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Paranormal Report
4 July, 2007
TheParanormalReport Website
From: Exopolitics
Date: 07/01/07 12:09:27
To: exopolitics@yahoogroups.com; prepare4contact@yahoogroups.com;
Exopolitics Institute
Subject: [exopolitics] Extraterrestrials Among Us
below is the introduction
to a well researched article on the presence of Grey
extraterrestrials among us. Published by the Paranormal
Report it covers some of the major researchers and
evidence substantiating this phenomenon since the
Roswell crash to more recent abduction reports. It
demonstrates how the major media misrepresents abduction
research so as to debunk the phenomenon. Budd Hopkin's
response to the Peter Jenning's 2005 Special, "Seeing Is
Believing" well illustrates this debunking process.
The article's main weakness in analyzing evidence of
EBEs among us is that it doesn't cover the evidence of
human looking extraterrestrials among us that DON'T
conduct biological experiments and interact in a
non-invasive way with citizens. There is much credible
evidence for this category of extraterrestrial contact
encounters which I cover in my own article of "Extraterrestrial
Among Us".
The exclusive focus on Gray EBE's and abductions in the
Paranormal Report is that it becomes very easy to
distort public perceptions of extraterrestrial life in
ways that can be manipulated by national security
agencies that work with identifying threat
contingencies. I discuss this process in "Extraterrestrial
False Flag Operation to Begin in August, 2007?".
In peace,
Michael Salla, Ph.D
Are Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities Among Us?
If one was to say that they believe in the UFO
phenomenon, what would most people think? Would they
wisely examine the evidence objectively in order to come
to a plausible conclusion, or make the mistake of
immediately accepting or rejecting it? All beliefs
demand some sort of a study, and therefore depend solely
on the evidence provided which leads to a hypothesis.
Accepted hypothesis’s generally lead to plausible
The only problem, though,
for this type of research, is the majority of our
scientists and psychologists remain very weary over
certain subject matters. This methodology is simply a
contradiction within the scientific field. The true
scientists of our world are able to rid their biases on
all subject matter and objectively research them.
As a result, scientists
are able to research many different subjects and expand
the horizons to the mysterious. Isn’t it the scientists’
duty and nature to research these phenomenon thoroughly?
The UFO phenomenon demands serious consideration, for
the evidence is overwhelming.... |
If one was to say that they believe in the UFO phenomenon, what
would most people think? Would they wisely examine the evidence
objectively in order to come to a plausible conclusion, or make the
mistake of immediately accepting or rejecting it?
All beliefs demand
some sort of a study, and therefore depend solely on the evidence
provided which leads to a hypothesis. Accepted hypothesis's
generally lead to plausible theories. The only problem, though, for
this type of research, is the majority of our scientists and
psychologists remain very weary over certain subject matters.
This methodology is simply a contradiction within the scientific
field. The true scientists of our world are able to rid their biases
on all subject matter and objectively research them. As a result,
scientists are able to research many different subjects and expand
the horizons to the mysterious. Isn't it the scientists' duty and
nature to research these phenomenon thoroughly?
The UFO phenomenon demands serious
consideration, for the evidence is overwhelming. There are hundreds
of thousands of UFO sightings every year, though the majority of
them never get reported. The ones that do get reported are either
written off as hoaxes or thought to be of more earthly origin. Many
sightings are never explained at all because the evidence
surrounding the phenomenon is too great to be disregarded as
something as ordinary as a weather balloon.
Other examples of
irrational explanations used to write off UFOs include, conventional
aircrafts, flares, satellites, planets, and even swamp gas! If
people think these absurd explanations are true, then everyone in
the world is living a lie.
These explanations need to be somewhat
reasonable, or do they?
It is the duty of the government to keep any national security
threat under wraps. This is necessary to keep the population from
mass hysteria, and thus is justifiable. I think it is truly
unreasonable to ever expect the government or military to ever come
out and say,
"Hey folks, we are being visited by aliens, we are
unable to control our skies, we do not know if they are friendly,
and we have no idea what we are doing."
If they sense the need to lie, they
For those sightings too great to be hoaxes or ordinary
occurrences, the only reasonable response is admitting it actually
happened. We must accept the notion of visits by extraterrestrials
or the involvement of a superior intelligence. I believe as human
beings it is our duty to open up our minds, and to begin thinking
about these potential scenarios, because whether people like it or
not, it may be happening.
Prominent Ufologist Stanton Friedman
Abstract: Careful review of a vast
array of relevant evidence clearly leads to the conclusion that
some unidentified flying objects are intelligently controlled
vehicles whose origin is outside our solar system. All the
arguments against the extraterrestrial origin seem to be based
upon false reasoning, misrepresentation of evidence, neglect of
relevant information, ignorance of relevant technology, or
pseudo sophisticated assumptions about alien appearance,
motivation, or government secrecy.
There are extraordinary amounts of
evidence for UFO sightings, from photographs, video recordings,
commercial ground control radar, military ground radar, air traffic
control voice recordings, and military jet radar.
There are even
historical pieces of evidence consisting of ancient paintings,
carvings, sculptures, hieroglyphics, biblical stories and further
ancient writings. One of the most compelling sightings took place in Bentwater, England. While on routine patrol, current Air Force
officer Sgt. John Burroughs saw lights flash in Rendlesham Forest.
A team of UFO researchers investigated
the event, marking it as one of the most credible sightings to date.
The following are voices from a tape
transcript in which Lt. Col. Charles Halt, Sgt. John Burroughs, and
Sergeant Monroe Nevilles made while witnessing the second night of
events over RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge:
HALT: There is no doubt about it -
there is some type of strange flashing red light ahead.
Burroughs: There! It’s yellow.
HALT: I saw a yellow tinge in it, too. Weird! It appears to be
maybe moving a little bit this way? It’s brighter than it has
been. It’s coming this way. It is definitely coming this way.
Pieces of it are shooting off. There is no doubt about it. This
is weird!
HALT: OK, we’re looking at the thing; we’re probably about two
to three hundred yards away. It looks like an eye winking at
you. It's still moving from side to side. And when you put the
Starscope on it, it sort of has a hollow center, a dark center;
it’s like a pupil of an eye looking at you, winking. And it
flashes so bright to the Starscope that it almost burns your
HALT: 3:05. We see strange strobe-like flashes to the... rather
sporadic, but there’s definitely something there. Some kind of
HALT: 3:06. At about ten degrees, horizon, directly north, we’ve
got two strange objects, er, half moon shape, dancing about,
with colored lights on ‘em. At, er, guess to be about five to
ten miles out, maybe less. The half moons have now turned into
full circles as though there was an eclipse or something there
for a minute or two.
HALT: 03:15. Now we’ve got an object
about 10 degrees directly south, 10 degrees off the horizon. And
the ones to the north are moving. One’s moving away from us.
Nevilles: Moving out fast.
Nevilles: This one on the right’s heading away, too.
HALT: They’re both heading north. Hey, here he comes from the
south, he’s coming toward us now.
HALT: Now we’re observing what
appears to be a beam coming down to the ground.
HALT: This is unreal.
HALT: 03:30 and the objects are still in the sky, although the
one to the south looks like it’s losing a little bit of
altitude. We’re going around and heading back toward the base.
HALT: The object to the south is still beaming down lights to
the ground.
HALT: 04:00 hours. One object still
hovering over Woodbridge base at about five to ten degrees off
the horizon, still moving erratic and similar lights and beaming
down as earlier.
In addition to the UFO sightings,
countless animal mutilations are reported every year.
This is truly
a bizarre global phenomenon. The animals found range from cows and
horses to smaller domestic animals, such as sheep, goats, pigs,
rabbits and even some big game wildlife such as deer and elk.
Furthermore, there are the horrifying cases of pet dogs and cats
being found mutilated. These occurrences tend to be extreme, for
they have been found cut in half, beheaded, with no paws, and even
The strangest factor regarding this
phenomenon, are the characteristic similarities of each mutilation.
The majority of animals found are exsanguinated (all their blood has
been removed). With the blood of the animal totally drained, at
least a drop would be expected to be found on the crime scene, but
that is just not the case. Something has extracted the blood out of
these animals leaving no apparent trace.
Additionally, there are no
signs of a struggle, footprints, or tire tracks found anywhere on
the ground around the body. There is even evidence of clamp marks on
animals’ legs, which indicates that they are taken from their normal
environment and experimented on elsewhere.
Linda Moulton Howe is a renowned researcher in animal
mutilations and crop circles. She has discovered that the typical
mutilated animal consistently has huge oval shaped incisions around
the jaw bone, and in most cases the exposed jaw is completely
removed. In some cases she has found the tongue, which appears to
have been removed from a precise incision deep within the throat.
She has commonly observed the removal of at least one eyeball. In
female cows, it is typical to find the removal of the udders, and in
all animal mutilations (including both sexes) it is extremely common
to find the complete removal of the genitals.
Linda Moulton Howe states from
her book
An Alien Harvest:
For the first time that tissue
gathered from mutilator cuts in Arkansas on March 11, 1989,
revealed the following characteristics under microscopic
The line is pinpoint thin
The line was subjected to
high heat, probably 300 degrees Fahrenheit or above, leaving
a hard and darkened edge
The cuts were made rapidly,
probably in two minutes or less, because there is no
inflammatory cell destruction which typically begins in a
few minutes after any trauma to tissue
For some people, the shocking amount of
evidence to support an ongoing phenomenon around animal mutilations
is not enough.
Therefore, I challenge them to explain why there is
evidence of high levels of concentrated heat, radiation, and
unusually large amounts of magnesium around the corpse. The only
feasible explanation to this is that some sort of an instrument is
being used to make precise incisions for the extraction of body
parts unlike anything the medical field has ever witnessed. This
instrument used must be some sort of laser, and very similar to what
a surgeon would have in his operating room.
However, the problem with that notion is
the fact that it is impossible for a human to bring a laser of that
magnitude into a farmer's field for any apparent reason, especially
for a couple hours in the darkest hours of the day. Beyond that, why
would anyone take the jaw of a cow or various body parts in covert
when anyone has access to these parts through a local butcher?
Other unexplained phenomena providing amazing evidence of
extraterrestrials are crop circles. These marvelous designs, which
have been found in crop fields throughout the world, are mainly
found in England.
Crop circles are very intriguing not only in
design but in the field of science as well. Skeptics consider crop
circles as being man made. Some even look at it as an art form. It
is possible to create a number of these designs with just a board
and rope in the wee hours of night. In order to create a design, one
must apply force to the board and use this as a tool to create the
formations in the crops.
This, of course, leaves plenty of
evidence that something has destroyed the corn by applying force to
break the corn and rearrange the structure. However, in many cases
there is no evidence of brute force. The corn has been delicately
maneuvered into a structured design. There is no way this can be
done with a rope and board.
In order to do this, a device is needed that will neutralize the
corn's molecules so the corns shape can be altered at a perfect 90
degree angle without breaking its stalk. When one studies crop
circles, the support of extraterrestrial intervention goes well
beyond the complexity of the designs. The evidence has actually been
narrowed down to the molecular level.
The scientists who have
discovered this remain baffled because this is overwhelming evidence
that something has affected these stalks of corn. Many scientists
cannot accept the notion that we are being visited by
Therefore, they resort to typical
explanations such as the earth's magnetic field. That hypothesis is a
failed one because these intricate designs are not developed by the
earth's magnetic field. Ever since the dawn of man, crop circles
have been recorded. However a significant increase of crop circles
began in the 1960's, and since then have remained sighted across the
In addition to the crop circles themselves, there have been numerous
sightings and hard evidence recorded on video camera of tiny orbs
circling crops and lowering the vegetation on camera! This
overwhelming evidence supports the theory that we are being visited
by extraterrestrial beings or some superior intelligence.
nothing of this magnitude ever gets reported on television through
CNN or any large media network. Simply because our society is
basically programmed to come home and watch a rerun of war on
terrorism, the newest murder plot, and weather disasters. News
corporations and the media need to open up their minds, and begin to
at least expose the world to this material.
The most incredible piece of evidence are the alleged abductions
that have taken place and the implants that have been surgically
removed from the abductees. The majority of cases begin with a
greatly traumatized, frightened, or confused individual who
struggles with sleep, restlessness, and even flashbacks. Most of
them usually see a psychologist for observation. These psychologists
usually put their patients under hypnosis in an attempt to have them
relive their experience. In most cases, a fairly consistent episode
takes place, with the victim either driving down a road or sleeping
in their bed at night.
Then, there is an onset of occurrences,
whether that be a UFO sighting or shadowy beings that surround the
victim in his or her bedroom. This shocking experience is quite
often concluded with another phenomenon, referred to as "lost time".
Typically, a couple of hours have been lost with either little or no
recollection of what has happened. This experience leaves an
individual very confused, often frightened and finally in despair.
In many cases, a psychologist is sought
after in order to revitalize the abductee, but that is not always
the case, according to renowned psychologist and author Bud Hopkins.
Bud Hopkins has researched this phenomenon for over a twenty
year period and has discovered that the majority of abduction cases
are extremely similar and identical in many ways. He has found that
most abductions take place at night and a majority occur when people
are sleeping or driving their car; however, there have been many
reported cases in which victims are taken from tents, canoes and
from the woods when camping.
Furthermore, there have been group
abductions recorded, which provide undeniable proof of an enduring
phenomenon. As if that is not enough, Bud Hopkins has found many
patients with scoop marks and implants throughout their body.
All of this hard evidence makes it very difficult to explain the
majority of their abduction experiences with conventional science.
The majority of psychologists rely on the sleep paralysis phenomenon
to explain all abductions. They tend to overlook a number of cases
in which the abduction occurs when the victim is awake. This is
because mainstream science does not support such farfetched
They tend to shut their minds off to new
ideas even when evidence points in an unexpected direction.
Psychologists need to rid themselves of all biases on the subject
matter, and examine it objectively and logically with an open mind.
Budd Hopkins follows this logical research method and uses it to
support all of his investigations. He has come to an understanding
that people are being abducted by something unusual. According to
Hopkins, the abductors may be extraterrestrial, government
officials, or some other kind of being.
Either way, people are being taken
against their will, and mind control is being used to suppress their
The abduction phenomenon is convincing in a number of
ways, but, the most convincing and yet provoking piece of evidence
that is used to support the phenomenon are the implants that are
being extracted by a number of scientists across the world. There
have been a number of cases in which abductees discover strange
markings on their body.
Usually these markings lead to further examination by a doctor. Many
doctors tend to disregard these scars and markings as being
something ordinary. On the other hand, it is impossible to disregard
objects or implants that are found underneath the skin using x-rays.
Yet again, it is common for most doctors to simply disregard these
objects as being something of extraterrestrial nature.
The majority try to explain these
abnormal implants as being some sort of freak accident, even when
the patient swears he or she never had one. It is just simply
impossible for doctors and scientists to disregard all of these
objects as being natural and common since most of these implants
have no beginning in the minds of the patients. In some cases, there
is no proof of trauma or scars to support implant findings.
Many people remain very weary about the origin of these objects.
Some victims tend to overlook or disregarded the implants, but a
majority have decided to get these anomalies removed from there
bodies. Some victims believe implants were put there by
extraterrestrials, although a large majority of people have no idea
whatsoever about what has happened.
In one case, an anonymous man
from the West Coast and an anonymous woman from the East Coast had
both consulted their doctors about objects imbedded in their bodies.
Neither one of these undisclosed individuals had ever met each
Both of them decided to have there
implants removed, and, as it turned out, both objects were identical
in every way. It was very startling and somewhat frightening for
both individuals, as they felt the only explanation for these
implants was that somehow these objects were put into their bodies
in a surgical fashion not practiced or taught through any
institution. Many doctors have been intrigued with the precise
surgical placement of these objects.
Along with the precise placement and
challenging location, doctors are astonished when patients react
sometimes violently to the removal of implants during surgery. Even
though they are under the influence of anesthesia, the body some how
reacts to the removal of these implants almost as if it was
connected to the nervous system.
This phenomenon raises many questions, as do all the phenomena
discussed throughout this report. Many people doubt the likelihood
of such mysterious events, because they fear ridicule from people,
or they fear the subject and the mystery that may be occurring
around them. On the other hand, a number of people are very
open-minded and they objectively reason their way through life no
matter how difficult the subject may be.
This subject really should not be so
hard to understand but usually is.
However, everyone is conditioned
to live in a certain way and any change causes a great deal of fear
in those who cannot adapt to new situations. Since the government
knows it would be risky to disclose anything of this magnitude to
the public, the public may never hear the true side of the story
through the mainstream media.
The majority of documentaries covering the UFO phenomenon have a
tendency of letting bias beliefs, and closed mindedness, dictate the
quality and depth of reporting.
Ufologist Stanton Friedman
The primary UFO evidence consists of
UFO sighting reports, multi-witness close encounters, still and
motion pictures, radar tracking, simultaneous radar-visual
sightings, physical traces (environmental changes in dirt,
vegetation, trees, etc.) produced by UFOs, abductions by aliens
of Earthlings, and very likely (in hidden locations) crashed
UFOs and preserved alien bodies.
The worldwide origin of the various data
collections indicate similar experiences occurring and being
reported independently all over the planet.
The overall quality and
quantity of reports is far better than most people - especially
open-minded skeptics and scientists and newspaper reporters "are
aware". When evidence like this exists for any subject matter, it is
absolutely immoral and beyond unscientific to withhold any evidence
from scientific examination. Therefore, the most upsetting topic is,
without doubt, the debunking that takes place.
For example, in a recent ABC Peter
Jennings documentary over the UFO phenomenon, Bud Hopkins was a
guest. Throughout the entire show, he and his counterpart on the UFO
phenomenon were rigorously misrepresented and debunked. In the
following interview, Bud Hopkins speaks his true thoughts and
feelings over how ABC deceivingly edited and presented the show to
the public.
During the past year Peter Jennings's producers interviewed me a
number of times, and because I sensed what they had in mind, I made,
as a preemptive strike, a number of careful, highly specific
observations about the UFO abduction phenomenon.
All of these crucial points - recorded by ABC on videotape - were
designed to underline the physical reality of UFO abductions and to
demonstrate the implausibility of current skeptical explanations. To
its shame, ABC suppressed ALL of these observations. I knew, of
course, that the skeptics’ favorite explanation du jour is
impossibly simple: abduction reports, they believe, are all due to
misperceived “sleep paralysis.” Ranking as a distant second is
another erroneous belief: abduction reports, they say, “ONLY emerge
under hypnosis,” and since hypnosis is “totally unreliable,” all
abduction reports must be discarded.
In the light of these tediously familiar
errors and misstatements, I made certain in my taped interviews to
explain the following:
In the first two decades of our
research, ALL of the central abduction cases involved people who
were outside their houses when they were taken. NONE were lying
paralyzed in their bedrooms. They were driving cars, walking,
fishing, hunting and even, in one famous case, driving a tractor
on a farm. “Sleep paralysis” as a blanket explanation of UFO
abductions is therefore, ipso facto, a ludicrous non-starter.
Nevertheless ALL of my insistent statements on this point were
systematically eliminated by the producers.
Second, I indicated that there are
many abduction reports involving two, three, six or more people
who were taken simultaneously and whose highly detailed
recollections are virtually identical. This fact alone
eliminates not only sleep paralysis” but “fantasy-proneness” or
any other idiosyncratic psychological aberrations as triggering
causes. My descriptions of these many cases of multiple
abductions were likewise completely suppressed by the producers.
Third, I showed the interviewers
many photos of, again, virtually identical scoop marks,
consistent straight-line scars and ground landing traces at
abduction sites, implants that have been removed and other
physical sequel. ALL of these vivid photographic examples of
physical evidence were suppressed by the producers.
Fourth, I was not alone in making
these points. My colleague Dr. David Jacobs was asked by ABC to
carry out a hypnotic regression for the camera, but since the
woman he chose had been abducted in the daytime while driving a
car, the case did not fit ABC’s “sleep paralysis” agenda and was
thus not only suppressed, but Dr. Jacobs’ many hours of taped
interviews were also scrapped.
Fifth, I made it very clear that
perhaps 30% of all the abduction reports collected by
researchers are recalled WITHOUT THE AID OF HYPNOSIS, a fact
which renders the issue of hypnosis moot. This point was also
suppressed by the producers whose only goal, it appeared, was to
eliminate any data that contradicted their transparently false
debunking hypotheses.
Despite my having presented - and
reiterated - the points above, the producers chose to trot out on
camera two debunking scientists (whose experiments with a mere
handful of subjects have yet to be taken seriously by the
psychological community) to buttress the untenable “sleep paralysis”
theory, the false “no physical evidence” claim, and the demonstrably
untrue “its all hypnosis” assertion.
The smug presentations of these two
would-be experts were accompanied by the producers’ lurid
“reenactments” of “sleep paralysis” phenomena, complete with
flashing lights and spooky music.
The taped testimony of a serious
mental health professional like Dr.
John Mack was likewise
suppressed, along with my statement that over the years eight
psychiatrists and numerous other mental health professionals had
come to me about their own UFO abductions.
The producers’ obvious goal was to conceal the fact that within the
mental health community there are many professionals who look with
amusement on the “sleep paralysis” theory, and who accept the
physical reality of UFO abductions. So, what can one say about such
a deliberately dishonest presentation as Peter Jennings's “Seeing is
Believing” take on abductions?
Perhaps one can only shrug and warn,
yet again, that the incurious members of the press and the many
blinkered, conservative scientists had better collectively pull
their heads up out of the sand and join us in our work.
Whatever one’s personal attitude toward the UFO abduction
phenomenon, science insists that an extraordinary phenomenon demands
an extraordinary investigation.
What ABC served up on Thursday night was, instead, an extraordinary
whitewash of the abduction phenomenon, and a brutal suppression of
the evidence for what may well be the most portentous event in human
Peter Jennings and his staff
should be ashamed.
New York Friday
February 25, 2005
The proceeding statement concludes
Budd Hopkins true thoughts and opinions over the ABC television
event "Seeing is Believing." It is hard for anybody to overlook
all the evidence that supports Budd's aggravation of the taping
and presentation of the show.
Without a doubt there is a huge
phenomenon taking place right under our noses, and it needs to
be taken seriously and looked at with true audacity, and, of
course, an open mind.
Again, Stanton Friedman states:
There is no doubt in my mind, after
37 years of study and investigation that the evidence is
overwhelming that planet Earth is being visited by intelligently
controlled vehicles whose origin is extraterrestrial.
There are
no acceptable arguments against flying saucer reality, only
people who either haven't studied the relevant data or have a
strong will not to believe that Earth is at the bottom of the
heap sociologically and technologically in our local galactic
In the end, everyone needs to get over
their irrational beliefs and insecurities toward this subject
One must rid all biases, and actually study this ongoing
phenomenon in a rational manner. As human beings, it is our right to
know the truth regarding the true origin of UFOs.
However, the clock
is ticking for many individuals. There is only so much time left for
a number of ufologists, to get to the bottom of this phenomenon.
Moreover, it is absolutely insane to hold this truth from the
public, regardless of the repercussions it may have.
It is time for this mystery to unfold,
because there is no point in living a lifelong lie.