by Elva Thompson
August 29, 2015
HeartStarBooks Website
Spanish version

William Shakespeare
"The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease
with the idea of when [the predator] made its appearance
on Earth.
They reasoned that man must
have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous
insights, feats of awareness that are mythological
legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to
disappear, and we have now a sedated man.
What I'm saying is that what
we have against us is not a simple predator.
It is very smart, and
organized. It follows a methodical system to render us
useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to
be, is no longer magical. He's an average piece of meat.
There are no more dreams for
man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to
become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic.
In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the
predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver
stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a
fighting strategist.
A horrendous maneuver from
the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us
their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their
mind, which becomes our mind.
The predators' mind is
baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of
being discovered any minute now.
Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain
the contradictions between the intelligence of man the
engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or
the stupidity of his contradictory behavior.
Sorcerers believe that the
predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas
of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones
who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of
success or failure.
They have given us
covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators
who make us complacent, routinely, and egomaniacal."
Carlos Castaneda
The predator
and the politics of deception
All my life I have strived for animal rights, and have faced many
challenges, triumphs and defeats, but now, when I look back at the
success and failures, a different perspective of reality emerges.

I remember how relieved I blood-sports was when hunting with dogs
was abolished in the UK. However, it didn't take me long to realize
that the legislation had no teeth… and was never intended to.
The orcs in their uniform of bloody death still carry on
killing innocent creatures with the blessing of their satanic
masters, the pedophile elite.
They still carry on breaking the law,
trespassing on private property; ripping up any unfortunate creature
who happens to cross their path, and put motorists at risk when
their dogs riot upon a busy road. And the guardians of the status
the corrupt police, look the other
But seasoned animal rights activists
know the masonic score, and how the predator wriggles and squirms
through sooty wormholes of corruption to seek its will against the
The falsity of
Many of us still believe that direct action and confrontation with
the status quo, can facilitate change for the betterment of all.
But nothing has changed since time
began. Humanity is still selfish, brutal and unthinking, and nothing
will change in this abyss of opposites, for our reality is a
construct governed by the parasitical ego mind.
We can point to this or that success but
taking the world as a whole, it has never been so satanic, polluted
and debased.
self-serving ego of polarity
There is a lot of variation in
the Matrix game, and the animal
rights movement is a good example of all 'progressive' movements,
color revolutions and 'fighting' for whatever.
Animal rights has many shirt-tail relatives:
the egoistic and charismatic
leader that divides rather than unites
the self seeking martyr complex
the self righteous indignation
of the cat and dog brigade who tell us they love animals,
but think nothing of consuming a dead lamb, or a crated veal
calf that has never seen the light of day
These fractals are an anchor weight for
any spiritual movement and often destroy from within.
They are ego driven, mindless bags of
squirming appetites, the Impostor Consciousness of the
parasitical predator:
my meat, my dick, my pint and my
'intellectual' barrack room opinion...
The parasite
called "I"
Humanities problem is
the gatekeeper,
the parasitical, spiritual hit-man of our species. The
Watcher at the threshold of our immortality. The fearful ego 'I',
that keeps us locked into the abyss, and the game of 'us and them'.
The Watcher is the servant of the enemy of life, and the
third dimension is its playground.
The glare of the serpent's eye is
hypnotic, and it can and does engage our minds, and lives its life
of self gratification through our awareness and emotions… until we
It is the chattering voice of
distraction, the guard at the gate that leads to the All, the
reptilian implant that has usurped our divinity. Only the foolish
think the Law of Duality: The Law of Polarity can change.
There can be no utopia in duality, in
the world of the predator there is only "I", me and mine.
Human beings are all action and reaction [duality] and the way the
game is rigged, we pile up energetic debt that draws us back life
after life into the brutal game of the abyss. The pendulum swings
back and forth, age after age, and man the farm animal comes out of
the caves and goes back in… ad infinitum and ad nauseam.
We don't realize we have
a mind parasite, and the cause of
the problems in the world are energetic.
The conflict is spiritual, and the
manifested world is a reflection of ourselves; our impostor
consciousness of hereditary entitlement to scar and rape the living
of the third kind
'The world will not evolve past its
current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created
the situation.'
There are some of us who have an innate
love for the planet.
Our hearts break as the butterfly
nations disappear, their remaining habitat destroyed for a god-damn
road or a piece of worthless furniture; and when the last white
rhino on the planet has to be guarded from the predations of the
unkindest beast that ever walked this earth… extinction is looming
on our horizon.
But so few of us seem to have this understanding… this planetary
connection. Perhaps there is an inner knowing, an awareness on a
deeper level that 'That Art Thou.' (see
Satanic Reality)
Or maybe we have already on a conscious
level re-connected with the All...
The solution
Once we leave the energy of the 'game of us and them' and take our
power back, with vigilance and introspection, we can overcome the
parasitical dictates of the reptile mind.
We can shut out the whispering urging
voice of 'Sin' the Moon, and view the events
unfolding on this planet, and in our own lives with non dual
In the words of Krishnamurti:
Truth is truth, one, alone; it has
no sides, no paths; all paths do not lead to truth.
There is no path to truth, it must
come to you. Truth can come to you only when your mind and heart
are simple, clear, and there is love in your heart; not if your
heart is filled with the things of the mind.
When there is love in your heart,
you do not talk about organizing for brotherhood; you do not
talk about belief, you do not talk about division or the powers
that create division, you need not seek reconciliation.
Then you are a simple human being
without a label, without a country. This means that you must
strip yourself of all those things and allow truth to come into
being; and it can only come when the mind is empty, when the
mind ceases to create.
Then it will come without your
invitation. Then it will come as swiftly as the wind and
unbeknown. It comes obscurely, not when you are watching,
It is there as sudden as sunlight,
as pure as the night; but to receive it, the heart must be full
and the mind empty.
In the quietude of mind when the storm
is no more, we will once again be sovereign, and realize That We
Are The All. Then when we act upon reality, we have clarity, and
the power of
the multiverse behind us to affect
the frequency of our world.
This is the way of the warrior magician.
