by Zen Gardner
February 22, 2013
from ZenGardner

Lady Barbara Judge.
Archon guardian
and executor.
One spookily
hooked up entity
who would
probably scare you spitless in a dark alley.
credentials out the wazoo of course,
and aside from
her financial webstringing duties
she’s naturally
leading the nuclear energy revival in Japan.
And this is her “official” portrait.
This is the nasty breed that farms our planet for power and energy.
They can transform into many shapes and sizes, control and influence
almost at will, and toy with us like cats in a box of mice.
They’re known by many names and disguises:
...you name it.
It can be almost anything. These are
those that maintain the matrix and pounce upon humanity with wicked
alacrity. They know no remorse, compunction, empathy or love.
They are parasitic by their very nature and a cancerous phenomenon
in the Universe. And we happen to be on a planet they are farming.
The Ice Queen
Executor - A Perfect Example
You’ll know them by their cold, detached allegiance to the Agenda.
Our domination by any means possible.
Here’s the scoop on the ice queen pictured above from a CNN article.
This starter gives it away,
“Few people would use the word
'fantastic' to describe a visit to Fukushima, the site of
Japan’s 2011 nuclear disaster. But Lady Barbara Judge is not
just anybody”.
You’re not kidding.
Few people would use the word
“fantastic” to describe a visit to Fukushima, the site of
Japan’s 2011 nuclear disaster. But Lady Barbara Judge is not
just anybody.
Judge, a 66-year-old lawyer and businesswoman with dual British
and American citizenship, has been called in by the Tokyo
Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the company behind the
Fukushima, to help relaunch Japan’s nuclear power program, which
was suspended completely in March 2011.
How about a little more on this
archontic ball bearing that makes their world go ’round…
from Gen4 Energy website, formerly Hyperion
Gen4 Energy
has a compiled a team of executives that have over 80 years of
experience combined in the nuclear industry.
They are committed to bringing the Gen4
Module to market thereby providing a transportable power source that
is safe, clean, sustainable, and cost-efficient.

The Honorable Lady Barbara Judge
The Honorable Lady Judge is Chairman of Gen4 Energy.
She has
held senior executive and advisory appointments in law, finance,
industry, public service, the arts, and academic life in the
U.K., U.S., and Asia.
After gaining academic honors in law in the United States, she
specialized in corporate and financial transactions as a partner
in a major U.S. law firm. In 1980 Lady Judge was appointed by
the President as the youngest-ever Commissioner of the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission.
Lady Judge moved to Hong Kong in 1983 as the first woman main
board executive director of a London merchant bank, Samuel
Montagu & Co. She then held a series of senior positions in
banking in the U.S. and U.K.
Lady Judge was recently appointed Chairman of the U.K. Pension
Protection Fund. Prior to that she served as Chairman of the
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority from 2004 to 2010,
overseeing the development and sale of its commercial arm, UKAEA
Ltd, part of a major restructuring of the U.K. nuclear industry.
During this time she also served on
the Board of Directors for the U.K. Government’s Energy Group
and was a non-executive director of the then Department for
Constitutional Affairs.
From 2004 to 2007 she was Deputy
Chairman of the Financial Reporting Council, the U.K. regulatory
authority for accounting and corporate governance, and from 2007
to 2009 she was a public member of the International Ethics
Standards Board for Accountants.
from company website)
Nicely woven into the matrix fabric,
wouldn’t you say? Oh, but she’s just one of many. Stay tuned… and
look around. They love the limelight. And are making their final
Many more examples to come...
Bad News or
It’s way better to be aware of where you’ve landed. Yes, it’s a
paradise like planet, but we have a problem at the moment… a long
moment for us but a blip on the radar for their breed on the
Universal scale.
And we need to be aware of what we’re up against.
These creeps are everywhere, sorry to say, thanks to those who yield
to them. It doesn’t mean they have full dominion over us, but the
system we live in was and is constructed by them, however you
perceive “them” to be. We the people have negligible input or
influence in the system they’ve built. It’s a construct for the
constructors. That simple.
“We the people” is a pacifying charade.
We’re not fully dis-empowered by any means. Our weapons are
spiritual and eternal and we can wake up at any time and take our
personal lives back, as well as kick start a few others in the
If we reach
critical mass, it’s bye bye for them. That’s
what the awakening is all about.
They don’t possess the essential qualities that we do, or love,
compassion and connectivity to the Creative Source. They hate that, are jealous of it, and
can only poorly imitate to screen us from our true senses.
The Spiritual
Principles All Still Apply
You may think of this as a shock to your system, to see this sci-fi
type of stark potential reality this clearly, but it’s nothing new.
Just an ever growing understanding. And
if I’ve learned anything, the clarity of this understanding will
continue to continue for a long, long time. This Archon perception
or understanding just happens to encapsulate everything else we’ve
been studying for so long.
The Gnostics had a clear view of it, and got wiped out. Others have
as well. It’s our turn to stand and face the enemy.
One thing they
cannot stomach is bold, brave courage!
Always remember, it’s just a ride. However, knowing that and how to
handle our current reality are very serious considerations that
don’t always mix well.
Hence the conflict that bothers so many; the
angst, the fear due to not knowing something they sense is out
there. This intuitive nature of ours is either our best friend, or
potentially our worst enemy.
Be wise. But be confident.
That’s why information and knowledge are so important. And also why
they work to withhold it from us, from the true history of our
planet to the sacred teachings through the ages. It’s been
converted, perverted, distorted, under reported, disguised, despised
and minimized.
And just plain omitted.

Do They Really
Control Us?
If we let them, to an extent. I’m convinced we have the initiative
on them.
They watch and monitor us and then react
with a control mechanism. The internet and information explosion and
how we’ve utilized it is a great example. They set it up for their
own information sharing and it got opened up to us.
Little did they
know the awakening that would ensue.
So what do they do? Spy and monitor like
crazy, collecting information as fast as they can. That was probably
in the cards from the beginning. But their actions have now become a
re-action with so many cat’s getting out of the proverbial bag.
Just look at this awakening and the spontaneous outburst of new
knowledge and awareness that’s been afforded. I don’t think they saw
it coming. They’re not all-knowing super duper ETs, they’re simply
soulless parasites that are more developed in some ways but not the
right ones.
They are virtually robotic non-feeling
reactors who process information with one goal in mind:
To climb on top of whatever organism
they’re vampiring and keep sucking the life out of it, somehow
corralling this elusive living, soul filled organic life form
they’ve found.
To hell with them. Throw them off your
back. They’re nothing to fear.
Remember, for all their techno-logical… think about that… prowess,
they have no soul. No empathy. No love. None of the good, eternally
connected stuff. And they hate us for that, which explains what we
pathological or psychopathic behavior.
Believe me, it’s way off the charts
worse than any of the shrinks’ definitions.
Otherworldly comes to mind, but satanic
might be close.
The Invasion Is Here…
and Severe
Our planet is under attack. From
chemtrails to
GMOs and everything
in between it’s already otherworldly.
How the supposed leaders of the world
endorse our deliberate extermination, and that of the planet, is
almost beyond comprehension. Except in this context. You do wonder
about the under managers who are losing their own lives and families
by cooperating in such an extinction level event, but that’s how
powerful the spell is.
The battle is in the mind. And the Spirit. And that’s where our
power lies.
I can hardly go through a day without considering the massive extent
of this assault on Planet Earth. I watch the chemtrails, I watch my
food, I check my email, I check the news. And it only gets worse.
To try to figure this mess out should be our number 1 duty, but it
isn’t for the vast majority. They’ll take the mainstream
interpretation and go on their way.
Sad. So very sad.
We Won a Long Time
By our conscious awareness we have already won this battle. It’s in
a dimension of love and light and happiness they’ll never know. We
don’t have to worry about that, we just have to execute the plan.
Defy. Bravely.
Alert the troops. Stand strong.
Defy the bastards and they’ll wilt.