by Paul Cudenec
July 11, 2022
WinterOak Website

The totalitarian agenda behind
Smart Cities has been revealed in a
brochure issued by
the United Nations - Human
Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
The title of the 80-page publication is, in itself, disturbing:
People in Smart Cities - A Playbook for Local and Regional
Centering people rather than people
centering themselves...?
We see here that the UN regards people as
objects, which it owns and can place where it pleases, rather than
as free agents who decide themselves where and how to spend their
What does it actually imply to be "centered"
by the United Nations and the local and regional governments
that blindly follow its orders?
Do they mean "concentrate", perhaps?
Concentrating people?
Imprisoning them?
Forcing them to live confined in a place
where they would not have chosen to have lived, had they been
free agents?
And the term "smart" is a dishonest one, because
the intelligence it implies is of the artificial kind and is not
required of the people involved, who are instead expected to
relinquish any vestige of control over their own lives, homes and
even bodies by allowing digital algorithms to take over the role
previously played by their brains and their hearts.
Maybe the title of the brochure could be translated, in plain and
truthful English, as,
"Imprisoning People in Digital Concentration
If that sounds like an alarmist exaggeration,
please consider the actual content of the brochure.

It is repeatedly made clear that there is an overarching agenda
behind the smart cities project.
This is described on page 17 as,
"leveraging digital transformation for
sustainable and equitable outcomes".
The language is designed to deceive.
"Sustainable", here, has got nothing to do
with being environmentally-friendly but indicates ongoing
And "equitable" does not mean "fair" but
refers instead to "equity" in the sense of financial assets.
When we, again, translate the misleading
verbiage, we understand that smart cities are about creating huge
long-term financial profits for those promoting and investing in
The same page describes a 2019 UN resolution stating that,
"digital technologies have the potential to
facilitate efforts to accelerate human progress, and ensure that
no one is left behind in the achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals".
"Accelerating human progress", from the forked tongue of the
global mafia, means nothing more than accelerating their control
and profit by means of technological tools, particularly via
"new streams of data that feed intelligence platforms".
(page 13)
No one being left behind (often termed
"inclusivity") means that they want nobody to escape their net of
digital global exploitation.
But our self-appointed rulers came up against a couple of serious

Firstly, there are a lot of people in the world
who have not yet been turned into smart-phone zombies.
On page 6 the authors bemoan the fact that,
"so many remain outside of the digital world"
and on page 9 they complain that "3.7 billion people were
offline in 2019".
So how were they going to address this obstacle
to their designs in 2020?
In their own words, on page 8:
"The COVID-19 pandemic introduced even
greater urgency for local and national governments alike to
bridge the digital divide".
The second big problem was that people were
wising up to their scheming and refusing to go along with it - even
more so now, ironically enough, thanks to their blatant use of Covid
to push their project!
They admit on page 14:
"Emerging public awareness of surveillance
technology and bias in algorithmic decision-making, particularly
in the wake of COVID-19, has also challenged the traditional
smart city framework".
The answer, of course, was to ramp up the
propaganda and invent yet another weasel word aimed at hiding the
vile reality behind what they are trying to do.
From now on, all the talk is evidently going to be about
"people-centered smart cities".
Remembering the title of the brochure, we can appreciate the depths
to which their language-twisting deceit has sunk.
They think they can get away with calling smart cities
"people-centered" not because they will be centered around people
and their needs, but because they are about "centering",
concentrating, people within their virtual prison walls.
This criminal inversion of the truth continues,
still on page 14, with the claim that these smart cities will,
"leverage data, technology and services for
common good".
Common good?
The reality is revealed on page 21, with its talk
"public private partnership", "achieving
economic development goals" and "prosperity and growth".
The authors had already stated on page 13 that,
"estimates of global spending on the smart
cities market ranges from USD 820.7 billion to USD 2.5 trillion
by 2026".
We can be sure that the global development
mafia's sustainable goals of prosperity and growth will only have
been achieved if the return made from such vast investments is a
considerable one!

And the final nail which the brochure itself hammers into the coffin
of its project's plausibility comes on that same page, in the form
of its account of the origins of the "smart city" brand.
It admits:
"It entered mainstream consciousness when IBM
initiated the 'Smarter Cities Challenge' in 2010.
Under the Smarter Cities Challenge, IBM
targeted technology offerings to local governments and
developers of urban infrastructure, proposing that computational
solutions would serve to optimize city infrastructure".
IBM has gone down in history for its role in
"computational solutions" for Adolf Hitler's
murderous "public private partnership" in Germany in the 1930s
and 1940s.

this article reminds us, IBM's
"streams of data" enabled the regime to innovate inclusive and
sustainable people-centered hubs at the likes of Auschwitz
and Belsen.
"The software company's punched-card
technology helped the Nazis carry out the
genocide of millions...".