by Ken Korczak
ConspiracyArchive Website
The most popular belief today is that
UFOs are spaceships piloted by aliens from outer space.
But another good theory which never gets as much press is that which
says UFOs may, in fact, be right here from earth.
Instead of being Extraterrestrials, UFO aliens might be
Ultraterrestrials - a species that has always been here, which
evolved on earth along with homo sapiens, but which represents a
species far superior.
These Ultraterrestrials are so superior to us it's almost impossible
for us to comprehend their existence. All we know of them are
fleeting glimpses of lights in the sky, occasional bizarre
encounters between human beings and so-called aliens, and other
unexplained phenomenon.
Think of how a group of monkeys in the wild perceive human beings.
Because their own level of consciousness is so limited, they cannot
comprehend that we humans are beyond being just another kind of
animal. They may see a jet or a helicopter or a car, but to the
monkeys, nothing in their consciousness can explain these amazing
A monkey may think of an airplane as some kind of magical giant
bird. They relate to it with the level of understanding they have
about their environment. The speculation of the monkey, at best, is
a crude idea about the total truth of an airplane, and the fact it
represents entire levels of consciousness that are so advanced, they
are literally invisible to monkey mind.
Now think of a human being who encounters a UFO. To us a
UFO seems
to be some kind of flying, mechanical aircraft - but the true
nature of the UFO may be as different from a spacecraft as a bird is
from an airplane. Like the monkey, we just don't have the advanced
levels of consciousness we need to comprehend the true nature of a
As humans, we make the naturally egotistical assumption that we are
the species at the top of the heap - we see ourselves as the peak
of achievement of evolution. We even make the bold claim that God,
the supreme architect of the entire universe, created us in his own
But it's not a big leap to consider that we are just another link in
a vast chain of species, many which are below us, and some which may
be above us.
People who support the Ultraterrestrial theory point out that
supernatural beings seemingly superior to humans have been reported
throughout history.
In previous eras they were called,
little people
...and more.
The Bible is filled with references to supernatural creatures,
including giants, "wheels" flying in the sky out of which incredible
creatures emerge, and more.
But references to flying disks were recorded centuries before the
texts of the Bible.
Cave drawings dating to 30,000 B.C. depict
numerous drawings of disks floating around in the sky, remarkably
similar to modern UFO photographs.
Some maverick UFO investigators have pointed out the amazing
similarities of modern UFO aliens to that of elves, fairies and the
various "little people" famous in the folklore of many cultures.
Fairies are well known for kidnapping people, the same irritating
habit UFO aliens have. People who are abducted report incidents of
missing time, a phenomenon very similar to time lapses reported by
people taken to and returned from "fairyland".
Fairies, like modern aliens, tend to be diminutive creatures with
large magical eyes. Many reports of
alien abduction even include
"power rods" used to paralyze abductees, just as fairies wield
"magic wands".
One of the most interesting comparisons between aliens and fairies
is that both are interested in stealing babies. One of the most
common fairy activities is swiping babies from cribs, and sometimes
replacing them with a false double, or "changeling" as they are
sometimes called.
A large part of modern UFO literature involves aliens abducting
women, impregnating them, and later abducting them again, only to
remove and take the unborn baby right out of the womb.
Clearly, both UFO occupants and fairies have a strong affinity for
the baby stealing business.
Fairies are closely associated with nature, just as modern aliens
also display a certain obsession with environmental issues. One of
the most common alien abduction scenarios involves aliens who force
people to watch "movies" depicting massive environmental degradation
caused by modern human civilization. The aliens then give them a
lecture on environmental issues and let them go.
If aliens truly are a superior species from earth and evolved on
earth, it would make sense that they would be concerned about
another species wrecking the planet.
But then you might ask, why don't the Ultraterrestrials simply step
in and "manage" us the same way humans "manage" wildlife, including
chimps and other large primates?
The Ultraterrestrial theorists
"They are!".
That's what all the abduction and experiments
are about!
Just as human beings capture and tag various species, UFO abductees
report experiences of extreme similarity. Many people report being
"tagged" during frightening sessions on a UFO operating table. Some
of these "tags" have even been recovered, or show up on MRI exams,
and remain unexplained.
It's also possible that Ultraterrestrials comprehend and operate
within higher levels of dimension than we experience at the human
level. A monkey could never understand that time and space are
actually two parts of the same dimension, as scientists have
Mathematicians tell us that many additional dimensions of reality
exist - dimensions which only the most brilliant math minds can
glimpse through numbers, although they cannot experience them
psychologically in any meaningful way.
If Ultraterrestrials can exist "above" or "beyond" space-time, that
means they can easily see us, trick us and manipulate our existence,
while we can't see them at all, or only in the most crude manner, or
perhaps only when they allow us to see them.
Imagine when a bear is shot with a drugged dart from a helicopter
hovering above him. Imagine how terrified the bear is of the bizarre
flying monster and the noise and lights that come out of it. Now
imagine that the bear thinks of the strange beings that come out of
the flying monster. The strange beings poke and prod him, look
inside his mouth, apply a tag to his ear, and then let him go. Why?
How can a bear understand or interpret the meaning of this incident
on its level of consciousness? It can't. It just seem to make any
sense. Human beings are so advanced and superior as to
Is it so difficult to believe that the ongoing bizarre and seemingly
incomprehensible phenomenon of UFOs and their activities are the
actions of an earth-born species far advanced and superior to human
Just ask a bear or a monkey.