by Noel Huntley
Excerpted from "ETs and Aliens "
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We are becoming more aware that, what we might call spiritual life
pervades all aspects and facets of the universe in abundance - even
our solar system is teeming with life.
Moreover, physical matter is an expression of the same energy - it
simply has different limitations, programs and purposes. Everything
is alive.
Our universe will have a creator who brought about the experiment of
our universe. The universe, however, will also be a natural entity
(an energy unit) in itself of great wisdom and knowingness, just as
our planet Earth has/is Mother Earth.
In addition, the universe has
a logos; a vastly developed conscious entity/personality which has
taken on the task of directing and monitoring the activities within
the universe.
There are different creator/entity levels just as administration and
management occurs in a company organization in which the manager
level will operate within the greater integration of the executive
level, which will operate within the presidential level.
The real
and only difference is that in the pyramid company organization the
relation between managers, executives, and president is still a
linear layout, but in the structure of the universe and life, it is
nonlinear (a true withinness).
In Dr. Stone's book The Complete Ascension Manual there is
reference to a Creator level of 51 universes - our universe
inclusive. Each has a different theme; our universe has the theme
This Creator has 51 cosmic days and each
universe lasts a cosmic day of 4.3 billion years; each breath lasts
10 million years (expansion and contraction). Sometimes a universe
plan is not working out and it will be withdrawn (wound down).
Fortunately ours is apparently doing well and has over a billion
years to go.
The Urantia Book (book of Earth) authored by 196
spiritual beings is abundant in information on creator and universal
entities. There are gigantic entities who have been created for
specific purposes. They have little or no evolution but could
communicate intelligently on their expertise function - somewhat
reminiscent of
the devas on Earth.
There are, for example, countless Energy Transformers.
are described as powerful and effective living switches. They are
able to insulate planets against the powerful energy streams passing
between gigantic starry neighbors. They maintain universal energy
balance and power equilibrium, and they appear to fluctuate from
storing energy to exuding and liberating it. They can regulate the
energy potential of any realm to which they are assigned but deal
only with physical and semi-material energies.
The Energy Transformers are referred to as the most remarkable and
mysterious of all semi-material living creatures.
The status of physical realms can be
made to undergo a transformation under their skilful manipulations;
they can change the form and potential of energies. Unfortunately
examples are beyond our scientific understanding and even in most
cases our mental concepts.
Similar entities in this group of physical and semi-physical
controllers are the following examples, though in these cases there
can be no two-way communication.
They can understand but cannot
respond except by way of their function.
Other entities, the Energy Transmitters, are skilful
dispatchers of energy for the individual worlds. They can link in
chains to direct energy appropriately and they are living
superconductors. They can manifest energy in different forms making
distant scenes 'visible' or distant sounds 'audible'. They are
particularly valuable to planets having an impoverished atmosphere.
The Primary Associators are masterly energy conservators and
custodians. They work on a gigantic scale converting energies of
space and also store energy during excesses. They manipulate
universal codes like we utilize the alphabet to create different
meanings. They are an order of life beyond human imagination.
The Secondary Dissociators are
alchemists of space and wonder-workers of time. They are concerned
with the evolution of a form of energy unknown to us, and the
administration of endless supplies of physical energies.
Another entity in this class is the
Frandalanks, whose
numbers are beyond imagination. They are also referred to as
intelligent machines. They function as living automatic pressure and
velocity gauges registering the status of all forms of energy.
These entities are subordinate to the supreme power centers; beings
of greater intelligence and positions of control.
On a somewhat more tangible level we might include in our brief list
a group of beings, referred to in
the Explorer books, who coordinate
and synchronize time (some places in the galaxy utilize time, such
as planet Earth).
The information came from one of these
beings, who we might consider in the category of assistants to the
by the name Kazant
- A Timekeeper'). There are only five of these
personalities but they have cloned about 1400 to maintain their
planet's technology.
Their planet is about three times ours
in size and a great distance from our galaxy - though no doubt in a
different frequency spectrum since Kazant refers to eleven
dimensions. Nevertheless they use bodies of humanoid appearance
since they work with humans frequently but don't walk about, only
float, and they do not eat or sleep, etc.
They live in their planet at the centre of which is a crystal of 675
facets and is three miles in diameter. It enables them to study
locations and civilizations.
They regulate time in the third,
fourth, fifth dimensions, and sixth to some degree (and sometimes
the second dimension). They know everything about these places by
looking through the right facet where they regulate time but do not
interfere. They are fully occupied dealing with time throughout many
Kazant then gives an exercise to invest
the reader with the fourth-dimensional time coefficient but only
experientially - not the formula, which he says, some would like to
use to slow down your time (it is speeding up and must for man to
He states that the natural color of our blood is green, as it would
be without oxygen (if one could live without it) and that oxygen
makes life a struggle (other channels have pointed out that it
'rusts'). The skin would also be green and the relationship with
reptilians would become apparent.
Kazant states that as far as he can remember he was created to do
this work.
In our years and linear time he refers to 3.25 trillion
years ago when subtle types of life forms began. Records were kept
by advanced machine-crystal technology before Kazant and team took
over to provide better record keeping. Kazant with a sense of humor
says he may take a couple of weeks off in a couple of trillion years
and maybe go to Mars for a holiday; sit down in the sand and drink a
cold root beer.
The faceted crystal gives the total past and future potentials of
any given place. The crystal is regulated to bend light to the
appropriate time sequence and also light sequence. He apologizes for
defining the word 'light' by itself (in the last sentence). The
crystal then picks the most benevolent future, except when the race
is intended to pick its own future, and attention is then given to
light focus.
Kazant states that all work is play to them. They are beings who
appear to specialize in constructing humanoid forms. They state they
are the founders of the Sirius system and they create forms to fit
the need of beings in the various worlds.
Prior to the human race they were informed (presumably by other
creators) of the need of a humanoid shape to enable souls to explore
physical life through a greater interaction with it. It was their
job to create a body form which would have to fend for itself.
Humans were made vulnerable to maximize consequences.
Their world is located about 600
thousand light years from Sirius in our universe (this would be a
linear interpretation and their world would be in other dimensions).
They say our universe is not circular but more like a stretched out
They were instructed by Creator's instructors to include in the
human, certain body components not actually for normal survival.
These additions related to social evolution as well as spiritual.
For example, the bones were designed
hollow so that breakages would occur more easily, and the human
would learn from this in a world of consequences.
Even more extraordinary, the bones
contain a marrow which can give off 'gold light'. This is released
during certain social and spiritual celebrations but not for an
individual. This process sustains and supports worthy group goals.
Their race is referred to as Chefah and they are not in a solar
system or galaxy; nor does their planet spin. They would appear as
balls of light, and the translation of their name is given as speaks
with light or way-shows of light. They also create other forms, for
example, the living diamond portal, which can be utilized like a
vehicle; that is, step into it and direct it by imaging the
They point out that one's state of mind
must prove to the portal that the journey is a loving, worthy one -
the portal lives on love. They say the first bodies they created
were on
Zeta Reticuli - a very old species.
They live inside their planet and the numbers vary from about 100 to
10,000 but can be millions depending on the fragmentation of core
personalities. They are happy to do the same kind of work for
eternity and state one never gets tired of unconditional love.
The Explorer Race books cover a variety of creator beings. The avatar of
sea creatures is a wisdom keeper to work with and instruct these
creatures. This being arrived on our planet a million years ago, and
came as a 'warm current'. In this way the being could pass through
sea creatures that did not readily absorb thoughts but could absorb
It was this avatar's job to prepare such species to behave like
animals - they (the 'animals') didn't know what animals were before
coming to Earth. They learned not to look humans in the eye since
this was a sign of being equal and the purpose of these higher
intelligences from other planets was to function as animals for
humans. This took 100,000 years.
Prior to this work the being states it existed in a condensed light
matrix that is still present on the ninth-dimensional Earth. The
being states he now helps the creatures leaving the planet that are
making a soul journey back to their appropriate planet since their
work is done - hence sometimes the so-called beaching of whales and
Another communication is from a messenger of dimension makers (the
dimension makers agree the messenger would do a better job in the
translation of information). The messenger explains that the concept
for creation comes first then the creation of the dimension.
The messenger goes by the name Quatsika and briefly explains the
difficulties with our dimensions (third). He states it had to be
'thick' to slow us down; the planet had to hold an atmosphere of
many gases. It had to have doorways to other dimensions - it is
riddled with them compared with other planetary dimensions. He says
its amazing how it holds together.
Many of
these portals come and go. They
enable spirits to come in to view our dimension - which is referred
to as an 'odd place'. (Note that a spiritual doorway has a similar
geometry to black holes.)
He referred to the dimensions within our
planet as going up to 25 or so, but are potential at these higher
numbers, and there are not many planets in general at these levels
since they are generally not required.
The messenger describes the difficulty the dimensional overlord had
in creating and holding together our dimensions due to the fact that
the human is mainly an unconscious being and more must be done by
others in this process.
Quaksika's job is to bring messages from dimensional overlords to
Creators. He has no specific form but states he is a consciousness
'spread' everywhere he's been, and is part of our consciousness - he
doesn't travel; messages pass along him. He explains the nature of
the 'veil of forgetfulness' which we pass through when we incarnate
on Earth.
It does not have polarity but a 'null
charge', otherwise we could pass through, which only occurs at
death. Nevertheless at this time holes in the veil are becoming
as we near ascension and have to be kept regulated.
This next Creator entity introduces itself by relating its creation
of a desert planet as a rejuvenation rest place for a race of
powerful empaths. These beings were so powerfully empathic that
although their life span was about 700-800 of our years they became
overloaded with negativity after some 70-80 years of their life.
This would occur from planets such as
Earth. They then simply went into a dormant state. Thus this special
planet it created, which is totally desert, can recover a being's
comfort and clarity and they can be spiritually renewed in hours.
This Creator also adds that if we spent up to three days in our
deserts (and make ourselves comfortable) we would benefit. The
desert property has the ability to draw from one all that is not
necessary for existence (such as discomforts).
The entity states that, with a few others, it had the primary
function of moving at great velocity, form different sounds and
shapes, and help to create a rhythmic resonance between the 9th
and 11th
dimension. It used to be a round-about
way from the 9th to the 11th
because of a significant difference between the two. The 10th
dimension is a natural barrier protecting the 11th
and above.
This being continues to explain its fantastic creation, one of which
is the desert planet mentioned above, but is only one of 17 planets.
This creation is described as greater than our universe but
containing only 17 planets, motionless with space around them three
times as dense as the planets. They thus cannot be interfered with
and are all as pristine as when new.
Each of these planets performs a unique and individual function for
healing and problem solving.
One of these planets can process
negative energy. This was done in the case of the small negative
Sirian planet. This planet imploded and by means of 'distillation'
and 'condensation' processes, the matter and negative energy was
recycled and converted to positive energy and made available for
further creations.
This Creator has about 200 emissaries working in service on these 17
planets, some are 'spawned ' from this being. Most of them are
quantum masters and can take any form when approaching other
civilizations. They could be a dandelion or a star.
Only one of these planets relates to the human reality - the desert
one - though he briefly treats us to another one, not completely
unfamiliar to the more knowledgeable humans on Earth.
The entity explains that this planet has no motion - it is suspended
in time. This is necessary for healing those aggrieved in some way.
They are invited one at a time and become the whole planet, where it
is possible to examine all that one is and see what needs to be
done. This might be necessary even for a creator who has taken on
too much responsibility.
The next entity is a 'shape-maker of portals'.
Its primary job is to coordinate the
right color, vibration and harmonics for portal and doorway
entrances. The purpose is to enable specific individuals from
certain times to access the portal - and to prevent others. For
example, round portals must be perfectly circular. The slightest
flaw would enable other consciousness to enter - even portions
of planets, such as atmospheres to leak through to the other side.
The second dimension is used to make the portal move discreetly.
However, viewed from the front it has depth, color, motion and what
looks like bar codes with a not dissimilar function.
The being explains that if you see one of these portals, and others
don't, it means it is for you to use, but if you approach and it
moves back it may not be for you. Don't rush it; it is alive.
The Creator explains that many portals are seen at night and are
mistaken for a light such as in a neighbor's window. Sometimes the
portals, however, are used to pass something into our system or
remove something.
Portals can be used for people who become stuck, such as Earth-bound
spirits having died unexpectedly or traumatically. The diamond
portal is the best of these examples. It allows very quick access
and the transit distance is short in order to free the stuck person.
Another portal is spiral shaped. This is for beings who are going
from many to become one, or vice versa, for example when an
individual is forming several chains of lives - different
incarnations of the individual. It can also be used for mass
This principle can also be used for creating more dimensions of,
say, a planet. It is passed through a spiral. A soul could also do
this, creating as many 'braids' as necessary - in a multiplicity of
dimensions. Portals can be specially tailored for something, say, an
individual or a flock of birds, etc.
We have briefly mentioned the Heart Council in earlier chapters.
Note: The 'Heart
Council' apparently did not agree with the Creator (and the
Council of Nine) of our human
species experiment and its plan for humans to become
involved in exploring all facets of fragmented and low-frequency
energies, including all expressions of negativity - it foresaw the
massive suffering.
purpose of this council is to oversee the applications of love
energy as focused through the heart centre of all beings. It does
not control, only supports. The number of members in this council
varies. There has never been more than 473 and never less than 3.
Whatever the number though they all
operate as the same single mind. They simultaneously function
throughout the universe and beyond but at present planet Earth has
the most attention since it is the most challenging, having been cut
off from heart energy. They are directing more energy at Earth than
The Council sends inspiration to Creators and individuals but not
the message. They can direct this inspiration with great accuracy;
even to a particle. They are omnipresent.
As the heart energy returns to man,
Mother Earth is releasing the
feminine energy. This will result in a proper recognition of
suffering on this planet and an end to it.
A spokesperson for the Heart Council stated that they were not in
agreement with the explorer experiment, though they understood that
the solution to the negativity would not be resolved if there were
heart energy (since it would bypass the negativity).
They wanted to
keep discomfort below 10% and made it clear they do not support
suffering even for learning purposes. Our Creator wanted us to
understand every ramification of the effects of suffering, to the
benefit of all civilizations in the universe.
The Heart Council explained that if a person dies before their
prearranged time, such as in a suicide, they provide help for these
people. They say there is no proper 'exit' for them from Earth until
the set time of death, which means the premature death will result
in the person being earthbound for those remaining years between
early death and the later, determined one.
The Council provides what
they call gold and white energy ribbons enabling the person to exit
Earth to the correct dimension instead of waiting for the later time
that was pre-arranged.
The Explorer material continues with channeling from the Creator of
our Creator talking about our Creator - of our universe.
It says our Creator explored the inverse reality for eons of time.
This inverse reality is both all that could have been and all that
might be - all possibilities. But it is not the present moment that
one learns about through physical reality (in which a single
selection - probability - is made).
Now the human explorer race was birthed by the decision of the
Creator to explore all consequences of actions. The time line was
taken out of its present time (it appears) and put into a loop.
(Imagine following a straight line then going into a loop but
returning to the straight line where one left.)
The time within the
loop is linear time giving a focus, single probability, the serial
conscious mind, enabling an exploration of all consequences
singularly (since there are billions of people all playing different
roles to do this).
It was achieved by freezing time at this point
within the universal flow in which a short period on the straight
line is expanded into millions of years in the loop. The loop occurs
in the inverse reality and has some similarity to the notion of
turning things inside out.
The decision was bound up with the Creator's wish to move on, to
expand into Its unknown territories. Once the decision was made, the
Creator experienced a moment of ignorance followed by inspiration.
That moment of ignorance was expanded out to form the whole of the
history of the human explorer race - the loop. Keep in mind
always that a portion of this Creator 'team' is us, whether we agree
with the consequences of this decision or not at our level now.
intention was executed by the mechanism of the creation of
Council of Nine.
These are nine focusing portions of Itself (in our
universe) and are the fundamental building blocks of form and
substance (without them the 'twigs', in the tree of life, would not
be connected to the 'trunk').
This is also the root of the mystery of
the number nine. The ramifications of this mechanism were that the
nine were intellectually oriented (masculine energy, like left-brain
thinkers rather than right-brain); a condition suitable to represent
the 'subconscious' of the Creator, housing the pockets of negativity
containing the unresolved problems of billions of civilizations in
the universe.
This also provided the basis for the 'fall of man' and
the introduction of Lucifer to play the role of representing the
Included in the decision was the visitation of the feminine emissary
(actually a vision of the nine representing the heart side of
themselves) urging them to remedy the excess masculine energy - and
implying it would be a disaster (presumably referring to the
suffering). The Council of Nine failed to recognize the meaning of
the message and the human collective experiment was allowed to be
launched, based on this imbalance.
Now as we come out of the loop and back into the 4D spectrum this
'subconscious' element within the nine and the Creator and also
humans, will become conscious, culminating in the resolution of
negativity throughout the universe, and Creator moving on.
This included, in particular, the exploration of overuse of thought
instead of feeling - and of course the consequences of this (hence
the excessive masculine energy, the suppression of right-brain
activity, blockage of the heart-energy centre, and inability to feel
another person's suffering). At some point the human must let go of
the Andromeda mind contribution and return to heart knowingness.
This loop is the millions of years of our history in which all
avenues of consequences (and therefore negativity) have been
explored. The New-Age movement is bringing us out of the loop.
Note that the time loop is then uncreated. The wisdom gained from it
remains but not the knowledge and memory. In this way, souls will
not be wounded. Pain was not meant to be immortal. The Creator of
our creation reiterates much of what the Creator of the Creator
previously covered.
Thus though the decision was incorrect on the smaller scale it was
considered correct in the bigger picture. Nevertheless, as indicated
earlier, the Heart Council did not agree, in particular, since the
suffering reached extremes.
The idea for our human race and its explorations drifted in like an
inspiration that the Creator couldn't allow to pass by.
although the human was endowed with feelings that were basically
stronger than thought or the spirit, nevertheless, appropriate to
the Council of Nine's decision, man would be given an unconscious so
that intellect and thought could be allowed to dominate, to learn
the consequences of excess thought - including exploration of what
everybody is not.
But at the same time, as a result of the now
unconscious feelings, all information, experiences would be
broadcast out to the whole universe. At this time, our unconscious
will not receive everything from the universe. All this knowledge
and wisdom would be available later as man wakes up.
Creators everywhere know what is going on with this human species
experiment; one that would explore all facets of discomfort. In
addition, the discomfort would drive growth of the human race at a
much faster pace. We have demonstrated that control won't work and
we are expressing the Creator moving beyond limits.
The past 2000
years has been allowed to be a crash course in this, resulting in
greatly intensified discomfort.
The purpose is for the human race to ultimately be combined into a
collective that can replace the Creator as It 'moves up'; becomes
The human race had to be motivated to become individualized; to
create the necessary separation within the collective; to want to
break away (but never basically) from Creator - and eventually take
over the creation but be more than this Creator.
In fact this scenario is even more fantastic. That moment of
ignorance created a shadow side to the Creator and the existence of
a parallel anti-universe, manifesting more negativity in the sense
that we have more positivity than negativity, but the parallel
anti-universe has more negativity and less positivity.
The Creator, who came from a group of
other Creators, exploring ways to become more, allowed Itself to
pass through a veil of ignorance and found a way to become more.
Using a portion of Itself in expressing the human experiment, in
which an initial state of perfection and synchronistic existence was
natural (but was created without knowing how).
It allowed the race to
explore all ramifications of synchronicities, including all negative
ones - like breaking down a perfect whole into parts so that
the parts have to find their own way back, resulting in experiencing
all paths, all unresolved problems, all mistakes and consequences,
decisions, representations, copying truths, identities and the stuff
of life itself.
This is why man (with
educated/programmed left- brain thinking) breaks down whole
(holistic) truths into 'smaller truths' and strings them together by
logic in seeking to understand whole truth; however, these parts
only represent the whole - the whole is greater than the sum of the
Humans, then, by evolving from the third to the fourth
dimension would resolve their own dualities and uncreate the
parallel anti-universe. This is taking place now.
Thus the human consciousness becomes a matrix, the essence of life
itself, and therefore not only attains Creator status but also
becomes the creation.
Our planet is consequently like a bottle neck
between the universe and the shadow anti-universe, creating great
interest throughout the universe as to whether Earth will fail in
its purpose or resolve its dualities and uncreate the universe
duality to the benefit of all species.
After the success of all this, the human explorer race will, as a
single mind and as individuals, explore the universe and beyond,
bringing wisdom in the form of an understanding of negativity and
its proper place and application in the universe.
Note that within this broad description of the agenda of the human
race are vital and significant other vast problems being explored,
in particular, a resolution of the endless wars amongst ETs in
search of the Holy Grail, mentioned in Chapter 2, to determine who
will take control over Earth - a coveted piece of 'real
estate' - and its relationship with the Universal Templar
Complex (reference:
Anna Hayes' material.)