About Dan Winter
A Blissful Interview with Dan
Alchemy's Darker Moments
- Excerpts from 'Gold Powder vs. Heart'
Blood Rites
- Defining the
Difference between a Parasite and Empowerment
Communion of Saints and the
Forgiveness/Embedding of Sinners
Emotion Swept Galactic
- Electrical Path for Taking Memory Thru Death
Goddess Mystery -
A New Look at the Science
of what Puts a SOUL In an Egg
Honey Of The Queens
Integrating Consciousness and Gravity As Wave Attractors in a New
Unified Field Model
Join The Collective - Is it really
such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"?
Español |
La Ciencia de Dan Winter
Español |
La Emoción Arrasó la Vecindad
Español |
Los Momentos Más Oscuros de la
- Citas de 'Polvo de Oro vs. Corazón'
Magdala’s Green Stone
Magnetic Wind of the Sun
Planetary Invasion Force - A Reason
for Ecstasy?
Ports of Gaol - "Eggs Files" for
Dragons Feeling for Europe's Navigators
Español |
- ¿Que
Es La Vida?
- Necesitamos una Respuesta Eléctrica Simple - Para
Poder Enseñar a Nuestros Niños!
Remembering Who We Are, By
Remembering Who We Were!...
See the Movie "They Live"
Solar Wars and Amenti's Halls
Avatar Fractality Effect
- From Deep Science in The Avatar Movie or How Biology
Finds Shareable Waves
The Draconians Strike
The Formula for Surviving Death
- Gilgamesh, Annunaki, Gold, Merkabbahs, & the Incunabula
The Imploder - Water Energizer
The Implosion Phenomenon
The Orion Queens
The Return of Enki
- Kids Become Stars
Thoth Identity Links Annunaki to
Orion and Rigel
Was Judaism's 'Hierarchy' designed
for Enlil's Ghost Hunger?
Was That The Papal We? - Was
Judaism's 'Hierarchy' Designed for Enlil's Ghost Hunger?
Why Life Force Whispering in DNA
Does Not Want to be Called
Additional Information |
Aether Vibrations
- A Wave-Based Universe
Blue Blood, True Blood - Conflict
and Creation
- Selected Excerpts
Fractal Field Theory
- Applied Quantum Fractal Field Theory
- Rethinking The Basis Of Technology
Implosive Water Treatment
Global Bee Death
Español |
Vibraciones del Éter - Un Universo
Basado en Ondas
Books-Treaties |
Español |
Gran Atractor de
Implosión -
Geometría Sagrada y Emoción Coherente - por Dan Winter: |
Implosions’ Grand Attractor
- Sacred Geometry & Coherent Emotion
Multimedia |
Binomiales y Dan Winter
- desde El Centro de Conferencias Caixa, Barcelona,
Brain Coherence Measured with Dan Winter
Brain Coherence - With Dataset Upload
Fractal Field Technology
- Dan Winter in Occult Science Radio
Fractalidad - La Ciencia Profunda
de La Fuerza de Vida en El Agua
Fractality - The New Science of
Magnetism - The Wind on Which Love
Purpose of DNA
- Dan Winter
The Imploder Videos
- The Imploder - Water Energizer
Using The True ET History of DNA - Ending Religion Wars
Related Reports |
Consciousness and Human Energy
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Dragon Court
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Geometria Sagrada
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Jahovah, Terran Control Groups and
Derivative Concepts
Sumer and The Anunnaki
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The Gods of Eden
The Human Brain
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The Occult
Reptilian Saga
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The Way - DOMA Daughters Of Ma
White Gold - Oro Monoatomico -
- Main File
Zecharia Sitchin, Sumeria, The Anunnaki and Nibiru
- Main File