by Dan Winter
ImplosionGroup Website
It is richly symbolic of Earth’s motherly state now that the story
of The Green Stone should be about to flame across movie screens. (cf
"The Green Stone" book published in the UK, and the screen-play
being developed for it by Diane Squires, Verlaine Crawford, and Phil
The story concerns the miraculous discovery, with much
guidance from the dream world, of a stone of deep spiritual
significance. The end of the story implies a kind of doorway into
the under-world, or collective unconscious, focalized by this green
Interest is high and focused on how this very fertile myth/metaphor
should be "delivered" to the media, which, as electronic noosphere,
delivers awareness to collective mind, as does Gaia’s nervous
system. The synaptic sparking of heightened awareness delivers a
membrane as a vehicle in which to incarnate for a babe flirting with
Like a mother gasping with paroxysms, her face afire, she
exchanges the pressure wave of life’s ultimate touch –– massage the
envelope –– because the babe, having finished turning inside out
(zygote to fetus), emerges impressed with the shape of the center of
the vortex: An umbilicus through the birth canal: creates an immune
self/system exploding in the fiery unpacking of that first star
placing, imprint, breath.
does this story begin? Where did the pregnancy start? When/Where was
the seed planted?
Tectonic land masses called continents are just faces seeking
lever-age afloat on a sea of fire –– the heart/core of
Recall a time when the surface membrane of Earth was rich with the
memory stone of mineral, but barren of the green of biology. The
responsiveness of thin-film semiconductor biomass to the ecstatic
long wave of gravity’s blood stream to the stars was but a glint in
the eye of a star-seed transmission.
Moss had not yet greened the sword from the stone, chelating mineral
for biology to consume, maximizing surface area for touching. The
chelation process is a digestion of mineral into biology. Since mineral
is memory of pattern, this is a digestion of the memories of Earth
and her gravity bloodstream from stars which wove the rock, into
vein and plate. Volcanism is the grinding into life of stone by fire
in Earth.
The fire of the stars became rock when fertilized by the seed of
pattern. Light became packed when only symmetry would do/be.
Pressure passed the law called order, executing disorder. For
biology to succeed, light would have to reach inside itself, to come
up on itself, as a kind of donut. Only turning inside out would feed
back. The turn was remembering the angles, only they would
slip (k)not. Those who knew the angles were named angels.
Fortunately for sweet Gaia’s el lactose (galact-toes), the angles
and the arc angels form-you-lated a plan. Lux i fir (Lucifer)
(light-I-fire) said seven Sisters lay out your grid, Siriusly. Yod
he has Vau; he has given us space for her here, let us re-peat ig-night
him time. The ONE who re-members symmetry among pressure’s wave,
feeds the synaptic spark gap fire of memory.
sine wave summation at infinite harmonic content limit is a sharp
resolution, a coherent phased/faced hologram mindful nest: The Lord
of The Flame consumes perspective.
Planting the seed for the grid for Lucifer becomes conceiving and
shaping the geometry of metallic crystal, crystallizing conductively
(ecstatically) on the surface of the heavy met-all core. The seeds
for the long wave which biology rides were woven by plan into the
tectonic geometry, the facet crust of stillness and pattern
remembered by standing to wave on the surface of the Gaia zygote.
On the day of soft clay, they fashioned a cup. Tectonics huddled
into one docile fetal body (making) pan-gaia. Above, this one
continental body tectonic womb was impressed by one invaginating
impression. Where today we find Hudson’s Bay, once was a cup shape
just beginning to separate what was eventually to become the
unpacking unfolding point separating North America and Europe.
Below this softening tempering impression, was couched the two
halves of the green beryl tectonic stones. One of these became the
green Ontario shield –– Ontario to keystone state of Pennsylvania.
This is one of Earth’s oldest stable tectonic plates: a memory well
seeded and folded.
The other half of this great tectonic stone pair
was to become the blarney stone Scottish highlands to Southern
France. Together these two floating tectonic ribs across the
Atlantic spine, function as a kind of Sacred Breatsplate for Earth.
Breast-Plate is called "Shield" (as in Ontario Shield) because it
shields the heart.
Touching the breastplates in sequence quickens prophecy, (Mormon
tradition), enlightening memory’s river. We see that one of the 12
tribes, the Benjamin Magdalenic starseed lineages did just that by
their pattern of migration — from French Rennes to "Highlander"
(Sinclair) to Montreal.
This parallels later when the tribe of
Benjamin (direct blood from Enki / RA / abRAham) became
the Kallisto,
KA - ARKadia of Greece- which later were the origin of the ET IN
ARKADIA EGO -mythology of Holy Blood Holy Grail & Rennes Les
Chateaux. The KA refers to the Sumerian / Egyptian "VEHICLE OF
LIGHT" assembled if the (dodec 12 face) TRIBE recombines in
correct symmetry to IGNITE - in BLISS their collective DNA to make a
coherence cocoon which is star navigable.
Something woven in that (MAGnetic) blood carried the river of
memory. Blood is salt water. The liquid crystal ocean of memory of
Earth, is massaged to zone refined thin-film semiconductor antennae
by the pressure geo-nest whale and dolphin song. The shadow of salt
in NaCl salt water is emerald cross (salt, NaCl has a cubic
molecular array, the tilted cube has the "Emerald" six-sided
hexagonal shadow).
Ocean and blood carry the potential river of
lightning, which can nest a higher frequency wave within biology’s
hex cross in-cube-ates the s-word from the s-tone. S is the cro-ss
ss-ection of the donut ss-ign wave, and ss-ound of a wave memory
casscade di-ss-appearing into ss-tillness: everywhere at onceness.
(From here to (k)no-w-here.)
The braid-circle-stone of DNA dodeca-merkabbah is pulled up line
where the hex view of the cube phase/face locks the dodeca-nest.
Light in symmetry’s circle stores momentum, our only definition for
mass. In a line we call light’s sword energy. In a circle we call it
The Tree of Life, The Cube’s emerald cross hex, when spiral
ratch-eted, like quartz, is the sword. The Dodecahedron’s Emerald
cross hex, when spiral ratcheted, like DNA, is the stone. Light in
the stone circle stores momentum like a gyroscope, the only way mass
is created.
Light is drawn out from that circle back into the line
path, where it is called energy, by the emerald/hex helix lightning
sword path whose geometry permits the unpacking of the memories in
the wave nodes without interference (into the line). The first
geomantic step to create cat-hedra- all is to plant the rod/sword,
drawing the ley geomantic stone gravity bloodstream of Earth up into
the bubbling blind spring vertical flow axis to weave the standing
wave envelope body cathedral.
Thus the membrane of Earth is massaged to reach for the stars, whose
faces (hedra), cathedral all consumes (cat-abolize/consume). Thus in
the long wave locked mineral rock faces of Earth, there is a
spiritual significance to geology, a harvest of memory stored.
Remember, each time a bond Cryst-all-izes in mineral the frequency
complexion of the frozen wave pressure bubble bond stores the memo-ry
of the position of the stars at that moment of birth. (The astrology
of birth in crystal and seed.) This is because gravity’s frequency
signa-ture as cascade ratio across both magnetism and electricity is
the bloodstream of collective mind/emotion. It’s geometry of
pressure at any moment frozen "in time" is a record of the hologram
of the ONE mind from that instant.
Tectonics are the digitized
samples of Earth’s birth in the long wave envelope of the galaxy.
We are speaking now in terms of the broad memory strokes of geologic
time. Undisturbed rock layers are exactly emotion (long wave)
storing memory "banks" like the more liquid crystal of muscle: the
piezo (fire) electric "womb" (of) man.
Noting that the "Burning Fountain" (Phillip Wheelwright) animating
ma-terre needed nest in bio’s logos, the uni-verse turned itself
inside-out to slip knot alpha-bet’s symb-ball into Earth’s
mem(ory)-brane. This wishing well ceded land-guage. Honoring his
mark from pa terre, Merk did wheel from Abbah (Merkabbah) (literally
Mark from Pa) (like a new Heir-USA-shall-I-am Do-deca-hedra-all).
The flame left shadows on the stone:
(t)his "monolithic"
architecture in that cave. Mono-lithic means ONE letter arch-I-tected.
The shadows in that flatland cave are a map back to n-dimension
symmetry. Symmetry is/was the pieces of the body of Osiris pulled
back together. Just ONE "flame letter" indexed the spin
possibilities called alpha-bet to make the topology of mind’s wave,
again multiply connected as in nest/context/braid/holographic.
birth for Earth was fractal cede from zodiac, the ray-ment skin
faces of both Earth and zodiac are dodecahedra,12 faced. 1746 (1080
+ 666) stars were focused by erotic star bodies’ gravity lens into
that soft skin erotic cup. It’s an etheric template, first etched
here from there, then inhabited there from here. First the light
makes the hologram, (skin on Earth) then the hologram film recreates
the light (biology reinhabits/cedes the galaxy).
Children repay the
in-dent-your of their star seed.
Oh say can you see, light ten ing the twi light, that pent star
span-gled marriage bann her. A mere aqua, mother’s waters bursting
in heir.
Lightning’s addition to primal soup is spin. For lightning braiding
proteins is DNA. The ray’s trace cries: give us symmetry or gives us
death, the price of re membering. Only symmetry casts a shadow of
pressure in a direction which ray-calls. Consider if you were that
soft motherly tissue, what touch would you recall. Wouldn’t it be
the longest pat turn? Ray cognizing our galactic starseed lineage is
wearing our pat ternity suit.
Take Mose’s case.
Whose seed? It’s ours’. It’s stars.
And O, what happened then was rich. The stars began to twitch, the
earth to (w)itch. A rainbow connection was about to sum true. Heir
USA shall eye am (Jerusalem, city of light), wake the stillness
inside, bustling with emerald’s city.
Of course, fetal glands don’t support ecstasy until they unpack.
Chakra’s unfold from circle fetus to line, kunda-line. So the
tectonic continents, still point chakras in-the-flow, divide and
float around the bloodstream/fire of earth. Seeking the place on the
chaladni plate of vibrating Earth where stillness Christ all eye
You see, the Sirian’s wanted vision. These are the bird tribes, cf.
Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey. The winged-golden-mean-frac-tal
heart shape of arriving starseed animates every myth of the origin
of indigenous peoples. When the winged ONE’s packing k’iss met with
return unpack…
Eye’s Is. Vesica P’iscis, We-seek-a pi’eye’s IS…
Of the Bird Tribe’s highest wing is the Eagle, whose eye sees the
widest hor(us)-eye-sons. The Eagle’s eye suggests the most resolved
focus and consuming perspective— on faces, in bio’s logos. The Eagle
serves the food chain by the finest horizon of focus on the
perspectives it consumes.
They are what they eat. All forms of
consumption resolve to a question of the intelligence of an
investment of memory.

The Eagle is
clearly seen on a topo map of the center of Pennsylvania.
This relief is even more startling on the color soils map,
and almost leaps out at you in a true 3D bas-relief map of
the area. The region is marked by names like Bald Eagle,
Bald Eagle Park, and the town of Oriole meaning eye situat-ed
literally at the eye of the Eagle. The Eagle is the symbol
of our country. The city of Philadelphia, transliterated
Phi-Lo-Delphi-a, was our first capital. Even their football
team is called the Eagles. From here the masonic "women in
the wilderness" set out to inhabit the interior of the
Eagle. |
This Eagle outlined in the shadow on the
rock in the center of the key-stone state above Phi-lo-delphi-a, is
the face to which Magdalene’s starseed birdtribe return, to return.
To return to Gaia’s lactic corps. (Mother’s milky body.) Nervous
system focus evolves vision, propagates in-form-ation by coherence
of phase/face lock. For A’mere-I-go, America’s, nervous sys-tem is
the electronic noosphere, media wiring for Earth. The Eagle landed.
The cry in Pennsylvania’s Eagle’s mouth
is both birth and death, a cross-point. It is important that we
understand the relationship of the Eagle to the food chain which it
serves, in order to understand the role of our country with respect
to the global metabolism.
From the highest height, vision or focus
in the eye of the Eagle allows nervous system (our country is
electronic media for the globe) to choose which prey or perspective
to consume. The focal element of the collective nervous system (our
media) harvests the memories of biology.
They are folded, "nested," for the flight to the heights.
The Grail myth suggests that the Grid was planted in a cup on Green
Stone. Was this the pangaia cup onto the Green Beryl Ontario Shield,
extending into the Keystone State? The Eye of the Eagle trace of
their seed as it grew into that soft clay, was named by the mystic
masons: Oriole (The Eye).
About 7 places are named after the 7 stars of the 7 sisters of the
Pleiades here. 7 Stars, 7 Valleys, 7 Spring, 7 Notch Mountain, 7
Sisters –– The Pleiades. (The 7th Sister, not seen, married Sisyphus, who was busy rolling rock up hill (the Earth?).
Plei, in Greek, means to sail. Knowledge of sailing or navigating
galactic spaces, in 3D, is the same as surfing in 2D. You get your
phase angle correct with respect to the (gravity/water) wave, thus
allowing you to chose your destination. The Pleidian "Tablets of
Destiny," may have been our sacred alphabet, the phase map for
the the galactic "sailing ones."
Pleiades rose at the season when the weather was favorable for good
On a deeper level the "star-men" seeding our culture sailed
here when the weather (galactic tilt) was right for good sailing.
Epic sagas are written about the time when the galactic "beam me up,
Scotty" doorways will again be open for ready wheeling to and from
our galactic home.

The time is now. The old ones are returning/waking up, to check
in/on their seed. The Eagle harvests memory through the eye/I. Allow
your best visual focus to massage the envelope/caress the ones we
love, with our vision. Thus is their memory consumed into the mind
of the ONE.
When they come to you, begging that you SEE them, they
simply want you, with your Eagle’s eye, to gather up their memory
for harvest.
giant ones of old were called "Els" because they could make the
90 degree el (as in El-o-him) between circle/light in matter, vs.
line/light as energy. This is a meaning of picking up off "the
cross" (of time and space) and following (the principle of) Crystos.
The story we tell is that if you connected the seven places in
Pennsylvania named seven, the arrow would point through the crown of
the Eagle to where the Pleiades should be when the Earth’s tilt is
corrected. At any rate, just east of Oriole the eye, is the town of
"El-ims-port." They could come and go from here.
Earth tilts to new symmetry with the galactic 12-faced zodiac, the
cup runneth over, and the serpent feeds the eagle. This refers to
the sweet Kundalini tantric sting proceeding up the spine to the
center of vision, the Cave of Brahma in the brain. The return of Quetzlcoatl, the many plumed one (an eye on each plume-consumed in
perspective) is presaged by this drink from the silver cup, when the
serpent nour-ishes the eagle. The rivers will flow on a new tilt.
Perhaps, as our psychologists would say, we are "just" projecting?
First the holographic film we call biomass, the surface of Earth, is cre-ated by zodiacal projection, then those dodecahedral faces
permit us to project the "memories of biology" (or shall we say, how
to turn light donuts into biology and metabolize starlight directly)
into the cosmos.
An important angelic colleague of ours has this to say about the
Eagle in the zodiac projected onto the Earth’s grid:
"The Eagle eats
awareness. The Eagle is one of the four (cardinal) elemental logo
figures for the zodiac. Each logo, as a zodiac figure, represents
an aspect of consciousness."
Further research leads us to
Don Juan’s
first rule of the nagual as it pertains to the eagle (cf.
Eagle’s Gift).
"The power that governs the destiny of
all living beings is called the Eagle, not because it is an eagle,
but because it appears to the seer as an immeasurable jet-black
eagle, standing erect as an eagle stands, its height reaching to
infinity… The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures
that, alive on Earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to
the Eagle’s beak, like a ceaseless stream of fireflies, to meet
their owner, their reason for having had life".
The evolution of consciousness as feedback narrowing-into-aper-ture
is a description of the evolution of perception.
By grasping the
threads of ray’s tracing light into optical cortex hologram, the
finer resolution phase/face locks the reality to which the symbol
points. Result: take back the grid. Own her. Re-own re-sponse-ability
for the nest. Only the inner optical hologram fed by phase
discipline (Hebrew) to the coherent light of its maker, actually
affects the matter (cross-ings) of light which it sees.
Here the
symbol participates in the reality to which it points.
grid is ours to weave. The inner (w)hologram (opticus Eagle’s eyrie)
bends the focus of light which made matter. Persuade ma to terr,
light to cross, line to circle; E=mm see^2, because momentum in a
line is energy. Entering the circle/the turn/the labyrinth, entering
into mass, requires symmetry. Order is the price a ray pays
attention to.
To create is to see clearly. Only that resolves. Coherence is the
eye beam which sharpens the shadows. Make a conscious resolution.
Since after the dust settles only ONE coherence is possible.
So the two light cones, Yod and Vau (say them slowly to see their
shape), knew that there was more here than the present eye could
see. To wit, wishing to see more, they made a holographic film onto
bio-mass Earth. This was like yearning to zoom in on a fractal on
high res-olution film. You can only focus in so far until you
encounter a grainy quality. Even God couldn’t focus on anything
smaller than the light waves She was shining in.
Until She discovered a way to send a message between the
fre-quencies of light. So in the beginning (at first in principle),
she created in-cube-ation. Then she discovered a way out of that
nest (all trussed up in octet). Taking her morphic cue from the
twelve dodeca-faced zodiac imprinted on her hologram for Earth grid,
she realized that the golden mean spiral yellow brick road to oz…
The relative position of Aquila (The Eagle) to Serpens in the sky is
similar to their relative position to each other on the land in
See the connected spiral vortex into nested pentagrams making
fractal the same dodecahedron called galaxy, earth grid, and DNA:
with this fractal projector she could release her progeny starseed
back to reinhabit the galactic spaces from which they had been
projected in the first place.
It was a case of transporting memory from a limited scale of incu-bating
birth, to the most symmetry space permits. (Preparing faces to
meet.) This became crystallized in legend as the Merkabbah vehicle,
Ezekiel’s wheels, and the dodeca shape of the City of Revelation,
Eden’s paradise dimensions.
The twelve houses of the zodiacal dodeca project-ed through a plane,
makes a round table, which on Chartres’ maze opens a space in the
center for the 13th ONE. There, new symmetry consumes all the faces
round the table in a new order/dimension. The fractal projection of
the zodiac on the faces of the tectonics of Earth, became an
exercise in recreating the object which rendered the film in the
first place.
All of this place making on the crystallizing clay of
the tectonics, amounts to an unpacking of image out of star seed
which planted in that first cup: the grid. No wonder they grew into
a chip off the old block. Those planet faces are wearing their
paternity suit.
inner fire of Gaia becomes a cup that runneth over, when her light
warps back up the spine of the galaxy, which will taste sweetness.
If the light shining through the film is (phase) coherent with the
light that made the hologram in the first place, then you can USE
the mirror and the magnifying glass INSIDE of the hologram to see
objects OUT-SIDE the same hologram. The fire inside Earth is that
light. The designer genes of womb man are the lens, the mirror and
the magnify-ing glass. Who is the ONE who sees? Whom does the grail
Arthur and the land are ONE.
And how was this cryst-all architecture etched onto the fabric of
After those two halves of the green stone breastplate of Earth
divided across the rib cage of the Atlantic, they were still hinged
and connected. It was up to the Reverend Mothers to shepherd the genepool to touch those breast plate faces, so that prophecy could
be kept alive. The seers and the seer stones, the Sirius stones,
these kept the light of the long wave here focused, far from
So let us matriarchally reinterpret history: from a motherly per-spective.
The "God-Men" did more than to announce to an advanced age Rachel
and Sarah that they were with child. Rachel was ritually virgin for
temple rites producing a genetic cement between neighboring king-doms.
This was the practice of the time. Only in this case, the king-doms
whose gene pools needed cementing, were separated by galactic space.
The great women of the bible knew how to save the seeds. They were
tantric. They could raise the red fire of their own passion up
through the green stone of the heart to the blue aura of tantra:
"The Blue Fire." This training enabled them to meet the star men
whose command was: "From y branch unto x a cross this gene Isis."
When the Pleiadean starseed outpost was established here to enrich
the genepool, the original assignment was the males were to
fertilize the indigenous peoples on Earth but the females were to
abstain. I believe this had to do with the y chromosome’s additive
pres-ence? Y is branch, X is cross, here they needed a branch.
Apparently the presence of "space people" or "star people" or "God
men," was quite common. The literature suggests common associations
with Latvians, Mayan, and Hebrew.
What the green moss does for the stone is chelate the mineral so
that maximized surface area makes the memory of pattern in mineral
accessible to the touch/digestion/absorption (consumed perspective)
of biology. What the fold of membrane in the skull of the holy women
does is surface unpack the memory (the pressure waves) of touch with
stars seeds.
The skull of Magdalen was the vessel which contained
the star seeds of Jesus. Her perfect Heart was the green cross point
between red-orange passion/erotic energy and the blue light aura
around their tantric heads. Thus she saved the seeds. His sperm con-tained
DNA lightning. In proper kundalini process, the force of sperm not
ejaculated is collected and pooled by tantric sexual excitation.
(There are references to the unusual nature of young Jesus’s late
unmarried state. In Kazantzakis’ Last Temptation of Christ, there is
even reference to what all that sperm did to his brain.)
The coiled braid of DNA contains a lightning life force. It is the ulti-mate programming language because braid within braid within
braid can contain the complete discipline to nest machine code
within assem-bler within Dbase within Report Form Generator within
whatever many times over. All switches are morphic/shape active
site-aligned & switched context-dependent.
Aligning active sites
switches the codes of DNA on and off. The braid aligns the sites.
Coherence is the intelligence of emotion to (s)witch DNA. The braid
within braid of DNA is woven phase coherent (long wave nested in
"synch" with short) by ecstatic coherent emotion/Eros/tantra. The
lightning of the memories within the high baud rate gene pool of
Jesus and Magdalen (recombinant starseed) were thus unpacked and
saved for biology that way.
The role of tantra in the necessary high voltage/pressure incubation
of starseeds should be taught. Frequent pregnancies not accompanied
by sexual intercourse (virgin birth) are described in women with
kun-dalini experience. Thus describing something about the profound
func-tion of the ritual virginity of Sarah, and Mary. The massaging
of infor-mation into the haploid genetic egg, is the perfect
symmetry to mate with the half helix which is lightning, and
kundalini. ("ANGLE"-ic touch.) It is potentially a profoundly erotic
marriage with a larger con-textual body. In my personal experience,
Earth responds dramatically and erotically to kundalini.
She yearns for meaningful touch, a massage, even deeper than we do.
Her response is to relax/align her geometry of pressure
(tectonic/jet stream). In the past this would have been a technology
so advanced as to be indistinguishable from magic (once said of
comput-ers). A simple emotional alphabet (of long wave beat note
ratios) con-nects us to the planet metabolism. In this way we can
"phase lock"/ become at one, with our symbiotic role.

The genepool is
a grail cup, a chalace, and a light receiving vessel. |
There is a long history of the need to
hide the starseed origin of branches of the genepool. This was why
the priests of Egypt were sys-tematically poisoning the Kingship/Pharaonic
line. The message of ONEness which Tut and Akhnaton brought would
unify the dream force of the people, creating a "Godforce."
Schizophrenic dreams for the people were preferred by the priests so
the illusions of their control over the kindergarten could be
Tut and Akhnaton’s line possessed the classic
indications of starseed genetic origins: pointed skull up and back,
nose length, dis-tended belly, and extra braid or turn on the
muscles of the inner organs (hence the need to hide these in Canopic
The starseed contingent overlooking the Earthly blossoming of
their seeds, wanted to orchestrate an avataric birth in the Egyptian
the-ater (cf:
Secret Places of the Lion by George Hunt Williamson).
However, when the interference of the priests became too great,
other destinies were arranged. This pat-tern repeats itself with the
Coptic, the Albigensian, the Cathar, the Templar, and the Druid.
The priests represent a false-faced Patriarchy, NOT the true Father.
In fact, the story of the concealment of the true star origins of
Father seed, BECAME literally "The Myth of the Birth of the Hero"
(also a book by Otto Rank). It is the story of the "virgin" birth of
Moses and Jesus. Tantric ladies could preserve the seed. Tut took a
secret Jewish lover.
They bore twins Moses and Aaron. That Jewish
lover mothered Moses her real son, by concealing his Father in the Starseed and Pharaoh’s genetic line. In this way the flame of
Starseed was passed from Joseph in Egypt, via Tut, back out of Egypt
into the Hebraic theater, one hopefully more responsive to the
Oneness mes-sage of the "God" men.
The Pleiadean and
Sirian forces
never wished to be mythologized as "separate" from the ONE God. They
knew that only one "form" of coherence was possible. (In an
interfering system, when interactions go to their "limit" only ONE
phase-locked coherent system can remain.)
So let us go back to our biblical remothered interpretation.
Rachel’s passage of starseed went to Benjamin, and Joseph (whose
coat/raiment was of many colors). Benjamin’s lineage beget Magdalen.
Joseph’s story tells of Benjamin’s link to a cup among the seeds.
The genepool is a grail cup. "Blossoming gene, cup of the grail".
DNA’s chalice is a web work planar surface or an infinite tube,
tempting light out of the fast lane into biology..
seed includes Jesus. Benjamin’s seed is Magdalen (born of his
lineage). Jesus and Magdalen had three children. (Holy Blood Holy
Grail). The passage of the contents of those recombinant starseed
becomes our story.
So, having filtered some of the false patriarchy out of our look at
biblical times, a matriarchal lineage also emerges.
To review: Abraham undertakes an important rite with Sarah, when
three "God Men," Sirius representatives, announce that she, Sarah,
would bear her first child then, even though she was over 100.
Apparently she was not barren, but rather ritually virgin (teacher
of tantra?) as part of her priestess line (a significant lineage of
matri-arch). The rite they did was always done when royal blood was
mar-ried to her lineage. She was fertilized as if by lightning from
the stars, presaging another "angel" Gabriel who came to Mary.
Sarah, as ancestor to Magdalen, received starseed as did others in
the feminine tradition of "The Myth of the Birth of the Hero(ine)"
in which one of the chief features was the concealing of true (starseed?)
We can now understand the symbolism of tearing off the roots, ADAMic
meant damned or stopped up or segregated, literally red mak-ing or
hard making power. The "red" hard making was damming (in the sense
of creating a stoppage in the flow of light: matter). Adamic race
would create the illusion that the stars did not Father them. The
parental lineage from Godhood was exactly what patriarchy would
segregate or forget (Siriusly).
Remember that in the mother all the eggs are born with her, so that
all human eggs were born at once with the first mother, irretriev-ably
rooted. IEVE means tempted unto knowledge of separateness by WORD
(the illusion that substances are "separate" as shape symbol or
So then, in the Hebraic story as starseed, Isaac, the Magical child
of Sarah & Abraham, begets Jacob with Rebeccah. Of Jacob’s 12 sons,
the magical ones are by Rachel (whose lineage was said to begin the
Messianic age?). These are Joseph (coat of colors & link to Egypt)
and the favorite young one, Benjamin.
From Joseph, the attempt to incarnate an avatar moves to Egypt.
Akhnaton is straight Pleiadean, or starseed blood, as is Nefertitti.
Tut, their son, undertakes the message of ONEness, and the familial
ideal. Patriarchy and the priests poison this. SO, Tut fathers Moses
(& twin) by a secret Hebrew lover (amidst great intrigue ) and Moses
returns the identity and coherence of the starseed lineage to
Then, Magdalen is born of the Benjamin line, Jesus is born of the
Joseph line, they have three children which begins the "Holy Blood,
Holy Grail" story.
It is lightning quickening her story.
Thus, Iesus/Magda is adiabatically the reunion of the (star)seeds
through Rachel. He folds seeds, she unpacks –– matriarchy now leads
to unfolding of Bio-logos’ seeds to galactic Milky spaces.
After the death of Joseph, the husband of Mary/mother of Jesus. The
household was run by older brother Lazarus. Lazarus was a bit Father
intoxicated, over-imbued with his new role as "head of house-hold".
Young sister Magdalen, really a cousin of Jesus, (the Essenes were a
carefully bred extended family) decided she must exit from under the
oppression of Lazarus & family.
She runs away, and later manages to
acquire a fortune running a house of prostitution in Northern
Palestine. This was consistent with her promise to herself, that if
she couldn’t have the ONE man (Jesus) she would have every man.
(When Jesus was at an age appropriate for betrothal, as he reached
out for beautiful Magdalen, he was struck down as if by light-ning.
The sense of electrical seizure is on occasion an unwitting tantric
moment, but with the Earth itself. Sometimes the lover cannot
The wealth of Magda became the seed for the Templar treasure she
founded. (Even the cobalt blue of the Templar Marianist Gothic
Cathedrals was taught by her, the tantric blue only seen as you
turn.) What she managed to save in that oldest profession was not
just mate-rial currency/symbol for human energy, but also a treasure
of informa-tion. She became consort to the rulers of nations and
expert in the energy of sexuality.
So, when Magdalen becomes expert at Tantra, while running the
celebrated house of prostitution in northern Palestine, before Jesus
returned from his initiatory travels, she was learning a critical
biologi-cal lesson on saving the seeds. Her former profession paid
for his later travels, and her skills to conserve the lightning of
tantra, created the genetic nest for his children to redeem history.
Magdalen is empowered feminine. She is here with us, as is her green
We approach the mysteries of the green stone itself, and the
crys-tal skull, and the skull and crossbones.
Jesus meantime had departed for India, and later initiations in
Egypt at around age 13-14. Instead of the prescribed marital
energet-ics, his Eros was conserved for initiation. On his travels
he gradually learned an appropriate Yogic Tantric discipline for the
lightning in his loins. His seed moved explosively upward. However a
critical break-through was required before he could taste the
sweetness from the sil- ver cup. Silver cords of information-sweet
lightning pounded for access to the cave of Brahma in his brain. But
there was a necessary stricture.
At this juncture, a knowledge of Kundalini’s biological mechanics is
essential to understand the true origins of the green stone.
The highest frequency, ultraviolet & information-richest, nectar of
the collective cells of the body are focused in the lower sexual
glands. Erotic attention concentrates them into a pool. They are
assembled in the male via the gonads into a genetic single arrow/haploid helix/light-ning bolt. The prostate surrounds them with
in what is consumed visually and informationally can con-serve the
excitation/aggravation of these lower glands. This translates to
mean that red meat and "dirty" (sex without love) movies make for a
different quality of sperm release than whole grain and readings on
love and oneness.
There is a suction tube at the lowest tip of the spine, the stinging
tail of the serpent, the "organ kundabuffer" of Gurdjieff. When the
pool of sweetness around the sexual organs is full and still, this
pump-ing tube in the clear liquids of the spine, can "come" to have
access to this sweetest nectar of biology.
Particularly in the
beginning when this pump is just being primed, great care and
discipline are required to nourish this alternate flow of erotic
energy. If successful, the nectar will ultimately spill over in the
high brain, exploding the psychoactivity there with congruent
unflowering of the cells of the third eye/pineal pituitary complex.
The cave of Brahma (in the brain) has the organs of Eros as its
entry point.
The pelvic tilt and electric relaxation at the point of orgasm are
some of the discipline that feed this "Sushumna" up the spine.
Another very vital ingredient to achieving the flooding of the upper
brain with these everlasting life-producing juices is described in
the literature on the "Sacro Cranial Pump." The part most relevant
to our understanding of the Green Stone has to do with the function
of the heart in making this pump work.
Getting these sweet Tantric juices into the spine does not happen
unless there is a pumping action upward. The motor for this pump is
the sound waves created by the glands at the moment of emotional
coherence. Understand please, that the electrical information
product of the collective orgone cellular process exists largely in
the blue ultra-violet.
This is the energy current which drives all
of cellular mechanics. The human egg draws to itself the chosen
sperm/information seed, by a blue UV tractor beam. Exactly in the
same way mother Earth Gaia draws to herself her chosen information
seed by a blue UV tractor beam. She however must draw that high
frequency information folded-ness up the human spine into the realm
of the longer waves within which is her bloodstream of mind.
The frequency distance between the UV (ultraviolet) currency of
cellular reproductive Eros, and the sonic information fabric of
ecstasy arranging liquids to crystal in brain, is seven octaves!
each chakra glandular/nervous plexi, an additional turn or braid of
light is woven on the petals of the lotus.
sacro cranial pulse so perceptible in the Upledger school, is the
low frequency sonic coherence which massages the envelope of the
spinal pump upward. The key turning point in that process upward is
the sound of the heart. The heart, half way between red erotic orgone energy and the
blue aura of tantra, is also the green stone.
Her sweet immaculate heart sets the peritoneum around the heart to
ring. It massages the spine, pumping the sweetness. Pure heart does
it all. Magdalen taught Jesus that, as he embraced her.
It is common, as the force of kundalini surges upward for block-ages
to be balled up and expelled. This is often in the form of dense
mucus, but it can also be actual calcified excipient from the lymph
pas-sages. This has been called a lingum stone. It comes from above
the plate above the mouth, which is the classic tantric switch to
the "micro-cosmic orbit." The tongue touching the back roof of the
mouth per-forms this switching. That same area is connected to the
sphenoid/occiput gate which opens to permit the sweetness to enter
the brain.
That stone released in dramatic cases of kundalini arising is a
potent electrical "ball of lightning." His lingum stone, the symbol
of released blockage, became the green stone. She treasured it.
Her skull held his tantric star seeds. Her feet walked those green
stone faces of Earth. From Jerusalem, to Southern France, to the
Scottish Highlands, she massaged the envelope of Earth, guiding her
children there. Shepherding the lineage of the genepool of her
children across that sequence of tectonic green breastplates, across
lifetimes, was the Marian legacy; reverend mothers touching the
stones of the breastplate in sequence to massage alive the envelope
of prophecy for a’closing time.
Face locking as they walked the
memories of Earth, crystallized unpacked in stone faces, into one
consumed perspective: body of Gaia: fractal of Zodiac.