Serendipity Website
The strangest animals on Earth are the
humans (they are also the most dangerous). There are many examples
of individual greatness yet collectively the value of the human
species might seem debatable. While claiming to be rational they
have long acted mainly upon the basis of uninformed emotion of the
basest kind, and their collective actions have been so far from
rational as to indicate some kind of mass insanity, especially in
the last hundred years.
War, genocide and conflict seem to have been
a prominent part of the human condition since at least 4000 years
ago when marauding armies sacked the cities of Mesopotamia. How is
this inhumanity throughout human history to be explained?
Here is some information and comment relating to the thesis put
forward by William Bramley in
The Gods of Eden that the basic cause
of war, genocide and conflict in history is not a viciousness innate
in the human species (or even in the male part of it) but rather is
the less-than-benevolent interference in human affairs by
extraterrestrials (members of a race which had its origin other than
on Earth).
These ETs allegedly assume, when it suits their purposes,
the forms of angels. But far from being angelic, they
regard humans
as their property and the Earth as an exploitable resource (somewhat
like multinational corporations — is there a connection?).
After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman
John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson:
’... Do you not think an Angel
rides in the Whirlwind and directs this Storm?’ ...
work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the
whirlwind and directs this storm. — George W. Bush, Inaugural
Address, 2001-01-20
[These words probably put into Bush’s mouth by
his principal speech-writer, evangelical Christian Michael Gerson.]
Brief Descriptions
"Attorney William Bramley ... spent seven years trying to understand
the root causes of war before finally disclosing his startling
conclusions in The Gods of Eden. Here, Bramley reveals that UFOs, or
the ’gods’ and other strange beings associated with UFOs, may have
shaped human society from deepest antiquity.
’UFOs have been lurking
in the shadows of history for centuries,’ he says. ’Surprisingly,
they may be a key to unravelling the human puzzle.’
Readers of
Zecharia Sitchin will find many familiar themes in Bramley’s
"Bramley was not interested in UFOs when he started researching the
origins of human warfare. However, his research eventually led him
to what he shares in this book: evidence that alien visitors have
conspired to dominate humankind through violence and chaos since the
beginning of time."
— Greenleaf Books
"The chilling truth about
infiltration, and the
conspiracy to keep humankind in chains! As a result of seven years
of intensive research, William Bramley has uncovered the sinister
thread that links humanity’s darkest events - from the wars of the
ancient pharaohs to the assassination of JFK. In this remarkable,
shocking and absolutely compelling work Bramley presents disturbing
evidence of an alien presence on Earth - extraterrestrial visitors
who have conspired to dominate humankind through violence and chaos
since the beginning of time ... a conspiracy which continues to this
very day."
— Illuminet
"Described in Vankin’s Conspiracies, Crimes & Cover-ups,
beings seem to be a slave race breeding on an isolated planet.’
Early secret societies devoted to freeing Terrans from the
’Custodians’ have been turned to ET purposes."
— Flatland Books
"Highly recommended different view of history. A must have for any
conspiracy theorist, GODS OF EDEN makes a well-thought out argument
for covert intervention throughout history by various groups and
individuals. Even though some of the ideas and details presented may
seem extraordinary, the extremely well researched book makes a solid
case and could lead even disbelievers to question their own
orthodox. Highly recommended."
— Dustin.Huber@uc.edu from
Cincinnati, OH
"The Secret Origins of Man and The Truth Behind it All: In our souls
we know that we have not arisen from this earth. Gods and humans
have been interacting throughout the centuries usually at man’s
expense. Now we can see the millennia-old farce of religion and life
as we have come to know them, explained by William Bramley for what
they really are, manipulative tools in the hands of ’higher’ beings
and their earthly servants. Will the human race finally admit to
what it has known all along and are we evolved enough to handle the
truth? For all our futures’ sake let’s hope so."
— amir_m@iol.it
"Our bloodthirsty natures were designed by a technologically
advanced group of extraterrestrials to help keep us a slave race and
not evolve to our full capacity. So contends Bramley, after spending
seven years researching this fascinating read. In spite of all our
intellectual achievements, our unending need for conflict from our
wars to presidential assassinations, is the ultimate conspiracy to
keep humanity bound in chains."
— Laura Lee Books
Although Bramley’s book concerns UFOs, he says that he did not set
out to write a book about UFOs but rather about the origins of war.
He says:
There are few subjects today as full of false information, deceit,
and madness as "flying saucers." Many earnest people who attempt to
study the subject are driven around in circles by a terrific amount
of dishonesty from a small number of people who, for the sake of a
fleeting moment of notoriety or with the deliberate intention to
obfuscate, have clouded the field with false reports, untenable
"explanations," and fraudulent evidence. Suffice it to say that
behind this smokescreen there is ample evidence of extraterrestrial
visitations to Earth. This is too bad. An in-depth study of the UFO
phenomenon reveals that it does not offer a happy little romp
through the titillating unknown. The UFO appears more and more to be
one of the grimmest realities ever confronted by the human race.
The Gods of Eden, pp.8-9.
When pondering Bramley’s thesis several basic questions arise:
Are there indeed extraterrestrials who influence (or have
influenced) events on Earth? If not we must fall back on
conventional explanations of human history, which seem not to
provide adequate explanation. Does the evidence of archaeology show
that human history, indeed, only makes sense in the context of
creation by ETs?
If there are such ETs, are they of one kind, two kinds or many
kinds? Bramley does not suggest that more than one kind of ET may be
involved, though if one kind why not more than one? Still, one is
enough, though presumably the universe contains many forms of
intelligent life.
If there are two or more kinds, do they tend to cooperate among
themselves or is there conflict among them?
Zecharia Sitchin claims
that there were rivalries and conflicts among
the Anunnaki, which
partly explains the origin of war on Earth.
What is the relation between these
ETs and the major and minor
religions of the past and present? Bramley asserts that the
religions (with the possible exception of Buddhism), or what he
calls the "custodial" religions, were in fact ET-founded (or at
least were subverted by ET influence early on). Did the concept of
the "God" of the Bible actually arise from early humans experience
of "the gods" — those who came down in their "sky chariots"? Is it
time to completely rethink the theological premises which have so
greatly influenced European civilization?
What is the relation between these ETs and the influential
institutions of the modern world, such as national governments (in
particular that of the U.S.A.), central banks (in particular the
Federal Reserve Bank), and various organizations such as
the United
Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the
World Trade Organization? Are these institutions partly or wholly
under ET influence? What are their real purposes?
Assuming any or all of this to be true, what difference does it make
whether we know about it or not, since most of us are not admitted
to the back rooms at the Pentagon, to the secret chambers of
Vatican Library, or to the inner sanctums of the central bankers?
(Cows and sheep, safely grazing for the moment, might ask: "What
difference does it make whether we know what our two-legged
controllers are really up to?" From the point of view of their human
custodians, of course, it is preferable they know nothing, the
better to exploit them as a source of food, labor, etc.)
Is it time
to look at the available evidence and take seriously the idea that
we are a species created from primitive hominid stock by an advanced
extra-terrestrial race? And to face up to the consequences of this
Bramley points out that organized (a.k.a. institutional)
was the creation of the Brotherhood. Its purpose is to restrict
thinking, to make slaves of men and to act as a cause of war, the
better to keep mankind in bondage to fear and material distress. To
counter the aims of
the Brotherhood do not succumb to the solaces of
organized religion.
Boycott your churches. Snub your
synagogues. Ignore your mosques.
Until those preachers come out foursquare for peace and justice,
refuse to accept their pitiful propaganda. ...
Besides, that’s not God who resides in most houses of worship
anyway. It’s Moloch! It’s Baal. It’s Marduk. It’s definitely
The Evil One, posing as your deity, teaching you how to pretend to
be good rather than actually teaching you how to be good.
Tell your pastor you have a higher standard of morality than he is
able to reach, as long as he keeps preaching that Old Testament
bigotry and stays silent about America’s mass murder of innocents
for reasons that are provable lies. What kind of morality is silence
about that? Ask him. Tell him. Stand up for what’s right. ...
The only thing God really cares about is how you treat others.
— John Kaminski,
Penalty of an Ancient Fraud
Examination of the way the modern world works suggests that for at
least a century, probably longer, there has been a Conspiracy among
those whose business is MONEY to control the world. The existence of
such a Conspiracy is asserted by William Bramley in his book,
although the existence of such a Conspiracy does not prove Bramley’s
thesis (simply provides confirming evidence).
For more on this
Conspiracy and its effects in today’s world see:
Another way in which MONEY enters the picture is that war, and
preparations for war, are profitable for a small minority of people,
namely, those who build weapons systems and those who lend money to
finance this.
Wars are destructive, and replacing things destroyed
in war (other than people) is profitable for the people who make
those things. These things are not always weapons. Whenever the U.S.
bombs some country it partially or totally destroys much of the
civilian infrastructure (as in Serbia in 1999 and in Iraq in 2003).
U.S. companies then "win" contracts from the U.S. government to
rebuild what was destroyed. Their inflated fees are ultimately paid
for by U.S. taxpayers. It’s a racket.
To make money it’s not necessary to have actual wars; merely the
threat may be sufficient. Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars project of the
1980s was built on the alleged threat from Soviet missiles (which
the Soviet Union built to deter a U.S. attack using
previously-developed American missiles). Billions of dollars went
from the pockets of U.S. taxpayers into the coffers of U.S.
aerospace companies and into the bank accounts of their executives
and employees. All wasted.
With the economic collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 (due to
wasting billions on building weapons systems) the "Red Menace"
disappeared. New enemies were needed to justify U.S. military
budgets. "Arab terrorists" were elevated to the position of prime
threat ("they hate our freedoms"), and in September 2001
George W.
Bush declared a "war on terrorism". The U.S. military-industrial
complex consequently benefited from a huge increase in military
By 2003 a lot of people were beginning to realize that
11th was a gigantic hoax designed to terrorize the American people
into accepting this "war on terror" and the consequent American
military expansion. Soon the lie of "Arab terrorists who hate our
freedoms" will no longer be effective. New enemies will be required.
It has been suggested that the next enemy will be "the ETs" (who
presumably also "hate our freedoms").
According to
Dr Carol Rosin,
former corporate manager of Fairchild Industries, Werner von Braun
warned that a fictitious ET threat would be used to justify the
building of space-based weapons systems.
There are probably many varieties of extraterrestrials who have, and
have long had, an interest in this planet and the evolution of life
thereon. According to Sitchin and Bramley the interest of one or
more varieties of ET has been in exploiting this planet’s resources
and using humans as cheap (or rather, free) labor. There are
other varieties of ET who have a more beneficent attitude
toward Earth. But it is not reasonable to suppose that ETs
constitute a threat to Earth, unless it be in self-defense (now that
humans have shown themselves willing to use atomic weapons). But in
the minds of the weapons-builders a "threat" from alien life forms
is just what they need to justify their continued development and
deployment of space-based weapons systems (as usual, at the expense
of spending on health, education, etc.).
To illustrate the way the various elements of the ET conspiracy
story may be combined, we may contrast the position of Bramley (who
suggests that the ETs have been working through a nefarious
"Brotherhood" for thousands of years to the detriment of humans)
with that of Hatonn, a self-declared "space brother" (just the type
we’ve learned from Bramley to be suspicious of).
Hatonn allegedly is a Pleiadian who is studying our planet. We are
fortunate in having a transcription of a discourse delivered by
Hatonn, through a human channel, taped April 23, 1988.
Hatonn, as he
makes clear at the end, has pronounced Christian leanings (is in
fact "in the service of Christ"). Therefore from Bramley’s
perspective we might be inclined to think that, whatever Hatonn
says, his real purpose is to contribute to maintenance of ET
custodial control over humans. Yet both Bramley and Hatonn seem to
have similar views concerning paper money and fractional reserve
banking (Bramley devotes a chapter in The Gods of Eden to "Funny
Money") and the activities of the I.M.F., national governments, etc.
Could Hatonn be a benevolent ET (if there are such)? Might one be
mistaken in thinking that the Christian religion was an ET plot put
into effect, with such great consequences, because the Chosen People
proved inadequate to the fulfillment of the plans of Yahweh (Ishkur,
or perhaps Enlil himself, in the Sumerian pantheon) for world
domination? Clearly in this field of study all is not what it
appears to be.
Until 1991 it was the case in the U.S. that "exposure" to ETs was
punishable (no trial was necessary) by immediate incarceration
(called "quarantine"), with no right of appeal. This incarceration
could be maintained as long as the authorities deemed fit. And this
despite the rights guaranteed to U.S. citizens under the
Constitution. Read more in:
Extra-terrestrial Exposure Law