by Dr. Joseph Mercola
29, 2020
Mercola Website

Story at-a-glance
In a September 2020 interview, Melinda Gates said
"It may be time for a reckoning" with social media's
role in spreading disinformation, yet the Gates
Foundation has a history of funding disreputable
What the Gates call "disinformation" and "conspiracy
theories" are often information exposing the Gates
Foundation's own disinformation campaigns
The Gates Foundation funds the MRC Centre for Global
Infectious Disease Analysis, a leading body advising
world governments and the World Health Organization
about infectious disease outbreaks
MRC Centre was co-founded by Neil Ferguson, a
professor of mathematical biology at Imperial
College London. Ferguson has produced a string of
pandemic predictions over the past two decades that
have turned out to be incorrect, including his
Imperial College model for COVID-19, which predicted
2.2 million Americans would die if no action was
Based on the experiences of certain countries that
chose not to lock down or mandate draconian disease
prevention measures, such as Sweden, we can now see
that authoritarian pandemic responses have had
little if any beneficial impact
Melinda Gates
Slams Social Media for Spreading 'Disinfo'
In a September 2020 interview with Axios on HBO,
Melinda Gates
"It may be time for a
reckoning" with social media's role in spreading
According to Axios:
"Bill and Melinda
Gates... [have] seen firsthand the impact of disinformation, as
they've become targets of conspiracy theories amplified and
spread via social media...
[Melinda] Gates...
said society may need to start holding social media companies to
account for their role in helping such disinformation spread."
It's ironic, to say the
least, considering the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds
and influences mainstream media companies, which in turn write
whatever the Gates desire, be it truthful or not, without disclosing
their conflict of interest.
Through its grants to the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency
owned by
Publicis, the Gates Foundation is also financially
linked to NewsGuard and HealthGuard, as both of these
"fact-checking" sites are funded by Publicis.
As such,
Bill Gates already has the
power to pull strings and censor content they don't like.
Foundation Funds Scientific Disinformation
The Gates Foundation also has a history of funding disreputable and
flawed to the point of being fraudulent science.
What they call
"disinformation" and "conspiracy theories" are to a large extent
merely information exposing the Gates Foundation's own
disinformation campaigns.
Case in point:
The Gates Foundation
funds the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
to the tune of millions of dollars per year.
MRC Centre is the leading body
advising world governments and the World Health Organization
about infectious disease outbreaks.
Neil Ferguson, a professor of
mathematical biology at Imperial College London and co-founder of
the MRC Centre, has produced a string of pandemic predictions that
have turned out to be spectacularly incorrect: 2,3
In 2001,
Ferguson's team produced a model for the spread of foot and
mouth disease in British livestock, concluding that even in
cases where there was no evidence of infection, animals had
to be culled to curtail the outbreak.
The projection led to the slaughter of more than 6 million
cattle, sheep and pigs in the U.K. that year, costing the
national economy an estimated £10 billion.
As reported by
Spectator: 4
"It has been
claimed by experts such as Michael Thrusfield, professor
of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, that
Ferguson's modeling on foot and mouth was 'severely
flawed' and made a 'serious error' by 'ignoring the
species composition of farms,' and the fact that the
disease spread faster between different species."
In 2002, Ferguson
predicted that by 2080, beef tainted with mad cow disease
could kill up to 50,000 people, with a worst-case scenario
killing 150,000. 5
As of 2015, there
had only been 177 human deaths attributable to
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the U.K., the human version of
mad cow disease. 6
In 2005, Ferguson
forecasted that 200 million people would die from bird flu.
Meanwhile, in the real world, just 282 people died from bird
flu, worldwide, between 2003 and 2009. 7
In 2009, Ferguson
predicted the swine flu would have a case fatality rate of
0.3% to 1.5%, with the most likely fatality rate being right
around 0.4%. Based on this model, the U.K.'s projected death
toll was 65,000.
Once the pandemic
ended, it turned out to have a death rate of just 0.026%,
killing just 457 Britons. 8
In 2020,
Ferguson's Imperial College model for COVID-19, relied on by
governments around the world, led to the most draconian
pandemic response measures in modern history.
It predicted
9 the U.K. would be looking at a death toll of more
than 500,000, and the U.S. some 2.2 million, if no action
was taken.
Based on the experiences
of certain countries that chose not to lock down or mandate
draconian disease prevention measures,
such as Sweden, we can now see that
authoritarian pandemic responses have had little if any beneficial
According to Ferguson, his woefully incorrect prediction was based
13-year-old computer code that was intended to be used for a
feared influenza pandemic," the National Review reported.
Analyses 11,12
of the problematic bugs in the code have been published by a
software engineer on LockdownSceptics.org.
According to the author,
the Imperial College has made a number of false statements and
claims about this code.
In May 2020, Ferguson - nicknamed "Professor Lockdown" -
resigned as government adviser to the U.K. after being caught
breaking the very lockdown and social distancing rules he so
strongly advocated for, to meet up with his married lover. 13
Science for Hire
Ferguson's predictions have been so far off the mark, fellow
academics have started referring to him as "The Master of Disaster."
Jan Schnitzer, a
vascular biology expert and former scientific director of the Sidney
Kimmel Cancer Center in San Diego is quoted 15 saying
"dances on the edge
of being a publicity-seeking charlatan."
You'd think that with
this kind of abysmal track record, funding would have dried up long
COVID-19 hit.
But no...
This is precisely the
kind of convenient disinformation and gross
overestimation of risk that Gates needs and relies on to
his own vaccine and tech agendas
coronavirus pandemic and lockdown
have revealed
even more clearly
how we are being
reduced to objects
to be
controlled, with our bodies and minds
as the new
colonies to be invaded…
The extended
coronavirus lockdown
has been a lab
for a future
without humanity.
Dr. Vandana
Gates also has
close links to Dr.
Anthony Fauci, a key member of
the White House Coronavirus Task Force, so it's hard to
imagine Fauci has not been given a few talking points here and there
to help shepherd the masses.
Fauci was a member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's
Global Grand Challenges scientific board 16
(described as a "family of initiatives fostering innovation to solve
key global health and development problems") 17 from 2003
until 2010, at which time he joined the Leadership Council of the
Gates Foundation's Decade of Vaccines Collaboration. 18
In 2012, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID),
of which Fauci has been the director since 1984, also began forging
close ties with GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance. 19
The Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation founded GAVI in 1999 and has permanent seats on
its board of directors. 20
Gates' War on
In an article highlighting her new book, Oneness vs. the 1%,
21 environmental activist Dr. Vandana Shiva
reviews Gates' global agenda and "war on life," highlighting the
March 2015 TED Talk 22 he gave in which he showed an
image of a coronavirus.
This, he said, was what,
"the greatest
catastrophe of our time would look like," Shiva writes.
"When the coronavirus pandemic swept over the earth like a
tsunami five years later, he revived the war language,
describing the pandemic as 'a world war'... In fact, the
pandemic is not a war.
The pandemic is a
consequence of war. A war against life...
The health emergency of the coronavirus is inseparable from the
health emergency of extinction, the health emergency of
biodiversity loss...
[T]hese emergencies
are rooted in an economic model based on the illusion of
limitless growth and limitless greed, which
violate planetary boundaries, and destroy the integrity of
ecosystems and individual species
According to the International Labour Organization, 23
'1.6 billion
informal economy workers (representing the most vulnerable
in the labor market), out of a worldwide total of 2 billion
and a global workforce of 3.3 billion, have suffered massive
damage to their capacity to earn a living.
This is due to
lockdown measures and/or because they work in the
hardest-hit sectors.'
According to the
World Food Program, 24 a quarter of a billion
additional people will be pushed to hunger and 300,000 could die
every day... Killing cannot be a prescription for saving lives.
Health is about life and living systems. There is no 'life' in
the paradigm of health that Bill Gates and his ilk are promoting
and imposing on the entire world.
Gates has created
global alliances to impose top-down analysis and prescriptions
for health problems.
He gives money to define the problems, and then he uses his
influence and money to impose the solutions. And in the process,
he gets richer. His 'funding' results in an erasure of democracy
and biodiversity, of nature and culture.
His 'philanthropy' is
not just philanthro-capitalism. It is philanthro-imperialism...
The coronavirus pandemic
and lockdown have revealed even
more clearly how we are being reduced to objects to be
controlled, with our bodies and minds as the new colonies to be
The extended
coronavirus lockdown has been a lab experiment for a future
without humanity."
System Based on Human Body Activity
Shiva goes on to review a patent granted to Microsoft the last week
of March 2020, for a cryptocurrency system based on human
body activity.
Everything from brain
activity and body fluid flows to organ activity and various muscle
movements is to be used to mine for cryptocurrency in this system.
Coincidentally, the number on this patent is 060606.
Remove the zeros and you
end up with the ill-fated number "666," which also happens to
show up in the monstrously unconstitutional U.S. surveillance bill
H.R. 6666.
"The patent is an
intellectual property claim over our bodies and minds," Shiva
writes. 25
"In colonialism,
colonizers assign themselves the right to take the land and
resources of indigenous people, extinguish their cultures and
sovereignty, and in extreme cases exterminate them.
Patent WO 060606 is a
declaration by Microsoft that our bodies and minds are its new
colonies. We are mines of 'raw material' - the data extracted
from our bodies.
Rather than sovereign, spiritual, conscious, intelligent beings
making decisions and choices with wisdom and ethical values
about the impacts of our actions on the natural and social world
of which we are a part, and to which we are inextricably
related, we are 'users.'
A 'user' is a
consumer without choice in the digital empire."
Ultimately, Gates vision,
Shiva says, includes the colonization of our children's minds and
"before they even
have the opportunity to understand what freedom and sovereignty
look and feel like."
To this end, Gates is
working on reinventing
"The dystopia is one
where children never return to schools, do not have a chance to
play, do not have friends. It is a world without society,
without relationships, without love and friendship," she writes.
Indeed, the COVID-19
lockdowns and social distancing rules have repeatedly been referred
to as "the
new normal."
the technocrats get their way,
there will essentially be three kinds of people in the world:
The uber-rich top
echelon to whom rules don't apply, digital slaves, and
disposables - people who have no value in this new digital
If this doesn't sound
like the life we want to live, we must, as Shiva proposes,
And we must start now...
"We can seed another
future, deepen our democracies, reclaim our commons, regenerate
the earth as living members of a One Earth Family, rich in our
diversity and freedom, one in our unity and interconnectedness.
It is a healthier
future. It is one we must fight for. It is one we must claim,"
Shiva writes.
Are We in a
Deadly Dilemma?
We now face what, for some, is a choice between two evils:
Living with
SARS-CoV-2, or continue hiding from it...
I say "for some," because
others have accepted the data showing that COVID-19, in terms
of lethality, is no worse than influenza, poses an
exceptionally low risk for people under the age of 40 and virtually
no risk at all to young adults and children.
The WHO has published data showing the overall infection mortality
rate COVID-19 is about 0.6%, 26 and according to CDC data
27 released August 26, 2020, only 6% of the total
COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. had COVID-19 listed as the sole
cause of death on the death certificate.
A September 2, 2020 study 28
found the overall
non-institutionalized infection fatality ratio was a mere 0.26%.
Among those under the
age of 40, the infection fatality ratio is 0.01%, while those
over 60 have an infection fatality ratio of 1.71%.
The estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal influenza is
0.8%, 29 so this shows the only people for whom
SARS-CoV-2 infection is more dangerous than influenza is those
over the age of 60.
Everyone else has a
lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than they have of dying from
the flu.
White House coronavirus
task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx also confirmed a
lower than typically reported mortality rate when she, in mid-August
2020, stated that it,
"becomes more and
more difficult" to get people to comply with mask rules "when
people start to realize that 99% of us are going to be fine."
In her August 16, 2020,
Doctor for Disaster Preparedness 31 lecture, Dr.
Lee Merritt points out that,
based on deaths per
capita, the death rate for COVID-19, worldwide, is a minuscule
0.009% (709,000 people have died from or with COVID-19 around
the world, and the global population is 7.8 billion).
So, the average person's
chance of surviving this disease is 99.991%.
Live Life or
Hide Until You Die
Under normal circumstances, these data would convince just about
everyone that COVID-19 is not a significant threat.
Certainly, not sufficient
to meekly relinquish our most basic human rights.
Unfortunately, months
of hardcore fear-mongering and censorship, largely spearheaded
by Gates and the WHO, which Gates is the largest
funder of, has led to a situation where people fear COVID-19 more
than just about everything else.
It is with that mindset that some people find themselves having to
make a choice to either live with the threat of COVID-19, or
continue hiding from it, which means ceasing to live indefinitely.
As noted in an "open
letter to world leaders" published on Secret-Retreats.com, the path
of hiding: 32
"… has but one
outcome, to condemn entire populations to misery, poverty,
hunger, economic ruin and physical death. There is no hope in
this path. COVID is here to stay.
We will probably
never have an effective vaccine (viruses by their very nature
constantly mutate) and so there is no hope of a safe exit from
this strategy...
The endgame of this strategy of closing a country, is the total
destruction of that country's economy, immense damage to the
health and welfare of society, and plunging that country's
future into darkness."
Meanwhile, the other
path, the path of accepting the risks associated with life,
COVID-19 included:
"… offers a path
where there is hope for the future.
Where life can go on
as normal for the vast majority. It is a path where the rewards
will far outweigh the cost... [It] has become clear that for the
vast majority of people COVID presents no real risk of harm or
even symptomatic illness.
But is it possible to live without risk? Clearly not. A life
without risk is impossible.
Is it possible to
escape death? No. It is the very condition of living; life is
terminal for us all. And death comes to us in 1000s of forms,
not simply COVID.
We cannot hide
from death. How many people
have died through hiding in fear from a perceived threat from
How many people are dying daily as a direct result of COVID
policies through limited access to hospitals, health screening
not happening, cancer treatments not happening in a timely
manner, economic ruin driving people to make poor life choices
and turning to alcohol, drugs or suicide as the solution to the
problems dealt to them by COVID policies?...
What do we gain from these lockdowns, border closure policies?
Between a certain death and a hypothetical risk, isn't it better
to choose the risk? The risk of living life.
Why do you, our world
leaders, continue to choose to keep us all locked within this
eel trap of your own making?
Why don't you make what is clearly, and backed by the science...
the only sensible choice, of learning to live with COVID and
allowing us to get back to living LIFE?...
Let's dare to live with risk, as humans have done successfully
since the dawn of time.
We are at risk of
jeopardizing the vast majority in the name of possibly
protecting the few people who are at risk of serious illness or
death from COVID.
And it is only 'possibly protecting' as even with these policies
in place the risk of infection is still there and always will
COVID is here now,
and it is going nowhere, it is time we learned to LIVE with it."
Bill and Melinda Gates'
fight against "disinformation" is really a fight against facts
showing that the technocratic takeover is not an inevitable outcome
of a global pandemic, but rather the result of a long-term
well-planned effort...
If you haven't taken steps to extricate yourself from their digital
grasp as of yet, now's the time to do it.
Sources and References
1 - Axios
September 15, 2020
2, 4, 7, 8
- Spectator
April 16, 2020
3 - Twitter
5 - Nature
January 24, 2002 ;415(6870):420-4
6 - Independent
October 1, 2015
9 - Nature
April 2, 2020
10 - National
Review May 6, 2020
11 - Lockdown
Sceptics Updated May 10, 2020
12 - Lockdown
Sceptics May 9, 2020
13 - Insider
May 5, 2020
14, 15
- KFiam640.iheart.com
May 7, 2020
16 - Gates
Foundation Global Grand Challenges Scientific Board
17 - Global
Grand Challenges, About
18 - Gates
Foundation, Global health leaders launch decade of vaccines
19 - GAVI.org,
Fauci: Forging closer ties with GAVI
20 - Viable
Opposition Blog May 2020
21, 25
- Independent
Science News September 21, 2020
22 - Bill
Gates Ted Talk 2015
23 - ILO.org
COVID-19: Stimulating the economy and employment
24 - The
Washington Post April 22, 2020
26 - Tate
N. What Changing Death Rates Tell Us About COVID-19. WebMD
Sept. 1, 2020.
27 - CDC.gov
August 26, 2020
28, 29
- Annals
of Internal Medicine September 2, 2020 DOI: 10.7326/M20-5352
30 - Eldorado
News-Times August 18, 2020
31 - Doctors
for Disaster Preparedness
32 - Secret-retreats.com
September 17, 2020