by Mac Slavo
September 06, 2024
from SHTFPlan Website

Bill Gates recently said that,

the biggest "unsolvable" problem, facing young people is free speech...!

Of course, he complains that it's "misinformation" online, but we all know by now that nomenclature is used to rail against speech the ruling class doesn't like.

Misinformation is the buzzword the ruling class uses to,

lament that the slaves use free speech, and won't stay in line parroting their official narrative.

It is becoming more common, according to NBC News.


Apparently,  technological advances like artificial general intelligence chatbots make it easier to generate and spread falsehoods quickly and the rulers really don't like that information is going against their control scheme.


In fact, hilariously,

"AI-generated misinformation" was named as the top global risk of the next two years in a World Economic Forum (WEF) survey in January.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of Americans said,

the U.S. government and tech companies should act to restrict false information online, in a 2023 survey by the Pew Research Center.

That means there are still a lot of people who believe a master should control the speech of his slaves so he can stay in power for longer.


Bill Gates claims he hates free speech because his daughter was bullied online...




"Hearing my daughter talk about how she'd been harassed online, and how her friends experienced that quite a bit, brought that into focus in a way that I hadn't thought about before," said Gates.

Last year, Phoebe Gates spoke out against free speech saying that,

"the misconceptions and conspiracy theories" about her family and her own relationships,

...were reasons to not allow the slave class to speak freely, in an interview with The Information.

Common tactics to tamp down misinformation and disinformation include internet literacy programs and content moderation by social media platforms.


Some tech companies have pulled back on those costly efforts, which only scratch the surface of the problem, according to researchers who study disinformation.


Every single proposed solution is censorship.

The mainstream media can try to package it up nicely in propaganda, but that doesn't change what's going on...

The ruling class will always seek to control the narrative, regardless of the facts.

How much longer until we won't even be allowed to speak face to face with people and say whatever we want, assess a situation, and complain about it before we are slapped with censorship and "crimes"...?