by Jon Rappoport
November 16,
NoMoreFakeNews Website
Italian version

I am not unfriendly to true Catholics who practice their religion
with fervor and honor.
But I must say this:
Down through history,
NO true man of faith, who appeared as a teacher and prophet, was
bent on establishing a HUGE ORGANIZATION to house his vision of
Such an idea would be
A true prophet would
immediately know the corruption that inevitably comes with building
an empire to house his word. Indeed, an empire that at points in its
history would wield power over entire nations.
Stories of such "passings of the torch" and "keys to the Kingdom"
are misinterpreted. Jesus was not urging what amounts to
articles of incorporation and the founding of highly complex
organizational structures.
For anyone who wants to look, the history of
the Roman Church confirms how corrupt a religious empire
can become:
declarations of
These cannot be excused
as exceptions to the rule.
They are intrinsic to
gigantic organizations and how those organizations are run from the
The example I've been citing recently - the murder of a live infant,
removed from its mother's womb, to obtain kidney tissue for a cell
line that would be employed in COVID vaccine testing (article
here) - is a perverse illustration
of the Church hierarchy blinding itself to a crime; a crime that
should have made it oppose the vaccine with all its strength.
But didn't...
the Pope and his closest minions
have enthusiastically and authoritatively supported secular
authorities all over the world who are promoting the highly
destructive vaccine and are mandating it through force.
By what stretch of
fantasy is this Papal support representative of the Kingdom
of 'God'...?
I believe the man known
as Jesus was envisioning many small churches who would spread
his messages in clear and unmistakable form.
There would be no
need for volumes of sophisticated canons.
No need for frequent
edicts; no need for ex cathedra pronouncements.
Ceremonies would be
The emphasis would be:
faith against all
risks, even death...
And THAT would imply
standing up against secular authority seeking to eradicate freedom
and impose slavery.
Also known as
individual CONSCIENCE...
However, in time, the burgeoning organization of the Church exerted
a hypnotic effect on its congregation.
That duty of
conscience was pacified.
Standing up became
sitting down.
Sitting down became
bending the knee - and not just to the Christ and God,
but to the Church itself.
And to secular
authority and force...
It is clear that Jesus
was speaking about two Kingdoms:
One of the Earth, and
one of The Greater Life...
He certainly did not
come forward to bolster the power of the Earthly one.
Nor was he saying the
two Kingdoms were equal.
In prosaic Earthly terms,
he was an explorer
who had returned from distant shores...
He had found a place
whose essential quality offered a gateway into a revolution of
the soul, an ultimate rescue from the suffering of the familiar
land of every-day life.
But in order to make that
journey to the new land, a voyager would have to resist the efforts
of familiar leaders to hold him in check.
Was Jesus
really saying that by having faith in him alone, a human could
gain a salvation that would then eliminate the need for any
action in the world whatsoever?
If he were walking the Earth today, would he support the
Pope's message to take the COVID vaccine (below video)
under coercion from the State, because "faith alone is enough?"
Pope urges
people to receive Covid-19 Vaccine
Might he recite to his
followers - those who have been pacified by the Church to the point
of hypnosis - the words from Revelation 3:15-16...?
"I know thy works,
that thou art neither cold nor hot:
I would thou wert
cold or hot.
So then because thou
art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of
my mouth."
Frankly, this is what I
believe happened:
In ancient days past,
the leaders of the sagging Roman Empire looked at their
unsustainable foreign conquests and internal corruptions, which
were eating the Empire down to tattered cloth and bone.
Over a period of decades, a new strategy for Roman conquest was
formed, beyond the budding ecumenical councils:
a mega-religion
poaching on the teachings of a single man, Jesus of
Its goal of capturing
the human mind could be achieved, with enough persistence, and
with the right people in charge.
It could wield power
over nations.
Eventually, through the
centuries, a merging of banking interests, organized crime, and
elite families spawned that totalitarian empire -
the Church - vastly superior to any ancient Roman Army.
Millions and millions of humans, seeking The Greater Life,
invested their faith in this Church, and the priesthood reflected
the power of that faith back at the flock and called it The Word
of the Church.
"You hand us your
soul, and we'll return it to you with a bill for services."
Yes, and also in that
return, one element was removed:
truly authentic
The conscience that
provokes men and women to TAKE ACTION against oppressors who
destroy freedom and enthrone slavery.
And make no mistake about
it, that conscience is naturally present in all individuals, before
they're subverted.
Separate and apart from many good and honorable priests, and
separate and apart from millions of good and honorable and devoted
worshippers, THAT perversion was being installed.
So now there is a need for a vast revolution. It will not come from
Church leaders. It will come from within the ranks of the billion
members of the congregation.
And by necessity, it will
involve far-reaching decentralization:
The founding of MANY
small Catholic churches, wholly independent of the central
Church and its hierarchy.
For those who fear that
such a breaking away would sever the connection to Jesus
himself and his Church,
How could it?
Why wouldn't the
breaking away strengthen that connection?
Was Jesus secretly a CEO of an IBM or a Walmart?
Is that what he was
looking to build?
If he walked into the
Vatican today, and attended the highest level secret meetings,
would he really see a reflection of his teachings?
Would he merely
suggest a new Pope or a readjustment of certain rules, in order
to re-establish his father's representative on Earth in
honorable form?
I think he would bring
And after exiting the Vatican, I think he would preach new sermons
for the ages...