by Frank Bergman
February 21, 2024
SlayNews Website

Several world-renowned experts have dropped the hammer on the
anti-carbon agenda pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and
United Nations, warning that,
the globalist agenda is based on a
"Decarbonization" is one of the key goals of the WEF's "Net Zero"
To reach these targets, members of the general public will need to
make significant cuts to their quality of life.
Achieving "Net Zero" by the year 2030 requires,
bans on air travel,
private car ownership, an end to privacy, and the introduction of
digital IDs, vaccine passports, 15-minute cities, and "cashless
societies" that only facilitate central bank digital currency (CBDC)
instead of physical cash...
It will also require most of the farming industry to be eliminated
with major restrictions on the food supply enforced that include
banning meat and dairy products and replacing them with lab-grown
alternatives and insect-based "foods."
Additionally, the introduction of large global carbon taxes would
need to be introduced to cover the cost of the globalist agenda.
Each year from 2023 to 2030, climate change
sustainable development goals will cost,
every person in economies
such as the United States $2,026, the U.N. Conference on Trade and
In lower-income economies, the per-person
annual cost ranges from $332 to $1,864.
In total, the global price tag comes to about
$5.5 trillion per year...!
Separately, a
report from the left-aligned nonprofit Climate Policy Initiative
found that in 2021 and 2022, the world's taxpayers spent $1.3
trillion each year on climate-related projects.
It also found that the "annual climate finance
needed" from 2031 to 2050 is more than $10 trillion each year...!
While announcing $6 billion in new investments
through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Democrat President
said on November 14, 2023:
"Anyone who willfully denies the impact of
climate change is condemning the American people to a very
dangerous future.
"The impacts we're seeing are only going to
get worse, more frequent, more ferocious, and more costly."
At its signing in August 2022, Biden
said the IRA,
"invests $369 billion to take the most
aggressive action ever - ever, ever, ever - in confronting the
climate crisis and strengthening our economic - our energy
report from Goldman Sachs put the dollar amount much higher,
"Critical funding for this next energy
revolution is expected to come from the IRA, which will provide
an estimated $1.2 trillion of incentives by 2032," the bank
The trillions of dollars being poured into new
initiatives stem from the goals set by the WEF in the United
Nations' Paris Climate Agreement's legally binding international
The WEF/UN goal is to,
"substantially reduce
global 'greenhouse' gas emissions",
...in the hope of maintaining a
temperature of no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial
However, even a dramatic decrease in carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions, far higher than the "Net Zero" goals,
wouldn't have any effect for hundreds to thousands of years.
Even under the most restrictive circumstances,
"Net Zero" would have zero impact, according to leading experts...
In a report on its
website, the Royal Society claims that it would take "many
thousands of years" to undo carbon dioxide's alleged contribution to
so-called "climate change," even if "Net Zero" is achieved
"If emissions of CO2 stopped altogether, it would
take many thousands of years for atmospheric CO2 to return to
'pre-industrial' levels," the Royal Society states.
The organization describes itself as a,
"fellowship of many of the world's most
eminent scientists."
"Surface temperatures would stay elevated for
at least a thousand years, implying a long-term commitment to a
warmer planet due to past and current emissions," the report
"The current CO2-induced warming of Earth is
therefore essentially irreversible on human timescales."
A frequently asked questions
page on NASA's website holds the same position.
"If we stopped emitting greenhouse gases
today, the rise in global temperatures would begin to flatten
within a few years," NASA states.
"Temperatures would then plateau but remain
well-elevated for many, many centuries."
However, other scientists caution that
"decarbonization" won't make any difference at all because CO2 is
not causing "global warming" in the first place.
Leading experts warn that the anti-carbon claims
pushed by the WEF and UN are a hoax designed to usher in the
globalist agenda...
"CO2 does not cause global warming," said
Edwin Berry, a theoretical physicist and certified consulting
"Global warming causes more CO2."
He called,
the WEF's claims about CO2 "pure
junk science"...
Ian Clark,
emeritus professor for the Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences at the University of Ottawa, agreed that if all greenhouse
gas emissions ceased today, the Earth would continue warming.
However, this warming would continue because
it has nothing to do with CO2, he notes.
He said that contrary to popular opinion,
temperature doesn't follow CO2.
Instead, CO2 follows temperature, which,
itself, is due to solar activity...
One of Clark's primary areas of research is
paleoclimatology (the study of climate conditions using indirect
records such as tree ring data, ice cores, and other proxy records),
and in particular,
Arctic paleohydrogeology, which is the study of the Earth's
water throughout history.
"During the ice ages, we had great
temperature variations, and this has to do with, not straight-up
solar activity, but the amount of solar activity that is hitting
the Earth at certain important latitudes, all caused by
celestial events," Clark said.
"The Earth, in our solar system, is moving
around and being jostled.
"And we have different orbiting patterns that
affect solar input, and that creates ice ages and interglacial
periods - which we're in now.
"And CO2 tracks that," he notes.
"So we'll see enormous temperature changes,
going from ice ages to interglacials, and CO2 gets very low
during ice ages and very high during interglacials.
"And that gives the appearance that CO2 is
driving the climate, but it's actually following.
"It lags by about 800 years."
Clark said that during ice ages, and particularly
the past 10,000 years, scientists have a fairly good idea of the
temperature, thanks to proxy records.
He said those records show that the Medieval Warm
Period was likely much warmer than today, and agriculture and
civilization flourished.
But the Little Ice Age followed that from the
1400s to 1800s.
"And that's when we had difficulty with
agriculture," Clark said.
"The Thames [river in London, England] froze
"We have all sorts of recollections about how
cold, and some would say miserable, it was back then.
"But then it started warming up again.
"So, about every 1,000 years or so, we seem
to have these fluctuations.
"This is due to solar activity, and that's
where we see the importance of the sun, which is the ultimate
source of energy beyond geothermal and nuclear energy. Solar
drives climate."
Another peer-reviewed
study, by scientist William Jackson, examined the relationship
between CO2 levels and temperature over the past 425 million years.
Jackson is a distinguished research and emeritus
professor for the Department of Chemistry at UC-Davis who
specializes in understanding the role that molecules such as CO2,
nitrogen, and carbon monoxide play in planetary atmospheres.
His paper, published in 2017, found that,
"changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration did
not cause temperature change in the ancient climate."
Similarly, a group of researchers whose
report was published in the world-renowned peer-reviewed Nature
Journal found that when looking at carbon isotope compositions at
the million-year scale, long-term atmospheric carbon dioxide was
unrelated to temperature.
The report even showed an inverse trend,
especially after major events such as volcanic eruptions.
They further found that when temperature and
atmospheric CO2 reached a certain level, organic carbon burial
drastically increased, eventually resulting in a significant
decrease in atmospheric CO2 levels.
That activity, Berry said,
is nature balancing
the levels of CO2 - which is an ongoing process.
CO2 flows from the atmosphere into plants through
photosynthesis and soil through decomposition, is absorbed by the
oceans, and is then released through respiration, evaporation, and
fossil fuel combustion.
The entire process is called "the carbon cycle".
Moreover, Berry said that once CO2 in the
atmosphere increases to a certain level, nature automatically
increases the outflow.
"It's almost like a bathtub, which may have a
spout open so that water can flow out of it if it reaches a
certain level," he said.
"A certain setting of the inflow will raise
the level to a certain point.
"And as the [water] level goes up, the faster
it'll flow out.
"There's a balance level for any inflow
setting - a balance level where it all stays the same.
"In other words, the outflow equals the
"And when the outflow reaches the inflow,
it's at its balance level, and it no longer accumulates."
Berry said the premise that humans are solely
responsible for increasing CO2 is problematic.
According to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), since 1750, CO2 concentration has increased
from 280 parts per million (ppm) to more than 420 ppm.
The IPCC claims that this increase is caused by
"Current concentrations of atmospheric CO2
and CH4 [methane] far exceed pre-industrial values found in
polar ice core records of atmospheric composition dating back
650,000 years," the IPCC
"Multiple lines of evidence confirm that the
post-industrial rise in these gases does not stem from natural
"Emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel use and
from the effects of land use change on plant and soil carbon are
the primary sources of increased atmospheric CO2."
Berry called the IPCC's statement "totally
"I used the IPCC's own carbon cycle data,
which IPCC says is accurate to about 20 percent," he said.
"The model doesn't give humans producing 140
"It comes out closer to 30 ppm.
"Which essentially means the IPCC is wrong."
Berry said there's no scientific basis for the
claim that a,
"certain amount of carbon dioxide in the air
causes a certain amount of temperature increase."
"They say we have to reduce (CO2) to 350 ppm
to cool it down to where the temperature was a while ago?
There's no physics to that," he said.
"That whole claim is totally garbage...
"CO2 doesn't cause a change in temperature;
temperature causes a change in CO2."
"If we completely cut out emissions, CO2
would stop rising at its current rate," Clark said.
"But it would probably continue to rise to a
certain point, and then it could come down.
"But that would be driven by temperature."
Clark said that in different parts of the world
and at different times of the year, CO2 fluctuates "between 15 and
20 percent," and that's driven by the temperature of the seasons.
"If we start having cooler summers and colder
winters, those fluctuations would start driving CO2 further
down," he said.
"But overall, climate is going to do
the sun dictates...
"We have a fairly good understanding of the
different cycles the sun can go through and how they pile up.
"Sometimes, they amplify each other.
Sometimes they cancel each other.
"So, we get kind of a chaotic signal, but
some come through quite strongly - this 1,000-year cycle seems
to be quite strong.
"We had the Roman Warm Period, then the
Medieval Warm Period, and now we have the Modern Warm Period;
one, two, three.
"And history and the records tell us they
only last a couple hundred years, and we're already a
hundred-some-odd years into this one."
In addition to not affecting temperature, Clark
said the attempts to reduce CO2 are dangerous because of
the anticipated effect on plants.
"C4 plants, like corn, evolved just 20-30
million years ago," he said.
"And they evolved in response to the
declining CO2 in the atmosphere.
"So, they're a relative latecomer to our
biosphere and reflect the danger of decreasing CO2."
A majority of plants, such as trees, wheat, and
rice, are what's known as C3 plants, which thrive at higher CO2
levels of 800 to 1500 ppm.
Clark said one of the benefits of increasing CO2
is improved global grain yields and the
general greening of the
He concluded that the entire narrative of manmade
"global warming"
is a hoax...!
"Anybody who's a climate realist recognizes
that the money we're spending on mitigation - where we think
that we are turning back the CO2 thermostat or trying to turn
back to the thermostat and save the world 1.5 degrees of warming
- knows that it's a fantasy," Clark said.
"There's no way we will affect climate with
what we're doing"...