by Dr Michael Salla
18, 2021
Exopolitics Website

On January 15, it was announced by multiple news sites that Baron
Benjamin de Rothschild unexpectedly died of a heart
attack at the age of 57 while at his Swiss home.
According to some
information, Rothschild was the world's "Pindar"
- the secret occult ruler of our planet reporting directly to off
world extraterrestrial masters.
What makes this claim particularly intriguing is that he says that
only a day earlier, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
gave a coded message through his Twitter account authorizing the
final stage of a covert military operation to take down
the Deep State around the planet.
Some claims raise
intriguing questions about Rothschild's death, his possible role as
Earth's Pindar, and a covert US led takedown of Global Deep State.

Benjamin de Rothschild
Rothschild's death was first announced on the Edmond De
Rothschild company website and details were
provided by Bloomberg news
about him:
De Rothschild had
been head of the group created by his father since 1997 and
worked to simplify its structure after delisting.
As of the end of
2019, the group had 173 billion francs ($194 billion) in assets
with activities in 15 countries, according to its website.
In his online
presentation yesterday, D. Wilcock discussed arrests taking place
around the world of people involved in a coup attempt against the
President of the United States.
It then linked this
takedown operation to the mysterious death of de Rothschild who was
the Pindar or leader of the globally orchestrated coup
Pindar actually is
the name of the leader of this group. It is a name that refers
to the Dragon and the male member of the Dragon, that's the name
of the leader.
So, the Pindar is
basically the number one guy. And this number one guy
just so happened to have mysteriously passed over on January 16
(15) at age 57.
Banker Benjamin de
Rothschild… owner of the Group dies age 57. So that is
compelling since it's a very young age and a suspicious time to
say the least.
To help understand the
role of the Pindar in relation to the male heirs of
the Rothschild family, it's worth
recalling what Dr
Bill Deagle, a former US Air
Force medical doctor, had to say about a mysterious encounter he had
with a leading member of the Rothschild family, Baron Guy de
Rothschild, in 1992.
In a Project Camelot
interview, Deagle said:
I woke up in the
middle of the night, bolt upright, and I sat up.
And I had all the
lights on because I'd have to periodically go to the restroom or
whatever. I had all the lights on. And this guy was standing in
front of me with what I call a $5,000 tuxedo, not a gray hair in
his head, mid-50s, slim and trim.
I said: How did you get in here?
And he says: It's wonderful to see you, my son.
I said: You're not my father.
And I looked at this guy, and he looked like French nobility.
And I said: Who are
He says: I am the Baron Guy de Rothschild, the Pindar.
And I had this really kind of, what I call a check or a
kind of a cringe in my spirit. And I knew right away,
because I have this gift. Right? Without getting into a big long
discussion, I knew right away.
I said: I know who you are. You're the representative of the
Luciferic power that controls Earth.
He says: Yes, I am the CEO of Earth, Inc., and I am the man that
sits in the 13th chair of the Druidic Council. I want
you to be my understudy, and when I transcend I want you to take
over my job.
And I said: No, I'm not going to.
He said: We know your bloodlines; we know your genetics; we know
everything about you and you're a perfect replacement for me.
And I said: No!
What is particularly
interesting in this exchange is Rothschild's claim of being the
"Pindar" and the "CEO of Earth, Inc".
These statements
suggest that he is merely running the Earth on behalf of others,
but who?
For an answer, we can
look to information about the Pindar supplied by British researcher
David Icke.
Icke wrote about the
Pindar in
The Biggest Secret after
interviewing a former participant in Satanic occult ceremonies,
Arizona Wilder.
Icke wrote:
Pindar means 'Penis
of the Dragon'…
Arizona says that
Pindar, like all the reptilians when they shape-shift, has very
powerful hypnotic eyes (the 'evil eye' of legend) and at
sacrifices the victims face is turned to Pindar at the moment of
death for him to steal the person's soul or energy through this
'evil eye' magnetic process…
Pindar attends the
major Satanic ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California
for the rituals there. [pp. 302-3]
Icke's reference to
Reptilian extraterrestrials
directly connects to the high-ranking member of the Rothschild
family who is regularly chosen to be the CEO of Earth Inc.,
which in turn is controlled by a Reptilian empire that spans
countless other planets, according to multiple insiders.
Baron Guy de Rothschild died in 2007 at the age of 98.
If Deagle was told the
truth in 1992 about Rothschild planning to retire as Pindar, it
means that anytime in the period between 1992 and 2007, another male
heir of the Rothschild family had replaced him.
Benjamin Rothschild became the head of the Edmund de Rothschild
company in 1997.
As head of one of the
major Rothschild banking and investment groups, it's highly
likely that Benjamin succeeded Guy as the Pindar.
This is where another claim becomes highly relevant to
contemporary political events.
He says he found a
solution to a coded message by the mysterious Q military
intelligence group that has been subjected to an unprecedented
global censorship campaign.
In a post dated June 4, 2020, Q revealed a sequence of six events
numbered RED1 to RED6, which refer to events associated with
different stages of a covert global military operation to take down
the Deep State.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID:
866b8a No.9473673
Jun 4 2020 18:49:59 (EST)
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st
Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of
citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
The first event RED1,
occurred on January 8 with the permanent suspension of President
Trump's Twitter account.
He gave a plausible
explanation for the sequence of RED2-5 events occurring with the
suspension of thousands of alternative social media sites, movement
of military personnel into Washington DC and state capitals, etc.
With regard to the final event in the sequence, RED6, a fascinating
He said it was a
coded message by Secretary Mike Pompeo through a photo of
six bottles of Red Wine he displayed in a January 14 Tweet.

For Twitter, click above image...
If he is correct, then
Pompeo's Tweet was a coded authorization RED6 for the final stage of
a global covert takedown of the Deep State to begin.
The very next day, Baron Benjamin Rothschild was dead...
Was this merely a
coincidence, or was he a high-level casualty of the global
covert takedown of the Deep State now underway as suspected...?
We will not have to wait
long for an answer as the covert operation is expected to be
publicly announced either just before or after President
Trump's term of office formally
ends on January 20.
It was pointed out that
January 19 is
National Popcorn Day, which
would make for an ironic way to bring to the public's attention a
worldwide operation to take down the Deep State in a 2nd
American Revolution.