
The Verdants

27. - Crime in Alien Societies

Although we don’t yet have human reporters in alien societies, we do have statements by aliens about crime on other worlds. At various junctures in my interactions (observed by other humans), aliens have stated that crimes and corruption arise in their societies. Concentrations of power and favoritism are said to be a problem, as is resistence to reform of off-world policy.


Unlike Earth, where racketeering and theft of government resources centers on certain repeat-offender families (i.e. Du Ponts, Rothschilds, royals, etc.), alien crime can center on those who simply share agendas, disposition, or technocratic coldness. Some of the ugliest crimes are committed within specialized off-world sections that a mainstream alien may hear little about.

There are different psychotronic cultures (mind activated technology) in different locations, hence topics wrapped into psychotronic news and study information can vary. The basic drift of psychotronic information on a home planet or a heavily-populated colony planet, may be starkly different from the information culture on a smaller base-planet near the site of an intervention like that on Earth. By way of analogy, the talk in a UN cafeteria is starkly different from what one hears in a Halliburton lunchroom in Iraq.

Aliens who favor expansion and resource predations lead in some of the worst crime categories, yet some argue that they’re only indirectly involved in the doings of their various minions and direct operatives. Genetically-manipulated aliens who no longer sympathize with victims of abusive off-world policies can rationalize destruction in terms of control, evolution, and idealized technological priority. Aliens who’ve shared information with humans have said that aliens occasionally crack up and commit murder, even among extraordinarily advanced societies. However, murder rates are said to be relatively low. One hyper-advanced alien said that the most gentle, non-violent human cities nearly rival the low level of violent crime on at least some alien planets.

In other words, aliens have to reform their worst offenders somehow. They must be monitored and kept out of sensitive positions. In societies where telepathy and psychotronic technology can often discern antisocial attitudes, violent offenders are more easily detected. However, there are complications. Alien criminals may behave subtly to avoid detection or may exercise their animosities in government roles where the “official” excuse provides cover. Worse yet, some alien genotypes and individuals can be identified then tracked or cultivated to do the worst kind of duties.

Psychotronic technology is reportedly used to monitor, and if necessary, isolate alien criminals. Aliens have hinted at the limits of psychotronic conditioning to reform lawbreakers. Some criminals may be genetically defective, incapable of complete reform.


In other cases, reportedly, there are mixed varieties of treatment:

  • genetic procedures

  • psychotronic conditioning

  • lucid experience psychotronic conditioning

  • re-sensitization

  • rehabilitative work assignments

However, there must be careful oversight because the same kind of conditioning can be used for mind control and cultivation of agent-offenders (this is reportedly now a problem among human elites, as evidenced in MKULTRA and Monarch crimes against humanity) which provide a non-registered human population that the IFSP (Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets) could abduct without official detection.


See about Rockefeller funding of Auschwitz “Doctor of Death” Mengele’s early eugenics work. US intelligence seized Mengele’s records about torturing child sex abuse victims to create multiple personality syndrome for covert purposes, i.e. in the alleged Monarch program later associated with various CFR members.

Slavish addiction to technology can go drastically wrong.


For example, a corrupt alien bureaucracy will commit heinous crimes. Then, in order to mend the mood and outlook of those who do the crimes directly (i.e. an abduction/breeding and manipulated conflicts scheme targeting a planet like Earth), the bureaucracy can set its psychotronic technology so that it gives pleasure (a potentially addictive kind of stimulation) to those same, lower-order individuals who do the dirty work.


This helps keep them going at an industrial clip so that they experience less depression and breakdown due to the disturbing nature of their work. If, for reasons of outward governmental appearance, the bureaucracy doesn't want to do the psychotronics under its official auspices, it can simply make the hardware necessary to do so available to those who do the dirty work so that they can please themselves.

In fact, we sometimes see hybrids and other aliens in the IFSP structure who behave as though slightly addicted, at times. Assuming that narcotics are impolitic within such alien groups, we've often questioned just what keeps the dirty workers going, given their marginally addictive-seeming behaviors. Psychotronics seem to fit the bill, at least in part.


Psychotronics can be set to create feelings of wonder, awe, beauty, insular grandeur, physical stimulation, godliness, false spirituality, color, mood, and more. Such feelings are actually only a recording of an event or stimuli that is artificially induced later—borrowed from some other context for coldly efficient, official uses. Numerous abductees have experienced this as trauma. It’s criminal, yet the worst alien offenders will pose themselves as technologically godly, in a sense. So beware: the error lies within the pretension.

Propaganda, usually framed in terms of insular one-ness, is used to keep dirty workers on-task and committed to their work. When one population within a large aggregate has greatly more advanced technology than do the other populations, technology and information access can be used to motivate lesser populations to obey. Those who do as they are told can be offered work in far-flung places on exotic missions. They can be promised better healthcare, education, even extended lifetimes.

Lest readers think that psychotronics can stimulate total pleasure, I should note some limitations. During the course of my interactions (educational--to be reported), non-IFSP aliens have demonstrated various psychotronics and have actually used others, to a limited extent, as part of their daily activity. As a result, I have a basic sense of their usage.


Psychotronics can’t completely take over your thoughts, mind, and awareness.


They can cloud, slow, or dull them, but a typical human will notice a stark difference between his or her own norm, vs. a psychotronically-induced version. It may be difficult for some aliens raised on a steady stream of psychotronics to sort out their own feelings vs. psychotronically-induced sensation. Alternatively, psychotronics can enhance memory or be used to help with more condensed and efficient learning, or spatial orientations.

Sexual stimulation by psychotronics isn’t remotely like actual sex. Even if there is visual imagery, psychotronic stimulation feels artificial, as though remotely manipulated by a very detectable individual (who isn’t erotic, by the way). It feels like a concentrated, locally irradiative stimulation in the groin area, but is incongruous, incompatible with your mind and your actual erotic experiences. It is used to extract semen, or eggs, and is sometimes used to influence naïve or corrupt people.


Normal, consensual sex is many times more physically pleasant, especially if the partner is close and unaware of superficial distractions.

Again, psychotronics are no substitute for human contact. They are jarring, intrusive, and relatively weak, overall. At most, human sexual psychotronics would be a diluted form of masturbation. So, please, don’t wait for it to happen to you. A willing human mate is many times more stimulating. In fact, I know of no intelligent alien’s use of psychotronics to induce orgasm in humans, except to study them or take reproductive samples (for a breeding program). Aliens evince a distaste for, if not impatience with humans who think otherwise. It’s a question of who is better and more civilized (the greater standard is non-sexual).

Hyper-advanced aliens can make a criminal revisit the implications of a given crime in order to re-sensitize the individual. He or she can be psychotronically and otherwise made to feel the pain and awareness of the victim and the victims’ associates, the reactions and opinions of his or her own associates, and more.


Hyperversal aliens can show the criminal alternate eventualities that would have happened had the crime not been committed, versus the situation resulting from the offense. The extent to which the individual learns from the experience may vary.

Some aliens are reluctant to discuss their criminals, perhaps for fear that human spy agencies may try to get in touch with and use them somehow (some aliens can ward off human probing). They want to project a sanitary image of themselves, given the crudeness of human elites, at present.


However, basic discussions about alien crime arise often, especially in the context of the IFSP’s intervention here.

When extensive, multi-planetary structures rationalize crime in order to gain resources or control over another people, the entire alien society comes into question. The more animal and distant a target people may seem, the more likely it is that crime may be tolerated in the approach to such people. As various aliens have stated over time, all biological beings have needs and tend to detachedly rationalize their ability to dominate and control. The IFSP is but one example.

In other words, the more technologically advanced a population is, the more likely they are to think their society more capable, hence more qualified to determine a given off-world situation. Technology can be civilizing yet may be used to compel obedience. It is no guarantee of good character. Aliens evolve from animal origins, and, like any animal population, there is insularity among large concentrations.

Finer kinds of sentience or spirituality may wither beneath technological regimes concerned with domain. There are different varieties of this within alien societies, which are reportedly almost always structured collectively. The irony, of course, is that advanced societies have a larger awareness, a greater diversity of worlds to study or visit.


They see the natural wonders of the universe - black holes, the huge orb-like craft of hyper-advanced aliens, primitive biomes that probably feature dinosaurs -- sometimes close-up. But one alien’s spectacle is another alien’s workplace. There’s pressure to conform in order to meet resource needs. Mass crimes are more easily rationalized from a great distance.

Those who might think that technology is salvation need merely look through a telescope. The natural variety of the cosmos suggests that technology isn’t prime; it’s only useful in limited ways. If hyper-advanced aliens are correct, technology has been abused by various regimes, which has required the sentient majority to moderate them.


The most advanced societies live within a shared oneness, on a vast, universal scale, always aware that a categorically more refined order may have preceded them (and may yet be extant!).


It’s a multi-dimensional continuity, not a mere singularity (although it is related to deeper, negative/alternate cycling of all singularities). As is evidenced by the most moderate hyperversals, humility is the lesson for all, no matter how advanced they may be. The more sentient/spiritually awake they are, the less numerous they need to be.

Some hyper-advanced kind effectively spread out among, and partly inhabit all who exist. Among the best, species and physicality pose no boundary. Inversely, all who exist partly inhabit the larger order of being. As water seeks its own level, so do the best, shared kind. Some of this connects on the level of feelings, yet sexuals have been advised to set aside desires, wants and individual pretensions. Otherwise, they’ll neither see the larger whole, nor have the patience to tend to it (the “it” in this case is the collective condition in which we all live, how we cohere so very precisely).

Do aliens fear the consequences of violating others?


In each case, you can study how they define themselves and their involvements, then you’ll see. Due to negative cycle re-dimensioning (part of the very premise for this universe), all that we do - every thought, every deed and every consequence - cycles back to us via that same inward pull and coherence of all quanta, gravity, energy, etc. That same inversion, a bending back of time and events such that higher technology and science can resonate within such curvature, assures that there is no escape from wrongdoing. It’s literally impossible to do so.


There’s no escape from a universe/multiverse, nor could there be.


All pretensions to do so are but garbage worn as garment - meaningless, temporary. There’s a precise, enduring record and determination in all that we do (the collective “we” is preferred here, being the direction in which we all go).


Universality is all-integrated. There are no exceptions.

Physicists note that all quanta seek the lowest energy level, the least action and movement of a stable orbit or configuration. The constant return to lowest energy level is due to a negative cycle that down-steps through the nucleus (alternative depths) while spanning out into space-time at the same time. It cycles back into itself. It binds and integrates everywhere. It helps conserve the universe for a longer duration.

It’s the basis for our continuity of consciousness, and it connects within extra dimensions of precision.


* Some humans may try to say they weren’t aware that such precision was possible, but for those who are aware, there is no excuse. (There are finer, alternate cycles of longer duration.)