by Frank Bergman
February 12, 2024
SlayNews Website

The World Economic Forum (WEF)
views President
Donald Trump and Russia's
Vladimir Putin as a major
"threat" to,
the unelected globalist
organization's agenda,
a Davos insider has revealed.
Wall Street analyst
Charles Ortel told Russian
outlet Sputnik that Trump, like Putin, is,
"anathema to Davos globalists."
Ortel stressed that the timing of
Carlson's historic interview with Putin last week was
Carlson's interview with Putin has garnered almost 200 million views
on X as of February 12.
"I think it was fortunate that the interview
occurred well before the heart of the primary season so that
voters got a fair chance to see the interaction for themselves
in a long format forum that was, fortunately, not interrupted by
pesky commercials," Ortel, a corporate America/Davos insider and
investigative journalist, told Sputnik.
"My guess is that getting on Putin's calendar for such a long
interview was a challenge, so I imagine it suited both parties
to have this video out well in advance of the nominating
convention for Democrats and of the general election," he added.
"It would be great to have one or even more follow-ups in the
coming months."
"I also think the contrast between Putin's measured and
thoughtful perspectives, having been a world leader for a
quarter century with the lack of gravitas - to put it politely
of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and many others in both parties who
are surface-level, donor-captured, soundbite specialists was
stunning," Ortel continued.
"This contrast was remarkable considering Biden's post-interview
meltdown before what remains of the 'press'."
The Wall Street analyst noted that judging from
viewership statistics, the corporate - and political
donor-controlled - media is destroying itself.
He stressed that,
"no political interview has garnered nearly
as much coverage as Putin's recent sit down with Tucker."
Ortel continued by adding that he expects,
"it will, in the end, change the thinking of
most open minds."
Before the first-of-its-kind interview, U.S.
corporate media pundits and Democrat political figures urged
Americans to ignore Carlson's show.
Twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton smeared Carlson as a "useful idiot,"
claiming that the leading independent journalist,
"parrots Vladimir Putin's pack of lies about
Clinton's remarks before the interview echoed
those of Soviet-era apparatchiks who said of the Nobel Prize-winning
novel Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak:
"I haven't read Pasternak, but I condemn
"Hillary Clinton's star set long ago while Tucker Carlson is,
today, one of the most followed and fair-minded voices on
earth," Ortel said, commenting on Clinton's rant.
the Clinton family has much to
fear as 5 November 2024 looms."
The Wall Street analyst, who has carried out a
private investigation into allegations of fraud by the Clinton
Foundation over several years, noted that,
"there are serious unanswered questions over
how much foreign government and oligarch money may have funded
Hillary's political campaigns in 2005-6, 2007-8, and 2015-16,
including donations from Ukraine's [oligarch] Victor Pinchuk
and his wife."
He added that there are also,
"reasonable concerns as in the case of the
Bidens, that the Clinton family exploited their offices to
enrich themselves for decades, illegally."
"Hillary Clinton will not be remembered well in history," Ortel
"She coasted into national politics, at first, in sympathy over
the Lewinsky affair as she had no actual ties to my home
state of New York.
"As Senator, she promoted foreign adventurism in Afghanistan and
Iraq that clearly failed.
"Meanwhile, her husband advanced a boldly crooked set of scam
charities we have previously covered that bilked governments and
other donors of billions of dollars, for which there has never
been honest accounting."
"For a generation, globalists have protected and promoted power
couples like the Clintons, especially media barons," the
investigative journalist pointed out.
"With the rise of X and evident chronic failures of unchecked
globalist schemes, many malefactors including the Clintons have
much to fear as Trump surges towards potential re-election and
then a necessary retribution and restoration of law and order
under our Constitution."
Ortel argued that Putin's history lesson to
Carlson, tracing the causes of the
Ukrainian conflict from the very
start, was an excellent choice given that most Americans simply do
not know much about Russia's history and development.
"Leaving aside the early centuries but
starting in 1654, when Russia had already a long history,
America did not even exist then and most colonial experiments
had been dismal failures," the Wall Street analyst stated.
"Even so, until Biden, American presidents jealously tried to
defend our national borders and interests so it is entirely
reasonable for Russia to do so at any time but certainly from
1992 forward."
When the Ukraine conflict erupted, the
administration and the compliant U.S. corporate media
sold Americans a,
"riskless, noble cause in supporting Zelensky,"
Ortel noted.
However, key facts about the conflict were
purposefully withheld by
the Deep State, he stressed.
These key facts included, in particular,
the February 2014 coup d'etat
American interference in the 2014 Ukraine
corruption of the Biden family
- and others - by Ukraine oligarchs
the role of neo-Nazis
the massive pilfering of aid to a
leadership that certainly is not "democratic," "peaceful,"
or freedom-loving,
...according to Ortel.
"Putin, like Trump, is anathema to
Davos globalists, but I think
he warmed the hearts of silent patriots in many nations who
deeply distrust unregulated, global bureaucracies that seem
mostly to protect corrupt billionaires, some of whom promoting
manifestly crazy policies," the WEF insider said.
Even though Russia has been painted by the
American mainstream press as a dread enemy of the US,
"the American heartland and the Russian
people likely share much in common and might benefit greatly
from clear interaction, which sanctions certainly impede," he
"Perhaps one simple answer explains much - American and British
defense contractors need an enemy to promote arms sales and
Russia is their preferred designee.
"Remember, defense contractors are among the most important
contributors directly and indirectly to politicians," Ortel
"Overall, one consequence of the interview is that Putin came
across as a thoughtful and reasonable defender of Russian
interests who, in my opinion, may have been too patient with
US-UK aggression since 1992."
During the interview with Carlson, Vladimir Putin
wondered why the Biden administration was inflicting damage on the
American economy, security, and global standing.
Ortel said those serious questions must be answered.
"Uncertainty is a great enemy in the
important process of long-term investing.
"The Biden 'administration' daily makes a mockery of domestic
and international law.
"These 'high crimes and misdemeanors' cannot simply be washed
away in the 2024 election with a Trump landslide," the analyst
"Indeed, there must be a full accounting for corruption that
courses through the American system and many of our NATO
Ortel assumed that the Obama-Biden
"war on capitalism" that began in January 2009 is,
"chiefly responsible for destroying
legitimate aspirations of private sector workers and their
families who simply wish to sell competitive products and
services to the world from American platforms."
"The bi-partisan addiction to deficit-spending and debt is
crippling this and future generations of Americans," he said.
"But the worst damage wrought by Biden is that many now
correctly question who his master may be and even whether he and
his family actually serve America's interests."
Still, one area where Ortel disagreed with Putin
was on the subject of China's economic growth.
The Wall Street analyst believes that China's economy is groaning
under too much real and shadow debt, and he questions whether
capital investments seen in gross domestic product (GDP)
accounts are profit-making.
Meanwhile, after the 2024 election,
"America should think much more carefully
about our budget and capabilities for foreign entanglements
because, in truth, we have pressing internal issues to address
concerning our bloated, counterproductive domestic
bureaucracies," he pointed out.
Americans and Russians are talented and laborious
people who could work out solutions that would be beneficial not
only for their respective nations but for the whole world, according
to Ortel.
"On major issues particularly in math,
science, and engineering, I believe
the best Russian and American minds might make major
breakthroughs," Ortel concluded.
"In the near future too, I hope our people may connect directly,
bypassing the corrupt vested interests here in America."