by Ed Komarek
ExopoliticsBlogspot Website
Here's another excellent
article by Ed Komarek. It deals with the
contactee movement and the need to revisit the extensive
data supporting it, while also being mindful of the
propaganda that was aimed to discredit it.
In my view,
the contactee movement became a high priority target of
the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) which was an
interagency body created in 1951 that reported directly
to the National Security Council.
The PSB and its 1953
successor, the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) had
as their chief target of covert psychological warfare
not the communist movement, but the growing contactee
movement which was a direct threat to the national
security effort to cover up the visitation of
extraterrestrial life.
A secret counter intelligence
program to discredit and/or skew information concerning
extraterrestrial life has been occurring for well over
five decades.
It's about time we begin to expose the
COINTELPRO and what was
done to discredit many individuals who had contact with
friendly extraterrestrial visitors.
Michael Salla,
Ph.D. |
Part 1
The 1950s Contactee Movement Revisited
Howard Menger Revisited
November 08, 2007
I read a lot of contactee stories from the 1950's when I first got
interested in UFO/ET as a young man. I did not know what to make of
these stories and just moved on. Now that I am much older and have
quite a lot of experience under my belt I found myself rereading the
From Outer Space by Howard Menger.
As we all know these contactee stories
were heavily debunked in the 1950's and 1960's and to a point where
most mainstream UFO investigators to this day easily dismiss these
cases of human extraterrestrial infiltration into our society.
I believe this is a big mistake.
First, the very fact knowing what we
know now about the propaganda campaign propagated against the
public since the 1940's ought to be cause enough to revisit
these old cases.
Second, in light of current
knowledge of human ET encounter cases and a possible
meeting between human ET’s and Eisenhower in 1955 is another reason to take a
good look at these old cases.
Third, I have local contactee
friends that have been providing me with stories for many years
that are no different from these old contact cases. The only
difference between these newer local cases and the very public
cases of the 1950's is that the human ET’s seem to have changed
tactics in light of resistance from earth humans as well as some
other races that have been troubling them and us.
Forth, this discussion of tight
fitting ET flight suits having a slight glow with invisible
pockets, a kind of small square image recording device that fits
into the palm of the hand and projects a holographic image,
electromagnetic propulsion systems, doors on craft that just
open up and are invisible when not open, view screens etc. all
compare well to what we know today about ET technology from
crash retrievals.
This image recording device seems
similar to the device that holds a ET history known as the Yellow
Something else I have not heard anywhere is that the ET men
don’t have a problem with facial hair on their worlds but when on
earth for awhile they have to shave. Menger remarked that on his
moon trip his facial hair quit growing. What could be causing this
effect I have no idea but it could be important.
From what I am hearing from my local contactee sources is that
extensive contact and infiltration into earth human society has
continued unabated since the 1940's. What is different today from
the 1950's is that what once was a very overt infiltration has
morphed and gone underground due to resistance from world military,
economic and government elites. From what I am hearing is that the
human ET’s intent to turn things around on earth has not wavered
even though tactics have had to be modified so as to adapt to
changing external conditions.
It also seems that there continues to be
a high turnover rate amongst individual ET’s with earth educated
ET’s being constantly replaced with new recruits. I am speculating
that there are two reasons for this, one being the stress involved,
and the other being growing interest in earth affairs by more ET
individuals and groups.
Howard Menger gives a very broad perspective on
extraterrestrial humans and their relationship to earth’s indigenous
people. He is saying that there are different human races living in
parallel worlds around other planets, moons and the sun of our solar
system as well as elsewhere about the universe. One of the main
criticisms by the uninformed and skeptical is that the rest of the
solar systems seems to be inhospitable to life at least complex life
But Menger makes it clear that these ET
humans are living not in our dimension around the inhospitable
planets, moons and sun, but in other hidden to us dimensions. It
looks to me that maybe what we have are habitable finite dimensional
shells or zones around large accumulations of mass that are held
together by some processes of gravitation and quantum entanglement.
I have heard of speculations by
physicists that gravity is weak because it is holding together mass
in other dimensions. Menger talks about being in orbit around the
moon for 10 days according to his watch having his body adjusted on
a molecular and atomic level before setting foot on a inhabited
moon. This compares well to what some of the Rama folks in Peru have
been saying since the 1970's, that their human ET contacts go in and
out of other dimensions even here on earth. There is some really
interesting physics going on that physicists should be taking a good
look at.
But Menger’s broad view is even broader and he says that his ET
friends tell him that all these parallel worlds are connected and
that souls transmigrate between these different parallel worlds. He
is talking about this way back in the 1950's and in a big way on the
Long John Nebel radio show that reached millions of people just as
George Norey and Art Bell do today.
While we can see from cases like the
1958 Fontes Briefing that the military was freaking out about a
ongoing alien invasion and trying to shoot down craft and mostly
getting shot down themselves in the process, while Howard is helping
his human ET friends infiltrate into earth society. He is cutting
their hair, getting them earth clothes, briefing them on local
ever-changing language, going about helping them install
transceivers about the country that have a range about 25 miles to
monitor earth humans etc.
He says his ET’s are vegetarians, the
men don’t like having their shoulder length hair cut off and the ET
women can’t stand bras. The only time he knew them to be really
upset and angry was when they themselves were being infiltrated both
by earth humans and it seems at least one other ET race causing them
and their contactees a lot of trouble.
In fact a contactee friend of mine believes that things have only
gotten worse over the years with some troublesome ET’s and that this
friend thinks an ET war may be brewing.
Other than that the human ET’s are
keeping a lower profile, not much has changed in regard to their
activities and their long range plans of earth humanity. My friend
said that a mutual contactee friend even got clothes for his ET’s so
they could walk around Walmart and feel and touch things.
Another contactee that I know about says
he calls some ET’s stupid ET’s because they have had to ask about
simple things like what is Christmas? Its obvious that many ET
humans are still dropping in cold turkey without going through any
formal courses on earth affairs. What does seem to have changed is
that human ET’s now favor involvement and infiltration with lower
economic social classes because when people talk it won’t be taken
seriously causing them security problems. Social class divisions
restrict information flow to the military and economic elite that
give the ET’s trouble.
Its even kind of funny in that all this infiltration and interaction
with earth humans is happening right under the military’s arrogant
noses, right around their military bases where they engage in cat
and mouse games with ET craft and have their Blue Beret Teams
stationed. It seems that our military has all this hard power just
as Fulford claims but little soft power.
Our military is enamored
with technology and it is getting us into no end of trouble even in
terrestrial affairs. This all makes our military and intelligence
community look like the Keystone Cops when compared against
the ET military and intelligence community. America’s terrestrial
HUMIT intelligence is pretty bad but it would seem that
extraterrestrial HUMIT intelligence is even worse.
Those of us that have taken the trouble
to become informed have seen plenty of cases of human ET’s involved
in earth affairs, so all this infiltration should come as no
Bob Dean has commented that the military brass at
NATO were very upset at these human ET’s that look just like us
infiltrating our planet. Its obvious from the Fontes Briefing,
The Three Star General Report and other cases that the military
was very paranoid about this in the 1950's and 1960's with a
reactionary faction of the military even today just as paranoid,
dangerous and delusional. This mentality about shooting first and
asking questions later is pretty dangerous and stupid if you ask me.
I thought Menger was quite clear about the motives of his ET friends
and that it was in their and our self interest to turn things around
on earth. In light of the much bigger picture of soul migration and
the interconnectiveness of these parallel dimensional worlds this
makes since. It would seem that earth human devolution is harming
others in the cosmic neighborhood in ways that are difficult for us
to understand and the celestial humans are determined to get things
straightened out here even if they have to fight us and other
troublesome ET’s in the process.
In fact other UFO investigators are beginning to comment that there
are just too many crashes for it to just be due to equipment
malfunction. Not only are earth forces still fighting with some ET
groups but
ET groups seem to be fighting amongst themselves not only
around earth but on a much wider universal scope. Why should we
think conflict ends with us when we see conflicts between predators
and prey all through the natural world.
If the world’s military and economic
elite would just observe more and act less, things would be better
for everybody concerned. But no, earth humans have to make it hard
not just on themselves but on everybody else as well.
So what is
new? The immensity and reality of the situation is just mind
boggling for anybody who tries to get a handle on it both inside and
outside of government.
As usual our worst enemy is ourselves!
Part 2
The 1950s Contactee Movement Revisited
November 10, 2007
It has been apparent to me for some time that the evolving
Exopolitical movement of the new century has its roots in the
contactee movement of the 1950s. It’s important for us to understand
those roots and the underlying evolutionary forces that drove the
contactee movement of the 1950s and which is also driving the
resurgence of UFO/ET activism in the new century.
I recently wrote
an article on Howard Menger and am now working my way through
one of my old books on Adamski. It’s called, UFO... George Adamski,
Their Man On Earth, by Lou Zinsstag.
Lou was a friend of Adamski, and the niece of Carl Jung.
She was a
contactee herself, but only one of many contactees in a network of
which Adamski, Howard Menger, George Van Tassel and
Daniel Fry were
the most publicly prominent. It is becoming very clear to me that this earth human network was linked in a very complex way to a very
large extraterrestrial human network.
While several contactees were very
public, there were a large number of other contactees that worked
behind the scenes and that had more limited contact with the various
ET humans. I think it is a mistake to concentrate on just the public
figures of the contactee movement of the 1950s because they
represent just the tip of the iceberg. This is another one of those
situations where it’s easy to obscure the totality of the forest
when viewing the forest through several prominent trees. It’s the
nail that stands up the highest that feels the hammer or the highest
tree that get hit by lightning.
Likewise it’s the contactee or UFO/ET investigator that is the most
prominent that feels the brunt of the mainstream propagandist and
the critically biased uninformed UFO/ET researcher. It’s interesting
to see how mainstream propagandists attacks in the 1950s on the most
obvious contactees then led to further attacks by UFO/ET
investigators and groups like NICAP on all contactees.
Donald Keyhoe and
NICAP felt the whole UFO/ET field
was being discredited by the contactees when in fact the real
culprits were the propagandists supported by the military and
economic elite. I have experienced this phenomena myself when I was
involved with Operation Right To Know and I see it beginning
to happen again today in Exopolitics.
As I work back through material and memories accumulated through my
lifetime, the overall picture of ET human interactions is beginning
to take shape in my mind. While I never have had direct contact with
ET humans I have nevertheless felt a telepathic affiliation all my
life. In investigating UFOs in my local neighborhood I have found
myself on the fringe of a human ET network that seems to be dealing
with the same human ET’s of the 1950's but in a much less overt
The very same things that were going on
more overtly in the 1950's are still going on covertly. It’s clear
that contact has not dissipated since the 1950s but simply had to go
underground due to worldwide autocratic military and elite
resistance. Contact may have covertly accelerated.
This is the way things look to me right now.
The rapid advances in
technical knowledge in the first part of the twentieth century led
to space travel and the atomic bomb. The human extraterrestrials who
had been monitoring developments on earth became very concerned both
from self interest and secondly our interest as well. It became
clear to the extraterrestrial humans that something had to be done
about earth because we earth humans had become a clear and present
danger to their societies in way that we can only begin to imagine.
Starting in the 1930's the extraterrestrials began an accelerated
push to deal with the danger and had planed on a rapid overt
intervention to get earth humanity back on the right track.
Unfortunately for humanity as a whole and the ET’s as well, things
were much worse here than was initially realized. Widespread
military and elite autocratic resistance began to emerge in the
1940's and accelerated in league with the ET’s intervention. By the
late 1950s it was evident to the ET’s that there would have to be a
change of tactics and a much longer covert approach to
extraterrestrial contact and intervention.
Being that these human ET’s seem to live to be about 800 to 1000
years old, the time span of this intervention is really still quite
brief for them. Because of our much shorter life spans the
transition seems to us to be taking a very long time. What the ET’s
seem to have decided to do is to wait a generation or two for our
societies to adapt to their presence and for the elite fear factor
to dissipate before they made another more overt push.
I believe the rapid emergence of
Exopolitics is this
second push toward overt contact by the human extraterrestrial
races. So far I don’t see the severity of resistance that was
evident in the 1950s and I think this is due to covert behind the
scenes interactions with autocratic world leadership to dissipate
that resistance.
It seems to have worked and world elite
autocrats and military leaders seem to be relenting and slowly
dismantling the institutions that were behind the resistance effort.
The reason that I am so interested in these old contact cases that
involved official interactions with human ET’s is that I am told
they are still ongoing to this day and the ET’s are getting tired of
the foot dragging by high officials in government, the military and
in industry in regards to the cover-up. It would seem that the ET’s
are themselves adding to the pressure to disclose by threatening to
once again go publicly overt if officials don’t fess up.
A second complicating factor was when the human ET’s stood down; a
gap opened up that allowed less friendly ET’s to establish contact
with governments in the 1960's. This resulted in the acceleration of
the abduction phenomena where people were being treated the same way
we treat lab rats. These new ET relationships involved Faustian
agreements that were really not in the interest of the elites or the
In the early 1960's Adamski
alluded to this about the time of his mental deterioration and
dementia. He said a new group of ET’s had taken over. This new group
of ET’s interacting with world autocratic leadership is pretty well
outlined in the Robert Collins book,
Exempt From Disclosure.
Coinciding with this new push by human ET’s we seem to have a
reduction in abductions that may mark a reduction in the involvement
of world governments with the less friendly ET’s. What it looks like
to me is that autocratic elites have had to learn the hard way that
resistance to the friendly ET’s was not in their interest nor in the
interest of humanity as a whole.
At this time it is quite evident that
world autocratic elites have not only suppressed human evolution on
earth endangering humanity itself, but have even put the whole
planet in danger of environmental destruction. World elites really
have no option but to cooperate with the friendly human ET’s wither
they like it or not. It is becoming obvious to us all that world
leaders have failed their respective publics and really screwed
things up on this planet in the past century.
I seem to have some guidance as I work back through my memories and
my accumulated literature on UFO/ET. I have always been interested
in the big picture and it seems to be coming into focus. In order to
understand the present, we need to be able to understand the past
and how things got to this point in our history.
I think it is my
job to help out in this process by conceptualization of the
situation and then to publicize these concepts and evidence on my
blog and perhaps later in book format. In the previous article I
took a new look at contactee Howard Menger and his contactee
and ET networks and now I want to take a new look at George
Adamski and his networks.
The book
UFO… George Adamski, Their Man On Earth
is written by Lou Zinsstag an associate of Adamski and a
contactee herself. The book I have is one of those books published
by Wendelle Stevens that is not widely known. It is obvious that Lou Zinsstag is very intelligent and I see from this book that well know
author Tim Good has spend a lot of time working through her files
and even co-authored a book with her.
There is some really good information
here, just not on George Adamski, but on those other not widely
known contactees that made up the network. As I said before I think
it is a big mistake to only concentrate on the most public
contactees that made up these networks.
Every person has their frailties and propagandist-debunkers are very
good at finding error in one person of a network and then using that
to debunk the person and the whole network. I find that most
establishment UFO researchers, with people like Timothy Good being
an exception, have fallen under the propagandists spell, woven so
many years ago.
I have heard a lot of people popping off
publicly discrediting these early contactee networks when they have
not really studied them in any depth and are only regurgitating the
propagandist’s line. Or that they are relying on a personal
experience, a partial truth that is out of context with the totality
of the situation. If Tim Good spent years trying to get to
the bottom of the Adamski case and failed, then we aren’t going to
get to the bottom of it either until the UFO/ET cover-up ends and
the U.S. government opens its files. Anybody who says they have, are
blowing smoke.
In the Lou Zinsstag book is a description by Adamski of the dress of
his extraterrestrial contacts that matches those of other contactees
like Howard Menger.
On page 24,
“I saw no zippers, buttons,
fasteners or pockets of any kind, nor did I notice seams as our
garments show. It is still a mystery to me who this garment was
made” …
Not only does this fit Mengers’s
accounts of the space suits but other cases like the one I have
about the humanoid that died in Sweden.
On page 25 is a reference to an official scientific interaction with
a human ET in the 1950s. It would seem that the Eisenhower meetings
were not the only official covert meetings with human
extraterrestrials at that time, top scientists and engineers were
meeting with the extraterrestrials as well.
The first reference is detailed in a
letter from Waveney Girvan, dated September 17, 1962.
“… a colleague at the office where I
work … approached me with a sensational story. She had not
previously realized that I was interested in the subject. Her
brother, she tells me is an extremely important expert with one
of our famous aircraft firms. Five years ago, he was invited to
the United States with several of his colleagues in the industry
to inspect a landed saucer and meet its pilot.
He went, and the pilot was exactly
as G.A. has described such a person; He communicated by
telepathy and he told those assembled that beings like himself
had infiltrated among us. In other worlds, I have confirmation
that G.A. is telling the truth.
From that follows - van den Berg
is telling the truth and that his invention is the most
important of all time. I am redoubling my efforts to bring this
man to England first rather than to the United States.”
Lou says,
“The second came from our friend
John Lade, Adamski’s first co-worker in Great Britain. It was a
copy of his letter addressed to Richard Hall, then secretary of
the organization NICAP, Washington (President; Donald Keyhoe).
The letter says,
“Waveney Girvan wants me to tell you that we
had a leak of information through a man who a few years ago was
called to an international meeting on your side to view a
saucer, of the type resembling two saucers one above the other.
The pilot (who was longhaired, ski
suited, and of distinctly Aryan appearance) addressed the
gathering of scientists and aeronautical experts telepathically
and we are told that it was an extraordinary experience to hear
the audience break through the silence by laughing together
sometimes thus proving that they were receiving successfully.
However, as the pilot proceeded to describe the motion power of
the craft the audience lost grip and even the most advanced
scientist present could no longer follow the concepts offered
Lou wrote a letter following up on this.
“On April 4, 1963, I wrote a letter
to Henk Hinfelaar in New Zealand , in which I stated:
“… They (Waveney and John) are
still trying to get into contact with the airplane engineer
whose sister talked to Waveney. As it came out, she should
not have done this and is now strictly forbidden to do it
again; Her brother signed a silence warrant in the U.S.A.”
There is more material in this book that shows that the
engineer in question had to deny the event ever happened.
Another very interesting alleged official meeting crops up
on page 37. This is reference to an Adamski related event
where a pilot and plane was picked up in mid air and sucked
into the hangar of the extraterrestrial craft. Hmm, I guess
I better type in this account on page 36 before I get to the
official scientific meeting on page 37.
Lou says,
“This just
the record, and for my own satisfaction. Mrs. Wissler gave a
detailed account of a most remarkable story which, as far as
I know, never went into print.”
“Among others, Adamski told us the story of a pilot whose
plane was stopped in mid-air while an enormous cigar-shaped
space ship with a large hangar door opened, approached his
plane and sucked it in. The men in the space ship (who said
they were from Venus) showed the pilot around and were very
They spoke in perfect English,
telling him that they were observing, in growing numbers,
the inhabitants of this Earth and all their actions. They
pointed out their concern with our Atomic bombs and said
that they would never allow our planet to be capsized by
them, because such an event would disturb the magnetic
fields in the whole solar system (not only ours) and might
lead to heavy disturbances on their own planet.
After having spent more than two hour in the ship, the pilot
asked the men for some kind of written evidence as an
explanation for the lost hours in which no fuel was used in
his plane. They not only complied with his wish but asked
him to hand out their manuscript to the high personality in
the Pentagon (name withheld by G.A.).
The pilot stood by, watching
them put up a long and carefully written letter. He was told
that the one-page page letter was full of information and
that every single one of their symbols was full of meaning,
because they were not single letters but rather whole
sentences. These symbols consisted of small circles, about
the size of a German Pfennig (smaller than a penny). The
circles were filled in with lines, dashes, dots, rather like
hierographic signs, reminding the pilot of Egyptian, or
Indian, writings.
One little circle was close to
the next. The pilot watched the men putting down the signs,
a procedure which took the better part of half an hour.”
Adamski continues,
“This letter was brought by the
pilot to the Pentagon, as suggested, and he asked for a few
copies for himself. He got four of them; one for himself, one he
sent to the President (Eisenhower), one to the Pope (Pius XII),
and one for me. A few months later he came to Mt. Palomar to
hand it out to me. He had read my book and believed what I said.
I had to give him my promise never to reveal his name.”
A copy of this ET letter was circulated
and viewed by others.
This was not the only incident of a pilot visiting with George Adamski and giving out detailed information. On page 34 of Lou’s
book is another very interesting account of an official scientific
meeting involving extraterrestrial humans.
Lou says,
“Lucy McGinnis wrote to Captain
Petersen, our co-worker in Copenhagen. It was published by Henk
Hinfelaar in New Zealand, in June 1960:”
“…. The incident to which I
believe you have reference took place about seven or eight
years ago - maybe longer, I forgot the year although I well
remember the time the report was given to G.A.
A young pilot
who had been to the café a number of times and had talked
with G.A., came in for lunch one day. This man told G.A.
that he was in a hurry, but had something he though G.A.
would be interested in knowing.
He then told about piloting an
American plane to Australia where he landed on a vast
airport, but did not give detailed information as to its
location. He said that a gigantic spacecraft was already
there. He was introduced to a group of scientists from other
planets ad told he was to take them to a scientific meeting
in Scotland. The reason for them having to travel in one of
our planes was that there was no landing field in that part
of the world large enough to accommodate their ship.
The young man told G.A. that all of these men were very good
looking, friendly, and intelligent. He liked them very much
and was very impressed by them and their conduct. He
remained in Scotland with his plane while the visitors
attended the conference.
Little publicity was ever given
to this scientific conference although, we are told,
scientists from every nation in the world were also present.
When the conference ended, the young man returned them to
their ship in Australia, then returned to the States. He
told G.A. that he had come to see him immediately but was
leaving again the same evening for another flight.
Naturally, many of our memories have faded through the
years. We cannot give you this young man’s name because G.A.
made a practice never to ask the names of people giving him
information, although many showed him their identification
and credentials. He deliberately forgot their names, because
he never wished to in any way endanger them for their
information given him.
This was easily done in a café where
hundreds of people from every part of the world came and
went, month in and month out.”
Miss Wissler’s notes continue:
“Later on Adamski said that there
was already a lot of proof in the Pentagon (for his statements),
hundreds of pieces of evidence being stored away and hidden in a
special part of the building which could be entered by only two
or three people.
He maintained that nobody at the Pentagon
denied the existence of UFOs nor denied them to be in possession
of proof. Yet, he said, they think it wise to let the truth come
out only slowly, in small amounts, for better adjustment not
only of the people but also of the industry …”
Lou says,
“Today, this statements
sound rather naïve but we have to remember that it was made in
1959, when things looked much brighter for UFO researchers.”
It was about this time that Adamski was
severely threatened and he talked about being encircled.
This was
also the time that his mental state began to deteriorate and the contactee network he was involved in began to break down and fall
apart. This seems to coincide with the breaking off of contact with
his ET friends. Maybe one day the whole truth will come out about
what really happened to humanity and the world at that time.
I think that my regular readers can begin to appreciate that there
is a shared responsibility for the past and present undesirable
extraterrestrial - earth human situation. The human ET’s seem to
have acted aggressively without enough consideration of the
possibility of an extremely negative reaction by elite autocratic
world military and economic interests.
They failed to properly access the
feeling of fear and helplessness of the military, as well as the
entrenched autocratic economic interest’s greed for money and power
over their fellow human beings. For this reason they had to adjust
tactics at the end of the 1950’s and become less overt and more
covert in their interactions with earth’s humanity.
On the other hand earth’s economic and military elite are also
responsible for the past and present undesirable situation in that
they have suppressed and propagandized their respective publics in
direct violation of humanitarian and democratic values. There is
simply no excuse for their violent repressive tactics against the
ET’s and the general population of this planet.
Their actions have been criminal and
barbaric. It is not that the public can’t handle ET visitation and
infiltration; it’s the elite that can’t handle the interactions and
interventions for reasons of fear and greed. The mass media also has
a shared responsibility for the present undesirable situation in
that they allowed and participated in propaganda operations against
the public for the past 60 years making them not public watchdogs
but elite lapdogs.
Recently there has been some encouraging news. Rather suddenly some
critical elements of the mass media, major newswires and major
newspapers have begun to play it straight about the UFO/ET subject.
This seems to indicate a change in policy at the highest levels of
government. Let’s hope this lasts. If the media is “allowed” to play
it straight, the cover-up cannot last much longer.
Of course they
may not really be playing it straight quite yet if ever. The media
lapdogs will continue to propagandize the public by misleading
partial releases of information to the public.
I expect the propaganda press to
continue to support existing national and international institutions
and to rationalize their and the world government despicable actions
against ET’s and humanity as a whole through misleading partial
releases of information. Tigers don’t change their stripes easily.
I see it as my role and the role of my
associates to keep all culpable institutions feet to the fire and to
tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the public.
Part 3
The 1950s Contactee Movement Revisited
November 15, 2007
In this third Contactee Movement article I am still quoting
from Lou Zinsstag’s book George Adamski, Their Man On Earth.
I would like to move on to other contactees of the 1950’s but there
is so much good material in this book. This book was copyrighted in
1990 and hopefully I won’t get into trouble by quoting from it so
The book says,
“Extensive parts of this publication
may not be reproduced for sale without written permission by the
publisher or the legitimate heirs of the author.”
This book is published by Wendelle
Stevens but as I am not reproducing this for sale, I hope
Wendelle won’t mind me promoting his book. I have a phone number of
his around here someplace and if I can find it I will try to get in
touch with him.
It’s pretty obvious from the material in this book that George Adamski was more of a political person than
Howard Menger and worked
closely with the American intelligence agencies.
On page 44 we have the following: In
1959 Adamski said that his relationship with the intelligence
agencies began in 1949.
“In 1949, some military persons came
into the café at Palomar Gardens and asked him to photograph
what was going on in space.”
Adamski said,
“I believe that our government
deserves all the true information of a clear-cut nature that it
is possible to give, because the better we are informed, the
better we are prepared for anything that might come.”
It’s really a national disgrace and a
shame that he was treated so badly by those same intelligence
agencies that he had helped. Many of his best pictures and movies
were never returned either.
Here is another quote from an Adamski letter that shows how
important and concerned the human ET’s were with atomic atmospheric
testing. I have presented evidence on my blog of two crashed
spaceships from the early 1950s that got their human occupants fried
from being too close to these explosions when they went off.
Salla is going to like this:
“….Four of the top men from the
Guided Missiles Research Center in California interviewed me and
asked me this question:
“How can space ships go through a cloud
right after an atomic explosion without being affected?”
I said, “How would I know.”
“Well, we know that you know”.
“The only way a man would know would
be, if he was in one of those ships to know just what takes
place. Do you mean that I have been in a ship and I should
“We know that you know”, was all
that they said.
Well, then I told them just what the answer was,
and they said it was good.”
On page 51, it says that in 1955 Adamski
wrote a letter to a trusted friend Mr. Ragaz.
This letter shows that
already at that time Adamski knew who was behind the cover-up and
who it was that was afraid and who could not handle the truth.
“…. It is not the people who are
afraid of flying saucers but all indications show that the money
pots of the world are. For, just think of the effect, once the
propulsion power of these ships becomes known - a power as free
to everyone as the breath we breathe!
What would happen to those
who control the monetary system of the world! And it seems as
though it were these who have put censorship on the truth,
whereby publications are no longer free as they previously were.
All these branches in the media business must have money to
In response to a similar question from
Lou, Adamski states,
“…. It is quite understandable, for
the ones who control the press and all outlets of information
fear the truth, so they keep it from the public the best they
know how. They are the people that control the monetary system
of the world, so your nation would have the least amount of
information on the subject that is world wide.
That does not
mean the activity of space people is less there than elsewhere.
This monetary group may even go so far as to place people in
your organization …”
On page 59 Lou discusses a personal
contact with a spaceman.
“Suddenly, I saw a man entering the
door farthest away from where I sat.
He drew my attention at
once because he looked fresh as a daisy, happy, and very
healthy. His face had a beautiful sun tan, and his step was
quick and elastic. He had deep blue eyes and high cheek bones.
He looked foreign and I though that he might be a Norwegian, or
a Canadian.
His dark blond hair was kept
backwards. He wore a white shirt with an open collar, quite
unusual for a theatre visitor in the early sixties. His jacket
was blue and his trousers grey, a bit too short for his legs as
I noticed. There was something in his gait which struck me as
odd as I saw him meandering through the groups of people
standing in his way.
But the oddest thing was that, from
the first moment, he never looked at anybody else but at me,
smiling broadly and very friendly.
I thought that he was taking me for somebody else and tried to
avoid his eyes. But I simply couldn’t, I had to follow him with
mine. His smile was constantly increasing, his whole face was
smiling and there was something like a victorious touch in his
expression as if he wanted to say:
“At long last, I tracked you
down and here I am.”
It was so disconcerting that I could
not help smiling back which was very unusual. Suddenly, the
world “alerted” came to my mind probably because he looked so
wide-awake and happy. And it was this word which make the “penny
drop” in my head and now that he was quite close to my table,
not more that three meter away, I forcefully threw the thought
at him, formulated like something as “Are you or are you not a
And as soon as the stranger saw the
thought dawn on my face, his smile increased and his eyes
sparkled beautifully as if to say:
“At long last, she has got it
And he nodded his head clearly,
several times, his smile vanishing for a moment.
Slowly, he
turned around on his heels while with his arms and hands he made
a gesture which underlined the head nodding, and very quickly he
left through the next door.”
All these contacts by others like Lou
clearly show that the ET’s were dealing with a lot of people not
just the most public contactees.
The rest of the book gets into what
appears to be Adamski’s dementia either induced or natural that
became obvious with the Saturn report and lead to the break up of
the contactee network.
I saw this sort of thing happen to my
own father where in his early seventies he suddenly began to
exercise poor judgment, had a bad car accident and then died over
many years piece by piece from multiple strokes. Some seem to think
that Adamski was abandoned by his ET friends but I think this was
something natural that even they could do nothing about.
Adamski’s mental deterioration coincided with elite military and
economic interest exertion of fearsome pressure on the public
contactees worldwide and on the contactee movement as a whole. I
think the ET’s changed their tactics at this point and backed off
realizing that it would take a much more time consuming and
sustained effort to reduce the resistance to their activities before
they could move forward once again.
I think that the time has now come and
as I have previously stated, Exopolitics represents part of
this second push toward full disclosure of their presence. I believe
their strategy is and has been to overtly work with the world’s
autocratic elite while at the same time covertly and discretely
working with ordinary people in preparation for full disclosure.
We on this planet can thank our lucky stars that these friendly
human ET’s seem to be exerting the most overall control over
developments on his planet.
If some of these less friendly races
were able to become dominant we would be really be in much more
trouble that we are now. We could end up colonized and enslaved; the
militaries worst nightmare of the 1950s would have come true.
If you ask me I think we owe this group of friendly ET’s a debt of
great gratitude.
Certainly they have been working in their own
interest as well as ours but in a win–win manner. I believe if it
had not been for their infiltration and intervention, the autocratic
military and economic elites of this world would have made this
planet uninhabitable by attacking each other with nuclear weapons by
now. Even today
the world elites are still trying their best out of
greed and fear to create environmental collapse abet at a much
slower pace than atomic warfare.
This sorry state of affairs reminds me
of an old Star Trek episode where a bunch of gangsters were
running a planet requiring an intervention by the crew of The