by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
October 8, 2011
Examiner Website
Mass graves of Mohawk children have been
uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a
residential school for Mohawk operated by the Church of England and
the Vatican before its closure in 1970.
According to Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and States
(ITCCS), the Mohawk
Institute was,
"set up by the Anglican Church of
England in 1832 to imprison and destroy generations of Mohawk
This very first Indian residential
school in Canada lasted until 1970, and, like in most
residential schools, more than half of the children imprisoned
there never returned.
Many of them are buried all around
the school."

Unearthing mass
aboriginal graves
at the Mohawk
Institute, Canada Credit: ITCCS.ORG
Preliminary scanning by ground penetrating radar adjacent to the now
closed main building Mohawk Institute has revealed that, "between
15-20 feet of soil" was brought in and put over the mass graves just
before the Mohawk Institute closed in 1970 in order to camouflage
the mass graves of Mohawk Children and avoid prosecution for
genocide and crimes against humanity under,
International Tribunal for Crimes of
Church and States is expected to commence judicial proceedings starting in late
October 2011 in Brussels, Belgium and Dublin, Ireland for child
genocide crimes against humanity against defendants,
...both of whom knowingly participated in
the planning and cover-up of the child genocide, according to
forensic evidence.
The Tribunal sessions were originally to have been held in London,
U.K. However, The U.K. government has denied entrance to the
Secretary and major jurists and staff of the International Tribunal
for Crimes of Church and States without cause.
The discovery of the mass graves of Mohawk children, uncovered by
ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute comes on the heels
of videotaped evidence by eyewitness William Coombes, who in October 1964 witnessed Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State of Canada and
Head of the Church of England, visit an aboriginal school in
Kamloops, British Columbia, choose 10 young aboriginal children,
made them kiss her feet, and allegedly took them from the school for
a picnic at a lake.
The 10 aboriginal children were never seen again. Mr. Coombes, who
was to give evidence at the
Tribunal for Crimes of Church and States of Elizabeth Windsor’s child genocide,
was murdered in February 2011.
Fortunately, Mr. Coombes’ testimony was
videotaped before his death and is available for the Tribunal.
Rev. Kevin Annett states that instruments of torture such as a rack
for torturing the Mohawk children in ritual torture have been found
at the now closed Mohawk Institute. Eyewitnesses from the Mohawk
community have stated they witnessed priests in red robes torturing
children in ritual torture.
Rev. Annett made these revelations in an exclusive October 7, 2011
interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre.
In the interview, Rev.
Annett acknowledges the close parallels between the October 1964
personal child genocide and possible ritual killings of 10
aboriginal children by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada
and Head of the Church of England, and the child genocides occurring
during the same period at the Mohawk Institute.
These parallels suggest that Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State and
Head of the Church of England was personally aware of, ordered, and
participated in this systematic program of genocide and ritual
torture and killings at Church of England residential schools
operated by the Church of England and
the Vatican.
In his interview, Rev. Annett stated that the mainstream Canadian
media, as well as the government of Canada, are maintaining a
cover-up and media blackout of the discoveries of Mohawk child
genocide at the Mohawk Institute.
Interview with Rev. Kevin Annett
Listen to Alfred Lambremont Webre’s interview of Rev.
Kevin Annett:
Audio Only
Related articles
Indict Bilderberger, BC Attorney General, CFRO-FM
- cover-up for Elizabeth Windsor
Satanic priests in the Catholic Church?
Cover-Up for
Elizabeth Windsor,
Queen Elizabeth II
Indict Bilderberger, BC Attorney General, CFRO-FM
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
September 29, 2011
Examiner Website
Tribunal to indict Vancouver Bilderberger Jim Pattison, B.C.
Attorney General lawyer, RCMP, CFRO-FM staff for aiding cover-up of
Aboriginal child genocide by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of
Canada, and by The Vatican. |
International Tribunal for Crimes of Church
and State (ITCCS)
will indict,
Vancouver, B.C. billionaire and
Bilderberger Jim
Freya Zaltz, a B.C. Attorney General lawyer infiltrating
public radio stations in Canada
named RCMP officers aiding and
abetting Aboriginal genocide
CFRO-FM staff and Board Members,
including program director Leela Chinniah,
...for aiding and abetting
the cover-up of genocide of First Nations children in Canada by
Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada, and by
the Vatican.
The ITCCS Tribunal indictments specifying these crimes are expected to
be issued in London, U.K. in October 2011.
In an exclusive interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med,
Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the ITCCS Tribunal, revealed a chain
of forensic evidence establishing a criminal conspiracy by the
above-named individuals, all with the intent of aiding and abetting
the cover-up of genocide of First Nations ("Native American")
children in Canada by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada,
and by the Vatican.
The mandate of the ITCCS Tribunal, which is headquartered in London,
U.K., is,
"to bring to trial those persons and
institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and
murder of children, past and present, and to stop these and
other criminal actions by church and state."
Interview with
Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the ITCCS Tribunal
Readers can listen to the exclusive interview with Rev. Kevin
Annett, Secretary of the ITCCS Tribunal:
Assassination of key witness to murder
of First Nations children personally committed by Elizabeth Windsor
In his interview Rev. Annett discusses the evidence the ITCCS
Tribunal will be reviewing that
Elizabeth Windsor and her consort
Prince Philip did in October 1964 participate in the abduction and
probable murder of 10 young First Nations children, taken by the
Royal Couple using the power of Royal Leave from an Aboriginal
residential boarding school in Kamloops, B.C.
These 10 children have never been seen since the abduction by the
Royal couple during Elizabeth Windsor’s then state visit to Canada
as its head of state.
Key witness
William Coombes assassinated
William Coombes, a Canadian Aboriginal, was to have served as a
sworn witness International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
(ITCCS) session as to crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against
humanity personally committed by Elizabeth of Windsor (Queen
Elizabeth II) and her consort Prince Philip in Canada in October
1964 at Kamloops, British Columbia.

Eyewitness William
Coombes assassinated in cover up
Credits: ITCCS.ORG
In his interview, Rev. Kevin Annett sets out the prima facie
evidence for Queen Elizabeth's and Prince Philip's personal
involvement in the disappearance and presumed murder of these 10
Aboriginal children abducted by them from a residential school in
Kamloops, BC in the period Oct. 5 - 13, 1964 and never seen again in
their lives.
According to Rev. Annett’s recitation of the forensic evidence, it
appears that William Coombes was assassinated on February 26, 2011
in St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC, by a criminal conspiracy
acting on behalf of Elizabeth Windsor and the Vatican to prevent
William Coombe's testimony at the October 2011 Session of the
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.
On August 9, 2011 Rev. Kevin Annett was detained at Heathrow Airport
as he arrived in the U.K. to deliver lectures on the work of the ITCCS Tribunal, and was unlawfully expelled from the U.K. as part of
the continuing cover-up of child genocide by Elizabeth Windsor, Head
of State of the United Kingdom.
exposes cover-up at public radio stations in Canada
In his exclusive interview, Rev. Annett:
Exposes the underlying intent of
a documented effort to get rid of public affairs programming
at public radio stations, including his CFRO-FM program
Hidden from History at which murdered eyewitness William Coombes was a frequent guest and flag ship public affairs
programs like the Monday Brownbagger and Wakeup with Coop
and the purging of long time and all progressive talk show
Exposes the secret actions of
Vancouver, B.C. billionaire and Bilderberger Jim Pattison to
take over CFRO-FM, a listener sponsored Vancouver public
radio station, and enforce the coverup of Aboriginal child
genocide by Elizabeth Windsor. Elizabeth Windsor and other
monarchs, the City of London
Rothschilds, and the Wall
Rockefellers were the prime movers behind and
founded the
Bilderberger group in 1954 to serve the
interests of the British monarchy;
Exposes to expose infiltration
of a staff attorney in the BC Attorney General's office into
public affairs programming and the Board of Directors of
CFRO-FM (Vancouver, B.C.) in order to implement the cover-up
of child genocide by Elizabeth Windsor and her consort
Prince Philip and implement the purge of public affairs
programming and of progressive radio talk show hosts.
Criminal co-conspiractor Freya Zaltz of the B.C. Attorney
General's office was appointed to the Vancouver Co-op Radio
board at its 2010 Annual General Meeting after debate on her
appointment was prohibited;
Exposes the unlawful shutdown of
CKLN-FM (Toronto) through the same attorney in the B.C
Attorney General’s office, who also gave false testimony at
a Canadian Federal (Commission for Radio-television and
Telecommunications (CRTC) hearing that led to the shut-down
of CKLN-FM (Toronto), a public station in Toronto, Ontario
and its public affairs programming. Rev. Annett makes the
link between CFRO-FM and CKLN-FM to show that there is a
larger pattern of shutting down public radio talk shows and
stations in Canada;
Exposes to expose the criminal
conspiracy and manipulation by Vancouver billionaire and
Bilderberger Jim Pattison and by CRFO-FM staff that led the
abrogation of CFRO-FM’s members rights and to a right-wing
board of directors being installed, and exposes the role of
CFRO-FM program director Leela Chinniah in coordinating
operational components of the criminal conspiracy to cover
up Aboriginal child genocide by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of
State of Canada.
Satanic Priests
...in The Catholic Church?
August 20, 2010
PressTV Website
Press TV interview with
international war crimes lawyer Alfred Lambremont Webre.
The Catholic Church is facing pedophilia charges while
seven adults have filed lawsuits accusing a California
priest of child sex abuse between 1972 and up until
2001. |

The plaintiffs, who include six women
and one man, say they were abused by father Stephen Kiesle.
They go on to say the Catholic Church
has long facilitated the molestation of children by protecting the
well-known child molesting priests.
This is the latest of several lawsuits where individuals say the
Catholic Church is closing its eyes to sexual abuse of children
by priests and church officials. The church has paid out more
than 400,000 million dollars to victims of clergy sex abuse.
The following is a transcription with Alfred Lambremont Webre,
who is an international lawyer specializing in war crimes.
Mr. Webre shares his insights regarding
these types of cases and explains how
the Catholic Church has a dark history of satanic sexual
abuse, which taints the hierarchal structure of the church from the
father all the way up to the Pope.
Press TV: To discuss this
scandal further, we are being joined by international lawyer
Alfred Lambremont Webre from Vancouver, Canada.
Many thanks for joining us here on
Press TV. This case is not an isolated incident. There are
reports alleging the current Pope being involved in a massive
cover-up for the sake of the Church.
Now with the Vatican's defense being
that one cannot prosecute the head of a state, can there be no
justice as far as the upper echelons of the church go?
Webre: I think that in this case it's not the Vatican
which is being sued here. It's the diocese of Oakland so that
this case can go forward. What is very interesting is the
evidence in this case which is the lavation file of the accused
former priest.
There's a letter in there that bears
the signature of the former Cardinal
Joseph Ratzinger,
who is now Pope Benedict XVI and there was a
letter to diocese officials in which Ratzinger, the current
Pope, said that the arguments for removing the accused priest
were quote,
"of grave significance and that
the action required careful review and more time."
So in this case we have the evidence
with the current pope's own signature that he signed so as to
protect this particular priest more and to give it more time.
Now people are saying that this is a
pattern of protecting the church from embarrassment.
Let's turn
this around. Suppose Cardinal Ratzinger, the current pope, was
actually running a sexual abuse ring for "satanic worshipers"
using Satanism and using sexual abuse. They were actually
encouraging sexual abuse by priests on children around the world
as part of a "Satanic Ritual."
That's what this looks like to me as
a lawyer, as a war crimes lawyer. Actually, the current Pope was
covering up satanic rituals of sex abuse within the current
Catholic Church, and here we have his signature of "Pope
Benedict XVI" (Cardinal Ratzinger) on the letter of Stephen
Keiser who's the accused priest. We have his signature and
that's the evidence in this case.
They can't plead sovereign immunity
because it's the diocese of Oakland that is being sued.
Press TV: The church has paid millions of dollars to
victims of clergy sex abuse. Now will the extent of punishment
here go just as far as defaulting?
Webre: You know, there is no dollar amount you can really
put on the pain and suffering of these individuals and this is
really a war crime.
You have a major church, a major
institution, which has been committing a fraud against the
children of the world, against the families of the world, and
maybe a satanic organization in our midst, and has committed war
crimes against humanity as that is understood under the various
So, there is no price here. What
exactly was the intent of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger? We know he
has Nazi ties from his childhood.
Press TV: Now with such large numbers of lawsuits being
filed against members of the Catholic Church, how would you
assess its standing with its thousands of worshipers around the
world now?
Webre: Well, you know that's a good question.
Because you have a hierarchy that is
in serious trouble, and does not want to look at their actions.
They are hiding behind improper defenses like sovereign
immunity, that it's a state as if it goes back to a decision
when they were the Holy Roman Empire.
It was the Roman Emperor
around 300 AD that marked into the Pope. That is what we have.
We have the former Roman Emperor who's now in the Vatican in
This is a historical fact. And for a
religious, ethical and moral leader to hide behind the defense
of sovereign immunity on a criminal prosecution of moral
turpitude is beyond the pale.
So, whether or not the Roman
Catholic Church will survive this crisis, depends on how they
are reacting. So far, they are not reacting well. Women have
come forward and have wanted to be priests.
They have been rebuffed completely.
It appears as though Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the current
Pope) signature is all over the crimes that have been committed
here, and as an attorney, I can tell you we have a big case of
"Satanism" here with the
Robert Picton cases here in
So, I would say that, investigators
should start looking at the Catholic Church as a possible
"Satanic Organization."
Press TV: I'm afraid we will have to leave it there. That
was international lawyer Alfred Lambremont Webre speaking to us
from Vancouver.
Many thanks for your insights here on Press TV.
Additional later
Why I exposed Kevin Annett & ITCCS
Alfred Lambremont Webre
December 23, 2014