Excerpted from "ETs and Aliens "
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If the reader has had some difficulty believing the accounts
presented so far about extraterrestrials, this chapter will stretch
the imagination beyond limits.
One may be reminded that in physics,
notably quantum theory, such extravagances as parallel worlds are
considered seriously, also other universes and probable dimensions.
Nevertheless, the reality we describe here is one between the
imaginary worlds and the substantial realities with which we are
According to channeling by Zoosh through Robert Shapiro, our
evolution was set up so that there was a strong potential for an
alternate negative future (ANF) to become interlocked with our time
line to guide the race if it went off track. And indeed it did.
was an allowed and deliberate plan by the Creator level; a test to
speed up spiritual growth and break the cycles of war and
destruction. And our recent history indicated that our civilization
was indeed creating mistakes repeatedly.
The idea was to cause the mass consciousness of the human race to
realize it was on the wrong track by making that track so obviously
wrong, exaggerating it so that we would correct the deviation.
Secret government groups and aliens seeking control and domination
of this planet have increased this potential for the alternative
negative future by literally pouring negative energy into it (the
future potential). As a result, this future has acquired some
About 80 years ago beings in this ANF began to gain some substantive
continuity of existence due to the negativity of our present,
establishing a past (our present) for this ANF. These beings had the
potential now to maintain and sustain a viable existence and a fully
operating civilization with further manipulations of our present and
also our past.
By 1910 transmissions from this ANF came to Earth in the form of
visions for those who could attune to them.
Two examples of ideal
recipients were Hitler and Himmler. It was not until 1917-18,
however, that
the visions were taken seriously. Hitler and Himmler
received visions of control and greed causing them to believe they
could draw power from the world.
This was the beginning of the occult side of the Nazi party, which
started as a small club in a basement. It became satanic in its
methods and motives and pain was a prerequisite to the privilege of
membership. Initially this took the form of animal sacrifices which
had to be an animal they loved. They extended this to murdering
human loved ones.
From the higher realms, or Creator point of view, this got out of
hand. It was intended to stop wars; to wake people up to evil. As a
result, the power was withdrawn from Creator and the satanic group
then attracted negative forces, a satanic being to give them power.
From this ANF influence, technologies were inspired within the Nazi
group. These were advanced negative technologies; all heart removed
from them.
About 1915, the ANF was about a 30% chance of its being a future
that would live. It was, however, only a probable future of images
trying to take form. Now owing to these Nazi technologies during WW2
the ANF beings created a time machine - crude and very expensive to
power - to manipulate the past and potential futures.
Many were lost in transit to Earth. This
time machine was linked to negative energies created by humans and
thus served a purpose of teaching man a hard lesson while the
negative energy was present.
The ANF is at the future year 2175 AD. Their dimensional level is
2.5 to 2.8 but they come to Earth at 3.0. They cannot survive,
however, at this level for long. When we reach 3.55 they have no
effect. We are now probably around 3.5 (it was 3.47 in 1996).
These beings are making a last desperate effort to stop us ascending
into the fourth dimension. They have attempted to wipe out the
population of Africa. (Note the information in the chapter on Sirius
about the African - Sirian - genetics bringing sustenance to Earth.)
The more we continue with negative conditions the more they push
back their influence.
ANF manifested the Nazis but owing to
establishing the link and travelling back into our past, present and
future, influencing the Nazis negatively, they have changed our, and
their, past and their control goes beyond 1914 now.
They have considerable power in the ANF.
Hitler and Himmler, from
this information, are stated to be of the bloodline of negative
rulers from this ANF. These beings from the ANF have been tracing
everyone on Earth in our present and past to the ANF, enabling them
to influence our past - even cause us to remember only bad times and
forget the good, as though they didn't exist (which theoretically
could be uncreated).
As stated, they arrive at 3.0 first (about 1300 at one time but
probably not at all visible to us at this density) then they project
energy to a smaller number at our frequency density - around 3.5.
They travel to Earth in their bodies but few survive.
It is interesting to note that they dimensionally overlap with the
negative Sirians described earlier, but the beings from the ANF are
not interested in them.
Now as they rebound from 3.0 to 3.5 they lose energy - that is, lose
negative energy, causing them to feel less in control. They can only
stay for around 3 years but utilize sound techniques to aid them.
They cannot stand light, and exist underground in 6 to 12-feet
thick, lead-lined, reinforced concrete bunkers (note that they
probably wouldn't be detected by us since they were at 3.0. The
negative activities of the secret government helps them to become
more physical.
They can be touched when at 3.47 but if
one shook hands one could squeeze through their hands. They have
attempted to corrupt the mystical intentions of the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights.
They want to run their roots into the past as
far as possible to change the outcome of events that have come and
gone; such as WW2, so that instead of defeating the Axis powers, a
pact was formed enabling the Axis to complete their weapons
development program and subsequently dominate the world.
Part of
this would be keeping the U.S. out of the war.
The early Nazi group
obtained their weapons by inspiration:
Beings from ANF are not of military order (which has some good
principles of courage and self-sacrifice); the system is more
political. They identify with control.
On their world their children
are not praised for doing something worthwhile; they are praised for
something degrading that follows the party line, such as being cruel
to an animal or exerting will over others.
They are humanoid in appearance. In marriage they exert their will;
take what they want, or maybe negotiate. There is no love. It is a
manipulated, mechanized society. To our senses their world would
appear as if in a haze. This is the energy of fear. They would not
be clearly defined. When perceived, their features would be more
coarse than ours. They don't see in color.
The percentage negativity is around 75 and they die at more than
80%, though they try to get as close to this as possible, they are
so driven by negativity. Their planet is in our solar system
(obviously not physically or in our dimensions). They live
underground. Sunlight would kill them instantly, and also electric
light in about 20 seconds. They can see in the dark using sound
techniques. They are not actually soulless, though nearly - it is an
alternate potential soul.
Our history is based on alternate possibilities. The competitive
element on Earth, the source of internal conflict, originally came
from alternate futures on Orion, and this established the warrior
The drive behind the ANF beings is of this nature:
a negative
version of competition - do whatever it takes to win and maintain
one's position at the top of the heap.
Even though competition was
once positive it plays out as negative in that alternate negative
future. Any high cause will take its opposite polarization in the
The effectiveness of the beings from the ANF has been reducing as
our frequency density rises, in particular, according to Zoosh when
we reach 3.55 we shall be free of this ANF influence.
The information in this chapter came from
Zoosh's material channeled
through Robert Shapiro.
We have covered just a few of the extraterrestrials interacting with
or observing Earth.
In fact, the principal races with which we are
most familiar, either intimately connected to our evolution or
playing a major role in assisting our ascension are the,
Alpha Centaurians
There are millions of extraterrestrials in, on,
and around this planet, mostly in energy spectrums different from
According to William Cooper's research, the secret government is
aware of some 70 different ET races contacting Earth; though there
are in fact thousands aiding or observing Earth.
We mentioned the praying mantis ET in the chapter on Mars. This race
is known as the Aethiens - also has been written Ataien. They long
since evolved into higher realms and would be well invisible to us.
In appearance they are usually whitish, or golden as they age, and
can attain a height of 12 feet. They originally lived off plant
juices but now obtain sustenance from light energy. They have wings
and can fly but don't need to use them for distant travel.
They work with other beings throughout the time portal system, soul
travelling through the dimensions, and come from a parallel galaxy.
They are emissaries of peace and growth to all brotherhood species.
They may be seen working with the Zetas during abductions but only
in the capacity of aiding the human experience and teaching the
Zetas greater benevolence.
When they appear with the Zetas they
merely accompany them and only when the Zetas work in brotherhood
with all life.
As a race, they veer more towards the collective state, though are
still individuals. Nevertheless, extreme individual creativity and
inventiveness, which humans exhibit, interests them and consequently
we can learn from one another.
Another group of ETs which is working with Earth are the
Rhanthunkeana, or more simply, the Ranthia.
They are from a distant
star in higher spectrums. Great distance or dimensional difference
is no problem to them as they have mastery over the time-portal
system. They are responsible for most of our crop circles. These
beings as well as the Aethiens mentioned above are referred to in
Voyagers, volume 1.
They have followed Earth's development and have been our guardians
since its beginnings, as have the Zetas, but the Ranthia are more
advanced technologically and spiritually.
They may manifest in our dimension and appear as spherical forms of
light as they have an ability to hold a position between dimensions.
Note that there are eye-witness accounts of spheres of light
associated with or creating crop circles.
Although they are not
based in physicality they have the ability to appear in matter
forms. They are experts in holographic creations. Their physical
form from our point of view would be fluidic, like water. Thus they
can take on many shapes. Besides the Ranthia, many visiting ETs can
modulate the dimensional frequencies and time portals to accomplish
the science of shape-shifting.
The Zetas also have this transmutation ability but not as well as
the Ranthia owing to the Zetas missing emotional body. They can
appear invisible, 'ghost-like' or in disguise. At this time, the
Ranthia are playing a significant role as guardians for planet
Amongst our numerous ancestors with whom we have a genetic link are
the Felines or the Lion People.
They also evolved in the Lyra
constellation; more specifically on a planet named Avyon of the Vega
star system. According to the book
We are the Nibiruans, by Jelaila
Starr, which we are indebted to for this material, the Felines came
to this universe to set up this game, having completed theirs in
another universe.
The Felines arrived etherically but took physical form with the
subsequent 'veil of forgetfulness' and after millions of years
evolved into bipeds with awareness of their souls. They stood 12 to
16 feet tall and their skin, which changes from gold to white in
maturity, is covered in a soft down, not fur, but both males and
females have long hair. Eye coloring changes from blue to gold as
they mature.
Their temperament is warm and intellectual. Elders are respected for
their wisdom, compassion and insight. They have a gentle nature and
a great sense of fair play - they are very curious and inquisitive,
typical of the feline nature. The females have equal status to the
Now their planet was not unlike Earth, with its considerable variety
of plant and animal forms; a beautiful blue planet with mountains,
lakes, streams and oceans. A portion of the Felines remained at the
etheric level to provide guidance to those incarnating (much as do
the angels for humans).
After millions of years and countless incarnations, with the
addition of DNA from the biped, the ape, they walked upright and
retained the consciousness of their etheric counterparts (didn't
devolve into the lower 3D spectrum). Thus apart from retaining the
facial features of the feline they possessed a human-like body.
In spite of the similarities to the evolution of the human species
the feline ascended without the many temporary extinctions of the
human race and new beginnings.
Technology on Avyon developed to an advanced degree, bringing space
travel. Furthermore they became expert geneticists and began helping
to develop life forms on other planets. At this point they made a
contribution towards the genetic development of the human race.
By further cross-breeding and genetically upgrading types,
apparently two strains of the human body were created:
Although the genetic relation
between felines and humans has been forgotten by modern man the
Felines remain the loving and supportive guardians throughout time.
Another consciousness aiding planet Earth is the Andazi, referred to
as fully realized, which presumably means operating at their full,
natural potential - the condition they were meant to be. This is a
consciousness residing on Earth, from our point of view, but also
existent in other dimensions and not limited to any dimensions.
Their energy is so basic that they are, or link with, the essence or
consciousness of all things in nature but can take on any form.
They are described by Zoosh in the Explorer books as taking on a
preferential form on the surface of Earth, which is tall, honey-gold in color, and covered in a downy fur. They appear in this
humanoid form and choose to have the fur for warmth since they like
the seasons. Facially they are cat-like.
They are immune to all
negativity, toxins, etc. and can take on any natural form such as a
stream. When we interact with nature we will interact with them and
they are naturally closely associated with Mother Nature.
They are thus very difficult to detect. Fortunately for us they are
completely benign and have the purpose of assisting us. They existed
before our beginnings and are not oriented towards any specific
The Andazi have no limits, they can be detached as an observer and
simultaneously be within and fully integrated with any form. Our
consciousness partly contains them. They can interact with
everything harmoniously. This energy has the ability to synthesize
everything of the best, bring it together and create something
wonderful - this is within our own human consciousness.
They operate in many frequency densities and would find one
dimension boring and limiting. The Andazi are said to be the first
inhabitants of Earth and at the present time are living within inner
Another very early species of consciousness to planet Earth, long
before man appeared, was of reptilian origin. These beings today
exist ninth-dimensionally on a small planet (the 10th planet) within
our system with an orbit more like a figure eight. This planet has
not of course been detected by humans, though scientists have picked
up magnetic resonance, and radio and ultrasonic anomalies from this
This race, fixed at about 38,000, were asked by the Guardian
Alliance, who was like God to them, if they would participate in the
human experiment. Their reaction apparently was, How could we
refuse? In other words, it was not a pleasant duty.
They provided
the crocodile format for Earth and brought energies, which seemed
impossible to put into words, that introduced the temptation factor
in our civilization. Thus they made an appearance on Earth long
before man arrived and contributed towards the needed conditions for
the evolution of the human race.
Originally they came as sea
creatures, then as land mammals, more in keeping with their form as
crocodiles. On their planet they apparently resemble humans more
than crocodiles; no scales - skin similar to the belly of the
crocodile. Thus the crocodile that we know would be an offshoot, and
extension of this race.
The Iargans are another ET race which has made contact with Earth.
They are an advanced civilization from
planet Iarga about 10 light
years from us.
UFO contactee Stefan Denaerde describes his
interaction with these beings who agreed to let him spend two days
on their ship and inform him of life on their planet.
They are advanced technologically and spiritually and explained that
higher knowledge cannot be given to a less evolved civilization with
limited spiritual and ethical development. They average around 5
feet tall and were originally amphibians, still possessing webs
between their fingers and toes.
He was shown a kind of holographic film of their planet and
civilization. Iarga is a green planet with green oceans and a thick
atmosphere, subduing the brightness of their sun. Their tolerance of
temperatures is in a narrower range but rain and snow is greater
than on Earth.
Denaerde saw rail systems and amazing buildings. Their economic and
political system is completely different and is based on equality
for all. Their highest goals are selfless service, immortality and
cosmic integration. They explained to him that Earth's isolation
will end when the masses of humanity acknowledge God and their true
purpose for being on Earth.
The Iargan information was taken from Dr. Stone's Hidden Mysteries
based on the book
UFO Contact from Planet Ianga.
Ruth Montgomery's book Aliens Among Us recounts a contact from an ET
stated to be from a planet named Cessna. The planet is described as
slightly larger than Earth and as having two moons. Its climate is
temperate with abundant flora and fauna and the population is about
500 million. The atmosphere consists of nitrogen and oxygen and
traces of other gases.
The civilization had strict population control. No pollution or
disease. Inhabitants had life expectancy of 160 years and there was
no crime or famine. Their principal area of research was scientific
and the study of alien cultures with a view to bringing peace to all
races. They have been exploring space for thousands of years and
their spacecrafts are powered by drawing energy directly from the
The Ra civilization are beyond physical form but can materialize
bodies as needed. They do not operate in linear time and refer to
themselves as humble messengers of
the Law of One. They state they
are a sixth-density social memory complex but can function as
They travel through space in bell-shaped spacecrafts and came to
earth about 10,000 years ago to aid our planet and civilization.
Their technologies, however, were distorted on Earth.
They have healing technologies utilizing crystals, which to some
degree was brought to Earth, and they also helped with the building
the Great Pyramid. Their physical body manifestation on Earth
emanated a golden lustre, indicative of higher vibrations.
The Ra no longer have physical contact with Earth and are on their
spiritual path towards becoming seventh-density beings. They contact
us spiritually, through dreams and meditation, etc.
Further references are made in Ruth Montgomery's writings to a
civilization called Alabram from a planet beyond Andromeda. These
beings are similar to humans except for larger lungs, since oxygen
is low in concentration in their atmosphere.
They have very large brains and are telepathic. Their sun is so hot,
plants and vegetation have to be grown underground. They drink a
liquid similar to water and are capable of absorbing information by
Extraterrestrials named
the Ummites have bases on Earth in many
countries. According to Antonio Ribera over 6000 pages of written
material from the Ummites have been received in several languages.
There have been scores of witnesses of their spacecraft sightings
and numerous photographs taken.
The Ummites from Planet Ummo stated that their planet orbits a star
astronomers refer to as
Wolf 424, 14 light years from Earth. The
planet is similar to Earth and in appearance they are similar to
humans; but their fingers are very sensitive to many radiations,
including light. They have rapid spacecraft travel across the galaxy
utilizing the principle of space 'folds'.
Another ET civilization referred to in
Lyssa Royal's material which
has been visiting Earth is from a planet named Hydra.
They excel in
creating artifacts of great beauty from Earth's energies and they
are highly skilled in agriculture and archaeology. They are the sensitives and artists of this Galaxy, with a profound attunement to
the land. It is a race bringing another different vibration to Earth
to benefit man's experience and ascension.
We have referred to the Nordic type of ET - a title given to the
ones which have that appearance of the Swedish Nordic races. They
are friendly, about 6 feet tall with blond hair and blue eyes. They
have offered warnings and given messages and were responsible for
about 24 percent of contacts before the '60s.
The Procyonians have this Swedish appearance and come from Procyon,
a binary star in the Sirius sector and Canis Minoris constellation.
It is about 11.4 light-years from Earth.
Though they have interacted directly to some degree with man on this
planet our government would not cooperate with them since they would
not provide weapons, etc. The Procyons have apparently crossbred
with humans in our past, but with the purpose of benefiting us. They
serve the Law of One and have aided in protecting humanity from
hostile aliens such as
the Zetas and
Dracos. They have
interdimensional spacecraft travel.
Another race of ETs originally from Venus have the Nordic appearance
and in fact call themselves the Nors. They are in etheric form but
have the ability to materialize physically and in any type of body.
They have bases on Mars, Venus and the Moon. The Nors once were the
largest group of ETs operating in our solar system and regard
themselves as brothers and sisters of humankind.
The so-called DAL are related to the Pleiadians, Lyrans, Vegans and
humans, having a similar origin.
Wendelle Stevens' material refers
to the DAL, who work closely with the Lyrans and Vegans and are said
to be more advanced than the Pleiadians but not as advanced as the
Lyrans; they have assisted both the Pleiadians and the Vegans.
The DAL are also Nordic-looking and could pass as human and they can
breath our atmosphere. Their disc-type spacecrafts are said to land
flat on the ground.
Billy Meier apparently succeeded in
photographing a DAL spaceship in India and he was allowed to inspect
the cabin. The ship was about 35 feet in diameter and had seats for
a crew of three.
The Antares race is one of the most advanced in the universe and
resides in the constellation of Scorpius. Their star is a binary, of
fiery red and emerald green.
There are many lesser known ETs contacting Earth at this time, for
example, channelings from
the Cassiopeans, and human-looking ETs
from the Altair Aguila system visiting Earth, known as the Alliance,
In the book, Aliens, by Jenny Randles a few alien types are
described based on eye-witness observations. There is the robot
type; a kind of retrieval device, sometimes seen near UFOs seeking
samples. They varied in size from small to gigantic and sometimes
accompanied both the greys and Nordics.
To a lesser extent the 'dwarf' hairy type has been witnessed aiding
medical examinations and appears to be a biological robot usually
accompanying the Nordics. The 'goblin' has been described as
grotesque, similar to goblins and trolls of our legends, rarely
connected with abductions and of mischievous or aggressive nature,
considered possibly from another parallel plane.
There are also apparitions, 'phantoms' that go through walls, appear
and disappear like holographs, and which constitute about four
percent of sightings but do not involve UFOs.
In addition, it has been channeled that, in fact, holographic
inserts giving UFO-like appearances are projected into our dimension
by presumably the Dark forces and no doubt the Dracos-Zetas.
A whole host of well-organized eye-witness accounts are given in the
book The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials. These are mainly an odd
assortment ranging from what the author, Patrick Huyghe, classifies
into four categories, based on descriptions from eyewitnesses.
Each type is
artistically rendered.
In the humanoid class the following experiences are reported.
A witness describes encountering the Scandinavian type (the Nordic):
tall, about six and a half feet, slim and beautiful. Their hair was
described as long and blonde, with blonde eye-lashes. Their skin was
almost white and seemingly translucent. Attire was a jumpsuit with
silver belt. The witness was left with a benevolent impression and a
desire to pass on a message of peace.
Under hypnosis another witness revealed that he was invited by a
smaller male humanoid into his craft. The humanoid is described as
of stern appearance, about 5 feet tall, long thin head with wrinkled
forehead, he had grey-white skin and was wearing a uniform with
tight-fitting hood.
Over one ear was a device with a short antenna.
Facial proportions were quite human. They claimed to be from another
galaxy and were preparing Earth for ET contact and preventing them
from destroying Earth.
Another account appears to be of the now famous
Roswell crash.
team of archeologists witnessed the sight and roar of a bright
object in the night sky and watched it fall to the ground. The next
morning they found the craft embedded in the side of a mountain.
They found three dead bodies; they were about four to five feet
A description from a nurse who attended
the bodies was that two of them were badly mutilated. Their heads
were large and bald; eyes were small and sunken, and nose concave
with two small holes. There were no ears; just two holes. Mouths
were lipless and thin, and instead of teeth they had what looked
like 'raw-hide' strips in their mouths. Their forearms were longer
than the upper arms and only four fingers were observed.
example is referred to as probably the most important case of all
A further humanoid example was the case of a woman who, while
walking through woodlands, encountered a strange object about
six-feet high and three-feet wide attended by two midgets around
three-feet high. Apart from their diminished height they appeared
completely human; faces were those of elderly men with protruding
teeth. They spoke to her but she could not understand them.
suddenly one grabbed the flowers she was carrying and pointed
something at her; although she considered they were probably taking
her photograph, she turned and ran. Other witnesses corroborated her
One of the first abduction cases to receive wide publicity is
recounted in this list of strange aliens. A couple stopped their car
to observe a UFO. Figures could be seen in the interior. The couple
were frightened and sped away down the highway. But they were
intercepted and arrived at their destination about two hours late
(missing time).
After traumatic repercussions of this incident they
eventually sought hypnosis. The aliens fitted the description of
what we now recognize as a type of Zeta. They recalled being
'floated' up into the craft and given medical examinations.
A bizarre example of an encounter with an animal form was related by
a farmer while driving his car. He came across an object shaped like
a 'chemistry lab bell jar' and while his car head lights shone on it
he saw within a creature with arms over its head and eyes dilated as
though in fear. It was slender and about six feet tall covered in
reddish-brown fur. Its face was flat but with human-like eyes and
calf-like ears extending out about three inches. The vehicle
immediately took off.
Another sighting recounts a sudden attack by a man at night near his
house from an alien life-form about 10-feet tall. Its appearance was
described as dark green; eyes were large and triangular, luminous
and yellow, set in a huge head. Its body contained a mass of grey,
horizontal folds of flesh. The human was merely pushed to the
ground. Shortly after he saw a large triangular craft take off.
A further example is given of a couple who witnessed the levitation
of a black cow. The UFO was nearby with several aliens. One was
described as tall, green and lizard-like, vertical pupils, and hands
and feet were webbed. The farmer verified the missing cow.
In another case a law student witnessed a spaceship overhead then
felt an electric current. Later under hypnosis he recalled the
creatures as encased in a kind of black armor with helmet and who
looked like grass hoppers. They had long arms and bowed legs and
were about human size. The subject was taken into the craft for
medical examination.
Other types of creatures claimed to have been seen, were two hairy
ape-like figures, 7 to 8 feet tall, near a dome-shaped object about
100-feet in diameter.
Another example of a hairy creature about three feet in height is
recounted that came from a luminous sphere about 10-feet in
diameter. The witness claims to have been attacked by the little
man, eyes aglow and claws extended.
He defended himself with a knife
but states that it merely glanced off the ape-like creature's body,
as though it was made of metal.
The extraordinary list goes on:
Beings about 5-feet tall, skin grey and rough, looking like mummies,
no clothes, eyes not apparent in the head, nose pointed and about
two-inches long, ears similar but retractable, mouth just a slit,
arms were very long and legs appeared to be immobile.
Medical examinations from 4-foot creatures with neckless, animal
heads covered in hair, wearing loose white gowns, and posture was
hunched. Eyes were large and triangular and ears large and pointed.
Hands had four-clawed fingers. The creatures occasionally made
chirping sounds.
Several robotic devices are related.
'Sea mines' witnessed rolling
from a UFO issuing a gas that made the subject unconscious. Small
tin-can sized robots exiting a rocket-type craft about 30-feet high.
Robots four feet tall with large helmets and diving-type suits; no
arms apparent, leaving a craft about 10-feet high and 20-feet long.
Further, floating 4-foot robotic entities with antennas and
football-shaped heads, stocky scaled body with elephant trunk-like
arms and a belt of 'syringes'; single pedestal-type leg.
The alien account closes with four exotic manifestations:
resembling disembodied brains
bluish-grey blobs
a large floating
figure consisting of tiny points of light
four-legged, hovering
creatures with doubling of arms at the elbow and diamond shapes on
their faces, with red mouths and red eyes
This latest assortment of bizarre ET phenomena will probably arouse
outright incredulity in the reader.
Perhaps, however, we should
consider that it is really informing us of the rich and endless
variety of probabilities that await our awakening and exploration.