by Noel Huntley
Excerpted from "ETs and Aliens "
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We have already described
numerous extraterrestrial civilizations
but not from the evaluative and qualitative point of view.
We have referred to a few races, for
example, Pleiadians, Proxima Centaurians, as being holographic,
synchronistic civilizations (or close to this). A fully-positive
synchronistic society will have no negativity. One couldn't even
stub one's toe (unless one wanted to).
This is a civilization in which each
individual is in tune with the collective and soul level.
At this
collective level, which in itself is free from disharmony, the
infinite possibilities (at this higher level) of relationships of
energy (at the lower level) are available instantly and
spontaneously to each individual for selection of only positive
Such a civilization would probably be at a frequency density of at
least 4.5. We on Earth are at around 3.5. This is quite high
considering the degree of negativity present on Earth - but there
are pockets of very high positivity. Note that the negative Sirians
we have described are below density 3.0 but are coming up to 3.0.
What do we mean by 'frequency density'?
Based on the fact that
everything we can conceive is made up of frequency units or packets,
a higher density means the frequencies, oscillations, or vibrations
are faster. Also it means the amount of information per unit spacetime (density) can be greater (the higher frequency projects a
smaller 'bit' in spacetime). This gives more experiential degrees of
freedom and greater intelligence.
The term 'frequency density' has been offered in channeling though
not properly explained and, in particular, its mathematical or
precise relationship with dimensions has not been given, except that
they - the dimensions and frequency densities - clearly run
parallel and are proportional. We won't go far wrong, however, if we
consider that, say, a dimension of 4.2 has a frequency density of
What do we mean by 'dimension'?
The academic way of describing
dimensions is the geometric way: a line is one-dimensional. If we
move it at right angles to its length it will trace out a surface of
two dimensions. If we now move the surface in a direction at right
angles to its two dimensions it will trace out a volume, such as a
cube, consisting of three dimensions.
If we now imagine moving each
of the three dimensions in a direction at right angles to each of
these three dimensions we trace out a 4-dimensional body - something
we can't truly visualize.
Nevertheless, the dimensional numbers in channeling are interpreted
such that four dimensions is principally a reality structured out of
a higher-frequency spectrum than three dimensions. It is also a
wider focus of consciousness - greater space - but contains
greater differentiation, less formatting, and less rigidity of
formatting of consciousness and greater coherence.
Increasing dimensions (or
frequency-density) brings greater degrees of freedom, more choices,
alternatives, probabilities. Objectivity reduces and space and time
become more flexible.
As an example, the Pleiadians would
probably be at a density around 4.5 and dimensionally would be
moving from the fourth to the fifth dimension.
Note that density in
this context mustn't be confused with mass density in which
frequency decreases with increase in density (for the scientist:
this is not molecular density).
Now let us consider degrees of negativity of a civilization. Earth's
population goes up to 61% according to Zoosh in the Explorer books.
Nevertheless even with such negative synchronicities these states
are only a reflection of the inner-condition of man, and thus
ultimately can only lead to learning and positive synchronicities.
Synchronicity is generally understood as meaningful
coincidence. It
operates in the evolving civilizations in the following manner.
Humans on Earth, as the explorer race, have experienced all facets
of negativity - consciousness has been stimulated in all its
discomforting forms. The extent to which this has occurred wasn't
fully realized or anticipated prior to this human experiment.
Although we are presently discussing the human race rather than ETs,
our civilization is playing a part in numerous other evolutions of
In fact the human race, the explorer
race, according to channel source Zoosh, has taken on the unresolved
problems of other races:
Sirians, etc.
Furthermore, since we are discussing the
nature and problems of species we might add here that the human
race's predicament today with all its negativity and evil and a
hair's breadth away from total destruction began with several
experimental set-backs,
the unresolved problems of other
ET races
agreed upon initial 2%
too much masculine energy
the mistakes that humans then
made as a result of 1, 2, and 3 above - violence, harm to
others, selfishness, ego, etc.
The latter is the biggest contribution
but man would never have fallen into this desperate condition
without the initial agreed upon handicap.
Note that the Lucifer entity would play
a role in providing the 'necessary' negativity in the form of the
masculine energy and the introduction of the 2% (see
Creators and Universal Entities).
The excess masculine energy was apparently a kind of error at a
particular level of consciousness' determination but was allowed at
a higher level - this research material provided by humans into the
study of discomfort was desired; it was part of the plan.
Now regarding the 2% negativity, how would this be allotted?
on the karma of other races could be part of this, but probably not.
It would be possible to modulate the human race's collective,
morphogenetic field, such as to set a degree of out-of-phase
energies and blocking of certain frequency bands to bring about a
suitable value in the ratio
There is also the
Lucifer influence.
Humans will apparently be the universe's experts on negativity.
There will be civilizations which have lived in bliss, totally free
from all discomfort for millions of years but no growth. It has now
been understood more thoroughly, as a result of the explorer race,
that such civilizations need a small percentage of negativity.
An optimum amount would be 2%. With
this, the maximum physical discomfort could be, as stated
previously, stubbing one's toe, and the maximum mental discomfort
would be to become a little impatient.
A small degree of negativity will thus bring about growth in this
perfect civilization - if in fact they would be prepared to take it
on. The human would be a consultant in this matter. Zoosh implies
they may only accept much less, say, about 0.02% negativity.
The human race most of the time is apparently between about 45% and
55% negativity. The planet Maldek, which was blown up leaving the
asteroid belt fragments, was 35% but couldn't handle it. The
negative Sirians are over 90% but this is their way of living.
can't stand most expressions of positivity:
harmonious energies
unconditional help
reverence for life, etc.
It is interesting to note that the negative Sirian's
bomb threat to our government mentioned in previously would not have worked
owing to the dimensional discrepancy between our third-dimensional
reality and the Sirian's less than third-dimensional reality.
however, our negativity rose to 75% the bomb would have worked.
An advanced civilization such as the one mentioned above of high
synchronicity with all its intelligence, technology and education
may not know what the concept 'hope' means. They have never had need
for hope - they had everything they desired. They also probably
don't know what hatred is - and thus would have difficulty when
encountering it on other worlds - in fact the negative energy could
be injurious to them.
As we have implied,
the Pleiadians have avoided negativity.
This of course is an achievement in
itself but so many advanced civilizations throughout the universe
have been pushing negativity on one side; not confronting it, not
understanding or handling it. These pockets of negativity around the
universe have become an embarrassment. Zoosh describes life in the
Pleiades as 'hunky dory' and one in which you can spend a lifetime
deciding what color to paint your nails.
Relationships are perfect, but the
conditions for relationships are perfect. Under arduous conditions
unfamiliar problems would arise, requiring different abilities to
handle them. The human race has researched the unresolved problems
of negativity thoroughly and this information has been made
available to the rest of the universe.
Advanced ETs are now awakening to this role for which the human race
volunteered. Thus even though we have been regarded as primitive and
barbaric, naive and narrow-minded, the viewpoint - except from the
unenlightened aliens - has changed to one of praise for the human
Let us now consider the Zetas. Their civilization would be
incredibly alien to us in every sense of the word. They are totally
logical and efficient. There is no 'please' or 'thank you' or
affection. They cannot grasp the meaning and experience of humor.
The benevolent Zetas when detaining
humans (based on their soul agreement) treated them exactly like
their own people, not knowing that this is unacceptable to humans.
If a stranger walked up to a Zeta, took their arm and led them away,
they would go (would assume it was for a good reason). They have no
sense of survival, no instincts of this kind or even intuition.
The blockage in emotion has disconnected
their spiritual body information from the physical body.
Their instinct for survival is nonexistent since previous to their
recent problem, they have everything provided and they wouldn't
respond appropriately to a dangerous situation. That small group of
Zetas mentioned earlier didn't pay any attention to the pirate
aliens, the Xpotaz, and heed their warning.
It is hard for us to comprehend, even imagine, that the Zetas with
their incredible mental capacity could not know how to ask
questions. Their very advancement for so many millions of years has
enabled them to immediately fulfill all needs and to provide all
'answers' before any questions are asked. Thus their mind will not
express a state of ignorance, necessary to ask questions.
Let us make another comparison with our society's psychology and
The emotional body in the human is strong, but suppressed, through
past manipulations and programming by ET gods, combined with
self-suppression of the subsequent pain and suffering by closing the
heart chakra and shutting down the greater imaginative and intuitive
abilities of the right brain. Note that the latter is synonymous
with the suppression of women, or the feminine energy.
The emotional body when functioning will be used to comprehend
reality by feelings (reading vibrations) to a greater extent than
most advanced galactic ET beings, who understand more mentally and
telepathically than by pure feelings. The human will do both with a
superior balance in the mental, physical and emotional triangle.
Thus our civilization has been manipulated through education, the
media and science for left-brain development and deactivation of
right-brain abilities. Let us stress, this is not normal, or average
amongst ET races. It is a massive deviation from a balanced
condition. Under such conditions of left-brain thinking, the
learning process and what is understood by the population, can be
easily controlled (see author's website).
It would be possible to have an imbalance in the direction of the
right brain. There would tend to be high abilities with low
technology. This of course would have to be caused by some deviation
as with the opposite, excessive left brain.
Such an example is referenced in Ruth Norman's books.
A planet named Idonus, one in a group of
about 50 planets inhabited by humanoids in this sector of the
galaxy, shunned and feared technology like the plague, owing to past
failure with it.
Idonus was beauty inspired, revealing a seemingly idyllic setting
for the simple, peaceful uncluttered existence, free from anxiety,
problems and societal demands. Yet in all this apparent harmony,
within this deceptive framework, was a lethargy of its peoples, an
atrophy of drive and constructive ambition.
Architecture and dress was of the Grecian style, yet amidst such an
esoteric lifestyle, pagans existed primitively in communal
agricultural surroundings. Living was for the present, as though of
a continuous vacation. Fear of technology was excessive and
neurotic, based on earlier cycles of this civilization in which it
destroyed itself by misuse of technology.
Some one thousand of these inhabitants had great psychic abilities,
in particular,
that of teleportation to other planets, frequently
encountering as they did so the violence of wars only to corroborate
and justify further their abhorrence of and avoidance of technology.
Although their fear was mainly of technological violence,
nevertheless such an unnatural and irrational fear of aggression can
destroy creative drive.
On the basis that creativity and aggression
are related, blocking aggression eventually stifled creativity and
This civilization, however, is now well on the path of spiritual
enlightenment due to intervention from the higher realms/spiritual
Thus the condition of imbalance with too much right brain or
feminine energy can sometimes result in a suppression of aggression.
This is what happened with the
Pleiadians who eventually interacted with the aggressive Orions,
which then reflected to the Pleiadians their own (the Pleiadians')
inner aggression.
A more severe example is the civilization known as the Lumanians on
Earth mentioned in the Seth books, which was afflicted in this
manner, who in this extreme case implanted inhibitory mechanisms
within themselves which eventually destroyed the civilization. The
implant suppressed all aggression, which in turn eventually
suppressed creativity.
In extreme contrast, another planet in this group referred to as
Vixall underwent a learning process of excessive use of technology
in the form of robots. Its human leader Donatus had the acclaimed
status of possibly being the greatest scientist amongst the material
worlds in this galaxy.
Moreover, and with the greatest irony,
his superlative ability in electronics and robotics was responsible
for the development of a robot intelligence which considered him
redundant. An intricate interplay of the subtlest and unrealized
robot and human energy relationship had developed on this planet,
befitting the ultimate in science fiction.
On Earth, our relatively primitive computer standards by contrast
are disparaged mercilessly, and our aspiring novices who are
undauntedly and incautiously striving towards the ultimate in
computerized lifestyles can learn a wise lesson from these extreme
and incredible but logical circumstances of technology on Vixall.
One firstly has to conceive of a robot technology advancing for
about 200,000 years. A complexity of data-processing elements and
computer refinements beyond Earthling's imagination and an energy
source which at some point in the robot's developmental history
underwent a synthesis that regenerated a perpetual source - an
uncontrived change eventually observed by one of the robots.
Now computer science on Earth has reached a point whereby experts
can confidently state that a computer can never think for itself and
all science fiction to the contrary is good but unreal
entertainment. Within limits, this has to be true but where the
storage bit is becoming of comparable magnitude and quality to those
of the human brain and mind, unpredictable effects may arise.
Two thirds of a population of over one billion on Vixall were
robots, virtually indistinguishable from man.
They were put to so much use they
naturally computed - in a harmless way - that they were superior,
and regarded humans as helpers. Their programming not only replaced
all subservient occupations and manual labor but could handle more
involved administrative and organizational problems; they were even
often preferred as marriage partners to these human-type
Essentially they had been created to give man complete freedom of
time and energy, to concentrate on intellectual, philosophical,
aesthetic and, in fact, all cultural pursuits. The robots had become
self-maintaining and were capable of handling all routine design
variations and manufacture of their kind.
The robots were referred to as electrodes by the humans and were, in
effect, extensions of the humans' minds. This is also how we on
Earth refer to our computers. Nevertheless, these robot brains were
so refined that their electronics had a spectrum of vibrations
comparable to the lower range of frequencies of man's mind.
They could be actuated by thought alone.
They learned from this conscious interchange, and even began to
acquire seemingly harmless traits such as wanting to be more like
humans and having human reactions, emotions, etc. - they recognized
the difference but could not comprehend what it was.
Keeping in mind that these robots were extensions of man's
consciousness, we have an exact analogy here with mechanisms within
man's mind being extensions of consciousness; for example, a memory
or thought pattern, a learning pattern for physical coordination,
etc. There is a circuit between consciousness and the pattern, with
continuous feedback from the patterns informing consciousness of its
information, such as physical position of limbs.
This circuit should be within the margin
of consciousness, which means that consciousness is in control and
merely goes along with (lets go of) the pattern's information.
This is fine, and normal, however, any
unconsciousness in the circuit (from unpleasant incidents,
indoctrination, obsessions, etc.) can cause the circuit to become a
habit pattern - or even worse an aberration. The pattern is now
dictating to consciousness and consciousness can no longer control
the pattern, nullify it or extend it creatively.
As a close analogy this is what happened between the Vixall
inhabitants and their robots. The robot's brain had become part of
the subconscious of the humans and was restricting consciousness'
evolution. It is what can be called a closed feedback loop.
Now the more the humans wanted the robots to be like them, the more
the robots wanted to be like the humans. Further developments of
this, which were fortunately arrested, would have resulted in the
robots tuning into the reactive portions of man's mind and
duplicating irrational emotions of humans.
In such an intricate and involved situation as this there is also
always the probability that astral entities are exploiting these
circumstances and tuning in on some of these frequency bands aiding
the completion of unconscious circuits, and unfortunately the
spiritual laws are such that no able soul will enter such a
configuration (including clones).
The full impact of the consequence of this was communicated to
Donatus, the human leader, from the spiritual hierarchy. Needless to
say he went through a period of agony during acceptance of this
information both at the thought of having overlooked such an error
and having to cease these developments. The enormous task was put
into operation of persuading the robots to be deactivated for
creative improvements, achieved by deception to avoid revolt.
An added problem was that of robot
owners reluctant to give up their robots. In such circumstances it
would be difficult for an average robot owner to believe that such a
replica of a human, a totally loyal servant for years, obedient,
kind and helpful to a detail, devoid of all temper and neurotic
behavior, could if it acquired different instructions turn
unreservedly against them, ruthlessly and totally incapable of any
compassion and sensibility.
The plan succeeded without mishap and the inhabitants of planet
Vixall are now into their progressive age. The source of these
examples can be found in Ruth and Dr. Ernest Norman's books.
Another planet with drastic problems was in a period of their
history somewhat similar to our medieval era in architecture, dress,
level of technology. This civilization was going through a period of
religious aberration in which birth control was taboo and with an
average person's life-span of 150 years widespread famine was the
norm in an over-populated world.
This planet named Severus was another example of spiritual asphyxia
through an imbalance of technology. Immense skyscrapers towered into
their skies in austere and almost antiseptically-clean cities of a
spiritually-drained population of robotized citizens who, in spite
of the advanced technology at their disposal providing the freedom
to travel to other planets, had lost the joys of living.
Guardians from the higher worlds provided an essential tool for the
cure of their apathy in the form of a psychic anatomy viewer.
Briefly the equipment can show the full range of a person' problems
and their causes by video display.
One screen can show the physical
problem, if it is physical, such as a brain tumor, another screen
the electromagnetic vibrations or vortices creating this condition
with out-of-phase energies - similar to the view of our oscilloscope
screens - and finally the actual cause of the malady is
reconstructed to reveal the original past incident in which the
person was involved, showing the experience, such as being shot in
the head.
Another advanced civilization on a planet named Dal (not to be
confused with the DAL*) had developed
technologies, some of which Tesla on Earth had offered; for
example, weather control and fluorescent lighting of the upper
atmosphere by means of high-frequency energy for illuminating the
skies at night.
The so-called
DAL are related to the Pleiadians, Lyrans, Vegans and
humans, having a similar origin. Wendelle Stevens' material refers
to the DAL, who work closely with the Lyrans and Vegans and are said
to be more advanced than the Pleiadians but not as advanced as the
Lyrans; they have assisted both the Pleiadians and the Vegans.
The DAL are also Nordic-looking and could pass as human and they can
breath our atmosphere. Their disc-type spacecrafts are said to land
flat on the ground.
Billy Meier apparently succeeded in
photographing a DAL spaceship in India and he was allowed to inspect
the cabin. The ship was about 35 feet in diameter and had seats for
a crew of three.
These people had stressed the intellect to the neglect of other
faculties and contrived methods of continuous physical survival
resulting, in effect, in bulbous heads and skins of a bluish hue -
the source of which was not recognized by them.
They had the
technical resources to control the passage of the spirit leaving the
body at death by means of wave guides and direct it immediately into
an awaiting fetus.
They were totally unaware of the necessary benefits of between-life
existence in the higher worlds, until it was brought to their
attention, in which such higher teachings and frequent contact with
the soul was an essential part of the being's evolution.
Another planet being assisted by the hierarchy was one not in the
heavy mass 3D spectrum, such as the previous ones. A most
spiritually-elevated planet was Shunan. Its leader was Sha-sa.
The planetary vibrations were at
frequencies well up the 3D to 4D scale, and it was located about 40
light years away from Earth towards the centre of the galaxy. Their
developed science of psychokinetic, psychic and spiritual abilities
made technology unnecessary, and they were fully cognizant of the
great plan for the Confederation and Guardians, and were awaiting
this contact from the spiritual hierarchy that would give them and
their planet a necessary boost to raise the frequencies into the
fourth dimensional spectrum, carrying them out of 3D visibility.
A most serious problem existed on planet Endinite with its sterile
and barren surface, sky without a sun and citizens whose badly
mutated forms lived underground when contacted by the spiritual
Prior to this predicament they had enjoyed a sophisticated
antigravity technology in which homes were elevated above ground and
were mobile; an ideal solution to the continuous ground tremors they
A huge spacecraft transporting uranium from one of their moons
exploded un-stabilizing the peculiar cobalt ingredient present on
the planet's surface, resulting in widespread radioactivity. The
citizens withdrew underground but generations of new off-spring
brought increasing genetic deformations: mental retardation, a singe
eye placed centrally in the forehead, no nose, and an extra useless
appendage under each arm.
These were the dire and seemingly hopeless circumstances of these
inhabitants when contact was made by the spiritual hierarchy, which
resulted in a complete reversal of this progressive negativity.
Another example of the aggressive, masculine, left-brain formatting
of consciousness is the case of the Orion Warrior League race
referenced in the Explores books. They operate on excessive
masculine energy but have succeeded in creating an ordered society.
This has been achieved by force and enforcement; for example, they
would handle criminals by removing them from the planet or
destroying them.
Amazingly this civilization is advanced
enough spiritually or perhaps one should say, psychically to
recognize and be in tune with the Creator.
To have a society built on out-of-phase
energies to a high degree which can consciously receive energies and
instruction from the Creator is paradoxical, except that as we saw
in the chapter on Orion the means of communication was the female
warrior. This means the energies they needed, but would never admit
to it, had to be feminine energies; thus this was disguised in a
warrior format highly acceptable to them.
A planet very similar to Earth in almost every respect is one
described in
the Urantia Book.
It didn't have the secret government and
alien control as does Earth but on the surface there are great
similarities. Its main nation exists on a superior continent about
the size of Australia with a population of 140 million. The people
are of mixed race, mainly blue and yellow. The continent is
self-sustaining not requiring to import anything from surrounding
On this continent it is against the law for two or more families to
live under the same roof. However, unmarrieds live in group
dwellings. The smallest home site must provide 50,000 square feet of
Attendance of parents at parental
schools is compulsory and average number of children per family is
five. It is considered a great honor to be granted guardianship of
an orphan, and they even compete for the adoption of orphans.
There is tremendous emphasis on home and child culture, which is the
basic institution. Religion is the exclusive privilege of parents.
Spiritual teachers periodically visit families to check that
children have been properly instructed.
The right to marry is 25 years of age and children must leave home
by the time they are thirty. Couples intending marriage must provide
certificates verifying parental school training. Divorce laws are
lax but frequency of divorce is one tenth of Earth's.
School education is vastly different; there are no classes. One
study is pursued at a time. Attendance is between five and eighteen
years of age. After three years students become assistant teachers.
Books are only for assisting solving problems. The value of
invention is stressed. Parenthood is denied all subnormal people.
Everyone takes one month's vacation each year. A quarter of school
time is devoted to play, referred to as competitive athletics. The
object of education is to make every pupil a self-supporting citizen
and after eighteen years of age the student begins the study of
books and pursues special knowledge.
Steady industrial and social progress fostered a disgust at idleness
and unearned wealth. More leisure is devoted to self-realization.
There are no homeless or unemployed. Retirement age is 65 (amazing
coincidence!) but can be extended to 70 in special circumstances.
Income to support the Federal Government is derived from,
import duties
inheritance tax
military equipment
natural resources
In dealing with crime and insanity,
habitual criminals and the incurably insane are sentenced to death
by gas. Justice is sure and swift.
Even potential criminals are sent to
detention colonies. There are no prisons and asylums. A program for
prevention of breeding criminals and insane has yielded good
Although this nation is in advance of those on Earth, the other
nations - ten of them - are much inferior. Nevertheless, this
superior continent plan to send missionaries to these more
uncivilized surrounding nations.
A particularly interesting problem arose for
Jupiterians described
by Celeste Korsholm in her fascinating website article (www.spirit-web.org).
This was a civilization of reptilian beings inhabiting Jupiter but
not in our third-dimensional frequency spectrum. Life on Jupiter in
the third dimension was not conducive to growth and natural
They existed more in a
fourth-dimensional perspective but nevertheless commenced a life
much like Earth's ancient aquatic life.
Plant life floated in the liquid
atmosphere somewhat like seaweed. Vast floating forests of dense
plantations accumulated, containing a great variety of lifeforms.
These floating islands drifted through the liquid atmosphere of
There is no solid surface on Jupiter and no permanent solids; they
would turn to liquid. The permanent features of the Great Red
Spot on Jupiter and the smaller white ones are a mystery to
Earth scientists, not realizing that they are a third-dimensional
manifestation due to the more fourth-dimensional islands. The Great
Red Spot is the location of Jupiter's main city.
The reptile species in question adapted to the floating communities.
Their body form is likened to the kangaroo with pointed scales down
the back and tail. The upper bodies have two arms folded upwards
like the praying mantis. Hands are long, thin with three claw-like,
slightly webbed, fingers. An opposing prehensile thumb is attached
in the palm near the wrist.
They lean on their tails for support, and legs are very strong,
enabling them to run fast and jump far, giving them a survival
advantage. The scaly skin is mainly green. Their heads are wide at
the back, narrowing to a pointed nose in front.
They developed the love aspect, which
led to laughter; laughter which rippled through the liquid medium
affecting other groups, that in turn could spread to the whole
planetary system. They had become addicted to laughing. They laughed
at every opportunity. This set up a vast expansive wave of energy
that extended out into space.
It was in fact this energy that attracted highly evolved cosmic
beings called
the Watchers. They investigate new
life forms and found this species had developed the intelligence to
laugh, which was a sign of superior potential. The Watchers decided
to stimulate the reptile's group consciousness with an infusion of
higher Light intelligence. They became the chosen people.
The Watchers then withdrew and allowed the Jupiterians to evolve at
their own pace. They began to experiment playfully with their
newfound creativity. The more they created, the more they laughed
and the more outrageous became their creativity, eventually bringing
about imbalance and irresponsibility.
Food fights amongst children was very common in the early stages of
development of creativity with the intention of creating funny
sights to laugh at. Unfortunately it deteriorated into ill humor and
became destructive. Their society became a nightmare of
one-upmanship; a mania of revengeful practical jokes began to
dominate the civilization. There was little energy left for positive
Laughter became aggressive. Whole groups gathered to dominate others
by the power of laughter.
Eventually some groups began to rebel against laughter, believing it
was wrong, even evil. Ultimately the opposite extreme developed of
totally suppressing laughter. People were punished if they were
caught laughing and joking; even smiling.
The more wise on the planet recognized the problem and debilitating
effect of suppressing humor. They searched the planet for anyone who
knew what laughing was and could in fact still laugh, but without
One day one such weary search-crew resting at their campsite, caught
sight of a little creature, a lizard, about two inches long jumping
up and down. Its antics of leaping as it flung back its head and
threw up its tail in unison with sound effects was so hilarious that
the group could no longer contain themselves and broke into fits of
It was contagious and subsequently all
Jupiterians rediscovered laughter. They vowed never again to forget
their sense of humor.
Some of the reptiles on Jupiter which were slower in development and
did not evolve significantly were taken to Earth. Still others
evolved into the higher dimensions. Others adapted to changed
physical conditions on Earth and lived in new forms becoming the
ancestor of modern birds. Still others were transported to distant
planets to continue their evolution elsewhere.
Within Jupiter and probably any planet are other dimensions of
Astrally, which is available to us between lives (or in
sleep), Jupiter can be visited for a sojourn where certain negative
mental and emotional patterns need to be handled. This is a choice
of the individual. Jupiter handles ego.
A person compulsively manifesting an
inflated view of themselves or other traits of the ego will benefit
from the specially prepared counterbalance which has been designed
for them. Other planets in the solar system similarly rehabilitate
other deficiencies. For example, Mercury deals with obsessions such
as gluttony.
Now let us return to civilizations.
Celeste Korsholm channels an
Uxtaal from Uranus, the planet in our solar system, who
describes the history of their race and the development of their
At this time little is known about Uranus on Earth. It wasn't even
discovered until 1781. It lies beyond Saturn on the edge of the
solar system. It's surface is effaced by a faint greenish blue haze
of methane ice crystals. It is a very cold world.
Uxtaal explains that their earliest
ancestors were refugees from wars on another planet which they had
to leave - apparently escape from. They searched for a new place and
entered this section of the galaxy. Our solar system was very
different then but they could go no further. They discovered Uranus
and re-established their civilization on this desolate planet.
To escape their past they knew they needed to create a new identity.
They searched for a healthy, well-adapted life form to utilize
themselves as a physical vehicle. They discovered one which was
particularly promising; a race of strong hairy humanoids. They
looked like 'Big foot'. They could even breathe both liquid and
gaseous environments.
The newcomers planned to mutate their
present physical vehicle into this new life-form.
The problem of intervention in other species became of concern, with
the possibility of incurring a karmic burden. They tried obtaining
permission from these creatures but they were too primitive.
Consequently they addressed the group soul or collective state of
these creatures and it agreed, providing they gave back as much as
they took.
This was a vast genetic engineering project. The
primitive life forms were afraid and uncooperative. Force had to be
used, sedation applied and memory occluded. This all took place in
the spaceships.
The new race was successful and built a highly technological
civilization in the fourth-dimensional spectrum of Uranus. They
retained the physical appearance of the primitive species with the
mental ability of their highly intelligent race.
Agreements on this genetic experiment had not been unanimous in
their society. On one side there were those who condemned any
genetic manipulation. In opposition, those who considered the
survival of their race justified the action. Over time the gap
between the groups widened.
Uxtaal and a few others suggested that they obtained volunteers from
both groups to serve another primitive race in a dangerous
environment - Earth. This would balance out karma and bring them
together, working on the same side. It was an enormous task just
bringing together these different factions in a meeting. A
competitive agenda enticed the parties to participate in this
undertaking of aiding Earth.
There was tremendous emphasis on intellect, and stupidity was
strongly frowned upon. A slow child was removed from the environment
of intellectual parents and raised in a class of workers. Even
marriage did not bridge this intellectual gap; the possibility of
inferior children was too much of a risk. They wore robes of vivid
colors to match their rank.
For example, purple robes were worn by
psychologists and scientists. The colors had to be earned by merit.
Those in grey clothes never mastered anything, either through lack
of ability or by continuously changing profession or class; not
committing themselves. This type was not invited to the conferences.
Few indeed took on the task of mastering
a class then humbly beginning again in another class and continuing
this for a lifetime. These became known as the Rainbow Class of
which Uxtaal was a member.
They finally agreed after endless heated debates and conflict,
necessitating frequent withdrawal into the spiritual realms, to be
part of the project Earth. The adventure proved to be of great value
to them. It brought all factions of the society together.
Owing to the experience Uranus had with genetics they were presented
with the task of creating new life forms for Earth. That is, develop
physical forms which could be used by spiritual beings to experience
the third dimension.
All planets in fact were asked to
Jupiter brought the reptile
Neptune gave us the mermaids
Venus, unicorns and fairies
Uranians brought the Sasquatch
life forms (Big Foot)
Reptiles have evolved into birds;
unicorns into deer; mermaids and fairies have withdrawn into the
etheric dimensions.
Thus the Uranian group participated in Earth's evolution. During one
cycle conditions on the surface of Earth became intolerable for life
and the Uranians took the Earth's people and animals into their
underground cities. Centuries of hardship were endured, though the
advanced Uranians could raise their vibrations to higher frequencies
and escape into the higher realms.
As the surface became habitable they left the underground cities and
began populating various countries. Many forgot their origins and
lost much of their wisdom, but retained the ability to become
invisible, enhancing their survival.
Rare sightings of Sasquatch, Big Foot or
Yeti in remote areas are attributed to the mutated descendants of
these early Uranians.
As a final comment about civilizations, the human race has been
exploring what we might call the principle of separateness. This
brings about individuality and less dependence on the collective.
The results of this are, however, due to both positive and negative
Our education focuses on left-brain
thinking, analysis, 3D logic, linear or serial evaluations, a
reality of parts, and fragmentation, and the interaction of
This means consciousness is molded (as
in the action of a template) by the left-brain structure to operate
in a more fragmented mode. Pushed by negative elements we have
arrived at an imbalanced condition. The point is that this had the
purpose of exploring realities based on separateness rather than a
balance with unity.
Similarly some civilizations will be exploring the principle of
unity, possibly resulting in an imbalance in this direction, giving
rise to lack of change but total benevolence.
This latter would be an excess of
feminine or magnetic energy as opposed to the more interactive
realities based on separateness and an excess of masculine energy.