by Noel Huntley
excerpted from
"ETs and Aliens - Who Are They? and
Why Are They Here?"
GoogleBooks Website
Spanish version
This is a vast subject, and extensive research could be conducted to
elicit the full scope; thus we shall not deal with it particularly
quantitatively. A mainly qualitative outline would be of more value
to the reader.
We will find many spiritual government structures, some more local,
others galactic or universal, but all hierarchical and interrelated,
such as,
the Confederation of Planets
the Solar Council
Galactic Confederation (or Federation)
the Guardian Alliance
the Interdimensional Federation (or Association) of free Worlds,
The latter apparently consists of not only tens of thousands of
extraterrestrial cultures in physical embodiment but countless
others in the more spiritual realms.
Now a planetary council would be overseen by, say, a star- system
government, which in turn would be within
the galactic Federation.
These structures are also spiritual hierarchies (which in terms of
multidimensional physics, are higher-dimensionally holographic).
This is a little like having many smaller business companies (which
note are each pyramidal in structure from ground-floor workers to
president) interconnected within larger ones. One might imagine that
the local spiritual governments are more complete, or operating
efficiently, or have substantial communication lines
set up, but as we proceed up the hierarchy towards infinity there is
a lot of work to do - even if it is only because the probabilities
and possibilities increase.
In spite of this,
the Urantia Book describes in detail a
governmental hierarchy and universes within universes to a very high
level and is written by 196 spiritual authors.
Nevertheless, vast
though this cosmic framework is it will either only be a particular
hierarchy, even a sub-hierarchy, or its over-simplified descriptions
and cosmic layout of universes indicates it is partly contrived in
an attempt to convey to primitive Earthman what spiritual life is
all about; or both these explanations.
But it is an organized one -
that is the main feature; consciousness has such infinite potential
that it seems to prefer organization and predictability (life
appears to be all about formatting of consciousness).
There are myriads of councils, extending from planetary, such as the
Saturian Council, to the Galactic Council, Intergalactic Nibiruan
Council, and Creator councils, such as the
Council of Nine and the
Heart Council.
This latter council apparently did not agree with the
Creator (and the Council of Nine) of our human species experiment
and its plan for humans to become involved in exploring all facets
of fragmented and low-frequency energies, including all expressions
of negativity - it foresaw the massive suffering.
There is also a confederation of 33 planets is this sector of the
galaxy according to the Unarius Academy, of which planet Earth is to
be the thirty-third and final linking member in an alignment,
forming an Interplanetary Confederation for the Spiritual
Renaissance of Humankind on Earth.
We can associate countless spiritual names with the spiritual
Some of the more familiar names, ranging from Ascended
Masters to more integrated and expansive beings are:
Saint Germain,
Sananda, Hilarion,
Kuthumi, El Morya,
Lord Maitreyal,
Djwhal Khul, Soltec, Monka, Hatonn, Korton, Sai Baba, the
Ashtar Command,
Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara, Vywamus, the Elohim, Adonis,
Mahatma, etc.
Note that such names are specially chosen for planet
Earth. Where the government extends to other planetary systems
different names would be used, except where those names reflect the
actual sound frequencies. In fact no names at all are required in
these upper realms (for the upper realms).
Now Saint Germain has been helping Earth and channeling information
for many years and has had past lives on Earth, one of which is said
to be Francis Bacon (and it is also said that he actually wrote the
Shakespeare plays).
Sananda, the Supreme Commander of
the Celestials, is the name in the
inner-realms of the spiritual leader we know by the name Jesus,
whose purpose for planet Earth is clear.
Ascended Master Hilarion is an extensive channel source and has
brought forth a great deal of valuable information to Earth,
including material of a more scientific nature.
Soltec is another specialist in science and technology and has given
us frequent advanced evaluations of the geological state of the
planet, in particular in California. He is a communicator from the
Ashtar Command and is the son of Monka, and is from the Alpha
Centauri system.
Monka is Head of the Tribunal Council for the Ashtar Command - he is
reported to be from Mars.
Lord Maitreya is head of the planetary spiritual hierarchy and
overlord of humans and angels. He holds the presidency of the Great
White Brotherhood and was a teacher of Jesus. His role is to help
all humans realize God and achieve liberation (See Dr. Stone's book
The Complete Ascension Manual for detailed information on this
The Ashtar Command is part of the spiritual hierarchy and
government. It is the airborne division (in spacecrafts) of the
Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative
direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord
Sananda, known on Earth as Jesus. Ashtar is also known as the
supreme commander of the celestials and was originally from Venus.
He sits at the right hand of Sananda.
Ashtar's Command consists of
millions of starships and personnel from many civilisations who are
here to assist Earth and humanity in the present cycle of planetary
purification and polar realignment.
They work in coordination with
the seven mighty Archangels:
Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Jophiel,
Gabriel, Chamuel, Zadekiel, and the legions of 70 Brotherhoods of
Light which administer the planetary grid systems and serve as
protectors of this universal sector.
Different fleets within the
Command specialize in spiritual education, ascension, scientific
survey, overseeing planetary affairs, etc.
Hatonn is a channel source for Earth, going back many years. This
source brought forth many articles and around 200 books published by
a small radical newspaper called Contact, covering the New World
Order and secret government manipulations. Many articles appeared
but as many readers noticed, some Dark energy was creeping into
these transmissions.
Eventually the publisher split up and made a
fresh start.
Archangel Michael is a frequent channel source through numerous
human vehicles such as Jean Huddon and John Armitage. He has brought
forth an endless stream of spiritual knowledge and teachings to
Earth, in particular, that man is basically a spiritual being.
Djwhal Khul currently channels through Wistancia Stone (Dr. Joshua
David Stone's wife). This Ascended Master originally channeled the
Alice Bailey's material.
Sai Baba, living on this planet in body in India, has been referred
to as the Cosmic Christ; a God-realized Avatar. He is on a mission
of service to assist this planet and the human race into the New
[We can't guarantee that all these entities mentioned above, or
others, are genuine. We have seen that the energy Hatonn picked up
negative elements in the channelings. Also there are discrediting
reports appearing about Sai Baba, and some years ago a Maitreya in
body on Earth had been photographed, Arabic origin - turban, etc. -
and was witnessed attending meetings with the Elite government.]
Sanat Kumara is the Logos for planet Earth. Such logoi are an
intrinsic part of the hierarchy. Sanat Kumara is not the Mother
Earth consciousness but a potentially separate and individual
consciousness that works in harmony with the natural Earth entity.
A marvelous little book entitled Training a Planetary Logos has
been channeled by Vywamus through Janet Mclure all about Sanat
Kumara's training to be Earth's logos. This is worth special
(Note that Vywamus is the equivalent of a higher-self of
Sanat Kumara.)
It begins with a lifetime on a planet similar to Earth, millions of
years ago. It describes the boyhood of Sanat Kumara looking after
sheep, which would speak to him while his father was away as a
member of the planetary council. It goes on to explain a much later
and crucial part of his training for a logos in which he practiced
splitting his consciousness into thousands of parts - in fact,
The task was to attain, individually, a separate focus of
all the parts, simultaneously with being the whole. This means he
could be each separate consciousness independently and also be the
whole simultaneously.
It states that as soon as he achieved this,
each of the 900,000 individual consciousnesses were sent out to
900,000 suitable planets in the galaxy to be embodied as an
inhabitant of that planet with a task to be accomplished (this was
arranged by higher teachers).
Sanat Kumara in all his 900,000 facets of consciousness succeeded
with each mission, taking a total of about 20 years and each
returned to the whole. On qualifying he was told to take a 50-year
vacation before his consciousness would be connected to the
planet's, which took about 2000 years.
He has now had this position for about 18 million years and is
considered to be relatively young. He has a central headquarters in
Shamballa near the Himalayas in the astral and above, frequencies.
The physical location of this is the Gobi Desert.
It is channeled that Sanat Kumara could channel through about a
thousand human vehicles simultaneously, each portion of himself
could answer questions, intelligently. Also he could put his
attention on, say, a state of the United States of America and know
everything that was going on.
He is now in charge of all
consciousness indigenous to planet Earth. He manifests as a young
man in the planetary headquarters in Shamballa.
Probably all celestial bodies have, or eventually would have, a
logos. The Sun logos is named Helios and will oversee the whole
solar system. The galaxy is divided into four quadrants and three
sectors each, that is, 12 sectors for the galaxy. There is a logos
for each sector and quadrant, and also one for the whole galaxy. The
galaxy sector that overshadows Earth is headed by Melchior.
universe logos is named Melchizedek. Note that many spiritual beings
have used the name Melchizedek. As stated, Jesus apparently had a
life under the name Melchizadek. Beyond the universal logos is
Metatron. He is referred to as a visible manifestation of the deity
of the Father, and creator of the outer worlds.
We have referred to the pyramidal structure of the spiritual
government. Primarily this is also the structure of the universe -
but not current science's three-dimensional view of the universe.
All fundamental energy is oscillatory and in vortex form. The vortex
of the universe spirals 'down' in dimensions then branches off to
form sub-universe vortices (such as cluster of galaxies), which in
turn spiral off into galaxies.
A galaxy spirals into lower
dimensions, branching off into eventually star-system vortices that
branch into planets, etc.
A planet vortex will spiral down
eventually into the vortices of atoms. The reason why the energy
spirals is because this would be the most efficient way to transpose
higher-dimensional energy into lower dimensions, otherwise chaos
would result - this is a matter of geometry.
The frequencies are stepped down from the universe to the atom.
These vortices are conscious entities as stated, and logos are
associated with them.
The consciousness of civilizations follows the same basic physics
and energy relationships. It is all consciousness within
consciousness, just as the planet's vortex is within the Sun's
vortex, which is within the galaxy vortex, etc.
The tree of life is
a good model for the universe (and beyond) and all consciousness.
The trunk is the Source. Then we have large branches with offshoots
of other branches, decreasing in size to twigs. A branch at a
particular level may represent a whole ET race - the twigs within it
could be individual souls. Everything goes back to the trunk - the
Law of One.
More specifically, the consciousness of, say, individual humans is
an extension from their soul consciousness, that is, the soul
extension (the human personality) is within the soul. One might wish
to imagine a small hypnotic aspect of the soul consciousness
projected into human experience. The soul can have 12 soul
extensions (some sources will argue about the rigidity of this
number though).
Furthermore, the soul is within the monad, which in
turn can have 12 souls (therefore the monad embraces 144 humans).
Everything is hierarchical but nothing is truly external.
As we pointed out, even our planetary logos Sanat Kumara has a
higher-self ('soul') named Vywamus. In turn, the monadic equivalent
of Vywamus is the cosmic being Lenduce. Again, note that this is all
consciousness within consciousness.
Such entities do not generally operate in bodies.
Dr. Stone, in his
book The Complete Ascension Manual, covers the subject of these
beings in detail. He states Vywamus and
Djwhal Khul (Ascended
Master) started The Tibetan Foundation, and one of Vywamus's main
tasks is to help humanity to clear the subconscious mind.
The spiritual government extends throughout the so-called seven
planes or dimensions of reality,
the physical plane
astral plane
the mental plane
the Buddic or intuitive plane
the atmic or spiritual plane
the monadic plane
the logoic plane
Note that these seven planetary states, when attained, going from
one to seven, only complete the first plane of another cosmic scale
of seven similarly labeled dimensions
A further administrative level of high order is conducted by the
Lords of Karma. They regulate the distribution of karma to
individuals, groups and races.
They have the power to determine
whether an entity should continue in its particular form where
extreme negativity has been demonstrated over a long period of time
with little hope of recovery. This is supposed to be rare and not
done lightly. The personality is cancelled by, in effect, erasing
the modulations of the waves making up the personality, and the
basic energy of consciousness is recycled.
A few more examples of cosmic beings of a God-like status are the
following. Adonis is described as a great and glorious being who
embodies the heart focus in the universe. Atlanto, one of twelve
beings, who focuses the energy of thought to sustain the Cosmic
Day, which lasts 4.3 billion years. Averran is a cosmic being to
oversee the evolution of Earth. And many more.
We might add that beingness can exist in many forms. We have seen
planetary and celestial beings, civilizations both individual and
collective, transformer beings (see next chapter), nature's forms,
entities with no location, etc.
Some grand entities can even be
created by methods other than from the Source. Responsible cosmic
beings can harmonies their independent energies to quantum
regenerate a great single being with newly kindled powers (the
Urantia Book gives examples). This is actually how the laser works,
which is not understood in current science (see author's website
One of the most significant entities available for all to benefit
from is one which has been named the Mahatma, or Avatar of
Synthesis. This amazing energy has been integrated by cosmic beings.
It not only steps down the high frequencies of the Source energies
to the human level but is all these frequencies as one whole. Man
thus has a method of contacting directly the Godhead through the
inbuilt gradient of frequencies contained within this being (there
are apparently 352 levels along this gradient back to the Source).
Finally we must not forget to acknowledge the Angelic Kingdom, which
is vast and will link with or come under the spiritual government
and hierarchy.
The Council of Nine, already mentioned, and sometimes referred to as
the Elohim, are never embodied physically, only through their
lower-dimensional projections of 24 civilisations when it is
necessary to incarnate and intervene. They oversee and pass on
information and help for humankind's evolution.
The Council of Nine are said to be nine principles and basic
manifestations of God, and each represents a portion of energy, for
example, knowledge, wisdom, love, kindness, technology, etc. Related
to the Nine are 24 civilizations, which are in effect extensions of
the Nine. These are each a collective consciousness that can express
in physical form for communication in the lower-dimensional worlds.
Nevertheless there are further subdivisions of these 24
civilizations into sub-civilizations. Again we must remember not to
oversimplify. The millions of members of these 24 civilizations act
in perfect unison within each group, though its members are still
individual. Some of these civilizations have incarnated and
colonized Earth on several occasions.
They go by various names, for
example: Altea, which headed Atlantis and whose members are
blue-eyed and fair-haired and in human form, but are androgynous;
then there is the civilization Hoova, a darker-skinned race which
colonized Earth on three occasions.
Each civilization brings a
different quality: Altea brings the mental; Hoova, physical; Ashan,
the arts and emotions; Aragon for healing, etc. These appear to be
special civilizations, not ones which go through the evolutionary
process from lower dimensions to higher.
Each civilization is so
perfectly synchronistic that it is essentially one being, and
clearly exists on the basis of its projection 'downwards' to provide
a special function of service and not to be involved with its own
ascension, as with a civilization like Earth's. Nevertheless, we are
also related to the
Council of Nine. The incarnations from the 24 civilizations would be
more direct from the Nine (and therefore the Source).
Pleiadeans, Lyrians, and Orions would presumably come under these
civilizations, in particular, the civilizations of Altea, Hoova and
Ashan, according to the Council of Nine, bringing different portions
of the characteristics, such as mental, emotional and physical,
hence the human need for a balance between the mind, emotions and
We have briefly mentioned the characteristics brought to species,
such as humans in the lower space-time dimensions, of individuality
and separation, through the Council of Nine. There are also what are
called Seven Great Rays. These appear to be another expression of
the same source as the Council of Nine.
The qualities of the Rays
Power and Will
Love and Wisdom
Beauty and Art
Knowledge and Science
and Magic
The rays are the energies of great conscious entities which convey
particular qualities.
Keep in mind how simple physics shows us that
a ray of, say, red light manifests that quality because of its
wavelength and if we consider 'compressing' this ray a little, that
is shortening its wavelength, it will become a blue ray. Thus
frequencies, combined, modulated, or in packets bestow all forms of
qualities and properties of matter that we can ever conceive in this
frequency-coded universe.
Thus the rays are part of the frequency structure of the personality
- one might think of them as archetypal; they ground the individual
into a particular qualitative framework. Whereas the Council of
Nine, through the civilizations appear to bring the characteristics
via the more external aspects of the species, such as in
reincarnation of members of the civilizations, Hoova, Ashan, etc.
Note the apparent contradiction in numbers between the nine
qualities of the Council of Nine, which apparently projects from the
Trinity (three beings), and the Seven Great Rays, also manifesting
basic qualities.
The corresponding entities in the Urantia
Book are the seven Master Spirits. The Urantia material insists that
the number is seven and that there would be more if it were
possible, but the number seven is the mathematical result of taking
permutations and combinations of the three (the Trinity).
Council of Nine will argue that nine is a perfect number; it
resolves into one (the One extends to three (the Trinity) and each
of the three extends to three, giving nine).
In appreciating the vastness of this subject keep in mind that
enlightened beings, such as Yogananda, have reminded us that just
the astral plane (above the physical) involves a cosmos some one
hundred times greater than our cosmos. And as we have seen, above
the physical and astral are the mental, intuitive, spiritual,
monastic, and logoic planes.
Let us now discuss an even more lofty perspective of the Infinite
within the creator domain, and in addition enable us to pursue
further the creator level of the Council of Nine.