Essentially what I'm saying here is
that Tesla coil architecture maps (is derived from) human
architecture, where
the Tesla coil "primary,"
itself a closed circuit, is the closed, heart-circulatory
circuit that drives the necessary harmonic and energetic
circular pulsing to drive the "secondary" open circuit,
comprising the human gut inductor (and head capacitor).
The secondary quantum-amplifies the
primary energies, giving true creative power.
If you look at the actual development of the physical organ of
the mind, which is
the brain, you will see that at
in utero, the
neuronal mass that becomes the child's brain splits off from a
larger neuronal mass whose other half then develops as the
The full human brain, in other
words, is brain + intestine.
The intestinal brain, for its part, is structured very
differently from the head brain. Whereas intestinal is a single
coiled tube, the head is something of a L-R divided sphere whose
two hemispheres, like the centre point of an infinite-8, meets
in the pineal gland.
The coiled intestinal tube, for its
part, carries it own version of this "split" by way of its
interior-exterior duality. These two also have very different
functional qualities. The intestine is the home of feeling,
whereas the head is the home of thinking.
Unpacking these differences, it quickly comes apparent that
these two brains, which emerged from a single neuronal mass, are
true polar opposites.
Thus whereas,
Alas, human duality is not
heart-mind, but head-gut.
The operation of Tesla-tech over-unity devices can be described
as scalar.
What is meant by scalar is in essence this:
Where in
a single space is vibrated two electromagnetic (EM)
opposite-phase waves, that opposite-phase vibration, in that
space, will self-cancel at the electro-magnetic level, and
operate at the quantum-leap level of light-gravity, accordingly
producing what has been called an etheric stress wave in that
spatial-temporal location.
Vibrate in that location two opposed
etheric stress waves, and you've hit the magic button to create
or destroy physical matter in any way you care.
The secret of Tesla tech is therefore DUAL OPPOSITION. A tesla
coil, for its part, operates using the dual opposition of coil +
sphere, where coil is magnetic, sphere electric.
Where have we seen that before? In the human being! The human
being, viewed correctly, is a walking Tesla coil.
Where a human being configures him
or herself non-linearly - in other words becomes free from
externalizing reactivity - its energies, rather than being
wasted entropically in social-Newtonian action-reaction, are
available to be configured the way energies are configured in a
Tesla coil, non-linearly, which then unlocks the secrets of the
Notice, though, the requirement that
there be two etheric stress waves implies the need, at the human
level, for two humans oppositely configured, each generating a
single etheric stress wave.
Those opposites are male-female,
which gives a renewed meaning to twin flame.
Notice that, in electrical terms,
what is in the schematic called a 'winding' is an inductor which
uses magnetic energy; what is called the 'Torus' is a capacitor
which uses electrical energy.
Electrical and magnetic are 'polar
opposites' which, like any true polar opposition, is asymmetric.
Symmetric polar opposition exists as the interior of each
asymmetric opposite poles as, for instance, '+' and '-'
electricity, and '+' and '-' magnetism.
Each and every person, place and
thing, therefore, for me came to comprise both a
closed system and an
open system simultaneously.
I saw this reality from many angles including from those of the
various disciplines I studied, like for instance physics. In my
own personal progression up the chain of subtlety from Newtonian
to Einsteinian to quantum then Tesla physics, I observed this
notion of the dual open-closed nature of reality come into sharp
relief, and clearly, and transitionally, with the emergence
historically of quantum physics.
Quantum physics, for its part, is a
fully polarized physical conceptuality where the so-called
closed world of manifest or experimental reality, the realm of
observable particular physical form, takes its form by collapse
of something called the Schrodinger waveform in what is called
infinite Hilbert space.
This latter, according to quantum
conceptuality, is a space of infinite potential in what must be
considered an infinitely nonlocal superconductive actual
potential space. Infinite Hilbert space, in other words, gives
expression to the open system aspect that anything considered to
be observed is in its necessarily implied closed-system
Having viewed this open-closed duality from many angles, I then
turned to question how the human being or more clearly how the
human architecture might reflect that fundamental duality.
It was not until I immersed myself
in the study of Tesla electromagnetics, which I like to call
nonlinear electromagnetics, that an answer to this question came
clear. What occurred to me through this latter study was that
the basic device for which Tesla is known, the common Tesla
coil, took its form as if archetypically given from the human
architecture itself.
Explaining this will require that I
dip into electronics theory, but bear with me in doing so, as
the result is worth the work.
Below you will see a basic schematic of a Tesla coil. On the
left side of the schematic, one can see drawn a simple circuit
called the "primary" and which, as a circuit, is in a closed
state. A closed circuit is circular - is closed - with energy
flows accordingly tracing a closed circular pathway.
This "primary" aspect of the circuit
is the energy-input and activating part of the circuit.

On the right-hand side of the
schematic is the "secondary" aspect of the Tesla coil circuit.
This aspect is oppositely configured
to the primary as it is in an open-circuit configuration. Notice
that this secondary comprises but a squiggly line and a circle
on top, these respectively denoting an inductor and a capacitor.
The inductor, for its part, is
grounded whereas the capacitor is not. There is accordingly no
connection completing a circle between the capacitor and the
inductor, rendering this configuration linear or ~open.~
In its most basic characterization, then, a Tesla coil is a
closed circuit interfaced to an open circuit.
When all elements of the circuit are
in harmonic (resonant) relation to each other, meaning that all
capacitances and inductances, etc. are in a certain mathematical
relationship one to the other and each to all, and when energy
is inputted to the primary side, the Tesla coil then operates in
a manner entirely different from a closed-only configuration
(i.e., all regular electronics).
The coil, in other words, escapes
confines of closed-only operating, including so-called laws of
the conservation of matter and energy, the second law of
thermodynamics (entropy), Newtonian action-reaction locality,
etc. As if by magic, this harmonized and dual-interfaced
relation between open and closed electromagnetic configurations
renders an entirely different electromagnetic universe.
So much for the basics of Tesla nonlinear electromagnetic
configuration and operation.
What I find interesting is that this
insight grew from a previous insight that the human being is
similarly structured. And though I had the insight about human
architecture before I perceived the similarity between human and
Tesla-device configurations, it took understanding the latter to
clarify my insight regarding the former.
Looking now to the human architecture, one can first note that
what is called the human brain develops, in utero, by
splitting off from a larger neuronal mass.
One part of that mass develops
upward into the human brain, the other part downward into the
human intestine. Both are made of the very same neuronal matter.
What is equally interesting is that
each of these two brains develops into opposite configurations.
The head brain develops into a sphere with a polarized
hemispherical structure meeting as an infinite 8 in that
mid-point between them called the pineal gland. The intestine,
by comparison, develops into a tubular coil whose dual aspect is
carried by the in-out character of such a configuration.
These two are intimately connected
by the spinal column, giving a direct and precise analogy to the
secondary side of the Tesla coil circuit. The two - human and
Tesla coil - are the precise same configuration.
The brain-intestine circuit thus forms a direct analogy to the
Tesla coil secondary. Where in the human configuration is the
primary? It is in the heart. The heart is a closed circuit whose
considerable energy flows flow circularly. It is also the human
energy generator, or energy inputter, informing what is thought
(head brain) and felt (intestinal brain).
So the human being is a walking
Tesla coil! Or rather, a Tesla coil is but a facsimile of the
more subtle, complex human architecture.
The human being, to express this
more clearly, is a dual-interfaced open-closed biological
Seeing that the human architecture is a system so described, I
then had some questions about human development, including human
development personally and on this planet generally, and
including the character of human self-conceptions and
conceptions of the Universe within that overall developmental
Here we leave a more technical
description for foray through experience, meaning and
implication. I will also give some understanding how this
open-closed human configuration works.
One question that arose to me was, given the dual open-closed
nature of the human being, how could our self-conception, for so
many people and for so long on this planet, continuing to the
present day, ever have settled for the closed-only understanding
it was and remains?
A closed system, by its nature, is
shorn of all connections outside itself. In its function and
operating, everything taken to comprise a closed system is
accordingly taken to refer always to anything only ever within
that system's closed and separated little bubble.
Life, accordingly, and per
closed-system evolutionary theory, emerged from its own
closed-system operations - from some primordial pond - which for
its part emerged from processes given in the one-time energetic
gift - the gift creating a Universal energetic closed system -
and which has been called the theory of the Big Bang.
Who gave the gift of those initial
opening conditions nobody can say, but as can be seen this
entire conception of the emergence and evolution of our cosmos,
including any process or appearance within it including human
self-conception itself, refers only to those processes and
appearances within that posited so-called emergence and
evolution for its meaning and sustainment.
This is, among other things, a
Derriderean circularity without end, and apart from the
self-contradiction, here, that such a conception refers to
assumptions to prove realities those assumptions postulate -
postulates proving postulates, which is the very thing Kurt
Gödel successfully crosshaired in his mathematical theorems
- the whole dissonant, self-contradicting view but again repeats
closed-system systematics so prevalent in our experience.
So even the conceptual grid through
which we look and have looked has conformed to
closed-system pseudoreality,
so-called as there can be no closed-only-system per se.
Looking to factors internal to the human being to explain this
state of affairs, I can perceive why any given individual might
hold the view of being a closed-only being. When a human comes
into internal alignment, or in other words activates
harmonically and resonantly as a Tesla coil, that human then has
access to Tesla open-system information and energy, which is
non-local. It is well known that one ideal Tesla wanted to
manifest in his life was worldwide wireless communications.
Those communications, had he
succeeded, would have been carried non-locally on the
superconductive nonlocal aether accessed by his coil, ostensibly
giving instantaneous or near-instantaneous access to
communications throughout the universe, not just on earth… a
true Matrix buster.
Tesla himself claims to have been in
communication with beings on Mars using his device.
Well, so too, then, for the human
who activates internal Tesla potential. That human is then able
to access nonlocal realities including nonlocal communications
with whomever at whatever distance.
The so-called human veil, where all
or substantially all access to "Tesla" open-system realities is
negated, would quite naturally correlate with human inner
non-alignment. This non-alignment is evidently given at birth,
or soon thereafter, and thereby renders the human's nonlinear
Tesla architecture interiorly inactive.
The human would accordingly
experience 3-D closed-only shutdown, and necessarily given that
human's inability to function in any self-directed nonlocal
non-linear manner.
So much for internal factors, which seem plain enough, but they
do not constitute the entire story. What of external factors?
It seems to me that any definitive
human knowing of the reality of ET presence in the Universe and
on Earth, of the reality of open-system
energetics (like over-unity
energy), or of anything definitively contradicting a closed-only
self-conception would in some fundamental way pierce the veil of
human closed-reality confinement.
Looking into each of these matters,
it is patently clear to me that knowing along any of these lines
has been actively suppressed. What is the purpose of that
For my part, I have heard the usual
answers to this question that these realities would overturn
certain powerful business interests, that negative beings
suppress us to enslave us, etc. etc., but those answers do not
ring true to me.
They seem circumstantial, and yes,
necessarily at play, but do not for me give a true answer to why
we experience this heavy suppression in view of keeping a
quarantined self-conception alive and well on this planet.
To answer this question, I found myself again looking more
deeply into the nature of quarantine asking,
What purpose could be served
by generating and maintaining a mutated duality
comprising a single pole (the closed pole) of a
necessarily two-pole reality (open-closed)?
A question immediately
relating to this concerns, 'who' is doing the
To answer this second question
first, it seems to me that those who are suppressing true human
duality, or those having the greatest interest in that
suppression, would be those having the most power and the most
responsible insight into and oversight over earthly affairs.
Yes, one can posit that some rogue
or pirate ET group has entrapped this planet in their own
But it seems to me that this
viewpoint cannot be sustained in light of the fact that beings
bearing such intention could be overpowered by more responsible,
non-rogue beings concerned about the welfare of this planet and
its inhabitants.
Thus consider the following. Any form of science is but the
specification of perceived relations.
To specify a relation, the person
specifying must be sufficiently developed to perceive the kind
of relation specified, then, as real. We know from child
development, among other developmental insights, that children
cannot conceive of certain realities, and being unable to do so
cannot perceive them.
So, too, for any given scientist
who, if that scientist has not developed perceptual abilities in
a given realm for a given type of relation, that scientist will
not perceive that relation and will consider it nonexistent.
Einstein, to illustrate, felt the open system reality of
non-locality was simply false, calling it "spooky action at a
This shows Einstein's inability to
perceive beyond the veil of a closed-system view, rendering his
science "classical" in that it perceives only local realities
within a local-causal framework.
To progress up the chain of subtlety of scientific
conceptuality, the scientist must therefore develop. This
development is precisely in the sense of becoming ever more
related in an ever broader set of relations specifiable, then,
by him or her. To be more related means necessarily to be more
related harmonically or resonantly with that or with whom one
thereby relates.
In this sense, scientific progress
is progress into ever greater forms of responsibility and care
for that to which one accordingly relates in one's scientific
Also note that the subtler the scientific conceptuality, the
more powerful the science.
This can be seen in the progression
of scientific power through the chain of increasing subtlety in
the scientific conceptions of Newton to Einstein to Bohr
(quantum physics) to the latest and most recent - and most
suppressed given its overwhelming power - Tesla nonlinear
I accordingly take from this viewpoint that the most powerful
beings in the universe are the most integrated and most related,
and are those who accordingly have the most powerful science, if
they even use science in what we understand that term to mean,
and are therefore the ones to whom we can refer this matter of
the suppression of open-system realities in the human
self-concept and experience.
But what would be the purpose of a responsible suppression of
open-system realities?
Again, looking to the nature of the
quarantine or Truman Show bubble we experience as the veil of
forgetfulness on this planet, that veil is a negating of
Connections, for their part,
comprise relations, whose complementary aspect is knowledge - or
in other words comprise a behavioral program of knowing and
being "this is the way we and things are."
Look to any human culture. Those
existing in a given culture operate in a particular manner,
which means that any given individual in a culture is
individually constrained by the connections that individual
holds with all others forming part of that culture - in effect
by the individual's knowing that,
"this is how we are and this is
how we have done things" and so on.
It seems to me, looking into the
universe in its most general developmental aspect, and to put
this matter in a linear framework for the moment, that in
universal development more general (older) entities appear
first, followed by ever more particularized entities bearing a
more particularized self-definition.
Thus in a space of nothing I can
imagine there first appearing sparks of what later become
galactic cores.
Those sparks would develop, and in
necessarily fewer numbers than what would follow as the
development of stars around that core. Then would similarly
develop, in branching increasing numbers, planets, and on those
planets life - all a march toward greater particularity, away
from that first most-general division of something from nothing.
The self-conception of a being
inhabiting or otherwise representing a galactic core would
accordingly be much more general than the self-identity of a
being inhabiting or representing a star, a planet, a nation, a
tribe, a family, etc. down the chain of individualizing
It thus appears to me that in this developmental chain, more
particularized forms of self identity emerge from those more
general. We see this progression even on Earth, that more
developed cultures are more individualistic, with less-developed
cultures having self-identities of a more generalized group
nature, whether tribe, race, nation, etc.
Those more general forms of
self-identity have generally, in developed countries, fallen
under criticism of being "isms" to be "grown" out of in that
wave of development pressing ever more to the individual end of
the self-identity scale.
People's experiences with ETs, including channeled reports of
almost every variety, suggest a universe of beings appearing to
reflect some form of group identity.
Whether in the hive mind of
the Grays, the group
consensus mind of the 'Pleiadians', etc., each appears to be
a group-based or extra-individual self-identified culture.
Our uniqueness on this planet
appears to be that we are being birthed out of group-based into
individual-based identification.
But this raises the question:
How does the universe transition
from group-based identities into individual
self-identification, passing all the powers of the group,
and more, including the power of self-sustainment, etc. into
the individual?
It appears to me that to perform
this feat, one must forget all those previous connections. One
must negate them entirely.
Forget and negate them and set a
sampling of beings into such a forgetting-vibrated context to
work out a new reality in that realm where all they have by way
of guidance for how to live and be is that thing internal to
each individual called how they feel. Such a context, such a
working-out program, will be chaotic at the least, as people
will not know how to behave in respect of each other.
But over time, people will
internalize in realizing the trust they otherwise naturally give
externally is not sustainable or returned in the Earth
They will, in other words, and over
time, stop demanding that others provide their sustainment and
happiness, and learn to self-sustain by activating their own
inner alignment, by activating their Tesla-coil open-system
They will thereby become truly dual
as a self-sustaining individual connected in even greater
measure than any other type of identified being experiencing
less-individualized, less particulated forms of connection in
this Universe.
Welcome to a new order of being,
where it's all about you more deeply and more subtly, and all
about The All more deeply and more subtly.