by Amitakh Stanford
February 3, 2006
XeeaTwelve Website
Spanish version
Pedophilia is on the increase - it is a very lucrative, huge,
international industry.
The Anunnaki push detrimental
behavioral disorders upon the unsuspecting public. This has been
done with alcohol, gambling, prostitution, pornography, drugs,
slavery, cannibalism, human and animal sacrifices,
religions etc.
The recent revival of pedophilia is also
the brainchild of the ruling elite.
One might wonder why religions would be clumped into the category
The Christian Bible is said to be
the most widely distributed book in the world.
the ruling elite has the ability to
push such mass circulation of any literature.
The ruling elite often play a double game by being both the punisher
and the promoter of certain acts for monetary gain, control and
other purposes. That is, they sponsor and promote certain activities
until there is a significant social demand for that activity.
When the activity gets out of control
and causes social problems, then the ruling elite steps in with
legislation, enforcement and punishment to appear to be the good
guys who are attempting to correct a wrong that just cropped up.
All the while, the ruling elite were the culprits. This is akin to
corrupt police investigating corruption.
Understanding pedophilia is difficult because many think that
pedophiles chase after children only for sexual gratification, but
that is not always the case. There are esoteric reasons that
drive pedophiles, although very few of the perpetrators would be
conscious of these.
Pedophilia is not a modern phenomenon - it has been around for
thousands and thousands of years.
In fact, in some cultures, it is quietly
acknowledged as an acceptable practice even though it raises some
eyebrows. This sickening behavior flows through royal and common
classes alike. Despite the differences in cultural and
socio-economic situations, there is a common thread underlying such
practices - pedophiles "rob" energy from young, vibrant children.
All pedophiles are, in this sense, energy "vampires".
Nearly all of the pedophiles are
Remnants or they have succumbed to Anunnaki programming.
In rare cases, the tendency towards pedophilia could be due to
possession of the physical body by an Anunnaki consciousness.
Some ancient cultures believe that the "pure" energy from young
children, especially virgins, can heal their maladies such as:
tuberculosis, impotency, leprosy, ageing, and especially the
sexually transmitted diseases of syphilis and gonorrhea.
Often, children from poor families are sold or hired out to rich
people to pay off debts. The pathetic children are then abused by
wealthy pedophiles or sick and elderly ones that seek cures. Imagine
what an impact this has on the victims!
The Anunnaki do not care what impact
their horrific, demonic, repulsive behavior has upon their victims
and their families.
Many people have disdained this behavior for centuries, yet they
have been powerless to stop it because the Anunnaki masters are
active participants in it. Also, the topic is so
shameful, unpleasant and painful that discussion of it is avoided if
possible, especially by the families involved. Many children have
been abducted or sold to cater to pedophiles.
Today, especially in third-world countries, child prostitution is on
the increase. The internet is loaded with child pornography and
sites that solicit child-adult sexual encounters.
A lot of spam email deals with this
topic and is deliberately forced upon people who use the internet.
Some people are so addicted to pornography that even their work
computers are loaded with it and it is freely circulated in some
offices. In some cases, those who object to the circulation of
pornography are being harassed by those who participate in it.
Pedophilia occurs in many settings where youths congregate, such as:
It also occurs very
close to home, with incest being rampant in some cultures. In
extreme cases, old men choose pre-teenage, virgin females for wives,
using the façade of legality and custom to support their energy
Pedophilia is an important tool used by the Anunnaki in their
conquests of various races, planets and solar systems.
The Anunnaki are "instinctively"
inclined towards pedophilia, that is to say, they are genetically
programmed towards that behavior. Anunnaki military forces are
motivated to conquer new worlds because of the incentive of being
rewarded with free access to young virgins that they conquer.
Anunnaki are notorious for boasting amongst themselves about the
number of young children they have molested or raped.
Most pedophiles are male due to Anunnaki male chauvinism. However,
there are exceptions. Some pedophiles are females, and females are
often used to solicit and cover up for male pedophiles. Generally,
pedophiles prefer to prey upon victims of the same sex. That is,
they prefer either young boys or young girls. However, there are
also some indiscriminate predators.
Some police forces actively use young children who have previously
been molested to act as bait to snare other pedophiles. After the
children are abused by those they solicited, the police make arrests
and the prosecutors obtain convictions. These children are almost
invariably from very poor families and are often willing
participants in exchange for food, alcohol and drugs.
Not surprisingly, pedophilia is present amongst
the leaders of religions.
Eastern gurus have been known to be
involved. Some of these have consciously been aware that they are
stealing energy from the victims. These know they are energy
Islam, Judaism, Christianity and other
religions have the same problem amongst some of their
religious leaders and representatives. However, due to the nature of
their religious influence, they are less likely to be consciously
aware that they are energy "vampires". To outsiders, these religious
leaders and representatives are seen as people with deviant
sexual behavior, which suits the ruling elite.
Many times, when religious figures are found out as pedophiles,
their superiors hush up the crimes and allow further attacks on
unsuspecting victims in the same location or elsewhere. This is
predictable because all the major religions are sponsored
by the Anunnaki.
Esoterically, the life force is usually at its fullest and "purest"
state in children. Young children, especially in their growing
stages, carry with them certain aspects of energy that can
strengthen sexual and mental powers. This makes young children the
ideal targets of the criminals, who are "instinctively" drawn to
their victims.
Pedophilia is not confined to the physical world. It also occurs in
the astral world, which is also controlled by the Anunnaki. In the
astral world, pedophilia usually occurs as thought forms. These
thought forms are also projected into the physical world to
influence the unsuspecting inhabitants of the world. In the astral
world, the "vampiric" pedophiles derive pleasure in watching the
acts of pedophilia in the physical. In this sense, they are truly
Apart from the vicarious pleasure they
derive from watching other pedophiles' activities in the physical,
they also steal some of the energy directly from the victims in the
So, energy is being stolen from the
victims by physical "vampires" and
astral "vampires" simultaneously.
Further, the excitement from the
experience also releases abundant energy from the physical
pedophile, which is picked up by the astral pedophile. Thus, the
astral pedophile gets a larger share of the energy from the acts.
The pedophile culprits from the astral world are usually from the
lower astral realms. With the breakdown of the astral world,
these lower beings now have more ready access to the physical world.
When an astral pedophile cannot use thought forms to produce an
actual, physical encounter, they can use the thought forms to
directly influence people in the physical world to be drawn towards
the behavior in more passive ways, such as viewing pornography,
which gives gratification to the astral pedophile as well as
providing them with extra energy.
In the physical world, people can go through most of their lives
until the tendency towards pedophilia suddenly blossoms. This is
usually due to the influence from the astral or programming by
unseen Anunnaki forces. It can also be due to possession or subtle
programming by physical agents in the world.
Pedophiles derive a "kick" from their episodes. This is somewhat
analogous to taking drugs for a high.
There are many legends about vampires who drink physical, human
blood. Some people have proudly declared themselves to be
vampires. Pedophiles "drink" the etheric blood of their victims. In
severe cases, pedophiles can develop a thirst for physical blood.
There are many cultures that believe in drinking blood to keep them
warm in winter and to boost their strength, power and longevity.
This is just one step away from eating
human flesh, which is another demonic Anunnaki trait.
Aliens in their alien bodies have been consuming human flesh and
blood for a long, long time. It is no wonder that the Eucharist
ritual in holy communion symbolically requires the participants to
drink the blood of Jesus and to eat his flesh. Jesus
never said this is my body or that this is my blood
and to consume them in remembrance of him. This is an Anunnaki
invention to program the mindsets of believers and to make a mockery
of Jesus.
In this world of exploitations within exploitations, young children
are subjected to exploitation by pedophiles, who can often be family
members or friends. Ironically, sometimes children who have NOT been
abused exploit others by falsely accusing them of pedophilia.
Sometimes the false accusations come from the children and other
times the children are coached by their parents or others into
making false accusations for monetary gain, revenge or other
Nowadays, the public is quick to respond to accusations of
pedophilia, whether the accusations are true or false.
An example of this involved the
Branch Davidians who were stormed
and burned to death in Waco, Texas. Police and military forces had
surrounded the Branch Davidians and laid siege to their compound for
many weeks. To speed matters up, the police and military were
bombarded with programming to drive them into a frenzy for the blood
of the Branch Davidians.
In order to draw the public into the
frenzy to support the storming of the compound by the authorities,
stories were broadcast about how children were being molested in the
compound. This caused the public to panic and absurdly condone the
murders of the children in order to "protect" them from supposed
Even with the lessened programming at
Waco, the vast majority of the people condoned the murders of the
men, women and children in the compound.
Programming in this world is no joke. Nobody is free from it. Even
the food eaten and the air breathed are loaded with "natural"
programming that adversely affects people physically, emotionally,
mentally and spiritually. That is why this
Virtual Reality that is loaded with
apparent and non-apparent programming has to be dismantled.
Let us not forget to make a supreme effort to pick ourselves up when
Darkness tries to pull us down.