about the reality of H5N1 - i.e., whether it's fact or fiction - ignores that the matter should be the subject of a criminal investigation, not merely scientific debate...
This is why, in our discussions about our paper, 'Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl', I emphasized the urgent need for further investigation of this phenomenon.
As we wrote in our Conclusion:
A few notable life science professionals who publish on Substack have apparently drawn the conclusion that concerns about Gain-of-Function work on H5N1 are either overblown or completely unfounded.
Based on my careful reading of the literature on H5N1, I am not so sure.
The public is being told that there is an influenza virus circulating that primarily affects birds, but that has also expanded its host range to infect mammals - most notably domesticated cattle and marine mammals.
I suspect that some elements of this representation are based in factual reality, while others may be exaggerated or fabricated.
The proper why to get to the bottom of this story is to launch a criminal investigation, the rationale for which is the massive destruction of property that has already occurred - namely, the culling of millions of chickens and the purported deaths of hundreds of thousands of cattle in California.
Cattle in California allegedly killed by latest clade of H5N1 bird flu.
If these animals were killed by masked brigands, an investigation would be performed to detect the perpetrators and to prosecute them for wanton destruction of livestock.
It is only because the deaths of these animals are allegedly the result of a natural phenomenon - and not human agency - that no criminal investigation has been launched.
Here it should be noted that the USDA is aware of a 2021 paper titled 'H5Nx Viruses emerged during the Suppression of H5N1 virus populations in Poultry' by a research team of the University of Georgia:
The findings of these researchers present an illustrative case of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's thesis that mass vaccination with nonsterilizing vaccines can result in the emergence of a new, more virulent viral strain. [7]
As the University of Georgia team note,
Likewise, conventional wisdom has it that H5N1 clade was first detected in October 2020 in the Netherlands, and that this clade purportedly evolved from H5Nx viruses and possesses even greater pathogenic functions. [8]
An especially striking feature of the newly emerged H5N1 clade is how rapidly it spread from birds in Europe to birds in North America.
This rapid spread contrasts with the previously slow intercontinental spread of the goose/Guangdong-lineage of H5N1.
While it apparently took nine years for earlier variants to spread from Europe to the United States, H5N1 clade was first detected in the Netherlands in October 2020 and then in the United States in late 2021. [8,9]
What could account for the new variant's extraordinarily rapid intercontinental spread?
In a July 11, 2022 paper in Nature titled,
...a large international team offered the hypothesis that birds migrating from Europe to Iceland and other North Atlantic islands, and from there to North America in 2021, must have carried the virus across the Atlantic. [10]
As they noted in their conclusion:
This conclusion contains an implausible element and a notable omission.
It seems to me that simply dismissing the entire literature on H5N1 clade as mere fiction - fabricated for the purpose of manipulating the public - is not a sensible approach to this phenomenon.
There is indeed abundant evidence that the true objective of Gain-of-Function research is to create new pathogens in order to justify the world's government spending billions on new vaccines, thereby enriching people in the vaccine business.
However, this does NOT warrant simply dismissing the proposition that GoF-manipulated H5N1 viruses pose a clear and present danger to human health.
Dismissing this proposition ignores mankind's recent catastrophic experience with SARS-CoV-2 and the mountain of evidence that it originated in a lab.
Whether or not the public can be manipulated into accepting yet another dubious mass vaccination campaign will likely depend on whether or not an alarming number of people fall gravely ill.
However, it seems to me that the phenomenon that is being called H5N1 clade should not only be a matter of debate among life science professionals, but should be the subject of a rigorous criminal investigation.
What exactly these bio-technicians have done and continue to do should be ascertained by law enforcement agencies with the power to subpoena documents and witnesses.