by Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner
May 25, 2009
TheExaminer Website
The new Star Trek movie shows James T.
Kirk graduating from Starfleet Academy after finding his calling to
“explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new
civilizations; to boldly go where no person has gone before.”
spent four years in the San Francisco training center for diplomats,
intercultural communications experts and crew for those wanting to
join Star Trek’s fictional Starfleet Command. Up until recently, a
real life educational program for those interested in any career
concerning extraterrestrial life has been strictly the realm of
science fiction.
Wait no more! The future has arrived!
An educational program exists for those
seeking to “explore strange new worlds” and “seek out new life and
new civilizations.”

Star Trek Movie -
Starfleet Academy graduates.
Rather than being physically based in
San Francisco, the real life version of Starfleet Academy is based
on an online series of courses organized by the Hawaii based
Exopolitics Institute.
In January 2007, the Institute pioneered a
set of courses concerning extraterrestrial life, and this month the
first graduate of the Exopolitics Certification Program has emerged.
If interested in what kinds of courses the real life Starfleet
Academy teaches and the experiences of graduates about their
readiness to conduct galactic diplomacy, read on!
Each semester a series of courses are presented which fall under the
rubric of ‘exopolitics’.
Exopolitics is defined as the political
study of the actors, processes and institutions concerning
extraterrestrial life. The courses are designed for those interested
in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or
acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative
techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life.
Two courses start this week as part of the 2009 Summer semester.
This first is offered by Manuel Lamiroy, Lic Juris., who is a former
lawyer and university instructor in Belgium. He has spent more than
a decade studying extraterrestrial contact cases. He will teach
“Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Life”
which presents the
key concepts for those wishing to interact or communicate with
extraterrestrial life.
Paola Harris, M.Ed., worked with legendary
UFO researcher
J. Allen Hynek on the best available UFO evidence.
Since the late 1970’s she has accumulated a vast amount of insights
interviewing whistleblowers and contactees. This week she begins
teaching “Best Evidence: Expert Witness Testimony and Views on the
ET presence.”
Neil Gould recently completed all course
requirements for the Exopolitics Certificate which is the core
educational program for those wishing to develop conceptual and
analytical skills concerning extraterrestrial life. In addition to
the above courses, he also completed Introduction to Exopolitics;
Quantum Cosmology; and Hollywood and UFOs. In 2008, Neil created
Exopolitics Hong Kong and now is an advisor to the
Institute. He has a forthcoming paper in the June edition of the
Exopolitics Journal.
Some Pioneers, Faculty and students
discuss Exopolitics
Disclosure 101
April 24, 2009
YouTube Website
A short film outlining the basic information behind the Disclosure
Featuring the Kings and Queens of
Exopolitics, this film cannot be missed!
Neil agreed to answer some questions for those
interested in what the Exopolitics Certification program offers.
Q: How does the certification
program help you prepare for contact with extraterrestrial life?
The syllabus covers the key Contactees, Military whistleblowers
and Psychiatrist such as Harvard trained Professor, Dr
Mack; not to forget
Tesla, Einstein and Oppenheimer. The course
instructor has interviewed these people and students are
encouraged to interact with them, to ask questions. The first
hand information is shared amongst the students, a chance to
share insights and reactions.
Ones World View is changed
forever; the paradigm shift enhances ones own spiritual growth.
One is immersed into experiences that are out of this world. The
shift in mindset enables one to understand the complexity of the
universe. It is then goodbye universe and hello
multiverse as
linear time goes out the window.
The introduction to the reality
of ETs living amongst us and on US military bases creates a
tremendous chance to examine the protocols of contact. The
hidden knowledge and history of our paleo-contact brings
insights into avoiding past mistakes with ET contact. We are
finally put as ease when we begin to understand just who we are
and why formal ET contact is inevitable and necessary for our
One becomes fully qualified to be part of a field of
study that will lead humankind towards this process as the
mainstream hold onto our coat tails in utter bewilderment.
Q. Do you feel that the certification program has given you the
skills to conduct citizen diplomacy with ETs?
This course covers terrestrial citizen’s diplomacy, an anchor to
the disciplinary foundations so critical in negotiations amongst
parties in conflict. How does one ensure that everyone leaves
the negotiating table satisfied?
Galactic Diplomacy takes this
field to new levels, into unchartered waters.
The Galactic
models predict a requirement for mediation not only between
citizens and ETs but between the ETs and our Governments.
Resolving terms of agreements between ETs and the Military made
without congressional oversight; how do we explain this to the
citizens? We study our
Galactic history, find many out of place
artifacts; flying machines on ancient temple walls…..
That just
could not be!
Reading how every museum has two doors, we gleam
the truth about how mankind was manipulated by non terrestrial
beings throughout our past. How we worshipped them and how the
ancient bloodlines continue influencing society today. These
revelations can be digested after the correct training. This
course drives one to the cutting edge of interfacing with off
world beings.
Understanding their history, origins and
motivations; the begging question persists; are they good or
bad? This course enables one to understand not only the answer;
but the question itself.
Q. In what way has the certification program provided you an
understanding of extraterrestrial life that you didn't have
The Galactic Diplomacy module, takes one on an extremely intense
journey, assisted by competent instructors who ensure that the
students are well prepared for this information. It is a journey
that replaces everything you ever thought or knew about the
realities surrounding you, including the great religions,
financial institutions, right down to the activities which occur
under our oceans, deep underground and within the highly
convoluted multiverse.
The interconnectivity between ETs and us,
the conscious envelopes which surround planets, expands ones
perceptions way beyond those of any counterparts one might have
within the mainstream. Upon completion of this module one is
left drained of energy but filled with wonderment, excitement
and the psychological tools to challenge conventional wisdom.
Q. As the first recipient of an Exopolitics Certificate, what do
you plan to do next in terms of the skills you've acquired?
I will continue studying and obtain my Diploma. After the first
three modules I began to lecture in Hong Kong, appear on TV and
do radio interviews. I have over a thousand subscribers to my
weekly Newsletter or my You Tube videos. Without this course I
would never have been able to bring the material that I now
have, into the public domain.
The skills earned will be used to
further these activities and I intend to teach parts of this
course to others. A wonderful consequence of having received the
Exopolitics Certificate, is that I am continuously surrounded by
Professors, Doctors and other professionals, many of whom
secretly engage me in conversation to answer their nagging
questions about Exopolitics, ET life and the disclosure process.
I sense that even the skeptics are believers. A redefined
meaning of a skeptic is someone who is afraid to believe due to
lack of education in the field of Exopolitics or out of fear of
losing their job.
Thanks to Neil Gould, Manuel Lamiroy, Paola Harris and others,
there’s no need to wait for governments to create real life
versions of Starfleet Academy.
If documentary records and
evidence serves as a reliable guide, you may be waiting a long
time. Instead, jump on your cyberspace shuttle and visit the
command HQ of the real life Starfleet Command at the
Institute Certification Program. You may do much more than just
equip yourself for a hypothetical future of open contact with
extraterrestrial life.
You may indeed help usher in a new
galactic society.