by Daniel Fry
TimeStarEarth Website
The reality, nature and extent of extraterrestrial contact with
Planet Earth have been a maelstrom of debate since 1947, when
the press coined the term "flying saucer". Explaining that the nine
disk-shaped craft he saw flying over Mt. Rainer in 1947 looked like
saucers, businessman Kenneth Arnold’s report initiated the search
for truth that continues with the UFO Disclosure Campaign in 2001.
The earliest reports of UFO contact tended to be straight-forward
accounts of awesome events that one might expect from an encounter
with another world.
The earliest UFO experiencers were often professionals who changed
the course of their careers after experiences with the UFO. Early
accounts of contact with extraterrestrials generally offered advice
about environmental dangers of nuclear power at a time when the
majority of voters were unaware of the long-term potential of
destruction that nuclear power had. The environment, science,
biogenesis, and reincarnation were consistent themes of UFO contacts
in the 1950’s. Bizarre and horrifying accounts of abduction exploded
a decade after the first reports of contacts with UFO pilots
proliferated. The complexity of UFO accounts in subsequent decades
exponentially increased with official efforts to control public
opinion, suggested in
an article on the CIA’s web site
dealing with its role to control public opinion about UFO’s.
The intelligence and military communities’ efforts to obscure the
truth about UFO’s have had an inestimable impact on public opinion.
The truth must be pieced together from the beginning of
extraterrestrial contact before the CIA, military and other agencies
organized a concerted front again belief in UFO’s.
Daniel Fry’s contact with extraterrestrials in 1950 remains one of
the most precise and clearest accounts of early UFO activity. A
scientist at the White Sands Proving Ground’s rocket project, Dan
Fry on July 4, 1950, Fry sighted an object that blocked out the
stars in the night sky. A small remotely controlled craft landed on
the desert near Fry and communication established with space
travelers who reported that they had evolved from the same genetic
root as modern Homo Sapiens. Their technology had allowed them to
escape the devastation of
Atlantis more than 12,000 years earlier,
and they had ultimately developed technology that gave them
independence from any single planet.
A spokesman for the space-faring group that had departed from Earth
when Atlantis collapse, Aylan, described the flight of seven
Atlantean disk craft. After making an initial landing in the high
mountains of Tibet that had been pushed up by the final cataclysm,
three of the craft elected to stay on this planet. Of the four that
attempted flight to Mars, three arrived safely and one craft
disappeared. The first step taken by the survivors on Mars was to
compile all knowledge about Atlantis into a history called "The
Great Lesson". Eventually they built self-sustaining space stations
independent of a planet. Aylan, the extraterrestrial who spoke
directly with Dan Fry, expected that he would be genetically
compatible with humans on Earth in all respects as his race and ours
evolved from the same genetic root. A tree of life and serpent were
embossed on the seat of a disk craft used to transport Fry from New
Mexico to New York during the initial contact. Fry had a special
interest in Atlantean records stored in underground chambers placed
in key triangulations with
the Great Pyramid.
Chambers beneath
the Sphinx, laser technology, and
human genesis in
the Pacific were a focus of extraterrestrial contacts with Ida Kannenberg. First contacted by extraterrestrials on the California
desert in 1940, Ida discovered in 1978 that her contactors were in
fact time travelers from Atlantis. Her dialogs with the time
travelers are chronicled in her book,
Project Earth. One of the
first projects Ida was asked to accomplish by the time travelers was
a visit to the Association of Research & Enlightenment to search the
files for references to Atlantis. Ida later worked with pioneer
psychologist Leo Sprinkle, who organized the Rocky Mountain UFO
Conference, at the University of Wyoming, the first forum for UFO experiencers in the United States.
Ida and I have shared telepathic
dialogs with the same time travelers and Sirians and, in practical
terms, are students of the same teachers. Each student has a
specialty so that the efforts of one are not duplicated by another
but the overall focus of
the time travelers are the dynamics of
time-space in scientific, social and spiritual terms. In unpublished
letters, Ida commented that in 55 years of contact the only subject
they ever criticized her about was TIME. In all respects, they have
pointed out that our concepts of time are incorrect. The creational
elements of time in the quest of the spiritual being in the material
world through the mind and body have been a central subject in my
contacts with them since 1963.
Among many applications, the pyramid system was a global energy
generator. Using crystals, the pyramids served as nodes in the
planetary energy grid equivalent to a main frame computer. The power
source for the nodes were reflected in the word, "pyramid". "Pyre"
means fire and "mid" means middle; so the word means
fire in the
middle. The geometric cut of the fire crystals used in Atlantis but
no longer known on this planet was briefly mentioned by Cayce. An
inventory of at least 27 stones removed from the Great Pyramid was
reported by
Zecharia Sitchin in
The Wars of Gods & Men. When we
chose our current path of evolution the stones that powered the
pyramids were removed from the planet, according to contacts from
Sirius B. The
crystal skulls were left behind to remind us of who we
really are but the power was in the codes of the stones. If we
change our minds about how we want to live, and the time travelers
believe that we will, then the stones will be returned. Of course,
the planetary energy has changed considerably in 12,000 years so
adjustments need to be made in the pyramid system to activate it.
When the Sahara was still a wetland 6,000 years ago, scientists from
the reaches of the galaxy resided on the Earth with the native
people. After thousands of years of accumulated conflicts, open
warfare raged between galactic factions that each inspired the
native people to join in their causes. With the major pyramid
centers turned to desert waste in the aftermath of conflict, the
galactic forces withdrew from the planet around 2000BC, leaving
behind Marduk. Revered as Ra in Egypt, Marduk obliterated the
history and knowledge of those who opposed him and wrote a new
history that exalted himself as Ra, god of gods. Son of lead
scientist known as Ea, Enki, Ptah and Apollo in various traditions,
Marduk and his brother, Thoth, were both heirs to a powerful
scientific lineage and trained in specialties by their father. In
3113BC Marduk exiled Thoth to Mesoamerica for "rebellion" when he
introduced a 13-month calendar in Egypt. Thus is the Sumerian
literature excavated from Iraq in 1877 translated by Zecharia
Recovery of Earth’s true history has been a slow discovery of places
hidden from Marduk/Ra who wielded the night-side of technology that
turned wetlands into the harsh Sahara desert. In their separate
domains, Marduk in Babylon and Thoth in Mesoamerica, two distinct
traditions and beliefs in reality took root to form modern society
in America through the crossroads of Egypt. Moses, an Egyptian
initiate, carried the wisdom of Egypt with the Hebrews into the
Wilderness. Pythagoras, an initiate and priest in Egypt for 22
years, returned to Greece to found its mathematics. Plato, another
initiate of Egyptian mysteries, wrote the prehistory of Egypt and
the high civilization of Atlantis in Timaeus and Critias. The
Egyptian Lord of Astronomy and Calendrics, Thoth, encoded the
secrets of numbers and symmetries in
the Mayan calendar and pyramids
in Mexico. Underlying the differences of these worlds was a common
galactic origin and planetary science that had been confounded at
the Tower of Babel and forbidden when Upper and Lower Egypt were
united under Marduk as Ra in 3113BC, the beginning of the first pharaonic dynasty in Egypt and the beginning of the Mayan calendar in
The pyramid system has survived the trials of time as stone
witnesses to the measures of master scientists who paced comets
Stargates. The Great Pyramid in Egypt, Sun & Moon Pyramids
at Teotihuacan in Mexico, and the Angkor Pyramids in Cambodia were
placed on the globe to show rotation in a circle by unique
relationship to each other and the numbers of the Mayan calendar.
The Great Pyramid was the first of the three complexes built before
the Tower of Babel.