by Michael E. Salla, PhD
December 16, 2004
Exopolitics Website
What follows is based on recent correspondence with Charles Hall
from December 5-14, 2004 where he answers a number of questions,
regarding the existence of ’Tall White’ extraterrestrials that he
met while serving at Nellis Air Force base as a duty weather
observer from 1965-67. His experiences are recorded in his three
volume set of books, Millennial Hospitality (for details see
I had personally interviewed him on December 2 and summarized his
responses from my interview notes to gain a general impression of
Charles Hall. I
found Charles Hall to be a credible witness of extraterrestrials
that he met while serving at Nellis AFB, and he displayed remarkable
qualities of integrity and fidelity in explaining the events that
In this correspondence with Charles Hall, I asked a set of questions
on December 5, which he answered by email on December 12. I then
sent some follow up questions which he answered on December 14. My
aim in this correspondence was to focus of the activities of the ’Tall
Whites ’ and their interactions with the US Air Force (USAF)
in terms of better understanding the details of their trade and
technological exchanges.
The questions and answers from this
correspondence have been thematically organized, and grammatical
corrections have been made. I begin this paper with the questions
and answers supplied by Charles Hall. I finish this paper
with my evaluation of his correspondence which I believe is vitally
important in gaining a better idea of the political implications of
the Tall White’s secret trade and technology agreements with US
military/government authorities.
M.S. - Michael Salla C.H.
- Charles Hall
M.S. You describe the
Tall Whites as building scout crafts using
materials found on Earth. Can you elaborate on how you came to know
this information?
C.H. This information is based on my personal observations. In
two I describe the afternoon when The Teacher and Range Four Harry
were showing me the inside of one of the scout craft. Many of the
items, such as the seats and the overhead compartments still carried
the mold markings placed on them by various American industries such
as Boeing Aircraft and Lockheed Corporation. The overhead
compartments were obviously "off-the-shelf" items from companies
such as Airstream Corporation. Many of the clothing items that the
Tall Whites were wearing were obviously purchased straight out of
the Sears and Montgomery Wards Catalogs.
M.S. Can you name some of the materials used by the
Tall Whites , and
what role did the US military play in supplying these materials?
C.H. One of the big items was children’s clothing. In the mid
1960’s, on at least one occasion the USAF purchased more than
$600,000 worth of children’s clothing from the Sears stores and
warehouse in Los Angeles, California, picked it up in Government
trucks, and shipped it to Indian Springs Auxiliary Field,
The trucks delivered the clothing to the main Tall White base at the
north end of Indian Springs Valley.
M.S. Did you ever see the
Tall Whites eat, and what kind of food did
C.H. I never personally saw the Tall Whites actually eat food,
although I’m quite certain that they ate food as we humans do. For
example, as described in my books, I did see the Tall White guard in
the restaurant the old Aladdin casino ( before it was remodeled )
sitting at the table behind me, disguised as a human wearing a black
formal suit and wearing sunglasses even though it was night (not
unusual for Las Vegas, Nev at the time). He had ordered a complete
dinner with water and cola to drink. It was on the table in front of
However, he did not appear to have eaten any of it. My friends
who are range maintenance men told me that in the fall they
frequently saw the Tall Whites up in the mountains collecting
seeds and seeds of other eatable plants apparently for the purpose
of eating. In any event, I’m certain that the Tall Whites ate only
plants and never ate any meat or any of the ordinary meat products.
The food that I saw packaged and sealed in plastic bags on the scout
craft, looked like thick mushroom pudding. It had obviously been
prepared by the Tall Whites themselves, up in their living quarters
and was intended for snacks and meals to be eaten when they were out
hiking, etc. The Teacher at that time stated that the food was
intended for the children but that sometimes the adults ate it if
they were hungry. The Teacher used to make a pleasant joke about the
little boy that I called the little fat astronaut.
She used to
laughingly say that he was the one who liked the food, so perhaps
they felt that the food here on earth wasn’t as tasteful as the food
they were used to back on their home planet. On a different occasion
The Teacher stated pleasantly that it wouldn’t be a good idea for me
to eat all of the foods that they ate. She implied that two of their
favorite foods would have adverse effects on me. It was my
understanding that it might take my body as long and 2 years ( for
one ) and 5 years for the other to get used to them. It was my
understanding that eating those foods made a person feel very "HIGH"
somewhat similar to drinking various quantities of alcohol.
I note from my studies of
organic chemistry that the chemical
molecule that gives the odor and flavor to strawberries is such a
chemically simple molecule that it could be easily created by both
plants and chemists on earth-like planets throughout the galaxy. For
example, I’m told that a number of plants here on earth produce
fruit that tastes similar to strawberries.
Likewise from my studies of
Organic Chemistry, the sugar and starch
molecules are the basis of energy foods and must certainly be
important energy sources on every earth-like planet in our galaxy.
Therefore, my guess is that one of the types of food that the
Tall Whites would enjoy would be strawberry flavored puddings that were
high in natural sugars and starches. As I remember it, the Tall
White guard sitting in the old Alladin restaurant had ordered a
piece of artificially flavored strawberry pie although he did not
appear to have eaten any of it.
M.S. What kind of food was supplied by the
USAF to the Tall Whites ?
C.H. I have no idea. However, the
USAF was certainly supplying them
with as much food of any type they requested. As I state in book
one, the Tall Whites were inspecting the food storage rooms in the
Indian Springs AAF chow hall. It was my understanding that a few of
the Tall Whites foods are made from plants that do not grow here on
this earth. It is my understanding that their home planet is larger(
perhaps twice as large) much drier and much warmer than the earth.
So it would be natural for some of their plants to be unable to grow
here on earth.
M.S. Was the food given to the Tall
Whites in excess of their local
needs and intended for interstellar trade?
C.H. The
USAF was obviously willing to give them as much of any food
item that they requested, no questions asked. The USAF was obviously
entirely willing to give them both food and non-animal based
clothing items ( cotton, nylon, etc) without limit for use as
trading materials.
M.S. Did the US play any role in
the actual construction of the Tall White’s scout craft?
C.H. I’m not sure. From what I saw, the Tall
Whites performed all of
the construction activities themselves. I’m certain that the Tall
Whites performed all work on the propulsion systems and on the fiber
optics windings themselves.
M.S. Did the military have personnel observe the
Tall Whites in the
construction process or observe their construction facilities?
C.H. I’m certain that the Tall Whites did not allow any
personnel to observe the construction process. In book two, in the
chapter entitled "Two Games on one Board" I describe the day that I
was able to observe their repair activities from a short distance.
To the best of my knowledge, I am the only human that was allowed to
view those activities from as close as I was.
M.S. You described the hangar that was used as a base for the larger
interstellar spacecraft used by the Tall Whites . Was this built
solely by the Tall Whites or did the US military play a role in
C.H. The hanger appeared to have been entirely constructed by the
USAF for use by the Tall Whites . For example, the inside of the
hanger looked just like any other ordinary aircraft hanger. It
included ordinary fire extinguishers, arrows marking exits, etc. In
addition to writing and signs on the walls in english, it also
include hieroglyphics and icons used by the aliens. The alien
writing was done in pink paint against a white background.
M.S. When in your view was the hangar supplied by the USAF for the
Tall Whites built?
C.H. I have no idea. However, I’m certain that the legends of
Four Harry go back at least as far as 1954. The hanger construction
( i.e. its steel supports, its other materials, it’s lighting
designs, its concrete doors that raised up in narrow sections by
being lifted up from the top, etc ) were consistent with the
construction techniques used in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s.
I note that president Harry Truman believed that he had seen a ghost
in the white house during the late 1940’s and early 1950’s when he
was president. In his description, he specifically stated that the
white house guards would first "fall asleep" before the ghost came.
His description of the ghost matches very very closely the actual
appearance and behavior of an older Tall White guard. President
Truman mistakenly believed that he had seen a ghost of President
Abraham Lincoln.
My suggestion is that you research the stories of
Lincoln’s "ghost" in the White House, the "ghost" of DONNA ANNA
county in Las Cruces New Mexico and at White Sands New Mexico (
1947?). My belief is that you will be surprised to see that
descriptions of these "ghosts" and their behavior matches very very
closely with the actual appearance and behavior of the Tall
Whites .
Remember that many of the range maintenance men who saw the Tall
Whites believed that they were seeing "ghosts".
M.S. Are all the bases used by Tall Whites in the US supplied and
constructed by the USAF?
C.H. I have no idea. My guess is that the answer is yes because I
only saw USAF generals and personnel out on the Nellis Ranges.
M.S. You contrast nuclear powered propulsion as elementary for the
Tall Whites which they supplied to the US military. You contrast
this with anti-gravity propulsion which they did not supply. Are
these the only two propulsion systems that the Tall Whites openly
discussed or make known to the US authorities or to you?
C.H. Yes, as far as I know.
M.S. You mention that the Tall Whites supplied the
know how for
nuclear powered scout craft. Did the Tall Whites actually fly
nuclear powered scout craft when on Earth or did they use
anti-gravity propulsion in their scout craft?
C.H. The Tall Whites always used the anti-gravity powered space
craft and scout craft. The nuclear powered craft were only for use
by the USAF.
M.S. What kind of speed were the nuclear powered scout craft capable
of, in contrast to the anti-gravity propelled scout craft?
C.H. Vastly slower. The anti-gravity craft were capable of speeds in
excess of the speed of light where as the nuclear powered were
capable of just ordinary rocket powered speeds.
M.S. Why do you believe that the
Tall Whites took USAF officers for
short trips to the moon?
C.H. Because of the significant number of times that I personally
saw the Tall Whites using their scout craft ( with groups of
Generals on board ) taking off more or less straight up from Indian
Springs valley just after sun rise when the moon was in the fourth
quarter. The scout craft always headed towards the moon. Then later
the same day, I would personally see the same scout craft returning
just before noon back to the Indian Springs valley and landing. When
the USAF Generals got off the craft they were laughing like they had
just come back from the world’s best amusement park.
M.S. Do the
Tall Whites have bases on the moon or other nearby
C.H. I have no idea. However, as described in my writings, on the
day ( in book two ) when I was shown the inside of one of the scout
craft Range Four Harry stated, in what he considered to be a
humorous story about the American Generals, that the reason the Tall
Whites had taken a small group of American Generals for a short ride
in the craft was to discuss the American request for help in
building bases within the solar system.
Harry stated that the
Tall Whites believed that the earth itself was
the only reasonable location for bases within this solar system
because all of the other locations were cold and uninhabitable.
M.S. Do you know if the Tall Whites assisted in the construction of
moon facilities for the USAF?
C.H. I have no idea. However, I can’t imagine that the
USAF would
undertake such construction without first requesting help from the
Tall Whites .
M.S. Did you ever hear of the
Tall Whites taking officers to Mars or
any other planet on one of their shuttles?
C.H. Yes. One occasion was described in my answer above. There were
a number of other occasions that I am not able to describe in
M.S. Would you surmise that in the almost 40 years since you last
communicated/interacted with Tall Whites , that they may have
supplied the know how for larger craft to the US military as part of more recent
technology exchange agreements?
C.H. I can only guess. I would not think the
Tall Whites would have
changed their policy. They live roughly 10 times longer than humans.
Forty years isn’t much time for them.
M.S. You mention that the
Tall Whites regularly used Earth as a port
of call for their large interstellar ships. Do you have any idea of
what the cargo was for these ships that presumably were engaged in
some sort of trade?
C.H. I feel certain that children’s clothes and adult clothes and
food stuffs were big items. I also feel certain that pure refined
metals such as aluminum and titanium were also included in the
M.S. Any estimate for the total number of
Tall Whites on Earth?
C.H. In book three in the chapter entitled "The End of the
Innocence" I describe personally seeing more than 200-300
individuals lined up along the base of the mountains to the east of
range three. Each large deep space craft could probably hold
approximately the same number of individuals as a typical passenger
cruise ship.
M.S. Would it be fair to say that the US military
limits the number
of Tall Whites on Earth due to the fear of them colonizing the
C.H. I can only guess. However, I would doubt very seriously that
the US government has the ability to place any limits of that type
on the Tall Whites. The Tall Whites are very independent. As I
describe in my books, I wouldn’t think that any human, US government
or otherwise would dare saying "No" to them or trying to limit them
against their will. It would be suicide to try. Any such agreement
would have to be very carefully negotiated.
Evaluation (M.S)
Tall Whites’ construction of scout craft using material supplied
by the USAF immediately strikes one as quite significant. Why would
an interstellar race with advanced technological capabilities
require local material unless those Tall Whites on Earth were
expected to fend for themselves using what local material was
available? The Tall Whites are presumably in a very analogous
position to the first colonists in the New World who needed local
material while waiting to be resupplied by the mother colony.
exchange for local material and a base constructed by the USAF, the
Tall Whites give in exchange the technological
know how for the
construction of nuclear powered scout crafts for visiting planets in
the solar system. This suggests that the US have capabilities for
space flight that far exceeds what is publicly known, and gives
credence to allegations that secret military bases exist on the
and Mars (see
Mars Records).
The statement that the
Tall Whites take on board their large
interstellar ships material such as aluminum, titanium, food as well
as clothes for both children and adults suggests that an active
interstellar trade is occurring. The Tall Whites are acting as
interstellar merchants identifying and gaining possession of Earth
resources that are used by the Tall Whites for undisclosed purposes
elsewhere in the galaxy.
Charles Hall explains that the US would
supply food to the Tall Whites without any questions, and that this
would be used as part of the trade the Tall Whites were engaged in.
Now the question to be raised here are:
Just how extensive is this?
How much food are the Tall
Whites taking, and is it exclusively for
their use?
Could it be used to supply, for example, populations on
other planets that have a food shortage?
Alternatively, could it be
used to feed captive human populations relocated to other worlds?
Now what strikes one as quite odd is the reliance on human clothing
and food by the Tall Whites. It is strange that the
Tall Whites
require human clothes in excess of their local needs, if there truly
exists such a local need by the Tall Whites for human clothing as
Charles Hall was led to believe. Why wouldn’t the Tall
Whites prefer
their own clothing products both on and off Earth?
After all,
colonialism was historically distinguished by the colonial rulers
imposing their own dress codes and customs on local populations. The
Tall Whites hardly come across as profound admirers of humanity and
its civilization as Hall reveals in his description of their
contemptuous attitude towards USAF servicemen, and how they viewed
the abundance of less intelligent life forms on Earth as very
primitive. Indeed the Tall Whites stated that,
"[o]n most planets,
once people become intelligent, they don’t want to have anything to
do with the animals that are much less intelligent than they are, so
they kill them off."
(Millennial Hospitality II, p. 349).
Would such
an extraterrestrial race with a contemptuous attitude for less
intelligent life forms, voluntarily wear the clothing of what they
regard as a less intelligent species?
It is hard to accept that the
Tall Whites have a preference for
human clothes since this is not a behavior described by other
individuals who have had contact with human looking extraterrestrial
races in general. It is more likely that the clothes supplied to the
Tall Whites by the USAF was to be used for purposes other than
clothing the Tall Whites either on Earth or elsewhere.
One plausible
purpose is for interstellar trade. This would imply that the
Tall Whites are trading with off humanoid races that may find human
clothes to be exotic and attractive in the same way modern Europeans
might find traditional Chinese clothes attractive. Another possible
use is that the Tall Whites are using the clothes to supply humans
from Earth that have been relocated to other worlds visited or
controlled by the Tall Whites.
As in the case of food, was the real purpose of the clothes supplied
to the Tall Whites intended for humans that were secretly being
relocated by the Tall Whites ? Could the use of human clothes by the
Tall Whites described by Charles Hall have been a cover for the real
use of the clothes, to clothe humans shipped to interstellar
locations as a part of a resource exchange program?
Perhaps, more
disturbingly, could the food and clothing supplied to the Tall
Whites be part of a resource exchange program that the US military
is aware of but feels powerless to stop? All these questions require
further investigation by those committed to making public exactly
what Earth resources are being given to the Tall Whites , and for
what purposes.
This takes me to the final issue which concerns
Charles response
that the Tall Whites can’t be restricted in any way by the
believes that it is suicidal to try to restrict the Tall Whites , and
that only carefully negotiated agreements can be made with them.
This is reminiscent of the comments by Col Phillip Corso that the US
had entered into a kind of ’negotiated surrender’ with an
extraterrestrial race:
"We had negotiated a kind of surrender with
them [extraterrestrials] as long as we couldn’t fight them. They
dictated the terms because they knew what we most feared was
(The Day After Roswell, p.292).
Hall certainly believes, along
with the US military, that the Tall White’s technological
superiority forces the US military to enter into agreements that may
not reflect very favorable terms.
Millennial Hospitality, a revealing passage describes the extent
to which the Tall Whites want to instill in Charles a sense of the
technological superiority of the Tall Whites and the ineffectiveness
of any offensive measures (vol II, pp. 274-75). Charles is told to
throw a rock at a Tall White guard and reluctantly complies only to
witness it being stopped in mid-flight, along with other rocks that
were thrown.
This display of technological superiority was designed
to demonstrate to Charles, and presumably, the USAF, the failure of
any kind of attack on the Tall Whites . However, rather than
demonstrate the Tall Whites technological superiority, doesn’t this
act of bravado achieve the very opposite? Doesn’t it reveal that the
Tall Whites are perhaps too eager to impress upon Charles and the
USAF the futility of any kind of attack on the
Tall Whites ? This
eagerness most likely comes not from a sense of invulnerability, but
from a perceived weakness that they are intending to hide.
It has been speculated by
remote viewers such as
Ingo Swann that
extraterrestrial races with advanced technologies are actually quite
vulnerable to the advanced psychic abilities of humans (Penetration:
The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, 1998 ). If it
is accurate that the Tall Whites feel vulnerable to some human
potential that might threaten them, then it may be that psychic
abilities are what the Tall Whites fear, rather than US military
technology. If this is the case, then that might explain why Charles
Hall has been allowed to come forward and reveal to the general
public his remarkable contact experiences while serving in the
If the Tall Whites are engaging in resource extraction from Earth on
terms that the US military and/or the ’shadow government’ is unhappy
with but feels unable to change, then the US military/Shadow
government may be looking for some way to change the terms of their
agreements. If Swann and others are correct about human psychic
abilities and the potential of human consciousness, then releasing
this information to the general public may be a means of introducing
global consciousness as a factor in what has been secretly
In conclusion, Charles Hall reveals important details about the
nature of the agreements between US government/military authorities
and the Tall Whites. The resource extraction that is occurring may
be nothing more than the benign exchange of food, clothes and metals
for advanced technology supplied by the Tall Whites . On the other
hand, a more sinister extraction of Earth resources is happening,
one that may involve the relocation of humans who are fed and
clothed by material supplied to the Tall Whites by the
USAF, who
feel powerless to prevent this.
Whatever the truth concerning the
resource extraction that is happening, it is important that the
general public become informed of what is occurring in these secret
trade agreements, and ensure that such transactions are marked by
transparency, accountability and a democratic decision making
Not only are these desirable political processes an ethical
response to the trade agreements with the Tall Whites, these
processes may prove to be a very wise strategic move in dealing with
a more technologically advanced extraterrestrial race.