06 - Interactions Between Aliens

In order to understand how aliens think about other aliens, we need to bump up the human model of physics and move it beyond old, pre-quantum notions of locally defined "things" of a concrete sort. In part, this requires a suspension of some posited (but not proven) assumptions like Einstein's speed of light limit on propagation.


Aliens have stated and have demonstrated that their equations don't agree with the Einstein limit.


One explicit example is the pre-noted alien's suggestion that we should think in terms of thresholds that slightly ± (plus or minus) exceed the speed of light, i.e. negative energy fluctuations that are part of a "negative cycle" described by aliens and touched on in Ford and Roman's Jan. 2000 Scientific American article on negative energy.


Other aliens have suggested that hyperspace resonance of the sort is the basis for faster-than-light communications and large-scale conventions regarding interactions between alien populations. So, for now, Bearden’s writings about electrogravity and Δt (how electrogravity changes the flow of time) provide a window on alien science but certainly aren’t the last words on the subject.

Since this book is about alien thought, readers should bear in mind that the education of young aliens is different from that of humans. Cloned alien young can be grown in liquid-filled containers until they reach birth size. While suspended in such containers they can be influenced with psychotronic technology that communicates ideas and imagery directly into the brain.


Later, concepts like negative energy cycles and social identity (which views the individual as but a fraction of a larger social whole) are taught to young aliens. There's an obvious, healthy logic in doing so.


Given the depth of character and the refined sensitivities of most aliens that I, along with others, have interacted with, I'm certain aliens don't literally see themselves as mere enumerated fractions. Humans tend to err more in the externalized numerical direction, i.e. in terms of what social scientists call "masturbatory" notions of elite economy (demeaning behavior that both praises and clears the way for a narrow elite's economic/sexual opportunity).


Humans still propagate the gospel of self-interest (separate, whole-numbered identity), a Darwinian detachment that superficially mirrors "the logic" of the animal world.

Aliens often ask how humans can do so without realizing that it risks the survival of our only planet. Through greater experience, aliens appear to have learned that a failure to plan and control population and resource use can be oppressive, if not fatal to a planet. Who has ever read or heard about alien poor - in the human sense, aliens who lack medical care and access to a good education (functionally, although not necessarily politically)?


Of course, some aliens are poor in resources, especially biological resources, because some planets are reportedly ruined by reckless regimes, depletion, and interventions like those of the gray alignment.

Please remember that aliens come from a variety of planets, some of which are second or latter generation - the place where aliens moved after their old world or star became too dangerous. Some aliens reportedly moved to "terra-formed" extra planets in order to accommodate their expanded numbers.


Others now live on small, dry planets of brief habitability near dangerously unstable stars. In some cases, aliens reportedly use magnetogravity to create a magnetic field and contain an atmosphere on what would otherwise be a lifeless planet. Preliminary alien reports to humans who write on the subject indicate that we're lucky to live on a biologically mature planet with lush plant and (currently diminishing) animal life.

Again, aliens ask why we don't organize global conventions to protect the remaining species that live here and preserve our planet for "the longest possible" term, to quote one advanced alien.


If we fail do so, we’ll disappoint aliens who would like to visit and study our ecosystem. Worse yet, there's a fear among aliens that if we do too much damage to Earth, humans may become a traveling basket case, a homeless population that encroaches on other aliens’ future plans. Along with other humans, I hear such statements at intervals.


The character and context of such remarks vary, i.e. Verdant-gray alignment aliens from a distant galaxy, abductors (reported by Phillip Krapf and others) who tend to justify their manipulation of humankind in such terms, while more ecologically correct aliens ostensibly native to the Milky Way vicinity tend to remark with less presumption.

One basic reminder before we discuss inter-alien relations further: for humans who interact with aliens, discovery of vast off-world dynamics and technologies can be humbling, if not confusing. Sometimes the discovery comes after subtle, seemingly inexplicable hints appear. Then, when it finally becomes clear that extraterrestrials exist (they're right in front of the person’s nose), the implications pose a major challenge.


Aliens are exquisitely aware of this and some, i.e. the colonials noted above, will try to take advantage of human neophytes by playing on religious themes or the specter of some crazy human reaction to an alien presence.

Researcher David Jacobs notes that,

“during visualization procedures, such aliens might show an abductee a multitude of images: atomic explosions, meteorites striking the Earth, the world cracking in half, environmental degradation, ecological disaster, dead people bathed in blood strewn about the landscape, and survivors begging for help.


Or the aliens might show abductees images of Jesus, Mary or other religious figures. These images have the effect of being so vivid that abductees think the events ‘really happened’ or they ‘really saw’ the religious figure.”

(The Threat, p. 45)

Such experiences arouse great fear, if not passive obedience to the abductors’ agenda.


Other messages seek to limit reports to other humans in order to buy the given aliens more time to work the larger human-alien interaction in their favor.

Generally speaking, reports about first contact with aliens are vivid and breathtaking. Interaction with aliens tends to revolutionize a person's thinking. Fantastic, otherworldly possibilities come to mind, along with the awareness that humans aren't alone.


Contactees say we can learn to live more intelligently and peaceably, like aliens do.


Strange new ideas about extra dimensions and faster-than-light physics are communicated, along with stories about alien worlds and non-human social norms. In almost every case, it becomes obvious that alien telepathy is a faster, better way of communicating.

Here’s why: In our minds, language is a detailed information structure that branches out and interconnects like an entire tree of meanings. A typical sentence or statement would normally be like a single line on a leaf. Meanwhile, telepathy conveys a larger and finer, albeit shaded awareness of the entire tree, replete with complex images relating to both past and future implications.

Better yet, telepathy can reach down into the hyperspace structure of time and convey a much broader sense of a subject. This is typically done in flash-like bursts of information, although not in the sense of visual bursts. Instead, aliens seem to have refined their slightly darkened sense of inner vision, the extra dimensions of mind that humans tend to ignore in favor of brighter visual imagery.

Aliens rely on telepathy and remote sensing for their daily communications. Their ships and installations use psychotronic technology to boost such communications and record key details. In other words, aliens consider telepathy and remote sensing a reliable evidentiary basis for information gathering and reporting. For that reason, I report what I’ve learned through such interactions.


Following chapters outline both the science and the methods for replicating such practices, which will help good, thoughtful readers check on details. The methods outlined in this book are important and owe much to interaction with aliens. More importantly, such methods will be part of our larger interactions for a long time to come.

Abductee Jim Sparks told Dr. John Mack about telepathy with an alien.


Mack introduces the subject, then quotes Sparks directly:

“One time an older-appearing, wrinkled being with a large head ‘looked into my eyes and communicated what seemed like over a hundred thoughts…


This was done in a split second, which included a separate emotional reaction on my part. I responded in like speed after each transferred statement. This was strange. The speed with which the information was transmitted back and forth overloaded my mind and body.’”

(Passport to the Cosmos, p. 90).

Alien telepathy folds meaning and imagery back into, and through itself nearly instantly so that many ideas are conveyed:

words, graphics, a geometric kind of modeling, and a resonance with the nature surrounding you and them - all at the same time.

Aliens say that the extra dimensions of hyperspace allow this to occur. It’s a finer, more vivid kind of thought process that’s actually easier than our old way of thinking.

In other words, through the negative cycle of gravity, deeper condensed (black hole-related) information capacities can resonate into atomic and other depths that are “right there,” next to or inside of you. How are they “black hole-related?” Structurally, right smack in the middle of, and shaping our entire galaxy plus at “both” ends of time are black holes, the most non-local of non-local phenomena.


Of course, a skeptic will say,

“Whoa, wait a minute! Black holes aren’t non-local! We see where they are, contained and discrete.”

But black holes go beyond the Einstein limit.


Hawkins’s discussions of negative energy hinted that black holes are bizarrely non-local. Along with dark energy and dark matter, they interact to shape the universe. Indeed, one of Einstein’s mistakes may have been to assume that there was but one, single kind of gravity. Meanwhile, aliens directly state that there are different kinds of gravity and that black holes define a vital part of the “negative cycle” discussed in previous pages.


Remember: normal energy curves and moves out from atoms, but “negative” energy - like gravity - pulls inward, and, at the same time, resonates out across deep space multi-directionally.

Not only do alien ships contour a half-spin & half-flip into a deep-down tied to way-out-there resonance, but when alien minds interact across great distances, they do more or less the same. Their minds resonate down into a deeper kind of gravity that exists in the universe, a kind of half-state in which black holes and bizarre energy fluctuations exist but are, in some strange way, smeared out in time, rather than sitting still.


Because it occurs across a distance, it has a faded kind of out-of-body feel. It isn’t as brightly vivid as an object in front of you. Instead, it’s more like the darkened inner vision of your mind.

So, in hyperspace, your past never really leaves; it cycles back through you to be fadedly accessed as you choose. In the case of criminal offenders, the past can cycle back through them whether they will it or not, owing to larger social conditioning and extra sentience. They can be seen through in precise detail by people working for the common good, a higher kind of transparency.


Telepathy and remote sensing are sensitivities that human contactees begin to learn right from the start, often without realizing it. To help illustrate the practice, let's discuss a closely related human subject.

The new physics of mind is characterized by a kind of transparency, a deeper connectedness within the vacuum of space.


Russell Targ, a PhD in physics, tells audiences that during the Cold War he and Hal Puthoff trained hundreds of CIA employees how to do remote viewing (seeing distant objects, seeing through solid containers, etc. using the mind, not the eyes).


Common sense suggests that the US government wouldn’t pay two PhD's to train so many were there no scientific basis to the procedure. Remote viewing has a demonstrable basis in the weird physics of seemingly “empty” space.

Some of the remote viewing basics that Targ discusses have been known for centuries. Again, Targ says that in order to do remote viewing you need to be able to clear your mind, to make it blank - like a dark, black screen. If you can't do so, the objects and images (or info) that you try to view remotely will not appear correctly. Targ tells his audiences to be patient and take time.


Don't use your rational, deliberate thought processes to deduce, or guess; don't analyze by process of elimination. Just allow the image to come into your mind. It may be the first you “see;” it may be a surprise to you.

There are other methods for remote sensing. Using the centuries-old practice of toh shi, Japanese people see through closed containers to describe exactly what they contain. With practice, we, too, can do so by using the electromagnetic (and presumably electrogravitic) ability of the brain to essentially "taste" or read the atomic signatures of any material that’s hidden from view. It’s a basic, telepathy-like ability of any human, probably many animals also.


Our rational editing process has obscured it, however.


To begin on toh shi, simply close your eyes and selectively "feel" an array of different materials before you, one at a time, with the electromagnetic focus/foci of your brain (the many brain contours that can sculpt or focus different kinds of light waves, which are common in your brain).


The more relaxed, extremely low frequencies (e.l.f) of the human brain can penetrate solid objects, so they probably form part of the basis for toh shi.

You needn’t be born with the talent. You need merely sensitize yourself to the process. You can start right now, if you wish, by scanning materials (keeping your eyes closed) to practice your brain's feel of different materials. Each will have a signature that's something like a "taste," so to speak, to your nerve structure (a first impression).


Plastic "feels" different than does wood or metal, for example. The first time you do it you may not notice how different each is, but on later tries you may begin to get the knack.

In 1989, I had a summer job as a rice inspector for the state of California.


Having read about extra-sensory capacities previously, I remember standing above a screen-like tray used to sift out certain sizes of rice and thinking,

"What if I close my eyes when the screen is almost completely empty? Will I be able to sense, with my brain, if a single rice kernel remains?"

So, I tried - and was able to do so repeatedly. I could tell exactly where the single remaining kernel was.

Little did I know what I was onto, at the time. Later, after years of interactions with aliens and reading about related phenomena, I happened on a description about the ability. I queried a Japanese professor and got a brief paragraph defining it as "toh shi," a widely known traditional Japanese practice.

Later, I practiced with eyes closed - testing plastic, wood, glass and metal for their different "feels" to my nerve structure (not touching them physically). Within a day or
two, I was easily identifying different materials with my eyes shut. The simple electromagnetic differences of different elements could easily explain toh shi. The fact that extremely low frequency brain waves (part of every human brain) can penetrate solids further allows for the precise imaging of toh shi.


In order to do so correctly, you need to separate from your visual aspect - use only your brain structure, the darkened inner, non-visual basics of your brain/thought.

I knew I was getting the knack when I stopped by the night table drawer of my mother-in-law, who was visiting us in San Francisco, and tried to "read" what was in it. I sensed the exact objects in the exact order they were arrayed, which I verified upon opening the drawer. I took it all in stride - so much more was going on in my life at the time. I'm certain that my brain is nothing special.


You can probably do this, but only if you try.


Think in terms of electromagnetism (light waves), if you prefer. The marginally faster-than-light aspects of electrogravity are only an option, should you progress to that stage. And, don't worry, toh shi isn't going to allow Bin Laden to get his hands on nukes, nor will it allow humans to copy any alien technology that they choose.


A complex education is necessary to understand nukes, and alien technologies are so advanced that they involve millennia, if not millions of years of various shifts in scientific thought and materials sciences that humans haven't even dreamed of yet. Entire lives are spent in the study of mere aspects of such technologies.


Toh shi and remote viewing aren't going to upset the apple cart. If anything, they will help humans become more honest so that we can safely interact with a variety of aliens.

There are subtle ironies, of course.


As Targ says,

"The big secret is that there are no secrets."

Aliens know this and further suggest that this simple, basic fact helps to keep the entire universe honest (with some limited exceptions). It allows for checks on the schemes and intentions of any offender.


Alien methods and explanations for remote sensing are slightly different than the human version.

So, humans who try to tell you that remote sensing capacities are a threat to human security may have questionable motives for doing so. Remember, they aren't worried about remote viewers like you lifting weapons designs, which largely remain indecipherable. The truth is, there are two basic groups who most fear the use of remote sensing to “see” through walls and over large distances.

  • First, the most corrupt, repeat offenders among us fear that remote sensing will expose their crimes. It will turn up the heat and betray them.

  • Secondly, remote sensing allows us to greatly advance our awareness of aliens.

So, the (minority) alien contingent that abducts humans in order to hijack control of the human agenda fears remote sensing because it will expose their crimes, also.

Finally, above all else we should remember that there is already a huge and highly refined cosmic (and earthly) community practicing remote sensing.


Entry into such awareness involves an ecology of non-violent, non-invasive considerations. Think in terms of a library or a museum, for example, where peoples of all kinds mix without incident every single day. It's a given that we can do so, if we simply remember not to violate others in the process.


Ask any child: it should be fairly easy, shouldn't it?


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