by Elva Thompson
August 24, 2015
HeartStarBooks Website
Spanish version
"Pragmatically speaking,
I like the fact that the masses
vote, abuse drugs,
believe in Jesus, follow
sports, and worship a flag.
They are tools of social
that keep the many sedate,
and out of many people's hair
(chiefly, my own)."
Matt Paradise
Bearing The Devil's Mark

Sea Shepherd Global.
The satanic fabric of
Definition of civilization:
Having an advanced or humane culture,
society, etc.
Our so called 'civilized' society is built on a monstrous Lie.
It is
not humane or advanced, it is a cold blooded, satanic hierarchical
system built on the suffering and blood of mankind and the animal
All life forms on this planet are under
attack from a perverted and insane consciousness; a debased mind set
that has descended into a bestiality far below the innocent realm of
animal instinct.
All of us that do not speak out against barbarism and cruelty in all
its manifestations, are complicit in the ongoing destruction of our
planet and its creatures. Sadly, many of us have become carbon
copies of impostor consciousness, perverse in our thinking and blind
in our ignorance and insensitivity.
We play into, and give credence to a
satanic system of debt, political choice, medical fraud, mind
numbing fake news, planetary despoliation… and, are in effect,
accomplices and co-conspirators of inequality and oppression.
happens by accident
The violent events that happen in this world are not accidental.
They are carefully crafted scenarios,
hatched by the criminally insane,
the thirteen satanic families of
the coven, and their political enforcers.
In the double speak of evil,
war is peace
liberation is enslavement
help and relief are hindrance
and exploitation
education is the ignorance of
Black Magic
The thirteen elite families are
black magicians.
They know the laws that govern this dimension, and are aware of
auspicious astrological times of power. They use planetary
alignments and conjunctions to enhance
financial crashes or to
a war.

They do nothing by chance, being
creatures of ritual and
They have duped, drugged and
distracted us with the sensory stimuli they constantly apply through
their 'entertainment' outlets, and, even though we may be aware of
their plot to take over the world, many feel helpless in the face of
such blatant evil and corruption.
To keep us chained to a dimension of the senses, and block our
divinity, they have to manipulate the energetic health of our planet
with malignant, terrified energy.
They know we are immersed in a sea of
vibration, resonance and frequency, and they manipulate the grid
with human sacrifice.
Because of the horror injected at the power points on our planet by
the satanic elite, humanities collective soul is tarnished and
degraded by the dark, demonic impulses which flow throughout our
The planetary grid is kept in a low
state of vibration by 'shock and awe' collective fear, child torture
and sacrifice, brothels, factory farms, vivisection laboratories,
slaughter houses, the terrorizing of civilian populations and the
constant barbarism of war.
The real casualties of war are 'we the people'. We are not paid
mercenaries to murder. We are humanity, poisoned, maimed and
displaced by the whim and balance sheet of our satanic masters.
We are adrift in a hostile world where
trauma is the norm, and lies are served up for breakfast, lunch and
Heads or tails
- The two sides of the coin
Everything is dual; everything has
poles; everything has its pairs of opposites.'
The Kybalion
To take on the satanic elite and level
the playing field, it is important that we understand the dynamics
of duality.
the Matrix game of 'us and them' there has to be two
opposing sides:
Those who mend and those that break… those who give
and those that take.

In our dual world both types of consciousness exist side by side.
They are the opposing maspects of the same force forever
battling it out in the matrix game of snakes and ladders.
The game of 'us versus them' is tailor made for impostor
consciousness and will only cease when humanity refuses to play the
game… but that's a long way off… for many don't even realize there is
a game, and those that do, don't realize they are playing it.
The disconnect
from divinity
Trauma creates disconnection from the heart, and once we lose this
vital connection we become entrapped in the five sense world of
sensation and self-gratification.
No longer are we selfless beings.
We are held captive by the impostor
consciousness that inhabits the world of self gratification. The ego
"I" that eclipses our divine
multi-dimensional nature, and
inhibits our spiritual awareness for growth.
The loss of
the sixth sense
We can only use the five chakras of,
sense of space,
...to create our physical reality.
We have
lost contact with our inner self and multi-dimensional awareness,
and are unable to access our sixth and seventh sense:

However, the animals we torture, hunt and murder in the manifested
world, still retain awareness of the 6th and seventh sense. They are
in effect, nearer to divinity than self seeking, arrogant humanity,
and are more aware of their place in this reality than we are.
Animals flee from a tsunami, they do not run like a dull sensed
human towards impending death to take a photograph!
Who are the
Rudolph Steiner postulated in his books 'Man as Symphony of
the Creative Word' and 'Occult Science' that man the microcosm,
reflected the macrocosm, and that the animal kingdom were
specialized parts of the whole spread out in creation.
Following Rudolph Steiner's research into' Man a symphony of the
Creative Word, Sir George Trevelyan in his book 'Operation
Redemption' had this to say about the animal realms: the microcosm
and the macrocosm.
"Thus the ruminants may be seen as the digestive system
Across the face of the earth is extended this
mechanism of digestion, the cow consuming grass and fertilizing the
living earth. The lion seems to be the chest in specialized
development, the rhythmic system of heart and lungs.
How slight are
its digestive organs, how powerful its manned shoulders and thorax,
how royal its glance and its roar!
The eagle, representing the bird
kingdom, is seen as a metamorphosis of the head and larynx. It has
no great intestine, its body is a system of warm air sacs to keep it
floating, the glory of its plumage flashing in the sun compares with
the flashing of thoughts in man.
Thus snakes are the guts, the fishes, as recognized in astrology,
are the feet. The crustacean, floating in the sea, are like the
floating organs in the blood such as kidneys, and it is well known
that blood and seawater are chemically practically identical.
man, the microcosm, reflects the macrocosm and the bodily organs
appear spread out through the animal kingdom."
If this is indeed a truth, the understanding will be accompanied by
a terrible revelation.
If the animal kingdom with all its variations are aspects of
ourselves, then we have been co-opted by
the Matrix Program of 'us
versus them' the impostor consciousness, to attack the very fabric
of our being.
The planet is dying… because homo sapiens is dying. His spiritual
defeat is on the horizon, and his
brave new cyborg world will be
populated by his robotic consciousness.
He will have fallen once
The Return
"We can only escape from the world
by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but
only wisdom can take the world out of the man.
As long as the human being is
obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic
consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is
transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he
still dwells physically among worldly things."
Manly P. Hall
'Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the
The Kybalion
All great philosophers have postulated
that the wonder and transcendence of cosmic consciousness can only
be attained when 'self' is expunged.
Self, the chattering, fearful
ego mind of "I", that guards the gate of consciousness at the expense
of spiritual reality.
It is difficult for many of us to cultivate a quietude of mind
because the soft voice of the soul can only be heard when our ego
stops talking long enough to hear it. The ego is constantly trying
to interfere with our efforts to contact our true nature of the All.
But, only when the ego is subdued, the internal dialogue of conflict
shut off, can we participate and re-connect with our
multi-dimensional divinity.
From the place of ultimate truth, we realize that everything that
exists including the planet and the universe are aspects of
ourselves. We know that we only can access 10% of our divinity,
The other 90% has been hijacked by the enemy of life, the
consciousness of cruelty, and this in turn has created duality. In
truth there is no in or out.
It is all the same unified field of
That Art Thou.
That Art Thou
Everything exists within a unified field of consciousness and
everything is connected. In truth there is no separation, it is only
impostor consciousness that blocks our understanding.
Once we withdraw from the game and observe from our hearts, it is
possible with intent to psychically re-connect with all of life.
This is the path and ultimate goal of the spiritual warrior.

Then all is possible...
We can break a hunted hare from her circle and save her/our life. We
can turn a pod of pilot whales away from the horrific brutality
metered to them by the servants of darkness, the impostor
Through divine synchronicity, we become powerful catalysts for
change; beacons of the living truth.
For we have been re-born into
the holiest of understanding. Namely:
That Art Thou (You Are That).
This is our path… the ascension timeline beckons.
Will you be on
the bus...?