by Peter Tremblay
January 14, 2008
TheCanadian Website
A composite of John Lash's
Metahistory.org and Dr Michael Salla's published research
in the Exopolitics Journal presents critical insights on how
to broadly distinguish between Ethical and Manipulative
Dr. Salla specifically outlines a
typology of Ethical versus Manipulative Extraterrestrials,
based upon cross-referenced testimonies and documentation. With this
in mind, a central identified characteristic of Ethical
Extraterrestrials is vital respect for human free will. This
includes a rejection of abductions or other apparent other invasive
forms contacts.
These other invasive forms of contacts reportedly include medical
experiments, or techniques of telepathic mind control, where human
subjects are induced into a psychological states of worship and
ensuing mental slavery to the prerogatives of Manipulative
This apparent manipulation also apparently includes some abductees
apparently believing their abduction is somehow serving a "greater
universal good" that is arguably consistent with some kind of
advanced mind control techniques, that the ancient Gnostics were
concerned about.
Ethical Extraterrestrials are "ethical" because they approach
humans cosmologically as equal, and seek to visit Earth as
respectful guests.
Apparent Ethical Humans not from Earth,
for example, have been documented by Dr
Michael Salla as seeking to
blend in with human populations, and in the process, have sought to
inspire progressive social change among humans, like a "celestial
peace corps". This includes a mutualistic respect for human rights,
social justice, environmental stewardship toward inspiring humanity
to embrace a higher consciousness.
Ethical Extraterrestrial have also been characterized as
refusing to prematurely share technology with any humans that could
be exploited for oppressive military or other purposes.
Manipulative Extraterrestrials, in contrast, have reportedly
sought to share military and other technology that could be used to
advance joint oppressive objectives between Earthbound human elites
and such off-world entities.
Manipulative Extraterrestrials
either seek to use deceptive advances of "friendship" or "alliances"
to encourage religious, or other forms of worship (and/or
psychological dependence), or have reportedly used outright
coercion, against human free will (and also against the free will of
other sentient beings in our universe).
John Lash cites that the spirit of our universe was in fact,
characterized by a coming together of sentient beings associated
with a cosmic God, that sought to embrace and affirm free will in
our universe. Manipulative Extraterrestrials in contrast, seek to
undermine the free will of humanity, (and other sentient beings in
our universe) through the creation of what
Jacques Vallee, referred to as
"control systems".
This includes both indirect and direct
"control systems".
Such mechanisms of an indirect control system
include Manipulative Extraterrestrials that seek to inspire
organized religions, linked to an Extraterrestrial created "impostor
God(s), and other such elite driven ideologies that operate as
indirect control systems. Direct control system include institutions
for the use of outright force, like militaries.
John Lash, specifically indicates in Metahistory.org that,
"Archons as Manipulative
Extraterrestrials are predatory, unlike a wide range of
non-human and other-dimensional beings, that also had been know
to the Gnostics, as beings who are benevolent or neutral toward
Dr. Lash illuminates Gnostic research
insights, that Christian elites who are and have been under
the apparent influence of "Archons", have sought to conceal.
According to Dr. Lash, Gnostics sought to help warn humanity about
Manipulative Extraterrestrials as a 'demonic consciousnesses' "from
the sky", that posed a great threat to human free will, and ensuing
spiritual awakening.
John Lash, presents Gnostics as specifically illuminating
Manipulative Extraterrestrials as lower-dimensional but
technologically advanced intelligent beings, that seek to take
advantage of "error" in human consciousness, in a manner that can be
used to exploit humanity, through the co-operation their elites. The
nature of humans as beings of "free will" can de-evolve into a path
of "error", and that requires critical self-awareness so as to avoid
and to correct, before that "error" can exploited toward an agenda
of oppression.
Dr. Lash reveals Gnostic accounts of Manipulative Extraterrestrials,
as ego-driven entities which seek to exploit the ego-driven
tendencies of human elites, and in other humans.
This exploitative approach apparently includes techniques of
flattering human contactees with invocations of vaunting alleged
affinities to religious icons or religious prophecies (that have in
turn been historically inspired through Extraterrestrial-contrived
gods, in association with socially controlling alien doctrines).
Whereas Dr. Lash presents Manipulative Extraterrestrials as
"Archons", he presents Ethical Extraterrestrials as entities that
are "Aeonic" with higher dimensional consciousnesses.
Ethical Extraterrestrials seek to help humanity empower themselves
in a context of existential self-determination. Ethical
Extraterrestrial apparently seek to inspire humans to free
themselves from coercive elite-driven power structures, and to
inspire the members of humanity to respectively realize their own
potential to consensually live in peace with each other.
Whereas Ethical Extraterrestrial would abhor any worship from humans
looking upon them as "superior beings",
Extraterrestrials seek to inspire such worship that can be used to
control humans through what John Lash refers to as the "doctrine of
the aliens".
Through organized religion, Manipulative
Extraterrestrials seek to pacify humans into a state of dumbed-down
obedience, to a god in the sky that operates through various
inter-related elite controlled systems, presided by colluding
hierarchies with various associations to the clergy of respective
organized religions.
Specifically, according to Lash, Gnostics taught that Archons as
Manipulative Extraterrestrials envy us and feed on our fear.
all, they attempt to keep us from claiming and evolving our “inner
light,” the gift of divine intelligence within.”
Extraterrestrials, apparently, and pivotally use organized religion
to keep humanity in a state of dogma- induced fear, and off-world
obeisance that would prevent an empowering inner-spiritual
Various researchers, including Dr. Lash, arguably imply that
recognizing the difference between Ethical and
Extraterrestrials can be critically facilitated when individuals
embrace a higher consciousness. This includes embracing critical
thought and empathy in the spirit of the Gnostics, while at the same
time rejecting blind apparent off-world focused religions,
doctrines, dogmas, ego-centricity, greed, exploitation, oppression,
elitism, including elite orchestrated belief systems, racisms,
sexism, and other such debilitating ideologies and social control
systems - which we observe to be following in our society to date.
Such control systems also includes the dominant impact of the idea
of "religious salvation", and the redeemer-messiah focus.
Such a
construct according to Dr. Lash's research on the Gnostics, was
psychologically contrived by Manipulative Extraterrestrials to
spiritually disempower humanity under the "stupor" of an "impostor"
God or gods.