by Mike Whitney
December 05,
GlobalResearch Website

"Ukrainian entry
into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian
elite (not just Putin).
In more than two and a half years of
conversations with key Russian players, from
knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to
Putin's sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone
who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct
challenge to Russian interests."
William Burns
US ambassador to Moscow writing to Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice
"There's nothing inevitable about the 'multipolar world'.
Its emergence depends entirely on a war that is just
beginning and whose outcome is still unknown."
According to a survey conducted by the
Pew Research Center:
"About half of
Americans... say they are either extremely (24%) or very (26%)
concerned about the possibility of U.S. and NATO support for
Ukraine leading to a U.S. war with Russia."
Concerns About War in Ukraine: Wider Conflict, Possible
U.S.-Russia Clash"
Research Center
This is a smaller
percentage than one might expect given the risk that an unexpected
escalation that could trigger a nuclear war.
Even so, this is what the
data tell us and the data don't lie.
But here's the interesting part:
Even though half of the country is
worried about a direct conflagration with Russia, they still
overwhelmingly support the other measures Biden has taken to punish
Russia for its alleged "aggression".
Here's more from the
"Wide support in both
parties for U.S. actions in response to Russia's invasion of
Sizable majorities of both Republicans (73%) and Democrats (80%)
say they approve of the U.S. placing strict economic sanctions
on Russia.
Similar shares say
they approve of sending military equipment and weapons to
About seven-in-ten Democrats and six-in-ten Republicans also say
they approve of stationing large numbers of U.S. military in
NATO countries near Ukraine."
Concerns About War in Ukraine: Wider Conflict, Possible
U.S.-Russia Clash"
Pew Research Center

What does this mean...?
Why do Americans
overwhelmingly support onerous sanctions, additional troop
deployments, and the endless provision of lethal weapons when
- at the same time - they acknowledge that they are "extremely" or
"very" concerned about the possibility "of a U.S. war with
Don't they realize
that these hybrid attacks on Russia are a form of warfare that
will eventually lead to a direct military clash between
Washington and Moscow?
And why do Americans support these draconian measures anyway?
Don't they know that
Putin warned that NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia
to respond militarily?
Don't they know that
many of our brightest foreign policy experts have warned against
NATO expansion to Ukraine?
Don't they know that
Russia has repeatedly warned that NATO expansion could lead to
Don't they know that
the democratically-elected president of Ukraine was
toppled in a
CIA-backed coup in 2014 and replaced with a Washington stooge?
Don't they know that from 2015-on
the CIA has been training
far-right Ukrainian paramilitaries and extremists (neo-Nazis) to
conduct an insurgency against Russian forces that were going to
be lured across the border in an attempt to create an
"Afghanistan-type" quagmire?
Don't they know that
Washington has been planning to use Ukraine as a battering ram
against Russia in order to spread its military bases across
Central Asia (to encircle China) for at least the last 8 years?
Don't they know that
the Ukrainian army had been shelling residential areas in the
inhabited by ethnic Russians for 8 days before Putin was
forced to send in his troops?

Don't they know that Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has
admitted that
the war started 8 years ago when the legitimate
government was toppled?
(He told CNN's Fareed
Zakaria, "I made a point that the war in Ukraine has been lasting
for 8 years. It's not just some special military operation")
Don't they know that
- if Zelensky had maintained the status quo and Ukraine had
remained a "neutral" country - the war never would have begun?
Don't they know our own Director of the CIA called NATO
membership for Ukraine the "reddest of red lines" for Russia?
Don't they know that NATO's eastward expansion is, and has
always been, a material threat to Russia's national security?
Aren't Russian
mothers and children deserving of the same safety and security
provided to American mothers and children or should we insist
that they live with Washington's combat troops, tanks and
nuclear missiles pointed at them across the border?
Aren't they entitled
to live their lives without NATO's gun pointed at their heads or
Washington's dagger put to their throats?
This is from an
at antiwar.com:
NATO has long known
that Russian leaders since the end of the Cold War–not just
Putin–have perceived NATO's eastward expansion, and particularly
its expansion to Ukraine, as a threat.
In response to NATO's
statement at the 2008 summit in Bucharest, the Russian
leadership made clear that they saw this promise as an
existential threat.
Putin warned that
NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine was "a direct threat" to
Russian security.…
How could Russia not see NATO as a threat? ... How else could
Russia perceive an alliance that moved to its borders, absorbed
its neighbors, but exclusively excluded it as anything but
Robert Gates observed
that it was,
ignoring what the Russians considered their own vital
national interests."…
In a February 2022
press conference, Putin said,
"Today we see
where NATO is:
in Poland, in Romania and in the Baltic
anti-ballistic missile launchers are deployed in Romania and
are being set up in Poland.
They will probably be there soon
if they are not yet built.
These are
launchers that can launch Tomahawks.
In other words, they
are no longer just counter-missiles, and these assault
weapons can cover thousands of kilometers of our territory.
Isn't this a
threat to us?"
Weeks before, Putin
had also complained that,
"elements of the
US global defense system are being deployed near Russia."
He spoke again of the
MK-41 launchers in Romania and, soon, in Poland.
At that time, he
added that,
"If this
infrastructure continues to move forward, and if US and NATO
missile systems are deployed in Ukraine, their flight time
to Moscow will be only 7–10 minutes, or even five minutes
for hypersonic systems.
This is a huge
challenge for us, for our security."
Provocative Pledge on Ukraine's NATO Membership"
Ted Snider,

How is it that the American people don't know these things?
How is it that the
vast majority of them think that 'Putin started the war' or that
the war started on February 24 when Russian tanks crossed the
border into Ukraine?
How can the majority of the population in a democratic country
that is (ostensibly) committed to free speech and freedom of the
press be so tragically misinformed, propagandized and
Is that it?
Are Americans
actually the most weak-minded, brainwashed sheeple on earth?
This is from The American
"From the onset of
the Ukraine war, the corporate media, politicians, and all the
controlled NGOs throughout America and Western Europe were
lockstep in their claim that the Russian military action in
eastern Ukraine was unprovoked and unjustified - an act of
aggression that could not be allowed to stand.
There was one problem with this propaganda blitz: it was totally
The Deep State - the government
elites, intelligence community, and the military establishment -
has spent decades threatening and provoking Russia by pushing
NATO up against their border.
You do not have to like Russia to see this, and you can detest
Vladimir Putin until the cows come home.
The fundamental issue
remains the same:
the Russians view
NATO on their border as an act of aggression and a threat to
their national security, and we have known this for decades.
The record is clear
and unassailable."
"Blame the Deep State for Carnage in Ukraine"
George D O'Neill jr
The American Conservative
So, no,
the war in Ukraine
did NOT start on February 24.
And, no, "evil" Putin did NOT start the war...
What the evidence shows
is that this Ukrainian conflict is another bloody confection that
was conjured up long-ago in elite think tanks and neocon hideaways
where Russia's economic integration with Europe (and the eventual
emergence of a free trade zone from Lisbon to Vladivostok) was seen
as "real and present danger" to Washington's voracious lust
for global power.
These same elites settled on Ukraine as the launching pad for their
war on Russia,
despite the fact that
Ukraine would ultimately face disintegration as part of a
Moscow-imposed final settlement and despite the fact that all of
Europe would be plunged into another Dark Ages of energy and
food scarcity, widespread deindustrialization and third-world
Check out this quote from
foreign policy giant George Kennan, who authored America's
"containment" strategy that was used during the Cold War.
Here's what he told the
New York Times in 1998:
'I think the Russians
will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their
policies. I think it is a tragic mistake.
There was no reason
for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This
expansion would make the Founding Fathers of this country turn
over in their graves.
We have signed up to
protect a whole series of countries, even though we have neither
the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way.
[NATO expansion] was
simply a light-hearted action by a Senate that has no real
interest in foreign affairs."
"Blame the Deep State for Carnage in Ukraine"
George D O'Neill jr
The American Conservative
Have you wondered why
respected foreign
policy analysts like George Kennan
former Sec-Def
William Perry
former Secretary
of State
Henry Kissinger
former Ambassador
to the Soviet Union Jack F. Matlock Jr.,
...all oppose NATO
membership for Ukraine?
Have you ever asked yourself why a foreign policy mandarin like
John Mearsheimer would put his reputation on the chopping block
to inform the people that if the policy persists Ukraine will be
obliterated and the US will likely end up in a nuclear war with
Here's Mearsheimer:
"The West is leading
Ukraine down the primrose path and the end result is that
Ukraine is going to get wrecked...
What we're doing is
encouraging the Ukrainians to play tough with the Russians.
We're encouraging the Ukrainians to think that they'll
ultimately become part of the west because we will ultimately
defeat the Russians...
And, of course, the
Ukrainians are playing along with this and the Ukrainians are
almost completely unwilling to compromise with the Russians and,
instead, want to pursue a hardline policy.
Well, as I said to
you before, if they do that the end result is that their country
is going to be wrecked.
And, what we are
doing is, in effect, encouraging that outcome."
West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path"
Below You
Tube, 1:32
The United States is
deliberately misleading Ukraine so it can use its territory to
prosecute its war on Russia.
It is a cynical
manipulation tantamount to genocide...
The US has no vital
national security interests in Ukraine nor does it care whether its
cities and people are pounded into oblivion.
What matters to Washington is delivering a blow to Russia, seducing
Russia into a conflict that will cause it to "overextend itself
militarily or economically" (Rand), thus, rendering it incapable of
projecting power beyond its borders.
That's the goal, and that
has always been the goal, to "weaken Russia".
None of this has
anything to do with Ukraine or the Ukrainian people.
It's all about power;
pure, unalloyed geopolitical power...
Bottom line:
Foreign policy elites
and their globalist allies have decided that the only way to
arrest America's accelerating economic decline and preserve the
nation's role as the world's preeminent superpower, is through
the use of military force.
Clearly, that decision
has already been made.
What we're seeing in
Ukraine (and soon Taiwan) is further evidence that America's hawkish
powerbrokers are not going to relinquish their exalted position in
the world without a fight.
They are going to use
every weapon in their arsenal to maintain their vice-like grip on
This tells us that the
transition away from the "rules-based system" will not be quick or
bloodless. And - despite optimistic predictions to the contrary -
there's nothing inevitable about the "multipolar world".
Its emergence depends
entirely on a war that is just beginning and whose outcome is still