translation Scott Corrales, IHU
The Journal of Hispanic
Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO
and Jose Antonio Abarzua
January 8, 2007
Rense Website
ExopoliticsYahoo Website
Date: 01/10/07 09:14:11
Aloha all, here is a significant piece
of exopolitical news. An expedition to recover a crashed
extraterrestrial vehicle (ETV) in Argentina. What got my attention
was the time of the alleged crash of a very large ETV - 250 meters
in diameter. This is no scout craft from a mothership equipped to
travel in the atmosphere of planet or the local space environment,
but an interstellar ship with a significant number of EBEs and
advanced technology on it.
It must have been of enormous interest
to the shadow government that manages extraterrestrial affairs, and
has been seeking to acquire interstellar flight capabilities if we
accept the testimony of
whistleblowers such as Charles Hall.
As in all secret international agreements for extraterrestrial
technologies to be handed over to the U.S. for study and reverse
engineering, there is usually a qui pro quo set of secret
negotiations. If successful, the host nation gets certain financial
benefits for cooperating, favorable trade agreements, their
astronauts to fly on the Space Shuttle, visits to the White House,
If the negotiations are not
successful, the host nation gets much pressure and the government is
even overthrown as occurred in
the case of Sir Eric Gairy of Grenada.
What’s interesting is that the Argentine government began
experiencing significant financial problems from 1995 that
culminated in its unprecedented 2001 financial collapse where the
IMF did not step in to assist due to U.S opposition. In my view,
Argentina’s financial difficulties were likely a result of it not
sufficiently cooperating in some underlying political negotiations
of great interest to the U.S and the shadow government. In my view,
the 1995 crash of an interestellar ETV may be the key to unravelling
Argentina’s financial difficulties from 1995.
Michael Salla, PhD
Source: Planeta UFO and
El Tribuno
It is among the most mysterious and well-known phenomena of its kind.
An answer is sought for an event that caused a stir but was never
explained. Civil aviation pilot Tony Galvano, an eyewitness to the
event, will head the mission to Sierras Coloradas in Anta.
An expedition with the purpose of recovering the large unidentified
flying object that allegedly fell in the rain forest area of Anta in
Sierras Coloradas on August 17, 1995, and which caused interest
among the domestic and foreign press at the time, is being prepared
by a team of Argentinean and Brazilian researchers.
The organizers of this excursion are civil aviation pilot from [the
town of] Joaquin V. Gonzalez, Tony Galvano; journalist, cameraman
and mountain climber Antonio Zuleta and Brazilian mathematician and
physicist Eduard Gauche, full Professor at the Universidad do Desenvolvimento do Estado de Santa Catarina.
Galvano was one of the story’s main protagonists, as when the event
took place, he immediately boarded one of his crop dusters and began
an unsuccessful search for the object. Over the course of 15 days he
experienced a succession of events
as fantastic as they were
frightening, worthy of a sci-fi thriller, including the collision of
his own aircraft against a mountainside following a failure that he
is unable to explain to this very day.
In the meantime, Zuleta has become famous - as attested by hundreds
of internet pages that reproduce his findings and photographs - as a
result of having recorded impressive images of luminous objects of
varying shapes, sizes and colors flying over the Valles Chalchaquies
Gauche, the Brazilian, thanks to Zuleta’s videos and photo plates,
has become a fan of the area due to the recurrence of sightings and
“there is evidently something there
that attracts whoever or whatever is behind these UFOs. I tend
to believe,” he speculated, “that this is due to the large
number of radioactive mineral deposits and rare earths in the
Puna region.”
The resident of Santa Catarina has come
every year for the past five years with the avowed purpose of
finding answers to the UFO enigma. The expedition members are
planning to initiate their search in the dry season - between the
fall and winter of this year - accompanied by a group of
mountaineers trained in survival, trekking and rappelling, due to
the fact that the Sierras Coloradas, some 60 kilometers southwest of
J.V. Gonzalez are steep, covered by a nearly impenetrable foliage,
with dangerous wild boar packs. The terrain is exceedingly rough,
plagued by chasms and crevasses.
Galvano’s Story According to Galvano, the UFO crash occurred on
August 17, 1995 at 13:45 hrs. on a sunny, cloudless day with
excellent visibility. And his story is extraordinary:
“It was,” he
says, “a sort of flying saucer measuring approximately 250 meters in
diameter of a bright metallic color. It flew swiftly from North to
south and was followed by two other objects - probably missiles -
that impacted against it."
There are thousands of witnesses who saw
this and there are even photographs of the case.
“The object did not disintegrate;
rather it began to fail and plummeted to the ground. Moments
later a powerful explosion was heard, followed by an intense
seismic movement that was felt in a 300 km radius. Residents of
Gonzalez took to the streets, along with townspeople from El
Galpon, Coronel Olleros, El Quebrachal, Gaona and other
communities. Scenes of panic took place.”
“After a while, a column of dense black smoke rose into the sky.
It was impressive. I had never seen anything like it. It gave
the impression of being solid because it did not let a single
ray of light through it. I ran toward the airstrip, got on my
ultralight FlyStar airplane, took off and went to investigate.
Below I could see people in the streets and fields transfixed by
what had occurred. I flew and flew, but couldn’t find the point
of impact. Visibility was poor due to the smoke, which had
extended for many kilometers, and I had to turn back,” he says.
The Expeditions
Galvano becomes excited when he recalls his experience.
“That same afternoon, radio
broadcasts did not stop repeating citizen reports on the events.
Everyone gave their own account while demanding explanations at
the same time. I met with Irma Caro, who was the intendant at
the time, and she authorized me to organize a search patrol with
the purpose of solving the mystery of the UFO allegedly struck
by two missiles. We covered large expanses of terrain to no
“Two days later I boarded my plane
again and started looking. Suddenly, on an esplanade on top of a
sort of plateau, I saw something strange: there was an impact
print measuring some 5 kilometers long by 600 meters wide, where
the effect of the friction heat produced by a giant, heavy
object could still be seen. I swooped down low and was
impressed. The trees in that area, largely red quebrachos and
algarrobos, had been thrown out of the recently made furrow,
whose bed presented a shiny white powder, as though it was
aluminum turned into talc.
The remainder of the tree trunks at
the perimeter of the furrow and nearby trees had strange
injuries: it seemed as though they had been sprayed with acid.
Suddenly, my aircraft began to malfunction. The motor appeared
to be about to stall, I lost altitude and I readied my beloved Flystar for impact. I was battered but otherwise unhurt. Once on
the ground, I held the strange dust in my hands; I’d never seen
anything like it.”
“It was subsequently analyzed at the
University of La Plata because I sent them samples, and they
gave me an unexpected result: it was a potassium compound with a
98% purity, not found on this planet. The remaining 2% was
unknown material. The imprint on the ground ended in a cliff and
below there were crevasses and ravines covered in dense jungle
vegetation, but nothing more could be seen. We continued
investigating the matter for days, without any luck,” he added.
The Men in Black
Galvano, the witnessed to an event that he will never forget, stated
that 15 days after the events,
“even stranger things began to
occur: armed characters dressed in black, traveling in 4x4s and
all terrain motorcycles turned up. They took over the search and
the investigation. They wouldn’t speak to one day, and us one of
them asked me to drop the entire matter. He was Argentinean and
his words were inscribed in my mind with letters of fire:
“Forget it, Galvano, what’s coming down is very heavy,” he
“After that, I started to receive nocturnal phone calls with
silence at the other end of the line. The pressure was such that
I accepted the advice of the mysterious compatriot who made up
the “men in black” team and I moved from Joaquin V. Gonzalez for
a few years. All I know today is that those people found
nothing. Up to two years ago it was still possible to see them
around, although at a minimal scale.”
The pilot from Gonzalez, despite the
passing of time, does not want to give up on his adventure and
believes that together with his friends, he will succeed in
unveiling the mystery of this strange day that changed his life.