by Dr. Valery Uvarov
Nexus Magazine, Volume 12, Number 4
June - July 2005
Extracted from
Nexus Magazine
Spanish version
Stopped at
night on the side of the road, two Russian truck drivers
were astounded by the sight of a spaceship before them
and amazed when one of the drivers was welcomed aboard. |
On the night of 2nd November, 1989 the air temperature dropped very
suddenly to below freezing.
Two professional Russian truck drivers,
Oleg Kirzhakov and his companion Nikolai Baranchikov were driving
their truck from near the area of Arkhangelsk to Moscow.
They were
hurrying home to finish all the formalities related to their
business trip before the holidays. In the vicinity of Emtza railway
station, the road was blocked by heaps of sand and gravel. The road
in front of them was under repair and Oleg had to turn onto a dirt
road to detour.
On one bend in the road, the truck's headlights fell
upon a huge structure, which was standing off to the right of the
"I thought it was some kind of
construction equipment," said Oleg.
"There were many machines
there because the road was under construction. However, when I
drove closer, I saw a big object, that in the headlights had a
metallic sheen to it. When we got to within 80–90 feet of the
object, our motor stalled, and our truck coasted several feet
further and stopped.
The headlights that were connected to the
back-up power source were still on. My partner and I couldn't
understand what had happened. The road at this point had a bend
in it and trees on the right side of the road blocked our view
of the object.
We understood that we were seeing
something very unusual in front of us, and were afraid that
something unavoidable would happen. Hence, I asked Nikolai to
remain in the truck and observe events while I approached the
object. I left the cab and decided to approach the object to
examine it more closely.
After I had passed the hood of the
truck, I began to feel, with each step I took, an increased
resistance from the air. My body seemed to melt—it became
difficult to move, and I knew that if I got any closer to the
object, I would not be able to move at all."
Oleg turned back toward the truck and
tried to approach the object from another direction.
He moved
carefully, stopping after each step. He felt the same, constantly-increasing resistance from the air. He succeeded in
coming to within about 30–36 feet of the object. He stopped on the
shoulder of the road and began to examine it very carefully.
quickly, he came to the conclusion that this object was not of
Earthly origin.
Truly, it was something very unusual. In front of Oleg, there stood
a huge disc-shaped object, approximately 120–140 feet in diameter,
with a dome-shaped top, on which no other structures were visible.
Along the perimeter of the disc, there were some dark holes evident,
which Oleg at first thought were portholes.
Extending from the lower
part of the object, there were two structures visible, which seemed
to support the ship. The far edge of the disc was slightly elevated,
and was resting on some birch trees, two of which were broken.
object looked dark and uninhabited and there were no traces visible
of windows, doors or hatches.
A fiery
Why is this object here, in the middle of the forest, at night? What
is its purpose? Maybe something has gone wrong and it needs
All these questions flooded Oleg's mind and at that very
moment, in front of him, at a distance of an outstretched hand,
right in the air, appeared a glimmering red, dotted line.
This line
formed a transparent, square-shaped screen, 150 mm x 150 mm in size,
with rounded corners. Several words, written in red letters,
appeared on the screen. Oleg did not remember the exact phrase, but
the essence of the phrase was a request for "burning fire".
Oleg continued,
"I realized that the screen was
illuminated on the body of the object. I mechanically turned to
look back at Nikolai, who was still sitting in the cab of the
truck. Once again, I observed the screen, but this time it
appeared to be in front of the truck.
I attempted to look from one side to the other, but no matter
where I turned my eyes, the screen remained in front of them.
The distance to the screen remained constant and I reached out
my hand to try to touch it. My friend, Nikolai, who was watching
these antics from the cab of the truck, later asked me why I
moved my hands.
The screen remained in front of me for the duration of the
contact. However, the inscriptions which appeared on the screen
remained only as long as was necessary for me to understand each
one and only then was the last inscription replaced by a new
Only after Oleg understood what was
being demanded of him, he carefully backed away from the object,
constantly looking back toward the truck, and still sensing the same
He returned to the truck and tried to open the right
door of the cab, in order to obtain some kitchen matches. Despite
the combined efforts of both men, they were not able to open the
door for a considerable length of time. Suddenly, the door was able
to be opened quite easily. Oleg removed the box of matches from the
truck's cabin, together with a bottle of laboratory alcohol, which
was used as an anti-freeze in the braking system.
Again asking Nikolai not to leave the truck, Oleg returned to the
same place on the shoulder of the road where he had stood before.
However, this time he was able to move
easily and he experienced none of the resistance he had encountered
previously. He gathered some dry leaves into a pile, poured on some
alcohol and ignited them. Upon lifting his head, he observed that a
passage appeared on the surface of the object, which extended into
the interior, forming a corridor.
At the distant end of this
corridor, he could see a glimmering, bluish light.
"At first, I had the impression that
a shadow was moving inside the corridor, but then I realized
that something was moving in the corridor toward the opening.
When I finally realized what was occurring, I began stepping
backward and fell into the ditch along the side of the road. I
jumped back onto my feet and continued to observe what was
Something approached the opening and I saw that it
was a dark "mass," which reminded me of a bag or sack. As the
"mass" moved, it swayed and bent from side to side, and its
periphery was vague in appearance. At this moment, a shaft
extended from the object, bent and descended to the surface of
the ground.
The "mass" slid down the shaft, and
while increasing in size, approached the fire of burning leaves.
I was paralyzed by fear! The "mass" stood by the fire for a
moment and then began to return to the object, taking with it
the box of matches. Returning along the same path, the "mass"
disappeared in the corridor, together with the box of matches!
Only then did I finally succeed in extracting myself from the
ditch. I returned to the road and glanced back at my truck
again. The truck's headlights blinded me, but I nevertheless
could see the frightened face of Nikolai, which was pressed
forward tightly against the windshield."
An invitation to
For a long time, Oleg remained standing on the road, and was unable
to recover his senses.
Realizing that he was witnessing an event
that he might never again experience, he decided to wait and observe
what would happen next. He had a sudden wish to observe the ship
more closely and immediately an invitation to enter the ship
appeared on the screen, which remained visible in front of him.
After a short pause, Oleg decided to approach the object.
The first thing that caught his attention was several round
openings, approximately 300 mm in diameter, which at first he
interpreted to be portholes. Inside these openings, at a depth of
300–350 mm, a "grid" of intersecting lines, light grey in
was visible. The central axis of the openings was displaced
approximately 30 degrees from the plane formed by the surface of the
Oleg was also able to examine one of the support legs that the
object rested on.
The leg consisted of two parts, which were
connected at an articulating joint. The cross-section of each of the
two parts of the leg was in the profile of a three-sided channel
beam, with the lower part being smaller in diameter, such that it
could be folded inside the upper portion.
On the bottom of the ship,
recessed areas were clearly visible into which the legs could be
retracted. However, because of poor illumination in the area where
the leg was located, Oleg was not able to examine in detail the
actual construction of the leg.
The far side of the object was resting on trees and was slanted
toward Oleg, such that the lower portion of the opening was just
above the level of his head. In order to establish the material that
the object was made of, Oleg wanted to touch it with his hand.
shaft came out of the portion of the object that was nearest to him.
It appeared to be a round, smooth tube, with a diameter of
approximately 50 mm. The tube was cold and felt metallic.
events developed in the following manner:
"I had a desire to look inside, but
since the door was above my head, I decided to grab hold of the
tube and jump. The instant I grabbed the tube, I found myself
standing just inside the opening. There was nothing there in the
form of either steps or an elevator. I did not feel any kind of
external influence, but rather everything seemed to happen
naturally, or by itself. I thought of the possibility of danger
to me and decided to be as careful as possible.
At that instant,
I received a message on the screen that I had nothing to be
afraid of, and that I could enter. Upon entering the corridor, I
looked at the walls and noticed the absence of doors. The
corridor was significantly wider than the opening, the floor was
flat, and the walls and ceiling formed an oval shape."
"I went along the corridor toward the shimmering light and felt
that I was walking on a flat, metallic floor. Somehow, I got the
feeling that the surrounding walls did not have simply a
decorative covering, but rather they were structural, and
something was connected to them from the back side.
clearly was some sort of strengthening device attached to them.
I did not want to touch the walls, so I am unable to say exactly
what it was that served to strengthen them."
Masses of Lights
Oleg had to proceed along the corridor for approximately 20–25 feet.
At the end of the corridor, he saw that it entered into a large hall
with a diameter of approximately 60 feet. On the periphery of the
hall, there were five other entrances, similar in appearance to the
one through which he had just entered.
The ceiling in the hall was
domed and it was emitting a soft, diffuse, blue light. Between the
other entrances and along the walls, there were panels of flashing
Each panel appeared to consist of five or six vertical
elements. To the left of the entrance through which Oleg had
entered, two walls had no panels. In place of the panels, there were
horizontal recesses in the walls, which were dark in color.
Also to
the left, he observed two dark, vague spots that looked like bags,
which at first were motionless, but then began to move toward him.
The bags were identical to the "mass" which he had seen near the
Oleg stopped, and stood motionless at the entrance to the hall.
"As soon as I looked around the
hall, certain questions came to me, answers to which appeared
immediately on the screen. But then I noticed that answers
appeared in my head before I was able to read them on the
screen. Several answers were accompanied by demonstrations of
the operation of those structures that interested me.
In such a
manner, my question of the significance of the dark, horizontal
recess in the wall off to my left was demonstrated to me. The
recess was a three-dimensional information screen, on which I
was shown the interior of another sister ship, with the same
moving 'masses' (during the demonstration, the two 'masses' in
our ship were motionless).
Then, they showed a ship in space,
among the stars, and at the end of the demonstration, they
showed the presenter of a Soviet television program called Vremya."
"Off to my right side, there was an oval control panel, or desk,
located about five feet from the wall, on which there were many
switches and lights. All of the illuminated buttons had a flat,
square shape.
Some of them were elevated above the level of the
control panel, and others were flush with the top of the panel.
On the upper surface of the lamps, there were some symbols in
the form of geometric figures, e.g. circles, triangles,
quadrilateral figures, lines, etc., and combinations of the
The black switches on the panel were similar in
appearance to toggle switches. There were no meters or scales on
the control panel at all."
In addition, Oleg described a long,
straight divan, which stood next to the control panel, and a
circular crack in the floor, which surrounded the central part of
the hall.
The crack gave him reason to believe that the central part
of the floor was able to rotate, allowing the control panel to be
positioned in front of any of the vertical panels situated along the
walls. On the vertical panels, Oleg noticed the same types of lights
that were on the control panel. Many of these lights were flashing.
The entire interior of the hall was white in color, including the
floor, and only from the ceiling shone soft, blue light.
upward, Oleg tried to locate the source of the light, while
simultaneously asking about the nature of the light. No answer to
his question appeared on the screen. Then, in response to his
question, "Who are you?" and "Where are you from?" the dome in the
hall slowly started to dim, and like in a planetarium, a star map
appeared on the ceiling.
While Oleg was trying to find some familiar star system, one of the
stars suddenly began to pulsate and descend slowly. The dark, almost
black starlit sky, combined with the pulsating star suspended over
Oleg's head, as well as with the flashing lights of the control and
vertical panels, emitted enough light to permit him to see all
elements in the entire interior of the spacecraft.
In a minute, the
pulsating star slowly rose and the dome reilluminated with the
diffuse blue light. Oleg was unable to carefully study and remember
the star map shown to him.
He asked where this pulsating star was
They answered,
"This is in your galaxy".
"I asked question after question.
The answers I received were heard in my head before I saw them
on the screen. I asked, 'What kind of ship am I on now? What
kind of propulsion system do you use to make it fly?' In
response I was told that this spacecraft was a scout ship and
used electromagnetic fields to fly. I was also told that they
were studying our planet, which they need as a springboard to
the future.
In response to my question 'Do you have any connection with
Bigfoot?', they said, 'Yes' and added that they watch Bigfoot
continuously. As I was asking question after question, I
suddenly noticed that a third 'mass' had appeared in the hall
and then a fourth.
I watched a conversation take place between them and came to the
understanding that the time for me to leave had arrived. My next
thought was to leave something with them for a memory. I took
off my watch, and wanted to put it on the floor, but at that
moment, I was told that they had a complete knowledge of the
Earth and needed nothing. For the first time during this visit,
they asked me, 'Why do I use a watch made in another country?'
"Then I asked, 'Is it possible to see you once again?' They
said, 'If you are in danger we will find you within 15 seconds'.
"Backing out a few steps from the hall, I turned and went along
the corridor towards the opening. As I came up to the opening of
the spacecraft, I took hold of the tube by my right hand and I
immediately found myself standing on the ground. Not looking
back, I went to the ditch and crossed over to the road, to the
same place where I had stood a few minutes before.
When I looked
back, I noticed that the tube and the opening had disappeared.
After a few seconds, I saw the outer rim begin to move in a
clockwise direction. The dome began to move approximately 30
seconds later in a counterclockwise direction and a luminescence
surrounded the spacecraft.
As the revolutions became faster, the
luminescence enveloped the spacecraft and it became a ball of
Oleg noticed that the rotation of all
parts of the craft and the luminescence was happening in absolute
At this moment he saw on the road two more cars with their
headlights on. For a few seconds this distracted his attention from
the spacecraft. The sound of the trees cracking made him turn and
look at the spacecraft. The ball of light slightly shifted position
and slowly began to rise. Abruptly accelerating, the craft shot out
of sight towards the north east.
His friend Nikolai got out of the
truck and together with the occupants from the other vehicles, came
up to Oleg. They asked him a lot of questions. Oleg was impressed by
the experience but at the same time, was too moved to speak or fully
realize all that had just happened. His hands and legs were
trembling. When he got into his truck, he was unable to use the
accelerator or to shift gears. He had to let his partner drive.
Oleg leaned back on the truck seat and looked at his watch, which he
still had in his hand. From the moment the truck had stopped, 20
minutes had passed.
They still had a day and a half to get to
Moscow, their destination.