by A Lily Bit
May 07, 2024
ALilyBit Website
Lily Bit
Former intelligence operative analyzing the "Great
Reset," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," propaganda,
totalitarianism, current narratives, psychology, and
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is
telling a true story well. |

The notion of
global centralization is a
curious paradox that sends shivers down the spines of the
Why, you ask?
Because it is inherently intertwined with the
specter of tyranny, a truth we all grasp, albeit reluctantly, in the
depths of our consciousness.
The moment we entrust absolute power into the
hands of a select few, we sign a Faustian pact, inviting
catastrophe to our doorstep...
History, a relentless critic, bears witness to
the fact that no elite cadre has ever demonstrated itself to be
deserving of such unbridled authority.
These virtues are as elusive to them as a needle
in a haystack.
Instead, they invariably fumble, or worse,
exploit their privileged positions, ramming their ideological
agendas down our throats.
This heavy-handed approach breeds resistance, a
natural response to such overreach.
And what follows is a chilling cycle of
sociopolitical repression, where dissenters are silenced,
incarcerated, or worse, eliminated.
This, in turn, fuels more resistance, escalating
the situation until we find ourselves teetering on the precipice of
chaos and revolution or staring into the abyss of totalitarianism
and micro-managed collectivism.
There's no sidestepping this inevitable clash.
As long as the centralists remain hell-bent
on amassing total power, the forces of resistance will rally and
the situation will spiral out of control.
The only conceivable way to defuse this ticking
time bomb is if these elites experience an epiphany, realizing the
folly of their ways.
But let's not hold our breath for such an
Alternatively, if these power brokers were to
suddenly vanish, their influence neutralized, the world might have a
fighting chance to heal and evolve organically.
It's a curious phenomenon, the existence of individuals who remain
steadfast in their refusal to acknowledge the inevitability of
They cling to the hope that there's
another path, one that doesn't involve confrontation...
To justify this belief, they engage in a
remarkable display of mental acrobatics, twisting and contorting
reality to fit their narrative.
Let me set the record straight.
I've always maintained that the globalists,
in their quest for absolute power, are destined for failure.
There seems to be a misconception that my
analysis of their strategies equates to an endorsement of their
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I don't argue that the elites will emerge
victorious; I argue that a fight is unavoidable...
The question that invariably arises is,
"How could the globalists possibly secure
dominance over the entire world? Isn't that a Mission
Indeed, it is an impossible task, but that won't
deter the globalists from attempting it.
This is where the cynics miss the mark.
We're dealing with a
cabal of narcissistic psychopaths,
bound together by a cult-like ideology
and armed with nearly limitless resources.
These individuals see themselves as ascendant
demigods, akin to the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
They are impervious to superior logic or
emotional pleas.
Mass activism or peaceful protest won't deter
They understand only two things:
The globalists' pursuit of power is a game of
high stakes, played by individuals who are detached from reality.
They are not rational actors who can be
reasoned with, but ideologues driven by a twisted vision of
To assume otherwise is to underestimate the
enormity of the challenge we face.
These individuals are notorious for their scorched-earth policy,
willing to bring down entire civilizations rather than relinquish
their iron grip. To devise a strategy against them based on the
assumption that conflict can be avoided is the height of folly.
When I assert that the globalists are "destined
to lose," it stems from my conviction that a segment of humanity
inherently possesses the capacity to resist tyranny.
The globalists will meet their downfall because it's
impossible to account for every potential threat to their
utopian vision.
As long as individuals continue to challenge
them, both physically and through the dissemination of
information, their vulnerabilities will be exposed, leading
to their inevitable demise.
However, this triumph will not be achieved
without significant sacrifice.
When I discuss "collapse," I'm not referring to a singular event,
but a process.
Collapse is an ongoing series of events...
Take the U.S., for instance.
It's been in the throes of collapse
since 2008.
The end of this collapse will manifest when
the final economic bubble sustaining our system bursts, paving
the way for rebuilding.
The crucial question is,
Who will spearhead this rebuilding?
The globalists with their nefarious agenda,
or the common people yearning for freedom and prosperity?
In numerous articles, I've highlighted the
reality that the elites will exploit the ongoing destabilization of
significant portions of the global economic framework to advocate
for greater centralization...
This includes,
global economic management through
the IMF and BIS
a global currency using the IMF's Special
Drawing Rights as a bridge
global governance through
the United Nations or a
similar yet-to-be-developed entity...
This plan, once a closely guarded secret, is now
being openly discussed by globalists in the mainstream media.
Undoubtedly, many will support this
centralization out of fear of instability.
However, there will also be those who vehemently
oppose it.
Based on historical precedence and the globalists' own writings, I
believe they will attempt to enforce compliance and assert global
centralization post-collapse in the following ways...
In past articles I already underscored the necessity for
localism, the importance of,
self-sufficient food, water, and shelter
supply by communities of like-minded individuals for mounting an
effective resistance against centralizing forces.
If you cannot provide for your own logistics, the
only alternative is to pilfer from the enemy, a decidedly riskier
In a post-collapse world where rule of law has crumbled and
the safe transfer of resources between regions is no longer
feasible, control over essential supplies and their producers
becomes paramount.
This strategy is also employed by totalitarian
regimes when faced with the threat of unrest.
A prime example of this tactic in action is
the Stalinist consolidation of the Soviet Union.
Successful rebellions in occupied nations often
find their roots in rural environments.
Cities, on the other hand, tend to serve as
strongholds for totalitarian regimes due to their superior
surveillance capabilities, a more docile population, and the
relative ease of securing and defending them once under control.
I refer to this as the "green zone doctrine,"
where locked-down cities serve as launchpads for attacks on
rural communities.
Stalin employed this very model, dispatching
troops from controlled cities to pillage resources from surrounding
farming communities.
These supplies were then stockpiled for
"redistribution," with resources allocated to those deemed most
useful to the regime.
Those viewed as non-essential or
potential threats were left to starve. In the end, Stalin
effectively eliminated many potential rebels by denying them access
to food production and supplies.
The elites do not need to control every square inch of territory to
launch an effective martial law campaign.
By maintaining a stranglehold on key cities
through surveillance technology and troop presence, they can use
these urban centers as staging grounds to confiscate resources from
surrounding areas, selectively targeting those they deem
If you harbor doubts about the government adopting such tactics in
the U.S., I urge you to familiarize yourself with
Executive Order 13603, signed by
Barack Obama in 2012.
This order grants the president the authority to,
seize any private property or resources
during a "national emergency" if deemed "necessary to national
It's worth noting that starvation as a
weapon has served the elites well in the past.
The elites, if anything, are
creatures of habit, consistently employing strategies that have
yielded success in the past.
In my article "Decoding
the Elite's War Strategy," I delve into the writings of
Council On Foreign Relations (CFR)
member Max Boot, examining methods for suppressing
In the U.S., post-collapse, an insurgency is
all but inevitable.
The only uncertainty is whether it will be a
large-scale uprising or a smaller one...
As for the rest of the world, I hold little hope
for a significant rebellion.
Most citizens in Europe and Asia are unarmed and
lack training. Any resistance in these regions will likely be small
and cell-structured to ensure survival.
'Max Boot's methods' focus on larger threats to the
He cites the British success in Malaysia from
1948-1960 against highly effective communist guerillas and
This triumph can be attributed to several key
The British employed large-scale
concentration camps to separate production centers from
rebel influence.
These camps, surrounded by barbed wire
fences and guard towers, housed farmers, workers, and their
This measure prevented guerillas from
hiding among the working class and recruiting from their
ranks, aligning with the "green zone doctrine" I previously
The British implemented a sophisticated
identification system for all Malaysian citizens, including
They established numerous checkpoints
across the country where citizens were required to produce
their paperwork. Anyone unable to provide identification was
detained on suspicion of being an insurgent.
In a digitized world where identification
is achieved through advanced biometrics, the rebels' tactic
of forcefully taking over busy buildings and buses to
destroy IDs would be ineffective.
Instead of deploying large, unwieldy
military brigades in a futile attempt to cover vast expanses
of territory, the British utilized spies and informants to
locate rebel strongholds.
They then dispatched special forces units
to neutralize these targets. The British didn't aim to
control extensive ground; their objective was to eliminate
Their tactics were marked by considerable
brutality, including the use of a mobile gallows that
traveled the country and the public display of decomposing
corpses to instill fear in the insurgency.
The British political elites waged a
psychological war by offering promises of peace and
prosperity to the Malaysian commoners if they supported the
effort against the insurgency.
They didn't necessarily need to fulfill
these promises; all they needed was to create a few examples
of rewards for cooperation and sell this narrative to the
public convincingly.
Once a significant portion of the
population was under British control, the insurgency lost
supply resources and faced the added concern of informants
in their midst.
Malaysia serves as an example of a well-executed strategy to quell
insurgents, but it was not without its failures and shortcomings.
In an attempt to minimize future uncertainties
when combating rebellions, the elites are turning to new
The successful implementation of the green zone doctrine in
today's world would necessitate the use of biometric
surveillance. While restricting movement could be achieved,
it would be limited to cities with comprehensive surveillance
In a post-collapse future, insurgents would face significant
challenges infiltrating or exfiltrating from a green zone,
given the current arsenal of facial recognition, gait and walk
recognition, retina and thumbprint scanning, among other
Facial recognition capabilities have even advanced to thermal
imaging, enabling cameras to identify individuals based on unique
heat signatures from blood vessels within the human face, even from
a distance.
Traditional countermeasures like makeup
and prosthetics would prove ineffective; only thermal masking
would offer a viable solution.
Moreover, an insurgency would need to be technologically adept.
Cyber warfare would have to be a crucial
component of their strategy.
This is an unprecedented challenge, one that no
other rebellion in history has had to contend with.
The globalists' strategy of inciting economic and social chaos,
followed by the lockdown of certain regions and the promotion of
centralization as a panacea, is significantly more feasible when
their adversaries lack insight, patience, planning, and initiative.
The British achieved partial success in Malaysia because the
guerillas underestimated the importance of public perception.
While they proved to be formidable and
merciless fighters, their brutality resulted in a lack of public
backing. Although widespread public support is not a
prerequisite for victory, it is undoubtedly advantageous.
Numerous revolts against Stalin's regime, some of
considerable size, were suppressed due to poor planning. Rebels
amassed substantial forces in confined areas, such as a single
mountain or mountain ranges.
Stalin simply deployed poisonous gasses on
insurgents who had concentrated all their resources in one
location and neglected to stockpile gas masks.
It is essential to recognize that in a
post-collapse world, governments and elites may no longer be
subject to public accountability, leaving them free to act with
All contingencies must be
Rebels in the Soviet Union also exhibited a tendency to disregard
logistics. Many were armed with mismatched rifles and an assortment
of ammunition instead of equipping all their forces with the same
rifle and ammunition for redundancy.
Rebellions have been lost in the past solely
because fighters, armed with an excessive array of weapons, ran out
of sufficient ammunition to supply any of them.
Insurgents have historically struggled with the inability to target
the leadership centers of the empires they opposed.
Primarily, this was because they were unaware of
the true leadership's identity. Only in our modern era do we possess
the information necessary to identify the elites and their
Today's globalists are often quite vocal in the
media about their identities and objectives.
This is why the elites are determined to make
the next insurgency the final insurgency.
Never before have they been so vulnerable.
In my assessment, the globalists will initially
employ their tried-and-true tactics of disinformation
and division to achieve centralization.
However, in time, they will likely resort to
a Stalin/Malaysian model for on-the-ground control.
The crux of the matter, however, lies in the
understanding that the globalists face a more daunting task than we
They bear the burden of controlling people,
property, resources, and mass psychology, with countless
variables and potential pitfalls to navigate...
In contrast, our focus is more streamlined.
We need only concern ourselves with local
organization, maintaining our moral compass, ensuring our
survival, among some other things.
This simplicity in objective gives us a distinct