by Bernhard Guenther
October 2011
VeilOfReality Website
Spanish version
This is the transcript of our film
"Love, Reality, and the Time of
Written, narrated and audio editing
by Bernhard Guenther.
Visuals and video editing by Humberto Braga. |

"Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition"
has been selected as the
#1 film 2011-2012
of the "Top 100 Global Development Movies".
best positive, inspirational,
thought-provoking movie of our times."
It is true, all we need is love. But do we really know what love is?
Love is a word that is sung about in songs, written in poems, talked
about a lot and it is something many people long for one way or the
other, mostly in the form of a partner.
We hear it a lot these days:
"Be heart-centered" and "Be love", "Love is the answer, because love
always wins!", "Send Love and Light!" and so on.
People use it
casually in conversations in their every day lives. It is seen as
the solution to all the world problems. All you need is Love!
If that's so easy, how come nothing has changed fundamentally on
planet earth despite the obvious technological progress? We still
see genocide, oppression and wars happening.
Hundreds of thousands
of children and civilians have died in the Middle East and around
the world because of the war machine under the control of
psychopathic leaders who couldn't care less about anyone who holds
up a peace sign with a proclamation of love as the force for change.
Looking at it more closely we can see that "Love" is one of the
most abused and misunderstood words.
We mistake things like gratification, sentimentality, obligation,
duty, passion, desire, and other superficial emotions, ideas and
conditioned concepts as "Love" in order fill something that is
ultimately lacking within us.
These distortions are also used mostly
unconsciously as buffers to avoid facing reality as it is by looking
at the world with rose-colored glasses on, instead of seeing oneself
and the world more objectively beyond appearances.
"For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances,
as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the
things that seem than by those that are."
Niccolo Machiavelli
There is personal love between humans, motherly love, love of family
and community, love for oneself, love for something greater than the
self, love for god and even love for man-made ideologies and
concepts such as for a nation and country.
So what is love? How can
we describe or define such a powerful force? Words are very limiting
and can only point to it, but are not it. Maybe we can start by
examining what love is not.
When it comes to interpersonal relationships we often see control
games, jealousy, and envy which is obviously not love, but
expressions and behaviors based on fear and need.
Love is related
to emotions and feelings, but they can be merely based on chemical
reactions in the brain that result in a "high", where people feed
off each other which is also be the basis for psychic vampirism.
Many relationships are based on this feeding mechanism, which has
nothing to do with love, but is a parasitic need resulting in co-dependence.
Sexual attraction is also mistaken for love at times.
Many people
get into relationships for the wrong reasons, be it to escape their
loneliness, to fill a hole in their lives or feed off another
For the most part this happens unconsciously and so people
tend to lie to themselves about love and their relationships in many
ways, not seeing the other person as he/she is and not even seeing
themselves clearly as they are.
"People convince themselves of their own lies, becoming victims of
their own inventions as they begin to direct their lives by
standards of behavior, ideas, feelings, or instincts which do not
correspond to their inner reality.
What is truly serious in this
matter is that the individual loses all points of reference
regarding what comprises truth, and what comprises lies.
He becomes
used to considering as true only that which is convenient for his
personal interests; everything that is in opposition to his
self-esteem or in conflict with already established prejudices, he
considers false."
John Baines
To truly love another person we need to see the other as he/she is
without trying to change that person.
That is the basis for
unconditional love, but for that to happen we also need to know
ourselves and see us as we truly are , so we don't fall into the
trap of illusory projections which only result in disappointment and
hurt once the romantic phase is over. It's about acceptance and
consideration, being able to give and receive, to be externally
considerate and not expect anything.
But beyond personal
relationships, the idea of love has also been distorted and used
superficially as slogans. It is equated with being positive, open,
friendly, not saying or focusing on anything "bad" or "negative", to
be always cheerful and have a smile on ones face.
Of course there is
nothing wrong with kindness and friendliness as well as positivity,
but it must be based on truth and reality, not lies, self-calming
rationalizations or avoidance, including political correctness which
only leads to complacency and ignorance.
Some people say we need to be more heart-centered, loving and
Yes, obviously we all need to connect more to our
heart, show empathy and compassion, especially extending it the
whole world, beyond our close friends and family.
But what does
that really mean? Many people seem to associate love with emotions
and feelings or niceness, but is it not more than that, like a
higher state of consciousness and being?
We seem to mistake many
things for "love" and even judge the intellect as "bad", mistaking
it for the monkey/predator mind, hence many suggest that we should
"think" with our heart and do what we "feel" like doing, which
mostly results in mere self-deception and lack of critical thinking.
It's about aligning the heart with the intellect, intuition with
logic, mysticism with science.
Many people seem to force themselves into this artificial and
superficial state of love through contrived affirmations and "feel
good" spirituality, ignoring anything that may be a threat to their
"positive" life view.
Ultimately this results in suppression and
armor that is manifested by denying the shadow part of themselves
and the world as they ignore objective reality.
On the surface they
don't even think that anything is "wrong" with them. It's very much
a blissful ignorant state, trying to stay high on artificial
emotional projections, avoiding anything that may give them a downer
and living in a subjective tunnel vision with blinders on.
One can see this kind of attitude in many self-proclaimed "aware"
and "conscious" people who follow shallow New Age teachings and pop
psychology resulting in self-calming but lacking deeper healing,
growth and essentially real love.
"We've all met people who seem too sticky and gooey. They are "too
nice" and sickeningly sweet.
We sense that they are somehow being
fake when we are around them and we feel we never really know them.
They are, as the saying goes, "too good to be true." These people
are barricaded behind their mask or persona. They will deliberately
avoid any kind of negative reaction or emotion.
They refuse to be
real and suffer the acceptance of their own dark side and this can
be a dangerous thing."
Rebeca Eigen
"The Shadow describes the part of the psyche that an individual
would rather not acknowledge.
It contains the denied parts of the
self. Since the self contains these aspects, they surface in one way
or another. Bringing Shadow material into consciousness drains its
dark power, and can even recover valuable resources from it.
greatest power, however, comes from having accepted your shadow
parts and integrated them as components of your Self. Everyone
carries a Shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual's
conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.
At all counts, it
forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.
One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but
by making the darkness conscious."
Carl G. Jung
Love is not merely an emotional state, but a state of consciousness.
Just like there are different levels of consciousness, there are
also different levels of love one can access on the spectrum of
consciousness based on ones level of being and awareness.
There is
carnal love based on the sexual center and animal part in man which
is the biological drive to procreate, ensuring that organic life on
earth continues.
This drive is mechanical tied to the esoteric
meaning of the General Law and waking sleep state homo sapiens is
"As a cell of humanity, man forms part of organic life on Earth.
This life in its ensemble represents a very sensitive organ of our
planet, playing an important role in the economy of the solar
As a cell of this organ, man finds himself under the
influence of the General Law, which keeps him in his place. In fact,
this law leaves him a certain margin or tolerance. It allows him
some free movement within the limits it sets.
Within these
boundaries, which are very limited objectively although subjectively
they appear vast, man can give free rein to his fantasies and his
Without going too far into the definition of these limits and
detailed description of the components of this General Law, we can
say as an example that one of those factors is hunger:
the servitude
of working to assure our subsistence.
The chain:
sexual instinct;
procreation; and the care of parents for their children, is another
The esoteric maxim that applies to this aspect of life is
conceived thus: carnal love is necessary for the general good."
Boris Mouravieff
Then there is courtly love based on the higher centers, which is a
higher state of being that can only be accessed through sincere
self-work, not giving in to mechanical driven behaviors and choices.
Essentially for true love between two people to manifest there needs
to be a connection and matching on all centers: physical, sexual,
emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
We need to continually work on ourselves to bring the centers into
balance, so no one feeds of the other, but both compliment each
other. Love, in its truest sense means to see the world, oneself,
and others more objectively.
From an esoteric perspective it's about
evolving towards this objective love.
In other words, the more we
are objective with ourselves and the world, raising awareness and
see things as they are, the higher the degree of love we can access.
It is based on knowledge, being and understanding, not merely
emotional states and "happy thoughts".

Subjective love is attached to one's own idea of the other or to
what can be gained or obtained from the other.
People call the most
various desires love. These can have to do with social status,
addiction to power over or domination of another, sexual interest
and so forth.
The emotion fluctuates between satisfaction of getting
and fear of losing and is generally centered on the self.
love seeks to somehow forcibly appropriate another into one's
extended self. One example of this is showing off what a clever or
good-looking partner or child one has in order to somehow increase
oneself. A
ny games of domination or co-dependence which often
involve the term love fall in this category.
However, by doing the work towards objective love one shouldn't
ignore or suppress anything that doesn't live up to the ideal of
higher love beyond the self. Everyone is on a different level of
being with different lessons to learn and integrate.
It seems to
happen very often in spiritual and esoteric circles that people
claim attributes to themselves and inflate their being above the
actual state of where they are and what they need to learn and
confront in order to grow and evolve.
Objective love is not a
detached unemotional state of existence. It simply means to act from
one's true self beyond conditioning, programming and projections,
but with a "clean" emotional center, not one that is shut down.
Our emotions are the gateway to love, but they are not love. It's
about opening up to vulnerability and not suppressing negative
emotions such as anger, sadness, jealousy, grief, but work through
them which leads to compassion and empathy, not only for oneself or
close friends and family but for the world and humanity at large.
This also means to experience and feel emotions so we can let them
go without suppressing them or projecting them on someone else.
There are many ways to do this. Art, music, journaling as well as breathwork, bodywork and other healing modalities can help in the
process of transmuting the shadow into light through emotional
It's a delicate and deep process that doesn't happen over
In that sense relationships are also lessons in love and not an end
in itself, but can help us to learn more about ourselves. People and
friends who are also engaged in sincere self-work can show us
valuable lessons as they serve as mirrors and can help to expose
parts of ourselves we wouldn't be able to see since we all have
subjective blind spots.
A mirror generally is perceived as shocking
or socially disagreeable. This comes from the fact that if the
mirror is any good, it will conflict with the subjective filters of
perception most people maintain concerning themselves.
In other
words, people's self image is more or less based on lies to self and
in the degree the mirror reaches its intended truthfulness, it will
challenge these lies.
"According to the Great Work, a friend is one in which you support
and encourage the others expansion in either the mind or the
Otherwise they are people you are sentimentally attached to
it because they would eat cinnamon bun with you. And they will say
'hee, hee, hee' aren't we having fun".
Drug addicts do the same
thing. Drug addicts want to be around people who will support them
and be away from real friends. Do you know why? Because it feels
To be a member of a mystery school can be catastrophic to the
ego and to the ego's habits and to the propensity for mediocrity. No
one ever cried striving for excellence.
They only cried when their
mediocrity was taken away from them and pointed out to them."
The more lessons are learned, the more knowledge gained, understood
and applied, the more we purify our emotions, the more one's being
and awareness raises as the higher centers are activated and the
more we can "see the unseen".
However, this is a process that is
different for each depending on many factors.
Psychopaths on the other hand (about 6% of humanity) have no
capability to experience anything close to love, compassion and
empathy by birth. It's not a psychological disposition but a genetic
That is another topic which is very misunderstood and ignored,
especially since most psychopaths can appear as "normal" through
their "mask of sanity".
They are not necessarily criminals in
prisons, but can be CEO's, politicians, spiritual leaders, a
husband, wife, child or the neighbor next door. They can tell you
exactly what you want to hear, appear compassionate, empathetic and
understanding without meaning or feeling it one bit.
To assume that we are all the same and that everyone has access to
this higher love (or any form of love) is self-deceiving at best and
we can see those kind of assumptions in the oversimplified idea of
"we are all one!".
You cannot BE what you're not, nor can you give
what you don't have.
We are all one, but we are not all the same. There seems to be some
major blind spot and oversimplification about the idea of "we".
has nothing to do about "us vs. them", but understanding how complex
humanity actually is, what we choose to believe and wish for and
what we avoid to look at and confront, within and without.

"Too many people hold the idea that
psychopaths are essentially
killers or convicts.
The general public hasn't been educated to see
beyond the social stereotypes to understand that psychopaths can be
entrepreneurs, politicians, CEOs and other successful individuals
who may never see the inside of a prison."
Dr. Robert Hare
"It feels more democratic and less condemnatory (and somehow less
alarming) to believe that everyone is a little shady than to accept
a few human beings live in a permanent nighttime.
To admit that some
people literally have no conscience is not technically saying that
some human beings are evil, but it is disturbingly close.
And good
people want very much not to believe in the personification of
evil." Dr. Martha Stout
If one looks into the accounts of
Near-Death experiences (NDE) and
what some people have seen or realized, there is a common theme:
This profound experience of objective Love, which is not related to
the Love as the human personality experiences it.
It is for example,
as one person who had a NDE said, not a sentimental, get a tear,
'feel someone's pain' feeling, not an emotion.
It is beyond
sentiment or feeling someone else in this form, but relates more to
an all expansive, knowing and understanding.
"The problem is not
the term "love", the problem is the interpretation of the term.
Those on third density have a tendency to confuse the issue
After all, they confuse many things as love. When the
actual definition of love as you know it is not correct either.
It is not necessarily a feeling that one has that can also be
interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you
before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and
this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to
Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense
when common definitions are used as they are in your
environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have
light. And to have light is to love.
And to have knowledge is
to love."
the Cassiopaean sessions
Ultimately there is no
love where there is no truth and knowledge. Love entails seeing the
world as it is- not as we like, want it or assume it to be.
true love is essentially linked to how much one can access objective
"You know the
consciousness movement has let us in to create a kind of a
hybrid spirituality that is mixed with a very toxic degree of
narcissism and we need to look at that.
It has made us very
hyper sensitive and not very strong. I would say to you what has
it made us conscious of because if it made us that conscious of
the world we wouldn't be in this state we're in.
If it made us
that conscious of the world, we wouldn't have dropped the ball
on the management of freedom and the bill of rights, but we did.
We've lost our civil rights. We dropped the ball. We dropped the
ball on the management of the earth's creatures and we got a
hundred and fifty chimps left.
What have we become conscious of these last fifty years? Where
have we been? We've been processing wounds. I know people who
say I'm working to become conscious but I won't look at the TV
and I won't read the news.
Then what are you becoming conscious
of? Myself.
Now I have to tell you something, that's exactly the
formula through which you cannot heal. You cannot heal. Do you…
Can you understand that? That kind of narcissism is the classic
formula for fueling your own rage. Your own rage.
Narcissism and
it's about me, it's about me, it's about my time, my space, my
needs, my this, my wounds, my this.
I have to tell you, that the
ungenerous heart and the narcissist go to the hospital and get
your meds, because you cannot, it is not possible to find
yourself healing from the serious disorders that require an
emergence into a cosmic level of consciousness."
In order for love to be
the agent of change towards a better world and to bring about
positive change we also need to acknowledge the darker side of life
and the world we live in, the things and issues many people look
away from, believing that by simply focusing on the "good" and
"positive" there will be a shift in consciousness.
This kind of
thinking is the blind spot in many New Age teachings these days,
which actually results in the opposite of what is intended for the
unacknowledged shadow grows bigger and stronger, manifesting itself
unconsciously through our collective.
As the saying goes, the road
to hell is paved with good intentions.
"An Ideal is merely
an escape, an avoidance of what is, a contradiction of what is.
An ideal prevents direct action upon what is.
To have peace, we
will have to love, we will have to begin not to live an ideal
life but to see things as they are and act upon them, transform
The many ideas of just
focusing on love and how people interpret that, or sending love to
the world leaders and humanity or even to the planet are not acts of
real love, but merely emotional projections which are self-deceiving
and put man more into sleep, believing he's actually doing something
and bringing about positive change.
True love respects free will and
one cannot give or send love to someone who didn't ask for it.
One has to wonder when people talk about world peace and love, but
still vote
for Obama and believe the lies we're being told by our
governments, be it about 9/11, the war on terror or anything else
that has been clearly used for social control.
One can have as many
positive/loving/nice thoughts and emotional highs as one like, but
if one still believes in lies, follows teachings based on lies,
there will be no raise in consciousness nor access to a higher love
that can actually be a true agent of healing and awareness.
On the
contrary, believing in lies feeds entropy, no matter how
well-meaning the intent.
Love is beyond words and no change is going to happen if people
simply repeat that "love is the answer" or "all you need is love"
while still clinging to illusions and not engaging in sincere
Without a deep understanding and knowledge of what love
truly is and entails, we just keep going in circles as history is
repeating itself.
If we really want a shift in consciousness then we
need to take a look into the mirror and also do the work to see the
world as it is without ignoring things that may not look that
There is still much we have to confront before we can
enter a new world based on love, peace and truth.
"Love is not a
behavior, an attitude, a mannerism.
It is not etiquette. It is
not convention. Love may express itself in many different ways -
softly or forcibly. Love can appear meek. Love can appear
strong. Love can challenge you. Love can criticize you. Love can
expose your illusions, your fantasies and your self-deception.
Love is not what people really mean when they talk about love,
in nearly all circumstances. Real love emanates from Knowledge.
It, in essence, is the expression of Knowledge.
Only Knowledge
can take you there. Knowledge can bring two people from opposite
ends of the world together for a greater purpose. That is the
power of the Great Love.
And the Great Love is what the world
needs now."
Vian Summers
There also seems much
confusion about what is supposedly positive or negative, subjective
or objective.
Some people claim that there is nothing like
objectivity and all is subjective. Everything depends on how we look
at things and quantum mechanics, so they say, shows us that there is
no objective reality or truth, but there is only "my" or "your"
truth and we create our own reality by the thoughts we have, what we
like to see and what we focus on.
But is that really so?

It seems that the science of quantum mechanics has been
oversimplified into sales-bits in the new age arena and movies like
The Secret.
This doesn't mean throwing out the baby with the bath
water, as our perception does seem to have an influence on reality,
but maybe it's not as simple as we have been made to believe by many
bestselling "self-help" gurus these days.
"For the record:
Quantum mechanics does not deny the existence of objective
reality. Nor does it imply that mere thoughts can change
external events.
Effects still require causes, so if you want to
change the universe, you need to act on it."
Lawrence M.
professor of physics
The question about the
existence of an objective truth is a tricky one to answer.
Philosophical views on truth and criteria for knowing it vary with
the old dispute between rationalism and empiricism.
However, beyond philosophical or scientific discussion, there
usually seems to be one element that is barely questioned in more
depth: the state of being/awareness of a person which relates to how
much objective reality he/she can actually access.
In our current
state of being and existence we cannot perceive objective reality
fully, however we can work towards objectivity and expand our
understanding of reality and ourselves accordingly.
A "shift in
consciousness" and "awakening" implies a higher state of awareness,
which means to become more aware or it all, which implies again to
see the world and oneself more objectively, without blinders on.
This doesn't happen by itself, but requires sincere effort and work
to separate truth from lies, within and without.
That is the basis
of esoteric work which relates to gaining self-knowledge in order to
raise awareness and consciousness to a higher level of Being.
"To search means,
first, I need Being, Truth; second, I do not know where to find
it; and third, an action takes place that is not based on
fantasies of certainty - while at the same time a waiting takes
place that is rooted not in wishful thinking but in a deep sense
of urgency."
Subjectivity is the
preference to rather consider one's favorite beliefs than the
external world.
Such a tendency is generally backed by a strong
emotional attachment to these beliefs. Wishful thinking, assumptions
and opinions based on reactive behavior directly relate to it.
Objectivity is the ability to see things as they are, not as we
envision them to be, like them or want them to be. The ability to
perceive objective reality depends upon one's ability to clearly
To reach a higher state of objective awareness, one must
first see themselves clearly and that entails to work through one's
lies, illusions, buffers and self-deceptions.
"The survival of the
ego is established pretty early in life by our parental and
societal programming as to what IS or is NOT possible; what we
are "allowed" to believe in order to be accepted.
We learn this
first by learning what pleases our parents and then later we
modify our belief based on what pleases our society - our peers
- to believe.[…]
One of the first things we might observe is
that everyone has a different set of beliefs based upon their
social and familial conditioning, and that these beliefs
determine how much of the OBJECTIVE reality anyone is able to
Suffice it to say that, under ordinary conditions of reality, we
almost never perceive reality as it truly IS.
There are
thousands of different little "hypnotic suggestions" that have
taken hold of us from infancy on, that determine, in any given
moment, what we believe or think or think we believe or believe
we think."

It's easy to
over-philosophize the idea of objectivity vs. subjectivity without
considering some very practical applications.
For example,
regardless of what one believes to be "one's truth" or what one is
thinking about and visualizing,
if you walk off a cliff, won't
gravity pull you down?
isn't one plus one two, and not three?
is the
world round or flat?
And in regards to global issues:
Is the official 9/11 story true or
have we been lied to?
Was it a false flag attack?
Are we losing our
basic rights for our protection from the so-called "terrorists" or
is there a different reason?
Is Obama telling the truth or is he
These question can be answered objectively if proper research
is done.
However, the truth may not necessarily agree with one's preferred
beliefs, opinions or assumptions. So it is important not to fall
into denial or avoidance when some of our core beliefs are being
challenged, especially if one is emotionally attached to them and
the ego tries to (unconsciously) defend the lies in order to be
"right" as the truth may open up a can of worms one is not ready to
Moreover, no matter how much one tries to close oneself off from the
"outside world", believing that nothing will affect them as long as
one focuses on "positive" thoughts and what one "likes" to
experience, the bigger issues of the world still have an effect on
us all, precisely because we are all one and everything is
No man is an island and no one's reality is isolated from
the Whole.

A fatuous paradigm that is currently running amok though the New Age
community for quite a while is better known as You Create Your Own
Reality (YCYOR) and is deliberately creating a lot of confusion.
YCYOR is a very misleading and tentative paradigm with a certain
half-truth in it, that is never expressed in this way in the
Esoteric Traditions.
Michael Topper brings
some common sense to this issue:
"What makes the YCYOR
(You Create Your Own Reality) evangelist fatuous is precisely
the fact that all such personal decreeing, positive thinking and
confident imagining takes place in an inevitable context.
are implications! There are repercussions! No one decrees in a
personal or private, solipsistic vacuum. There is a variegated
World of myriad "pulls" and "claims" coexisting along with the
private desires and designs of the given ego-subject.
But "so what?" we hear the die-hard "reality-creator" claim
"don't we remain untouched by those 'co-existents' as long as we
keep secure in the confidence of our own private deservedness,
our own authoritative affirmations and specific commissions of
positive thought-re-inforcement?"
No. Man does not live by "commission" alone. This is why you do
not create your own reality, but merely generate
reality-hypotheses or scenarios which are continuously reflected
and tested against the Whole; and the Whole, being inseparable
from the Potential of your own innate-global Being, is
constituted by the explicit and implicit alike, by that which is
produced through active or positive commission and that which
results from the gaps, blind-spots and vacuums of interpretive
All the lines, potential and actual, exist within
one's being and are inevitably calculated into the total
account! This is what it means when we say there's a context in
which all our desire-formulation and "decreeing" takes place.
This is a Deity-centered reality, not an ego-centered reality.
Only the totality of the soul-nature is in touch with the
Totality of Spirit-being. Anything else necessarily involves a
partial perspective, a conceptual self-estimation producing
inevitable blindspots.
What you have selectively omitted from "your reality", is
manifested as well!
We can of course say the "victim" still
deserves his fate or has drawn his fate to himself by a quality
of callousness embedded in his characteristic thought-formulae;
and occasionally this interpretation may touch on some real
factor involved in the negative effect.
But neither the simple
presence of some attitude toward elements of the ultimate
negative resultant, nor explanations of residual "karma" (or
anything of the kind) may adequately account for all cases in
the same category.
It is just simply not true that every rape victim somehow
"invited" the experience as a personal form of "commission".
The converse implication of this, of course, is that only in
alignment and integral consonance with the Whole-value of Being
may Reality be accurately manifested through the medium of
"personal expression" for then there is no discrepancy between
"personal" and Universal, the perspectival "part" and the
indeterminate Whole.
It is under this condition that the
"impossible" can be manifested (i.e. that which is
self-evidently beyond the power of anyone to "personally"
manipulate or control).
For, understood in this way (and only in this way) it may be
seen that unimaginable effectiveness results when the expression
of one's "personal" will is not different than or removed from
the Spirit of Divine Will, i.e. the Will to reveal Spirit as the
Truth and authentic character of everyone's illimitable Being.
This means that, in terms of "personal will", only the Spirit of
the Teaching Function remains. There is no will remaining in the
repertoire of "personal will" except that which expresses
perfect alignment, integration and identity with Divine Will.
Contrary to unwarranted popular opinion, such initiated
alignment with the Will of Absolute Spirit-being does not result
in "working one's will unopposed".
On the contrary, the very
presence of the Awakened Truth in the form of the Spiritual
adept has always generated immediate opposition; it has always
"awakened" a corresponding reaction from the collective ego's
self-protective slumber.
Initiated alignment of will with the creative Whole doesn't
guarantee "smooth personal circumstances"; on the contrary, look
at the story of every adept, examine the events surrounding the
Masters known to history.
Rather it ensures that such events
will possess the character of an authentic
teaching-demonstration, to all who have the Soul to see.
ensures the Will of the Whole is always done, regardless the
partiality and prejudice by which that Whole may be perceived in
any given case."
There is an objective
truth outside the context of what our little "I" perceives. It seems
a tendency in certain Conscious Movements to over-generalize and
distort spiritual "higher" truths and quantum physics with an
oversimplification of:
All Truth is relative!
Hence some people
unconsciously (or consciously) use this explanation as an excuse and
justification for the atrocities in the world or for whatever one
may want to believe in one's own little subjective world, no matter
how illusory, false and based on pure wishful thinking or emotional
projections it may be; even to the point of declaring that it is all
just about "my" or "your" truth and there is no objective truth.
Obviously we all have our own personal lessons to learn and talents
to develop, which could be interpreted as one's "personal truth",
however that doesn't exclude oneself from the collective lessons we
all "need" to look at if we want to evolve consciously as ONE.
Simply acknowledging that we are all one, separation is illusion and
seeing everything as "Light" while focusing on what one believes to
be "positive" and ignoring what one perceives as "negative" does not
result in change for the better.
Conversely, by insisting on what
one would like to see, as opposed to seeing the world as it is, is
coming into conflict with creation, which then results in entropy
and MORE suffering on a global scale, not less.
A deeper insight into this gives the Event Enhanced Quantum Theory
developed by physicists Ark Jadczyk and Philip Blanchard.
conclusion in a nutshell:
"Everyone who
"believes" in an attempt to "create reality" that is different
from what IS, adds to the increase of chaos and entropy.
If your
beliefs are orthogonal to the truth, no matter how strongly you
believe them, you are essentially coming into conflict with how
the Universe views itself and I can assure you, you ain't gonna
win that contest.
You are inviting destruction upon yourself and
all who engage in this "staring down the universe" exercise with
On the other hand, if you are able to view the Universe as it
views itself, objectively, without blinking, and with acceptance
of the reality and appropriate responses to how things really
are, you then become more "aligned" with the Creative energy of
the universe and your very consciousness becomes a transducer of
order energy, and your actions are consonant with what is.
energy of observation, given unconditionally, matched by the
appropriate actions, can bring order to chaos, can create out of
infinite potential."
Secret History of the World"
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Some people seem to
mistake objectivity for negativity and wishful thinking for
Most of what people see as negative or positive are
their subjective projections and opinions that don't really reflect
the world as it is. Without Truth and Objectivity there won't be a
change for the "better", nor a raise in consciousness, within and
In that sense, many well-meaning and good-hearted folks who want a
better world actually do more harm than any good by ignoring and
denying aspects of our reality that may not fit into their
subjective "positive" world view.
Instead believing that by shutting
the so-called "negative" out and just seeing everything as "One" and
"Light", visualizing, meditating on world peace and projecting "love
and light", it will create peace and harmony.
Nothing could be
further from the truth and that is actually exactly what certain
forces, who do not wish humanity to awaken for their own interests,
want us to do and believe. It ties in with how religious and
spiritual values have been corrupted.
In other words, the ones exposing the lies and atrocities in the
world, the ones looking at the world as it is with all the different
"faces of god" including the unpleasant ones which many people
perceive as "negative" and hence like to ignore, are actually doing
LIGHT WORK in the true meaning of the word:
Making the darkness
conscious, raising awareness and shining Light into it.
Light is
information and knowledge, not just making things "light" in the
sense of being "nice" or "kind" and "loving" without saying anything
"bad" or "heavy".
"When we talk about
compassion we talk in terms of being kind. But compassion is not
so much being kind; it is being creative [enough] to wake a
person up."
Trungpa Rinpoch
"Real compassion kicks butt and takes names and is not pleasant
on certain days. If you are not ready for this FIRE, then find a
new-age, sweetness and light, perpetually smiling teacher and
learn to relabel your ego with spiritual sounding terms.
stay away from those who practice REAL COMPASSION, because they
will fry your ass, my friend."
Ken Wilber
This contrived "niceness"
seems also very common in today's conscious movements, where people
don't want to say anything "negative", in their subjective
understanding of it of course.
In general, some folks hide behind a
social etiquette and mask without wanting to say anything bad or
touching on any taboo subjects. They speak around issues in order to
be spiritually or politically correct so as to "not step on anyone's
Of course, that doesn't mean that one should be mean, aggressive and
rude or push information on someone who didn't ask for it. It simply
means to be sincere and honest with conscience and awareness.
is a time to speak up and a time to be silent. And sometimes you
have to be direct, call a spade a spade and give the lie what it
deserves: the truth, regardless of what others may think, even if it
doesn't sound "nice" and it doesn't conform to what someone "likes"
to hear.
You can be considerate and still speak the truth, even if
others see it as "negative" from their conditioned point of view.
"Cowardice asks the
question: "Is it safe"? Expediency asks the question: "Is it
politic"? Vanity asks the question: "Is it popular?"But
conscience asks the question: "Is it right?"
And there comes a
time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor
politic, nor popular but one must take it because one's
conscience tells one what is right."
Luther King, Jr.
There are many so-called
conscious festivals these days with music, art, workshops and
lectures. Lots of pretty people in hip clothes, feathers, furry hats
and much eye candy, supposedly representing the "counter-culture" of
aware people.
There is nothing wrong with dressing up, partying and
having a good time, however, when looking at the program of talks
and workshops of some of these festivals something seems to be
missing, mainly the topics we need to become aware of as a species
if we want to make the right turn.
At any festival that claims to be "conscious" and "spiritual" and is
supposedly the reflection of the "counter-culture", one must ask why
are there no workshops or lectures about,
...and many other issues?
All these topics are part of being aware and conscious, are they
It seems that conscious festivals like that are becoming more and
more a hip thing rather than using it to truly help people become
aware of the shadow that needs to be made conscious of and shined
light into.
It's not just about doing yoga, eating raw food and
knowing permaculture, nor is it simply about being "positive" for
the sake of being positive or learning about how to manifest your
desired income.
"We're very much
grounded within the counter culture of the 1960s of which this
festival is indeed a legacy and an extension historically, and
talk to you about some of… I don't really want to talk to you
about the similarities because you know what the similarities
are…the similarities are mainly cosmetic.
And there are some other philosophical similarities which I'll
discuss but one of the things that I'd like to talk with you
about are some of the differences.
In the 1960s, the counter
cultural movement had at its core, we have the music yes, we had
the drugs which was not in all ways a high side of it.
There was the music, there was a definite sense of counter
culture, there was a definite repudiation of certain values
which people deemed to be obsolete and unsustainable.
But it
bears noting that there was also at it's core the repudiation of
a war and ultimately the ending of a war, which means that the
counter culture at that time was making a serious stand against
something new on the planet; something horrible on the planet
called "American military domination of anything it cared to
And that gave a moral authority to the counter
culture of the 1960s, and I would hope that a festival like this
does not - in a heart that brings us here, the consciousness that
brings us here - I'm reminded of a line in "A Course in Miracles"
where it says,
"You cannot bring the light to the darkness you
must bring the darkness to the light".
Dream and I were having an interesting conversation… we were
talking about this festival and she said people just wanted to
be in the light for a few days…
But I say to you as your sister,
as your spiritual companion, embedded in the principles of "A
Course in Miracles" and in my own spiritual search, but I know
that there is only one truth spoken in many different ways…
is a difference between transcendence and denial…and if the
consciousness that brings you to a festival like this, is one in
which we feel- as North Americans, as men, as women, as citizens of
the planet- that we can be here, that this can be anything with
true gravitas or moral authority and we are forgetting the fact
that our country has turned into a permanent war machine, then
there is something very sad about this festival rather than
happy for me.
Now we were talking about, earlier, we were talking about the
fact that men in…about the feminine power… and the divine
feminine…and it was another I heard someone say that the men
here are holding the space for the feminine, which is very
beautiful, it's a very beautiful thing the, the mix of, you
know- obviously there are men and women here, and both for the
women who want to hold the space for the divine feminine, and as
well for the men who want are holding the space for the divine
feminine, thank you so much.
I'd to talk to you for a moment about the divine feminine
because the divine feminine has a fierce aspect. The divine
feminine is not just dressing up, the divine feminine it's not
just getting pretty in whatever pretty of the day is, whether
it's big boobs or feathers. It's all just cosmetic… hello…
divine feminine cares about the fact that 17,000 babies die on
this planet everyday of hunger. The divine feminine cries, the
divine feminine shrieks when she has to. You know if you… there
is an interesting anthropological characteristic of every
advanced mammalian species that survives and thrives; and that
is the fierce behavior of the adult female of that species when
she senses that there is a threat to her cubs that whether it's
the mama bear or the tiger or a lion.
Did you know that even
among the hyenas the adult female hyenas encircle their babies,
encircle the cubs while they're feeding and will not let the
adult males of that species anywhere near the food until the
cubs have been fed.
Surely the women of America could do better than the hyenas.
the fact that collectively, not in terms of our hearts, our
hearts are good, and I know that the heart that draws us to a
place like this today is good, but we have to ask ourselves at
what point, whether you're in therapy or your at a festival like
this, at what point do you stand in that place which is not
comfortable, do you stand in that place which is not comfortable
and not turn away?
Because if a counter cultural movement, such
as this at least externally represents here today, is one, I
asked earlier, I said,
"Hmm. Is there anything political going on
here today?" and I was told "No, these are just people who are
ready to transcend."
And let be very clear once again about that
difference between transcendence and denial because if the
counter cultural movement in 2011 is one in which it is deemed
for whatever reason acceptable to look away from the fact that
tremendous amounts of unnecessary human suffering occur on this
planet and in this country for no other reason than that so a
relatively few people on this planet and in this country can
have all the money they want.
That is not service, it is NOT
counter cultural, it is the the epitome of being co-opted by the
very culture that we seek to counter.
Now you might say to me,
"What do you want us to do?"
I don't
know what your supposed to do…
None of my business what your
supposed to do. But I'm asking you as Jesus said to the
disciples the night before the 'crucification' in the garden of
"Please do not go to sleep. Do not go to sleep in
the hour of my agony. Remain awake!"…
That's what they do to
you. They put you to sleep! The system would love this festival!
The system would love this festival because its not saying "Fuck
you!" to anybody. And there's a sense that that is somehow
There's a sense that that is somehow spiritual, and I
believe deeply that, as "The Course in Miracles" says, "Look at
the crucification but do not dwell on it." I'm not saying let's
dwell on what's bad, because if you dwell on what's bad then
it's true, that is you just focus on it and make more of it. But
to not look at it at all… to not look at it at all, there's not
the divine feminine about that.
The divine feminine… if there was a starving child here…somebody
tell me…if there was a child here or if anyone- god forbid-
let's just talk about our deep humanity…
Let's say right here
right now- god forbid- somebody, uh, had a heart attack or
something. Well the fact that I'm speaking up here would be
irrelevant. Somebody would yell out say, "Is there a doctor
We would all get deeply human very quickly wouldn't we?
Are you with me? Now this is an interesting thing about our
country, if you look and see, I always say that if I'm if I'm on
an airplane somewhere, anywhere in the world…
I love to sit next
to an American… I… characterologically we're cool people and we
care. We're not, you know… We're human beings and there's a
spunkiness and it's a coolness.
But our collective capacity for
denial and grandiosity is frightening and perilous…."
In the end most people
are only afraid of the unknown and what they don't understand.
we make the effort to deprogram ourselves from our conditioning and
gain knowledge and understanding within AND without, shining "LIGHT"
into darkness, our awareness/consciousness rises and we start to SEE
in alignment with who we truly are, beyond preference, wishful
thinking or denial and then can act in alignment with our Higher
Self and the Universe.
If we truly love life, the world we live in and want positive
change, then this also implies to look at the issues and injustices
in the world so many of us like to ignore or deny.
This is not being
"negative", but the work to be done during this Time of Transition
"Injustice anywhere
is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an
inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of
destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he
who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without
protesting against it is really cooperating with it. "
Luther King Jr.
Seeking truth and making
the darkness conscious needs to happen within AND without, not just
one or the other. Activism and spiritual self-work go hand in hand.
It's not separated but interrelated.
The problem that comes with truth seekers and activists who only
focus on the outside is that they can easily fall into the trap of
disinformation or they resonate with lies because their "Reading
Instrument", the Self, is not "tuned" correctly through sincere self
work which would help their critical thinking abilities.
It becomes
harder to separate truth from lies and one may even spread
disinformation unknowingly because one is less likely to see the
"unseen" or the "devil in the details" so to speak, resulting in
oversimplifications, assumptions, and misconceptions.
In other
words, I need to understand my "machine", my habitual way of
thinking and how my emotional reactions and attachments can distort
things, how I take in information and how my own bias and
conditioned beliefs filter information which can result in cognitive
"Sometimes people
hold a core belief that is very strong.
When they are presented
with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence
cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely
uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance.
And because it is so
important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize,
ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core
Frantz Fanon
"In order to understand the interrelation of truth and falsehood
in life, a man must understand falsehood in himself, the
constant incessant lies he tells himself."
According to the mystic
and spiritual teacher George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, the human organism
is constituted by two fundamental functions:
essence and

Essence is what we are born with, the raw material of
one's being.
It includes the physical body, genetic make-up, energy
metabolism, the inborn capacity for emotions and sensations. There
are also external influences that affect us, such as planetary
vibrations, present in the immediate environment at conception,
during the fetal stage, and at birth.
An astrological birth chart
can give some insight into that.
As we grow, our essence is molded by cultural influences. It can
mature along the lines of its inherent nature and potential, or it
can become blocked in its maturation and hence form something that
works against its inborn potential.
Essence would evolve in
societies where essential practices and values predominate, such as
sincerity, love, truth, compassion, knowledge, and so on.
we live in a world where such values have become distorted and ponerized, meaning that our society at large has taken on
pathological values that are seen as normal and people can no longer
make the distinction between healthy and pathological thought
processes and logic.
One is no longer able to draw a line between
correct thinking and deviate thinking. The influence of higher
density beings and forces may also have an effect on us in that
regard as explored in
Aliens and
The Question of Contact.
Personality is the mask we carry over our essence. The vehicle for
essence to work through so to speak.
Our personality is conditioned
and programmed through upbringing in a society that is built on
lies, and the stronger the programming, the harder it is for essence
to come through.
Hence, de-programming and facing the lies of one's
personality is key so it becomes a direct reflection and expression
of essence, which ultimately leads to conscious actions based on
one's inherent potential.
In a mature person, essence and
personality form one continuous "I", which is to say that the person
is unified.
"People are always
infused with all kinds of fantastic ideas about themselves, the
world, people, love, idealism, society, etc.
Led by his
eagerness to evade a disagreeable reality, man gives free rein
to his imagination and is inclined to believe the first
agreeable lie he encounters along the way.
The individual
projects his personal illusions onto a cold and immutable
reality, and thus deceiving himself, he endeavors to contemplate
reality through rose-colored glasses.
"Disillusion" is a painful
process and can be prolonged, depending on how much time the
individual takes to realize he is living artificially and that
this condition is a product of his internal dreams.
courage is required to face reality and to destroy the mirage of
a pleasant dream."
John Baines
On the other hand, many
spiritually inclined people only focus on the self, believing that
will change the outside eventually, without making the effort to
look at the world more objectively and acting upon it.
Gandhi's call
to "be the change you want to see in the world" has also been
misunderstood that way.
First of all the "kind of change" people
want to see is different for each based on one's subjective
understanding of it, which can be very distorted, especially if one
is avoiding seeing the world as it is, believing in lies and just
projecting one's desires and hopes that are based on the conditioned
personality, resulting in wishful thinking.
For example, just being
"nice" because I want to see a "nice" world does not automatically
make the world so, especially since some humans are "wired"
Another issue is that many people try to explain everything through
one system or teaching and do not see its limitations or even
distort it to mold it into their belief system.
For example, not
everything "negative" in the world is a manifestation of our shadow
material, nor is everything that happens to us our karma, nor do we
attract everything with our thoughts.
Sure there is truth to the
idea of karma, but using that explanation to justify all the
atrocities in the world is short-sighted and misses the point as we
still have to act and learn our lessons, not just "turn the other
cheek" or stand by and keep silent, saying "oh it's just
your/their/my karma".
We are not the peak of God's creation and so special and holy that
nothing other than ourselves would harm, control or manipulate us.
It's actually quite arrogant and anthropocentric to think that way.
We don't do everything to ourselves.
It's not about blaming, but
getting out of our self-centered view of reality and the universe.
There are other forces acting on us, just as we influence, consume
and to a certain extent control lower life forms such as plants and
As above, so below.
"There are a thousand
things which prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the
power of his dreams.
In order to act consciously with the
intention of awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of
the forces which keep man in a state of sleep.
First of all it
must be realized that the sleep in which man exists is not
normal but hypnotic sleep. Man is hypnotized and this hypnotic
state is continually maintained and strengthened in him.
would think that there are forces for whom it is useful and
profitable to keep man in a hypnotic state and prevent him from
seeing the truth and understanding his position."
G. I.
The learning never stops
and humanity still has much to confront and learn about that may
require a whole new understanding of reality, just like there are
different or expanded views now in science compared to what Einstein
and Newton had discovered.
There is always more to learn and find out that requires an
adjustment and new understanding, expanding our view and
understanding of reality.
It is what raising consciousness implies.
People who are stuck in one idea or teaching and try to explain
everything through it are building their own limited reality box.
This also relates to psychology, astrology, philosophy, the healing
arts, spiritual practices or any religion (east and west) where many
"experts" in any of these systems are looking through one lens (many
of them distorted/false to begin with), not realizing that this
approach can easily lead to distortion and a tunnel vision.
It can
also become an egotistical point of pride preventing that person to
admit to him/herself that there is maybe more to the story which one
hasn't considered before, especially when they have written books
about it, their career depends on it and they have an image to
sell/live up to.
One can see these fallacies with many popular spiritual teachers,
researchers, visionaries, therapists and self-help gurus, where
career and image seem to take precedence over truth and reality.

There are many topics that affect us more than many of them are
aware of, be it the idea of hyperdimensional manipulation, genetic
psychopathy or soulless humans.
But instead of being more open to
such topics and looking into them sincerely and unbiased, these
seemingly intelligent and aware individuals ignore or debunk them
right off-hand exposing their own lack of critical thinking.
Awareness and study of the aforementioned topics and also looking
into the "taboo" subject of conspiracies would actually help and
expand their knowledge and ability to truly help others and society
at large.
Many people tend to laugh at the term "conspiracy theories" and even
use it with a negative, condescending tone. The social reality that
they are taboo solidifies this also deeper into people's minds,
subconsciously. Nobody wants to be called a "conspiracy theorist."
It's like calling somebody a "wacko" and commonly used as an ad
hominem attack that lacks critical thinking. Most people don't have
a true understanding of what the word "conspiracy" actually means.
Historian Richard M.
Dolan brings some common sense to this issue:
"From a historical
point of view, the only reality is that of conspiracy. Secrecy,
wealth and independence add up to power.
Deception is the key
element of warfare, (the tool of the power elites), and when
winning is all that matters, the conventional morality held by
ordinary people becomes an impediment.
Secrecy stems from a
pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world, that
those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever
steps are necessary to maintain the status quo.[…]
The very
label 'conspiracy' serves as an automatic dismissal, as though
no one ever acts in secret. Let us bring some perspective and
common sense to this issue.
The United States comprises large
organizations - corporations, bureaucracies, 'interest groups,'
and the like - which are conspiratorial by nature.
That is, they
are hierarchical, their important decisions are made in secret
by a few key decision-makers, and they are not above lying about
their activities. Such is the nature of organizational behavior.
'Conspiracy', in this key sense, is a way of life around the
"Do I believe in conspiracies? Naah!
Do I believe that powerful
people would get together and plan for certain outcomes? Naah!
Do I believe that powerful interests would operate outside the
law and maybe even kill people? Naah!
Do I believe secret
government agencies might feel the need to assassinate a person
and cover it up? Naah!
I think everything in America is open and
clean and above board and powerful people always play by the
I think the system contracts and expands as it wants to. It
accommodates these changes. I think the civil rights movement
was an accommodation on the part of those who own the country.
think they see where their self-interest lies. They see a
certain amount of freedom seems good, an illusion of liberty.
Give these people…give these people a voting day every year so
that they'll have the illusion of meaningless choice…
meaningless choice that we go like slaves and say, "Yeah, I
The limits of debate in this country are established before the
debate even begins and everyone else is marginalized and made to
seem either to be communists or some sort of disloyal person, a
"kook"- there's a word- and now it's "conspiracy", see?
made that something that should not even be entertained for a
minute; that powerful people might get together and have a plan.
Doesn't happen, you're a kook, you're a conspiracy buff!
Our views on life and
existence, science and religion, spirituality and evolution,
consciousness and psychology as well as reality as we know it would
take on a whole new understanding when looking deeper into the
topics we dismiss so easily simply because we don't "believe" them
to be true.

Let's not forget, not too long ago we believed that the
earth is flat.
"Consciousness means,
literally, "knowing-together." A development of consciousness
would therefore mean knowing "more together," and so it would
bring about a new relationship to everything previously known.
For to know more always means to see things differently."
We're being lied to in
virtually all areas of our lives and our attention is being vectored
away from the truth.
The corruption of science plays a big part in
it as well. As a matter of fact, those who get too close to the
truth are often attacked and ridiculed. Truth is no good for
business in
a ponerized society with psychopaths in power, steering
the ship where pathological traits have become the accepted norm in
our official culture.
The work to seek truth within and without is not for everyone, nor
can everyone engage in it since people are different inside, some
lacking the "seed" so to speak.
Not everyone is a Warrior (as coined
Carlos Castaneda) and everyone has different lessons to learn and
talents to develop with a different "inner wiring". Nobody is better
or worse, it's just what it is in this evolutionary cycle we're in.
For that reason there also won't be a collective awakening where
everyone is all of a sudden "enlightened" or "aware". Many folks who
are waiting for 2012 for that to happen will be greatly
Awakening implies evolving consciously. Now is an
opportunity (not a guarantee), a "window" to move up a level so to
speak, but it doesn't happen by itself.
Conscious effort and work
are needed to counter the forces of entropy for there is a way up
and down as
the Hopi Indians said about this Time of Transition.
"What is difficult to
understand is that without conscious effort, nothing is
Conscious effort is related to higher nature. My lower
nature cannot lead me to consciousness. It is blind. But when I
wake up and I feel that I belong to a higher world, this is only
part of conscious effort. I become truly conscious only when I
open to all my possibilities, higher and lower.
There is value
only in conscious effort."
Jeanne De
Many are called, few are
chosen [or choose to answer the call].
Now is the time for the ones
who feel "called" to ask themselves, what am I doing with my life,
where is my attention and focus? Am I doing the best I can to help
in this time of transition in terms on working on myself and seeking
Conscious Reality Creation happens when we are connected with
our true self/higher self and we become a vessel for higher energies
to work through us which are in alignment with the universe and
one's soul's purpose, not the desires, wants and needs of the
conditioned personality.
If our actions and beliefs are in alignment
with what IS, we become transducers of energies that not only
benefit us individually but the world at large, bringing order out
of chaos.
It is important that the ones who are sincerely engaged in seeking
truth connect with others who are like-minded, so we become
collinear and act as alarm clocks for each other, keeping each other
awake and help in the process of separating truth from lies.
nucleus of truly conscious people, acting as conscious transducers
of higher energies and seeing the universe as it sees it self,
working towards objectivity, can provide the qualitative frequency
resonance vibration that will create the template for the new world.
The more people do this work consciously the better, but it is about
quality over quantity.
There are countless distractions, temptations and deceptions that
keep the seeker away from Truth and Awakening in
this Matrix Control
System with various forces acting on humanity to keep us asleep.
comes down to discernment and without inner work in order to see the
unseen we cannot raise our Being to truly BE the change we want to
SEE according to our higher nature and not our conditioned
At the same time Being the change entails facing
reality and see things as they are, not as we hope, wish or want
them to be.
It's a holistic approach. Just as we need to cleanse and
detoxify our body and give it the proper nutrition, we also need to
detoxify the world "out there" by separating truth (nutrition) from
lies (toxins).
This has also nothing to do with trying to "save the world", but
simply engaging in the process of conscious evolution, nor is it
about "controlling external reality", but acting in alignment with
the universe. And we only become truly aligned if we engage in the
work to see the universe as it sees itself.
Being entails seeing the
world as it IS. That is the path towards healing, wholeness,
conscious reality creation and essentially true Love. It's a process
that is different for each as we all have our own lessons to learn,
karma to work out and talents to develop in this time of transition.
In that sense everyone also has unique skills which he/she can
contribute to the whole, so we can support each other, moving from
Service to Self and competition towards Service to Others and
sharing. It's about working together creating synergy, but also
respecting each others individuality and process at the same time.
What may work for one, may not work for another.
But to know this, we need
to know our true self and also make the effort to see the world as
it is, so our actions have real impact and power beyond
self-gratification or senseless rioting.
"Every man has his
own vocation. The talent is the call. There is one direction in
which all space is open to him. He has faculties silently
inviting him thither to endless exertion.
He is like a ship in a river; he runs against obstructions on
every side but one; on that side all obstruction is taken away,
and he sweeps serenely over God's depths into an infinite sea.
This talent and this call depend on his organization, or the
mode in which a general soul incarnates in him. He inclines to
do something which is easy to him, and good when it is done, but
which no other man can do.
He has no rival.
For the more truly he consults his own powers, the more
difference will his work exhibit from the work of any other.
When he is true and faithful, his ambition is exactly
proportional to his powers.
By doing his work he makes the need
felt which only he can supply."
Ralph Waldo
The more we are collinear
and SEE the world as it is and act as ONE, the "easier" the
transition to a better world for all of us.
We do create our reality
and our consciousness has an effect on the outside world, but we
need to be in alignment with the Universe, otherwise we will
increase entropy and chaos, which also manifests in earth and
climate changes, as we can see already happening. Increased
awareness combined with action based on truth could mitigate any
upcoming cataclysms that seem to be right over the horizon.
It's up
to each one of us and all of us together.
"With the approach of
the era of the Holy Spirit, everything must be gradually brought
to the light of day, not only the secrets of the laboratory but
the deepest meanings of esotericism.
The same must happen with
illusions, errors and lies, which must also be revealed so that
they can later be rectified.
The world is suffering from a lack of harmony which gets deeper
on every plane, and this is a serious danger to the moral and
spiritual recovery of humanity. It also involves a serious risk
of failure in the last stage of this Time of Transition that we
are now entering, If this risk is not overcome, the Deluge of
Fire awaits us.
We will have to make an immense effort to ward
off this fate, and we have very little time in which to do it.
Man has only himself to blame for the greatness of the effort
needed: this is a result of his obstinate refusal to heed the
warnings that have been addressed to him time and again by the
Divine Voice, just as he continues today to blind himself to the
fact that the Deluge of Fire is being made ready."
Gnosis II
Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition
The Film

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