by A Lily Bit
July 20, 2024
ALilyBit Website
Spanish version
Lily Bit
Former intelligence operative analyzing the "Great
Reset," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," propaganda,
totalitarianism, current narratives, psychology, and
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is
telling a true story well. |

Why Promoting
Narcissism and Psychopathy
as a Legitimate Lifestyle
Infected Our Society...
In recent times, there has been a resurgence of interest in the
study of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths.
However, it seems that society has lost sight
of how these individuals can wreak havoc on the foundation of a
civilization or nation.
It is all too easy to fixate on collectivist
ideologies as the root of our problems, while overlooking the fact
that these ideologies do not operate in a vacuum.
They require the guiding hand of psychopathic
individuals to cause real damage.
Collectivism, with its emphasis
on coercion rather than voluntary participation, has a
peculiar tendency to foster projection and hypocrisy.
When political ideologies become akin to
religious fervor, it is all too easy for individuals to become
blinded by their zealotry.
These individuals find power in their unwavering devotion and
cult-like behavior, but they often lack self-awareness and the
ability to critically evaluate their own cause.
Their behavior becomes increasingly erratic and
disjointed, and they view anyone who does not share their views as a
heretical enemy to be exposed or destroyed.
To those observing from the outside,
the antics of these zealots can be a source
of endless amusement.
Their tics and outbursts are often
nonsensical and absurd, providing a reminder of what happens
when human beings abandon reason in favor of
However, they can also be frightening, and their
potential to gain real power is no laughing matter.
When zealots gain power, the situation
quickly escalates from amusing to alarming...!
The scourge of extremism has plagued societies
since time immemorial, yet the true menace lurks elsewhere.
The insidious infiltration of narcissists
and psychopaths into positions of power poses a far greater
threat, as they sow the seeds of fanaticism among the populace.
Psychopaths, often
perceived as aberrations, are not as scarce as one might
In fact,
they constitute approximately
1% of any given population,
while sociopaths account for another 1% and narcissists make
up a staggering 5%.
These individuals are characterized by their
egos, entitlement, and a chilling lack of empathy
for others.
Narcissists, in their insatiable quest for admiration and
control, manipulate those around them, fostering an environment
conducive to the rise of zealotry.
Sociopaths, on the other hand, are incapable of
experiencing empathy, rendering them unfit to lead.
However, psychopaths present an even more
sinister profile, combining a lack of empathy with a proclivity for
emotional or physical violence.
They derive pleasure from the suffering of
others and are responsible for a significant portion of violent
The impact of psychopaths on society is nothing
short of devastating.
Despite comprising a mere 1% of the population,
they account for 15% to 25% of the prison population.
Their malign influence on society cannot be overstated.
While there may be some overlap among these categories, the fact
remains that,
nearly 10% of the human population exhibits
deeply ingrained psychological dysfunctions that are often
To put it bluntly,
almost one in every ten individuals is
a ticking time bomb, poised to wreak havoc on the lives
of the rest of us...!
While some psychopaths and sociopaths manage to
navigate society without causing immediate harm, their potential for
destruction remains a constant threat.
Their ability to function in certain professions,
such as surgery, emergency medical services, and military service,
is often attributed to their detachment from emotional stimuli.
their lack of empathy can also prove
advantageous in high-pressure situations that demand
ruthless efficiency...
Despite their potential utility, the historical
record reveals the perils of entrusting power to such individuals.
Monarchies and empires of yore,
often relied on hereditary succession,
inadvertently providing a breeding ground for psychopaths and
The absence of a rigorous vetting process allowed
dysfunctional individuals to ascend
to the throne, wreaking havoc on their subjects.
The advent of democracy and republics aimed to rectify this issue by
subjecting political candidates to public scrutiny and the voting
process. In theory, this system empowers the populace to identify
and exclude unstable individuals from positions of power.
Regrettably, this approach falters when every
candidate exhibits psychopathic tendencies, leaving the
electorate with no viable alternative.
Moreover, psychopaths have devised alternative
methods to manipulate the political landscape from behind the
By infiltrating the corporate world and
financial institutions, they exert influence over politicians
through covert means, such as
buying off candidates
or handpicking those with sociopathic,
narcissistic traits
or handpicking those with psychopathic
...for political office...
This form of control undermines democratic
institutions, rendering them impotent in the face of ruthless,
self-serving manipulation.
In the context of tribal and smaller, low-tech societies, the
capacity to detect and expel psychologically damaged individuals
from positions of authority was far less arduous.
within the labyrinthine structures of vast
empires and technologically advanced civilizations, psychopaths
effortlessly infiltrate and assimilate into the general
population, evading detection and suspicion.
In this light, the analogy of vampires
from mythological stories seems to be particularly fitting.
Much like these fictional creatures,
psychopaths insert themselves into
communities, securing influential positions that shield them
from scrutiny.
Their true nature gradually emerges as they
systematically exploit and drain their unsuspecting victims,
perpetuating a cycle of devastation.
These malevolent forces pose the most significant
threat to any civilization, orchestrating chaos and subverting free
I refer to them as primary organized
psychopaths, a ruthless elite representing the 1% of
the 1%...:
the globalists...!
Their extensive network of influence has been
meticulously cultivated over time, ensuring their continued
dominance and exploitation of the masses.
However, the challenge extends beyond this select group.
What of the countless others afflicted with
psychopathic tendencies?
In the past, they were largely confined to
the periphery of society, their impact limited.
Yet, the advent of modern society and the
proliferation of social media have inadvertently facilitated
their congregation and organization.
The once isolated 1% has now evolved into
aggressive mobs of hundreds of thousands, mobilizing millions of
lesser sociopaths and narcissists.
This phenomenon has given rise to a subculture of
communal insanity, a chilling inversion of the adage,
"the patients are taking over the asylum"...!
The political left has become a
fertile breeding ground for the unabashed promotion of narcissism as
a legitimate lifestyle, in stark contrast to the more cautious
approach of conservative circles.
While psychopaths infiltrate both
political spectrums, the left has proven to be significantly
more receptive to their manipulations.
These individuals, once ostracized for their inability to cope with
power, now find themselves in positions of authority, driven by a
thirst for vengeance against those who once shunned them.
Their self-perception as underdogs and
revolutionaries is a mere facade, concealing their emotionally
stunted and handicapped nature. In reality, they were relegated to
the sidelines to safeguard society from their predatory instincts.
Addressing this looming threat necessitates a fundamental
transformation of our culture, taking into account the profound
impact of psychopathy and related traits.
Ignoring this issue is no
longer tenable:
we must confront the consequences of these
individuals on humanity as a whole.
The initial step involves disassociating from movements and
institutions that actively endorse psychopathic and narcissistic
In other words,
we must revert to a model of isolation for
those afflicted with these traits, rather than indulging their
perceived status as a victim group requiring special attention
and nurturing.
It is important to recognize that, in many
instances, these characteristics are innate and intractable, akin to
a distinct psychological structure rather than a treatable illness.
The notion of coexisting harmoniously with
them is a fallacy; they view us as a mere source of sustenance,
a predatory relationship that cannot be reconciled.
The selection of candidates for positions of
authority must involve stringent screening for
psychopathy, narcissism, and sociopathy.
Those exhibiting an abundance of warning signs
should be ineligible for such roles, a measure that could serve as
an interim solution while contemplating more substantial reforms to
our election system.
Even implementing a lottery system for government jobs, complemented
by stringent term limits for both political and bureaucratic
positions, would be a marked improvement over the current state of
While this approach may increase the likelihood
of less qualified individuals assuming government roles, it would
also diminish the allure of public service for malevolent parasites.
true power
to shape
this world
has always
lain in your hands.
The prospect of curtailed tenure in government would not only
disrupt the influence of corporate elitists but also compel them to
repeatedly invest in new officials, thereby diluting their power.
Although critics may argue that altering the
system requires first removing the psychopaths currently in control,
I concede that this presents a formidable challenge.
The historical record reveals
that once psychopaths become organized and entrenched, they
rarely relinquish power without resorting to violence.
Their indifference to protests, reason, and
the suffering of the masses, coupled with their unwavering
belief in their divine right to rule, renders them impervious to
appeals for change.
These individuals derive their authority from the
collective of emotionally stunted individuals they manipulate and
exploit - a fervent mob comprising nearly 10% of the population.
While it remains crucial to distance ourselves from the collectivist
mentality and the zealots, it is equally important to recognize that
all psychopaths perceive separation as an act of defiance, prompting
them to interfere.
a confrontation may be
inevitable, and perhaps such a conflict is
necessary to dismantle the oppressive regime they have