic of all topics":
hyperdimensional matrix control system,
which sees 'hidden' forces working through (and using) humans.
From this metaphysical
perspective, powerful pathological gurus/teachers (full blown
Narcissists/Psychopaths) are possessed/driven by demonic entities
who have energetically hijacked their physical vessels, creating
"traps of agreement" and feeding off of the worship/admiration and
abuse their hosts receive and administer.
emotional "loosh" is what sustains these
entities, which is why it's their primary objective to
create this frequency-condition through the
actions/thoughts/cravings of the individual they occupy.
It is also important to understand that just because someone is a
"powerful healer" (especially when being a medium, i.e. a vessel for
entities to come through who can most often disguise themselves as
positive/angelic beings), it doesn't imply that this person is
awake/aware or spiritually evolved (the same applies to any
In fact, the occult
esoteric teachings warn of getting tempted by psychic powers given
by beings/entities which can result in
traps of agreements with
occult hostile forces who then use their human vessel for their own
It's the archetypal
pact with the devil.
"I have seen the
beautiful churches of Italy, magnificent places; they were full
of these vital beings [occult hostile forces] and full of
I remember painting
in a basilica of Venice, and while I was working, in the
confessional a priest was hearing the confession of a poor
There was such a dark
and sucking power over him, and that poor woman was in such a
state of fearful terror that it was truly painful to see it. And
all these people believe this is something holy!
But it is a web of
the hostile vital forces which use all this to feed upon.
Besides, in the invisible world hardly any beings love to be
worshipped, except those of the vital [lower nature]. These, as
I said, are quite pleased by it. And then, it gives them
They are puffed up
with pride and feel very happy, and when they can get a herd of
people to worship them they are quite satisfied [especially when
working through a "host", i.e. pathological/narcissistic
guru-type personality... or politician, celebrity].
But if you take real divine beings, this is not at all something
they value. They do not like to be worshipped. No, it does not
give them any special pleasure at all!
Don't think they are
happy, for they have no pride.
It is because of
pride that a man likes to be worshipped; if a man has no pride
he doesn't like to be worshipped; and if, for instance, they see
a good intention or a fine feeling or a movement of
unselfishness or enthusiasm, a joy, a spiritual joy, these
things have for them an infinitely greater value than prayers
and acts of worship and pujas.
There is an entire domain between the spiritual and the material
worlds which belongs to vital [occult hostile] beings, and it is
this domain that is full of all these things, because these
beings live upon that, are happy with it, and it immediately
gives them importance.
And the one who has
the greatest number of believers, devotees and worshippers is
the happiest and the most puffed up."
Mirra "The
Mother" Alfassa

While there also may
indeed be "soul-contract" connections between "victim" and "abuser"
- as well as other metaphysical considerations (past lives,
spirit-lessons, etc.) - it is very easy to justify abuse (or even
"explain it away") via a very distorted/shaming and superficial
application of these concepts, as mentioned before.
In fact, the pathological
guru/teacher tends to use theses spiritual ideas to manipulate
his/her victims and followers alike:
"It is important to
be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and psychopaths as
people traumatized by terrible pain, soul fragmentation and
spiritual disconnection.
When people are
utterly controlled by negative ego dysfunction and have no
impulse control and they live in self-deception. A person who is
deceiving themselves has no other alternative but to deceive
others because they have little to no clarity.
As we build better and practical ways of discerning
trustworthiness and competency, we also gain confidence to build
stronger intuition in such matters, where the checklist is not
As is made clear here
in these checklists, the more severe the Negative Ego
dysfunction the more potentially disconnected the person is from
their heart, intuition, self-awareness and spiritual source.
This immediately
gives one a gauge to measure what level a person can be trusted,
no matter what words they may be speaking.
In the severe stages of Narcissism and
Psychopathy, the veneer of
seduction, charisma and "mimicry" of empathic reactions that are
geared for manipulation to serve one's egocentric needs, and can
be seen much more clearly over time.
It is very common for
people that base their leadership or authority on controlling
behaviors and tyrannical principles, to aggressively manipulate
others by creating a façade of charisma from mimicking what they
have found people want to hear from their wounded ego parts.
Narcissistic and psychopathic minds can be easily possessed by
dark forces, and hence why they are intentionally manufactured
in the people on the earth.
Many people do not want to hear or know the truth; they want to
be lulled to sleep by fantasy delusions.
Megalomaniacs that
thrive on taking power and having control over others are master
manipulators of telling people lies based on what they want to
hear or believe.
This is the tough part. We have to ask if we are able to seek
the honest factual truth of behavioral interactions or have
people feed us lies that are flattering or comfortable for our
wounded ego parts.
Otherwise, we reinforce the delusion in the person/circumstance
and we become enablers, allowing them to continue to perpetrate
deceptions in the group through their own self-deception.
Promoting and
enabling delusions leads to pathological thinking and spreads a
fabricated reality through 'false impressions'. This false
impression is the spin on perceptions that are designed to serve
the agenda of the ego, narcissistic or psychopath.
Time and consistency will always reveal to you the truth in the
matter, if you are willing to patiently seek the truth over
remaining in denial, because it may feel more comfortable to
avoid the truth.
As we learn improved
skills to identify these harmful behaviors and stop feeding
them, we can also connect the dots to see the direct
relationship these behaviors were designed through the
Archontic Deception strategies
used to weaken and Mind Control human beings."
Lisa Renee
from "Stop Trusting
8. Personal
I'd like to close this article with an excerpt from my essay "Individuality,
Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency":
We need be become our
own personal leaders and internal authorities, learning to trust
ourselves and our own power in the process instead of giving it
away to anyone else; therein lies the development of true
spiritual sovereignty.
Many people have the
need to follow some "figurehead", be it a government
'personality', medical professional or spiritual guru.
Individuals oftentimes get sucked into the 'celebrity matrix'
and latch onto authors and researchers they admire as well,
blindly following what they say without doing their own
fact-checking or listening to their bodily intuition.
There is a big
difference between getting inspired by people who put out work
that resonates with us (and from whom we can learn new points of
view) and putting those same folks on a pedestal, living only by
the content of what they publish without questioning it at all,
and projecting absolute authority onto them, whether it's done
consciously or not.
The latter situation is
how we wind up getting cut off from our own inner knowing intuition
guidance system - the 'network' which holds our personal truth that
is unique to us, and which lights up our individual path and
illuminates our life lessons.
When we abdicate personal
accountability to sovereign thought and deed, it puts us into a
tunnel vision situation which actually disconnects us from our
divine nature and innate wisdom.
It is about
simultaneously recognizing and honoring both our individuality and
our inter-connectedness, relating with others and striving for
community but not getting lost in self-limiting group/hive mind
Always think for yourself, never follow anyone blindly, and never
fall into an unquestioning mindset, no matter how charismatic or
"wise" your heroes may appear to be.
Never give in to group
and peer pressure if it contradicts your own experience, intuition,
and research.
Part of the "problem" is
also that most of us yearn to "belong", the instinctual tribal
So many of us look for a
group/movement/political party/community/religious/spiritual
collective to identify with and belong to. We are social creatures,
after all, and that desire for bonding is natural and instinctual.
There is also nothing wrong with these kind of groups/movements per
se, and obviously we need to connect, network and create community
in order to create an alternative to the
isolation/distraction/division tactics of the parasitic elements
which currently rule human interactions.
However, if it's at the
expense of personal sovereign identity, and group-think overwhelms
and replaces individual thought, creativity and expression -
especially since everyone is very different and unique - then it
actually becomes a reflection of
the NWO's globalist agenda, which
is to make everyone the "same", even if it's more subtle and not
by force alone.
This is the disease of
homogenization - the "cookie cutter" compliant consumerist virus.
Another human trait is the drive to be loved and accepted. Many of
us diminish ourselves (mostly unconsciously) in order to belong and
be accepted by our chosen "tribe".
This can result in
suppression of intuition and one's own inner knowing, one's "own
personal truth" and voice in terms of what one's unique soul is here
to do and learn.
Under the strain of
group/peer pressure situations, we can lose (or not trust in) our
personal inner guidance, simply because we don't want to be rejected
and abandoned.
This is also the basis of
the thought processes for authoritarian followers in cult-like
circumstances (including political party affiliation), grown adults
who still need "Mom" and/or "Dad" to tell them what to do, what to
think, etc.
It's a bit of a paradox, because on one hand we all need to network,
build community and connect with each other, but at the same time we
need to be our own person and live our lives as individualized
expressions of a Unified Conscious Awareness.
Sometimes we need
guidance and feedback from others (the true role of a teacher),
since we all have our blind spots and we can't do the work alone...
But there are times where
others project their shadow onto us (including shame and
guilt-tripping, even under the disguise of "for the better good of
us") and group/peer pressure circumstances force us to either
conform or break free from "the tyranny of the majority".
Oftentimes, these events
also result in a "you are either with us or against us" attitude
(prevalent amongst many militant groups and nations), when you are
only supported as long as you are a part of the group/movement and
fully indoctrinated into their particular ideology.
No one is perfect, and ultimately, it's about sovereignty and
autonomy - becoming fully-realized individuals and seekers of truth
while at the same time striving to connect with others.
So, having healthy
boundaries is an important part of this process, as well as
establishing healthy self-love parameters. None of our ego
personalities are without fault, and at times we swing between
self-diminishment/low self-esteem and over-inflated narcissistic
It's a continuing lesson
for all of us, and constant vigilance is required.
This is not an easy journey, because, as children, none of us were
taught how to tap into our own inner guidance systems and trust our
inner knowing/intuition, and as a result of this disconnection we
are all are wounded and conditioned to varying degrees.
In fact, most wounded
people yearn to belong - to be a part of a group, or identify
strongly with a nationalistic or spiritual identity.
Sometimes, such desires
result in outbreaks of unconscious trauma bonding, where belief in
government (or other external authoritarian constructs) generates
this unhealthy "connection" pathology on a macro level, the ultimate
Stockholm Syndrome.
We are all traumatized/wounded/conditioned to varying degrees, and
these psychological states serve to cut us off from our own inner
knowing and inner guidance, and even disconnect us from basic
critical thinking skills - hence why many people look for guidance
outside of their own innate gifts, from someone whose perceived
'authority' bestows them with the right to tell them what to do and
what to think.
People also are
programmed to feel safer when there are others who "follow" in the
same manner that they do - the 'herd/pack mentality' that has
contributed to a great deal of suffering on the planet.
The way I perceive the "awakening" concept is that it involves
becoming a true Individual, connected to one's higher self/intuition
and the Divine:
a fully embodied
sovereign Being who contributes to humanity (in whatever natural
form this takes for each individual, based on his/her
talents/lessons) and, at the same time, remains a unique
personality who can think for him/herself.
It's not a state of
feeling constantly "blissful", but rather it's about being grounded
in this life, whatever the future may bring - understanding that
there is a purpose to every existence, as we are engaged in the
cosmic play of awakening within the evolutionary dance of individual
and collective consciousness.
title picture of this article is from the documentary Kumaré. I
highly recommend to watch it.
It's quite eye
opening, disturbing and funny at the same time.
"Directed by
Vikram Gandhi, Kumaré documentary film follows the story of a
wise guru from the East who indoctrinated a group of followers
in the West.
however, is not real - he is the alter ego of American filmmaker
Vikram Gandhi, who impersonated a spiritual leader for the sake
of a social experiment":
I also recommend
listening to this podcast with Lauda Leon and Evie Lorgen on the "New
It goes deeper into (and beyond) all the issues mentioned above...