by Tim Rifat
RVScience Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Part 1
The history of remote viewing (RV) goes back to the 1950s. RV was
developed during the cold war to enable security organizations the
ability to gain information about top secret enemy sites, in which
they had no assets. The Russians have always been more advanced than
their American counterparts in the study of biological remote mind
control technology (RMCT). This did not go unnoticed by the
CIA and
the US military. Project Scan gate was implemented to begin research
by the US military into RV. There followed many different projects,
including: Grill Flame, Center Lane,
Sunstreak and Stargate.
As a scientist I became fascinated by the implications of RV, for if
it really worked, it totally upset the paradigm upon which our
scientific model of reality was based. The work of Dr. Jessica Utts,
who being a Professor of statistics at Stanford, has scientifically
proved that RV phenomena exist, was significant in this respect.
For it showed that science as we know
it, is crucially flawed.
It is as if, we have developed atomic energy, yet have less
knowledge than our caveman ancestors of the essential nature of
reality. The skeptics rebutted the Utts paper and have denied any
paranormal phenomena could possibly exist.
This might be more comfortable to the scientific community, but RMCT
is being used more and more by the military. To mask this, the US
military’s position on RV was stated by CIA spokesperson, David
Christian, who accepted that no further official US research into RV
was warranted.
’We think the intelligence community shouldn’t pursue
research on this and that it is best left to the private sector’.
there a campaign of disinformation to mask their continued and
accelerated study of the subject?
Could programmes such as. ’The Real X
Files,’ (shown on Channel 4 UK) created by Jim Schnabel,
an alleged CIA operative, be designed to act as red herrings,
to mask the US security organizations true intent? If so, wouldn’t
the ’public’ interest in this area, mean that the privately run US
RV organizations (all run by ’retired’ US security officers) they
could turn to for training, would have a large number of applicants.
This would be useful if the US intelligence community was trawling
for undiscovered Psi-able people to recruit for a burgeoning RMCT
military programme.
This led me to ask, could there be a scientific basis to RV and
As a proponent of RV, I know that it works.
Joe McMoneagle, a retired army
intelligence, officer, who claims to have left
Stargate in 1984 with a Legion
of Merit Award, for providing information on 150 targets that were
unavailable from other sources, used RV to go into the mind of Shaw
Taylor, to see through his eyes; an experiment carried out on the
Paranormal World of Paul McKenna (ITV TV). This method of using RV
to enter the brains of other people, is called remote sensing (RS). RMCT can be thought of as the basis for
ESP and telepathy. I have
had many people asking me whether there was any available
information on the scientific basis of RV.
Having looked through the Internet at
the available web sites purporting to be leaders in RV technology, I
came to the conclusion that either the knowledge base of Western
experts was feeble, or most of the real information was classified.
Most of the leading research done in the US on brain function with
respect to RMCT (electronic) is classified. The excellent articles
in Nexus (including
Vol3 No3) have covered electronic RMCT in more
depth than is available elsewhere. To my knowledge, there has been
little scientific discussion of biophysical RMCT. The following is a
brief introduction. The Scientific Basis of RV If RV is to work,
something must leave the body, so remote locations can be looked at.
RV uses biophysical field effects to manifest perception outside the
The Russians have been the world experts
in biophysics since the fifties. Research in this area has
concentrated on military uses of biophysical field effects,
telekinesis and the search for Psi genes that promote and mediate RV
and the biophysical fields involved in telekinesis. This has led to
the Russians study of the biological basis of RV. It is well known
that the physical body is surrounded by a mantle of electromagnetic
energy. Our eyes pick up this photonic emission, though 90% of this
information is filtered out in the thalamus, the remainder being
fitted into a visual mental model which we see as reality. Once one
can unfilter visual perception, auras around people can be seen.
Microwave stimulation of the brain with ELF audiograms can effect
brain function for RMCT.
This methodology being the basis of US RMCT, but the EM field around
the body can also be effected by other types of EM irradiation,
electric fields and magnetic fields.
Ross Adey’s research at the Brain Research Institute of the
University of California has shown that there is a biological
reaction to EM radiation. This reaction was found to be dependant on
the frequency, amplitude and dose of the microwave radiation used.
In the 1980s Dr. Ross had performed some crucial experiments using
microwave carrier waves modulated with extremely low frequency (ELF)
modulations to modify brain tissue responses.
A carried out experiments with cat brain
tissue, showing that the binding of calcium ions to neuronal sites
was affected by weak EM fields. These fields were of a frequency an
amplitude which was similar to fields produced in mammalian bodies
and detected on electroencephalographs (EEG). Dr. Adey demonstrated
how a 147 MHz field, which at tissue level had an intensity of 0.8
milliwatt per square centimeter, caused a release of calcium ions
which effluxed from this irradiated brain tissue. This response only
occurred when the ELF modulation of the microwave carrier wave had
an amplitude modulated at 6-20Hz. Maximum stimulation of the
neurones took place at 16Hz; to either side of this frequency range
parameter, there was no effect.
Microwaves of a similar waveform were
used by researcher C S Blackman, in a US research facility. He noted
a set of narrow field intensity parameters of microwave irradiation
effects that was greatest at 0.75 milliwatt per square centimeter;
this caused the neurones to efflux calcium to the greatest extent.
Adey repeated Blackman’s experiments and confirmed a microwave
intensity parametric area, between 0.1 and 1 milliwatt per square
centimeter. This used a 450MHz microwave carrier wave amplitude
modulated by an ELF of 16Hz. It was found this set of EM parameters
caused the largest calcium efflux in the neurones.
When other Em parameters were used this
caused no response. In comparison, ELF modulated microwave
radiation, in the 6-20Hz range at field intensifies lower by several
orders of magnitude than the above, caused a decrease of calcium ion
efflux in the neurones. A useful observation was that the frequency
and amplitude of the response of the neuronal brain tissue, was the
same whether it was stimulated or damped. There was a consistency in
the magnitude of the response, this being a 10-15% increase in
calcium ion efflux using the higher intensifies and an identical
reduction using the lower intensifies described above. Since the
neurones are effected by EM fields, the EM mantle around our bodies
and anything that effects it, will effect brain function.
The mechanism for this is that ELF modulated microwaves can effect
calcium efflux in the neurones, which effects short and long term
potentiation of the neurones with a concomitant effect on memory.
Much of this research was funded by the CIA who began this work on
electronic mind control with their infamous Pandora project. This
research was used to build devices like the RHIC-EDOM (Radio
Hypnotic Intracerebral Control: Electronic Dissolution of Memory),
which is allegedly used for forced induction of hypnotic trance for
the abduction and experimentation of civilians by the US government
My research interest has been in the biological and biophysical
basis of paranormal phenomena. Since the body has an intrinsic EM
mantle, could this EM field be projected outside the body. Dr. Ross Adey’s research has given us a pathway by which EM fields can
directly effect the brain. Could information gleaned by roving
biophysical EM field effects be the basis for RV? These EM fields
could be picking up information, then transferring them to the brain
by the above mechanism. It seems a valid basis for RV. Unfortunately
it is not the whole picture.
RV operators can travel to distant star
systems, travel backwards and forwards In time, enter facilities
protected by metal Faraday-like cages and US facilities armed with
EM flytrap field generators. All of these phenomena indicate
something not limited by Einstein’s Special Relativity theory and
Maxwell’s EM field equations, is acting as the carrier for RV.
Mayhap, US researchers into remote viewers’ capabilities have learnt
to manipulate EM field effects for their RV experiments using
electronic enhancement of Psi effects. This methodology being the
basis for US experiments into biological synthetic telepathy; the
use of EM fields to boost latent Psi gene activity to the level
where it is useful. My research seems to indicate that they are only
scratching the surface of the RV envelope.
What is interesting to note from Dr.
Ross Adey’s research, is that a 6-20 Hz frequency is needed for the
neuronal calcium efflux events. Normal people are entrained to
function at high beta, which pushes there EEG measured brainwave
frequency above the 20 Hz threshold. This means that normal people
have no contact with neuronal calcium efflux events. If these events
are, as I believe, an integral part of RV and other Psi operations,
the general public will be Psi damped, not exhibiting
parapsychological talents to any marked degree. Alpha training,
that teaches people to work in the 7-14 Hz range, seems to open up
Psi abilities. If neuronal calcium efflux events are crucial to Psi
operation, we can begin to see a reason why simple techniques of
alpha entrainment and biofeedback, bring on paranormal functioning
in humans.
Ed Dames has stated that military
remote viewers operate in
theta. This is a brainwave frequency of
4-7 Hz. It may be that lower frequencies in the 6-20 Hz window, are
more powerful for Psi activity. Since the energy of the EM wave is
related to frequency, if we lower the frequency of the brainwaves,
we can think with less energy, and biophysical RV vehicle are
therefore more efficient. To understand what is really going on
beyond the EM bandwidth of RMCT events, we need to look at a
reappraisal of physics. In the early part of this century, Einstein
formulated his General Theory of Relativity. It linked the curvature
of space-time with gravity. In formulating the field equations to
link curvature of space-time with gravity, Einstein found that the
Energy-Momentum tensor (simplistically, the sum total of
mass-energy) did not equate to the Ricci tensor (a curvature
To balance his equation, Einstein had to
subtract from the Ricci tensor R, a sort of one term summary of
curvature, which varies from point to point. As a scientist, I was
intrigued by the question of why this should be so. It would seem to
indicate that reality is not singular but has a duality. The
Einstein tensor only balances when one subtracts the mathematical
summation of the curvature of this other reality, from the curvature
of physical space. The dual nature of reality has been written about
in many books.
Could RV be a biophysical field effect moving in this parallel
reality. If so, our knowledge of the nature of reality may be so
limited that we are completely blind to this second reality, which
is contiguous with our own and only makes itself known to us in the
quantum realm. This parallel reality is seen in lucid dreaming and
OBEs (out of body experience) and is glimpsed in daydreaming states.
Australian aborigines
have a whole body of knowledge about this dreamtime reality. Remote
viewers are learning abilities that our ancestors had direct
knowledge of millennia ago. My research has led me to believe that
this dreamtime reality is not electromagnetic in nature, but is
composed of a new set of field effects.
These field effects are the basis of
biophysical, biotronic and bioplasmic phenomena. The electronic RMCT
of the US government mind control devices and related weapon systems
mimics these higher order field effects. RV, the ability to see
things far from one’s physical body, would have been of great use to
our hunter gatherer ancestors. Hunters who could find game, would by
natural selection, have been more likely to breed. This would mean
that any Psi genes would have been selected. Throughout our hunter
gatherer past, Psi genes would have increased, as those carrying
those genes would be more likely to survive.
With the onset of agriculture, the selective pressure would have
ceased to be so important. This would mean that highly developed
cultures, such as our own, would have lost the Psi genes, whilst
hunter gatherers such as the aborigines of Australia or the Kalahari
bushman, would still have RV capabilities at large in the
population. The widespread
burning and persecution of witches in
Europe would have unselected Psi genes, making them much rarer.
Only cultures which have not persecuted
paranormal ability would have kept a high level of Psi genes. The
North American Indians venerated paranormal abilities, so they would
have been a repository of these genes, had not Europeans slaughtered
them. The former Soviet Union has been researching Psi genes for
decades. KGB operatives were told to pick up people displaying
paranormal abilities for use in their vast parapsychological
research projects
In the 1960s, the Americans only tacitly began to research the
subject: ’because the communists were doing it’. Their research was
based on new age phenomena and methodology. This meant the Americans
never achieved any great breakthroughs in biophysical field
phenomena, hampered as they were by new age thinking, at the expense
of the scientific methodology. In 1995, the US security
establishment decided to take a new interest in biophysical RMCT.
This meant that the CIA had to release disinformation that purported
to state that the Americans had given up this research -even though
it worked.
The Psi genes in the genome of the
people taking RV courses will affect the ability of people to
remotely view. From our research it does seem that some people can
display significant RV capabilities. This would seem to indicate
that man had a long history as a hunter gatherer and the period
since agriculture took hold, has not unselected all the Psi genes
from the population. It does seem that western women have had a
number of the Psi genes removed from their genomes, by the selective
pressure of burning any women in the middle ages that showed
paranormal ability.
My research seems to indicate the
European men would score significantly better at RMCT than women.
Other cultures that have not persecuted their females may have RMCT
performance enhanced in the women of their populations, as their
appears to be significant sex related Psi-amplification in females.
The World Wars in Europe would have acted on any males in combat as
a considerable selective pressure to choose for those individuals
carrying Psi genes, as probably, they would be more likely to
survive. This would have meant the progeny of Europeans who fought
in the wars would have more Psi genes in the population than they
would normally have had, had it been peacetime.
The magazine Fortune has stated that the
’top 500’ CE0s, have greater than normal Psi-intuition and
gut-feeling symptomatic precognitive reactions. My research seems to
indicate that there are secondary and primary Psi genes. The
secondary Psi genes are those that facilitate biophysical
integration with the organism and which code for richer and higher
function neural networks to interface with the biophysical energy,
Primary Psi genes are those that give enhanced RMCT capability by
the specific nature of the proteins they code for, which act as
biophysical batteries and other more obscure phenomena which are
involved with biophysical processing, storage and utilization. It
appears that some peoples’ bodies act as natural Psychotronic
Generators, storing Psi energy.
The high basal stress levels of western man release a torrent of
neurohormonal and electrical stimuli that appears to
switch off the Psi genes. Instead this over-stimulation switches on the
that cause cancer. This means that paranormal phenomena are rare in
the general population and lack the repeatability needed for
scientific verification. Switching on latent RV abilities in people.
Since stress interferes with the mechanism of RV. It is vital that
the stress neurohormones and electrical over-stimulation that switch
of Psi genes are lowered to the point where they cannot inhibit RV
activity. It is also necessary to learn new mental software to run
RV programmes to increase the signal to noise ratio of Psi
Learning new memes to switch off the
negative feedback cycle that keeps people in a state of anxiety is
also vital to initiating RV. Simple new habits and software (memes),
that people can use at work to inculcate RV ability also amplify the
process of RV initiation. Built into this methodology are techniques
to free up biophysical energy and develop RV abilities. This was
done with the knowledge that people expend most of their biophysical
energy at work. An effective system of RV training must bring in
peoples’ working habits and training and show them that enhancing
their effectiveness at work by use of Psi-enabling memes, will
invariably open up paranormal abilities.
The rational behind this is, if you are
more effective at work, you have more biophysical energy left over
at the end of the day for use in building an RV biophysical body. By
including your normal day-to-day work memes and incorporating them
into RV training, people will automatically be practicing their RMCT.
The net effect of this is tremendous improvement in their RV
abilities. The Cinema Method of clearing ones mind, using RV as the
moving pictures, is a fundamental next step. When watching the
cinema screen, we all stop talking to ourselves. This switches off
the internal dialogue, the incessant mental conversation that we
have inside our heads.
Mental silence is the second major instigator of RV (the first being
habitually relaxed, by using Psi-enabling stress management
techniques). Clearing the mind by focusing Directed Attention on RV
is the most powerful way of developing RMCT. Directed Attention is
the guided use of perception to study RV. Once Directed Attention
has been set up, it can be used for RV of distant locations. First
practice is on known locations; then more obscure sights. A
discussion of ways of improving the RV abilities are discussed at
length on my web site. The next factor the author looked at, was the
phenomena of being able to be aware of two places at once.
Physical perception and RV can be
practiced at the same time. This has dramatic implications, for it
means that our brains and our biophysical field effects can be aware
separately from one another. Dr. Edelman, a leading
neurophysiologist, has formulated the theory of Neural Darwinism.
This postulates that neurones compete with each other by natural
selection and in the process neuronal group selection forms neural
networks which have the capability of primary consciousness. As the
process is iterated, High-Order Consciousness develops leading to
sapience in man.
Connecting this work with that of Dr. Ross Adey, indicates that the
brain can think without biophysical field effects, but these field
effects through their link with calcium efflux modulated neuronal
potentiation events, can interact in a synergistic manner. Research
into RV and OBEs indicates that biophysical field effects also have
High-Order Consciousness.
The mechanism of High-Order Consciousness in Biophysical field
effects is derived from similar processes of Darwinian Selection in
morphogenetic fields.
It is known by morphogenetic developmental researchers, that. the
human genome does not contain enough information to turn the
blastocyst into an embryo. Morphogenetic field effects are needed to
switch on specific gene groupings dependant on their position in the
blastocyst (small clump of fertilized cells). These biophysical
morphogenetic fields switch on specific genes and turn of other
genes, all based upon their location in space-time. A profound
revelation to the author, who realized that the biophysical fields
contain large amounts of information not held in the genome. Further
to this, the biophysical fields can control gene expression. It did
not take me long to realize that a natural consequence of RMCT was
the development in RV practitioners of an evolution in their
morphogenetic fields.
Like the neurones effected by neural
Darwinism, morphogenetic fields could evolve through primary
consciousness to High-Order Consciousness. This would enable
powerful RV abilities, but more importantly, it could lead to the
Psi-able operator being able to switch his genes on and off. The
health and gerontology implications of this are far reaching. The
author developed Paranormal Psychoneural Immunology, the use of
to raise morphogenetic field effects to High-Order Consciousness.
With the discovery that a gene changed naturally into a normal
version in a patient suffering from lethal genetic diseases, it
appears our genome can be changed in vivo.
RMCT in its guise of Paranormal Psychoneural immunology, can be used
to change our own genome. It seems that the use of theta states in Psi-able operators can enable them to
rewrite their own DNA. This
line of research may enable the author to increase the telomeres on
the end of his chromosomes by selective stimulation of telemerase
enzymes in the nucleus. Since telomere loss is associated with
ageing, this may boost longevity without the risks associated with
the US drug rejuvenation programmes, being developed by American
corporations for
the NWO super rich.
To conclude this introduction to the
science of biophysical RMCT, a technique known as ’Sleep-Wake
Hypnosis’ allowed a hypnotist to transfer hypnotic commands
telepathically to a subject, whether they were a few feet, or even a
thousand mile away. A Ukrainian, Albert Ignatenko
demonstrated (on the Paranormal World of Paul McKenna, ITV UK) that
he could raise or lower the pulse rate of people who were remote
from him. This was a dramatic demonstration of remote influencing
(RI). RI is the basis of hypnosis. My research would seem to
indicate that RV of other people, can enable the Psi-able operator
to effect the neuronal calcium efflux of that person, rather like
the NSA electronic microwave mind control machines. The use of RI
could therefore be used to effect the money markets, by working on
the brains of the market makers.
Since the biophysical field effects
reside in us all, it would seem probable that RI will be seen as a
threat to
the NWO ruling class. At
present biophysical RMCT is not legislated against, because the
Russian military have almost exclusive use of it. With the
burgeoning of small individual companies in the RV field, all run by
’retired’ US military personnel, one can be sure that effective RI
will never reach the public domain. This is a pity because some
aspects of Alternative healing can be thought of as a crude common
usage of RI. The ability of the RV attention to effect the body and
those of other people, could have tremendous implications for
healing and the health of the nation.
The RI effect is the scientific basis of the mind over matter
phenomena. The forthcoming EU bans on alternative therapies,
vitamins and herbal remedies, may Just be the tip of the iceberg. In
the future it may be illegal to think in anything but beta. With
only a select few, authorized to work in Psi-enabling theta. The
rising tension in the world, media fear-mongering and the mind
deadening effect of TV may he a coincidence, but yet again they may
RV is being used by many branches of military and state security.
The science of RMCT is in its infancy but may prove to be a
key agency in the affairs of the twenty first century.
[1] 600 plus
Internet references on alta vista; James Adams, Day of the
Pentagon Mindbenders, Sunday Times, 3 Dec. 1995; Jack
Anderson and Michael Binstien, Psychic Spies have a Home at
the CIA, United Features Syndicate, 1 Nov. 1995; Gregory
Vistica, Psychics and Spooks, Newsweek, 11 Dec. 1995; Bob
Rickard, From Russia with Anxiety, Fortean Times, June 1996.
[2] The Journal of Scientific
Exploration; Stanford, Vol. 10 No 1, pl-lll.
[3] The work of the Society of Psychical
Research on RV: ’ESP’ Fact Sheet’ by Dr. John Beloff,
psychology Department, University of Edinburgh
[4] Refer to the Internet for Dr. Ray
Hyman and his rebuttal of RV,
[5] Refer to Internet for US RV
[6] Secret and Suppressed, Feral Press.
[7] Electronics World and Wireless World:
The healing face of electromagnetic fields; 1993.
[8] UFO Reality, No3, X-File Document, by
Jon King.
[9] Daimonic Reality, Harpur, Viking
The Fire Within, by Carlos
[10] Daniel Dennett, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea.
[11] Psychic Dictatorship In the USA, Feral Press;
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain.
[12] refer to the work of
Wilhelm Reich ;
Robert Pavlita.
[13] refer to Ingo
Swann papers on the Signal to Noise
[14] refer to collected works of
Carlos Castaneda, yogic
texts, Zen manuals...
[15] Gerald Edelman, Bright Air Brilliant Fire, New
York Basic 1992.
[16] The Raiment of Light, David Tansley.
[17] refer to the entire work of
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.
[18] New Scientist, 18th July 96.
[19] refer to articles on
natural healing on the Internet.
Further References
1 -
Nexus Vol. 3 No 3.
Voyage; Courtney Brown.
3 - Encounters, Vol. 10, Room with a Remote View,
4 - Encounters, Vol. 7, Psi Spies, Marie-Louise Small.
5 - Mind Track;
Joseph McMoneagle
6 - Remote Viewing: The Story of the Real X Files; T
Rifat (in the process of being written)
7 - CIA Signed up Psychics as Spooks, Robert Matthews
Sunday Telegraph, 4-8-96.
Part 2
Throughout recorded history, there has been evidence that the
reading of minds was possible, be it a fleeting phenomena. We all
have had moments where we knew what was in the other person’s mind,
though the telepathic episodes are non reproducible and transient.
As a scientist, I have been looking at the biological basis of
telepathy and ESP. The military have long been interested in
The ability to telepathically read the enemy’s minds, has tremendous
strategic as well as tactical value.
The experiments that were undertaken
within the USA to demonstrate ESP and telepathy, had an ulterior
military intent which was never revealed. In military jargon,
telepathy is called scanning. Pathetic snippets of information about
ESP phenomena filter into the scientific community, but the leading
parapsychological institutes in the UK and Europe, are nothing more
then glorified social scientists who mistakenly think psychology
will open up ESP -if it exists at all- to scientific analysis.
While telepathy and ESP, like UFOs, do
not exist to the western scientific community, insiders in the US
secret government have long known these phenomena are for real.
While in Russia, the military uses of telepathy and ESP have been
well researched.
1 . Deployment of these
telepathic weapon systems has been carried out since the
sixties. Failure by the US government to duplicate the Russians
in the biophysical field, led them to develop synthetic
telepathy. This was the electronic scanning of victims brains by
monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples’
brains and using among other things, the P300 brain waves (as
measured on an EEG), to read the victim’s subvocalised thoughts.
2 . Sony has for five years ploughed millions of yen into
researching ESP and telepathy.
3 . If these phenomena do not exist, why are the big
players spending fortunes on research and why is all the
meaningful research classified? The answer to that being that
the NWO wishes to use this ESP research for military purposes
and for civilian control. As an independent researcher in the
field, I have no such aims. The following is a cutting-edge
analysis of how telepathy and ESP might work. To begin my story
of the scientific basis of telepathy and ESP.
I choose to start the discussion
with the more prosaic subject of language. The leading authority
on language being Noam Choasky, who has put forward the idea
that: ’the language organ was not an adaptation, but... a
mystery, or a hopeful monster. It was something that perhaps
would be illuminated some day by physics, but not by biology.
4 . Chomsky proposed that the structure of language is
primarily fixed in the form of innately specified rules and all
the human baby does to learn language, is to rewrote a few
neuronal pathways, that make him into a Spanish speaker, rather
than an English speaker. According to Chomsky, the baby is not a
General Problem Solver, who must learn all the aspects of
language from scratch. Instead the baby is born with the
equipment to express language and merely has to rule out a few
possible neuronal pathways and rule in a few others.
The great man goes further and
states, it is easy for even ’slow’ children to learn a language.
They are not really learning anything. A few developmental
triggers set the language-acquisition process in effect and a
few environmental factors guide the process into shaping of
whatever country’s language is spoken, for example in the form
of speaking English with an Australian accent.
5 . It seems that babies are born with the ability to
speak, and given the correct stimulus, this innate
characteristic just develops, How could language be hardwired
into the brain and if it is not, what information storage system
facilitates rapid learning of language in infants? It is common
knowledge that the neurones in the brain are evolving by
competitive pathways and many of these neurones die.
6 . If language was hardwired into the brain, it would
have to be in very deep ancient parts of the brain. The older
parts of the brain such as the limbic and reptilian brain
centers, came into being long before language. So to attribute
hardwired language neuronal networks being placed in these older
parts of the brain is not a good idea. To fully answer this
question, we must realize that organisms are conceived with not
enough information in their gnomes to organize development of
the fertilized egg into a fetus.
Developmental biologists have had to
make recourse to field effects that guide the morphological
development of the blastocyst (small clump of fertilized cells).
The arch heretic,
Rupert Sheldrake, postulated morphogenetic
fields, which carry the information and help direct development
of the blastocyst into a fetus.
7 . Could a morphogenetic field effect also carry the
information for language development? This would be a
biophysical field effect and would therefore ’be explained by
physics, but not by biology' as Chomsky had previously proposed.
If biophysical fields contain the seminal information for
language, then these field effects could also control the
development of language in a baby.
The acquisition of language would
therefore be as natural as a seal learning to swim; an innate
preprogrammed quasi-instinctual ability, that only needed
practice to perfect. Once the biophysical field effect had been
activated, it set the neuronal pathways in Brocas body and other
speech centers in the brain ( see fig 1 speech centers in the
brain ), into conformations dedicated to language. Since
neuronal pathways grow by selected competitive cell death, once
these pathways had been set they would remain.
This might explain why it is so
difficult to learn new languages in later life, after the
biophysical field effects have been activated and completed
their programme of hardwiring neuronal pathways into the speech
centers. The idea that there is a higher reality containing the
intents of all things, is an ancient theory. Eternal Platonic
Fixed Points, the notion that there are the seminal ideas for
everything in creation could be applied to language.
8 . If the seminal intents for language existed in
biophysical field effects, then they would naturally hold the
information for language acquisition, extra-genetically. Could
biophysical field effects act as carriers of information?
Morphogenetic fields have been postulated to carry the
information for cell development. Many great thinkers throughout
history have put forward the notion that ideas exist in a
reality of their own.
9 . This reality has been put forward as the other side
in the dualism theory.
10 . Dualism postulates that there exists another reality
where the mind has its residence. Since this reality is made up
of mind stuff, it would naturally contain the ideas for
everything, including language.
11 . As a scientist, I would have to ask the questions,
what is the physical nature of this second reality and how does
it interact with the physical reality? To answer my own
question, I would answer, it is made up of biophysical,
bioplasmic and biotronic field effects which can interact with
the neurones in the brain by effecting the rate of calcium
efflux at these sites.
Since calcium efflux events in the neurones are intimately connected with short and long term
potentiation of these sites, it is the way by which field
effects can input and output memories in the brain and
intimately control the state of excitation and potential
excitation in the neurones of the brain.
By biophysical interaction and
mediation of calcium efflux events in the neurones, natural
biophysical field effects, that comprise the mind, can
synergistically reside in the totality of the organism. Unlike
earlier researchers in this area, my finding suggest that the
brain and the biophysical field effects, can both be conscious,
independently of one another. When they work together, there is
a synergistic amplification of function and a reduction in
chaotic processes. Humans possessing biophysical fields that
have the potential to be conscious, explains OOBES, dreaming,
Doppelganger, and a host of other paranormal phenomena.
If conscious biophysical fields can
leave our physical bodies, then knowledge at a distance may be
possible. Rupert Sheldrake has posited that if we are influenced
by morphogenetic fields from particular individuals that we are
linked to, then it is possible that we might pick up thought
images and feelings from them while we are waking or dreaming,
even though they may be thousands of miles away.
12 . In controlled ESP, the operator sends his
biophysical field to interact with the person being scanned. In
spontaneous telepathy other peoples’ biophysical fields might
impinge on our own, causing their ideas to enter our heads. This
for example may be as prosaic as knowing someone is going to
ring or visit us, just before for the event occurs.
Since our biophysical fields are
latent and almost never approach high-order consciousness, these
spontaneous ESP or paranormal phenomena will be rare. The
question may be asked, why does reality need to have a dualistic
nature? Recently, physicists have discovered that duality, when
incorporated into new unified field theories, seems to offer
ways of canceling out the infinities that appear when
renormalizing. Many of the field equations that are dealt with
in GUTs ( Grand Unified field Theories ).
My research into a physics of the
paranormal also needs dualistic field effects to establish
meaningful results. If a biophysical field resides around humans
and this effect comprises the mind, then it means that we all
have access to a realm where ideas have a reality. Mind stuff,
of a nature only mystics have alluded to, may in fact be merely
biophysical field effects. These biophysical field effects
contain massive amounts of information from the past, and by
learning to tap into them, ESP trained operators can see into
the past. Remote viewers, such as
Jo McMoneagle.
13 .
Ingo Swann, has looked at the past using RV. They
have also looked at the future. This would suggest that the
biophysical field effects are not limited to time. If this is
so, then biophysical field effects from the past could effect
the future, and we have a pathway by which information from past
lives could effect people who are alive today.
14 . Biophysical field effects do not die when the
physical body does. The ancient Egyptians had a word for an
aspect of these human biophysical field effects, which they
called the Ka. After death, the Ka was supposed to exist for
another six months before it passed on. My research into
after-life biophysical field effects, seems to indicate that the
higher the energy field of the person who was killed, the longer
their biophysical field can survive after death.
Young people killed in the prime of
life may have the potential to remain as biophysical revenants
for long periods of time after their death, leading to the
phenomena of ghosts. We may also have alien biophysical field
effects from other dimensions impinging on our biophysical
fields, or casting the rightful human biophysical field out off
the physical body. This mechanism may underlie the phenomena of
possession. Akin to this there may also be a form of alien
abduction from our own continuum, where the biophysical fields
are removed and alien field effects implanted. US research in
this area appears to be going on at
Dulce New Mexico.
15 . This may tie-in with the US military remote viewer
who was retired, when he became convinced that there was a
Martian colony below the New Mexico Desert.
16 . Returning to our discussion of telepathy and its
links with the way language develops in children. If the intents
for language reside in biophysical fields that we inherit from
our parents and these fields mirror what we are thinking in our
minds, or are part of the process of mentation, then the
biophysical interaction between different peoples’ minds, we
have discussed previously, give us a method by which telepathy
can function. To become a controlled telepath, the biophysical
field effects that comprise our mind, would have to evolve from
primary consciousness to high-order consciousness, rather like
the neuronal selection process in our own brains.
17 . In this process of neuronal Darwinian selection, the neurones compete with each
other and the failures in this process die, producing a
hardwired neuronal network in our brains. This network can
evolve by competitive cell death throughout our lives, leading
to a labile hardwired brain that can grow new neural pathways in
response to stimuli. If our biophysical fields are capable of an
analogous process of biophysical Darwinian selection, then this
would mean it would be possible to consciously control these
fields to make them evolve from morphogenetic fields, to primary
consciousness and hence to high-order consciousness.
In this final state, remote viewing
ESP and telepathy would become possible. To achieve this would
mean that we would have to train our biophysical fields to
become fully aware, an example would be making dreams become
18 . Raising the consciousness of biophysical fields is
made very difficult because we are programmed from birth to
believe that they do not exist. When children mention their
awareness of this biophysical world, they are told to stop
daydreaming and become adults. By this method of adult social
control, biophysical awareness is suppressed and our mind never
grows. What we think is our mind, is in fact the brain, which is
fully conscious independent of biophysical field phenomena.
Remote viewers have to develop their biophysical fields to
primary consciousness to become aware of information from
distant locations. This takes time and practice.
19 . It would be a simple process if we did not live in
modern society but rather we lived in a primitive culture that
believed in another area of awareness like the aborigines
believe. To them, dreamtime is more real than the physical
world. RV also develops the biophysical field to the point where
it can become detached from the body and roam where it whilst.
To telepathically scan another human, one remotely views another
person. In military telepathy, one scans the target by
projecting the biophysical RV awareness at the person of
interest. RV of people is called remote sensing (RS).
20. In RS the operator learns how to mesh his biophysical
fields with those of the target. In this way, the telepath’s RV
vehicle can interact with the primitive biophysical body of the
target. As discussed previously, the biophysical fields are
information rich. By attuning ones biophysical RV body to that
of the target, the easiest thing to pick up is emotion. Empathic
telepathic awareness is one of the easiest things to learn, in
the training regimen of a telepath.
Emotional states resound through the
fabric of peoples’ biophysical fields and throughout the day we
are picking up emotional emanations from the people around us.
Telepathic developments of this normal instinctual awareness are
the first steps In telepathic training. Development of the RV
biophysical body allows the operator’s field effects to begin to
scan the language information contained in the target’s
biophysical body. Since the seminal intents of language are held
in the biophysical body, telepaths can project their own
biophysical body at the target and scan the language intents
contained in that person’s biophysical field.
Thoughts which are passing through
the person’s head light up those specific language intents in
the biophysical corona around the target. Telepaths can tune
into this language information by merging their biophysical body
with that of the target and uploading the information running
through the target’s biophysical fields. Once the information
has been uploaded, the telepaths biophysical body can return to
the physical body of the ESP operator.
Downloading information which has
been taken from the target can them be used by the telepath to
begin reading information held in the seminal language intents
of the target. These seminal language intents are common to each
language group, so an English speaking telepath can use an
English target, to supply the seminal language intents for his
mind’s and brain’s thought-trains. The end result of this, is
that the telepath begins to comprehend what is on the target’s
mind. Gradual development of this process, allows the telepath
to become more accurate in the reading of the target’s mind.
Since RV biophysical vehicles can
travel instantaneously between target and telepath, this process
can go on in a steady data stream. The telepath’s RV biophysical
vehicle goes to the target’s biophysical field, uploads seminal
language intents flitting through the biophysical corona of the
target then returns to the telepath’s body. Downloading
information into the telepath’s brain, then the biophysical body
returns to the target to continue the process.
This backward and forward process
can go on at such speed, that seamless telepathic input can
occur in the trained ESP operator. Telepathy becomes a little
more difficult with foreign language speakers, but since all
mankind shares the same archetypal seminal language intents, the
telepath can learn to comprehend the mind of a foreigner.
Accuracy is reduced but with practice meaningful data streams
can be comprehended. It was the Russian military that developed
this technology and have been honing the process ever since.
The feeble discussions that western
psychologists have about the veracity of even the simplest
telepathic signals, and their hedging on whether telepathy
really exists, is seen by the Russians as humorous. Russians are
the only people we know of who tried bugging telepathy stated
American/Canadian psychic Investigators, Sheila Ostrander and
Lynn Schroeder.
21 . By introducing a third telepath who knew when
language embedded biophysical information streams flowed between
two other telepaths. The Russians found the biophysical data
stream could not only be broken into but it could be changed by
the third telepath who could substitute new language embedded
biophysical fields. By this method, the Russians learnt how to
hack into telepathic conversations and to then proceed to
substitute fallacious messages and ideas into the minds of the
other two telepaths.
22 . Developing this line of research led to Psi-able
operators fusing their biophysical fields to form group minds.
US interest in this area was stimulated by information they
received in 1973 about a top secret psychical research base
which lay to the north east of Leningrad.
23 . The Russian’s advances In ESP and telekinesis seemed
to be leading them toward the ability to cause physical effects.
This frightened the US missile command as the ability of Russian
psychics to disable US ballistic missiles in their silos or in
flight could destroy the American deterrent capability. In 1975,
a nuclear engineer called
Thomas Bearden was used by the US army
to research into this area of Russian psychical research called
This area of group augmented
telepathic telekinesis follows on from the merging of telepaths’
minds a large number of Russian telepaths could create
thought-forms out of the collective unconscious and cause
materialization. The area of Psychotronics has been of especial
interest to the author. Since biophysical fields mediate the
transfer of language embedded information between telepaths they
potentially could transfer other types of information. As we
have seen, information embedded in biophysical fields may be
able to carry information from distant locations and different
times to the remote viewer.
Biophysical fields since they
originate in a dualistic reality in a realm contiguous with the
physical world may prove a mechanism by which spiritualistic
phenomena such as ghosts and demonic possession may occur. If we
take into account other levels of reality alien visitors from
other dimensions can also be explained as transfers of alien
biophysical energy into our realm from other continuum.
24 . Developing this theory of biophysical field
phenomena in a contiguous reality psychotronic phenomena can be
explained. When more than one telepath gets together, since
their biophysical fields have reached high-order consciousness a
melding of field effects can take place. This is akin to the
merging of energy orbitals when atoms combine to form molecules.
This group mind has many more
potentials than that of a single person, so access to reality
altering states may become possible. In my research into
telekinesis, I have found that the psychokinetic effect is
analogous to the electromotive force described in Maxwell’s
In this equation:
Force(f) =
charge(q) x [ Electric field(E) + Velocity of charge (v) x the
magnetic field (B)].
If we use this equation and modify it for
biophysical fields, we get:
Telekinetic force (T) = Position
vector of field in Riemann Manifold x ( E analogue of
Biophysical field (X) + velocity of five dimensional field
component (V) x B analogue of biophysical field(Y)).
The Y component is the interesting
biophysical field effect in telekinesis in that movement of this
field will amplify telekinetic effects. Since we have put
forward a theory of telepathy in which biophysical fields move
from telepath to subject and the velocity of this interaction
can be almost instantaneous then it can be seen that development
of high-order consciousness can lead to marked telekinetic
ability. In telekinetic training the biophysical field is thrust
at the target with extreme power, unlike telepathy where the
field oscillates between telepath and subject thus canceling out
any psychokinetic effects.
Both superpowers became interested
in telekinesis due to its military implications. Telekinetic
effects may be small but it does not take much force to ruin a
circuit board in a missile guidance system or tear open a
capillary in the brain. Rumors that the Russians can remotely
kill targets up to a 1000km away as stated by Vladamir
Zhirinovsky on British television may indeed be true.
The force that is at the heart of
telekinesis would explain psychotronic phenomenon. Merging of
telepaths into a group mind would amplify the telekinetic effect
if the effect is not simply additive but of a higher-order, then
large scale telekinetic effects may be possible. My research has
linked the telekinetic with the force that collapses the quantum
state function to produce events. In this way telekinesis could
be used to collapse the universal quantum wave function and
change the way events manifest.
Telekinesis can also be used to
collapse the biophysical field effects in the other aspect of
dualistic reality to form thought-forms that can be manifested
to produce specific effects. If one thinks of natural
biophysical field effects merging to form an Earth biophysical
biosphere then in this sea of the collective unconscious lesser
groupings of human biophysical field effects can coalesce to
form racial archetypes as postulated by Carl Jung.
25 . Groups of telepaths could theoretically use
telekinesis to manifest thought-forms from the pool of
archetypes in the collective unconscious and to then go further
and manifest thought-forms from the collective unconscious. With
populations being unaware of any paranormal dimension to
reality, directed thought-forms that effected the mental states
of other nations, could be a useful weapon system or tool of
realpolitik. Psychotronics therefore became one of the chief
research interests of military paranormal research facilities
both in Russia and the USA.
We are surrounded by a sea of
biophysical fields, the so called collective unconscious being a
merging of human and other life-forms biophysical fields. In
this biophysical biosphere, we may have revenants of dead
peoples’ biophysical field effects which channelers can contact
and use as spirit guides. We may also have the different species
biophysical fields merging to form group minds of for example
the tiger or wolf.
Shamans and witch doctors throughout history
have reported these phenomenon but until today, the scientific
knowledge to comprehend what might be going on has been absent.
Aliens from other dimensions may
gain access to our biophysical biosphere by tapping into human
energy given off by sacrifices and black magic rituals allowing
malevolent aliens the so called demonic entities into our realm.
A study of these phenomena has linked them as one of the causal
paranormal effects that initiate world wars. It may be no
coincidence that the Theosophists and the Order of the Golden
Dawn, in their systematic study of paranormal phenomenon could
have tampered unknowingly, with forces that opened gateways to
other dimensions, that enabled malevolent biophysical field
effects to enter our milieu.
Once here, these malevolent demonic
entities could easily enter the minds of the European leaders
causing them to start the First World War that would slay so
many young men and release so much life-force and negative
emotion which these beings could feed upon. US research into
electronic gateways to other dimensions may also be enabling
entities to enter our continuum poisoning the conscious of
humanity in preparation for war. On a lighter note, the group
augmentation effect of biophysical fields can be made use of by
any group of researchers willing to use the paranormal as an aid
to investigation.
Group Augmented RV
During my research, I have become aware of how useful RV can be in
gaining information on topics that have proved impossible to analyze
by any different method. The
abstract on remote viewing in
Nexus Vol. 3 No 6 gives an
introduction to the science which underlies remote mind control
technology (RMCT).
Having developed basic do-it-yourself
guides for beginners in the RV field. It was found that using these
simple methods accuracy could prove to be a problem. The company I
have set up called:
Paranormal Management Systems (PMS),
concentrates on
the scientific study of RV and has developed methods which far
outstrip most military methodologies in the West. Unfortunately many
people have not had access to this new methodology and are
practicing controlled remote viewing as espoused by the Americans.
If your interest is in crop circle, or
UFO, investigation the knowledge that your group can study these
phenomena by using remote viewing and other aspects of the
paranormal such as telepathy may prove of interest. To clearly
explain how RV can be used by any organization as a research tool
let us go through the basic steps involved.
26 . Instead of switching off
the brain stress system to inculcate the theta state of
consciousness, (the method I use in PMS training and which is
mentioned in my previous article in Nexus). I have used the much
simpler technique of listening to classical baroque music to
relax the brain for RV or telepathic operation. This baroque
music technique was developed by the Bulgarians in their Suggestology Super Learning parapsychology training courses.
27 . They found that this type of music naturally
entrained people in the alpha state. The ordered rhythmic nature
of the music entrains alpha waves in the listener. It is much
less efficient than the PMS training, but for beginners It Is
relatively easy just to listen to baroque music and practice RV
or telepathy. It has been found that researchers using RV to
investigate UFOs or using ESP and telepathy to contact various
aspects of the collective unconscious need to work in groups.
The group all choose one target be it an alien planet or
military site... and try to get RV data on the target.
This Is done separately so none of
the UFO remote viewers get a chance to talk over their findings
while they are RV. Once they have completed their RV they look
at all the data the group has acquired. The common
characteristics of what they remotely viewed are the details
they should concentrate on, as if all or many of the UFO remote
viewers saw the same thing independently it indicates their RV
is accurate. A similar method can be used by ESP/telepathic
research groups, be they psychic questing or tapping into hidden
knowledge in the collective unconscious.
28 . By this method of statistical analysis of the
groups’ data they can zero in on accurate RV or ESP/telepathic
episodes. Using this method for all the UFO RV research they can
get very meaningful results even if their RV or ESP/telepathy is
very inaccurate for the individual person. Consequently, the
success they achieve as a group will act as positive feedback
and will improve their individual RV by mechanisms that are
analogous to the ’Hundredth Monkey’ effect. The learning of new
habits at a distance with no physical contact more on this
later. To explain this phenomenon, let us return to the work of
Dr. Jessica Utts of Stanford University who has proved
that RV exists by carrying out a statistical analysis of the
results of US military RV. She found the effect was slightly
greater than chance.
29 . Since the European remote viewer is likely to be
practicing RV using similar methods to the Americans, a method
of filtering out the noise from the RV signal is necessary. RV a
target in groups but in an independent manner, then going over
the results as a group again filters out a lot of the RV noise.
This amplifies the RV accuracy by augmenting the signal to noise
ratio, using multiple remote viewers to give a large data base,
so non correlated RV noise can be cancelled out by cross
correlating results and ignoring spurious data not seen by other
members of the group instead concentrating on details that
everyone was RV.
This means that even though the RV
effect is only slightly greater than chance in US military and
general public RV meaningful results can be gleaned by using
group augmented RV. A caveat to the above being that PMS
training and the drastic techniques the Russians use to augment
RV or ESP/telepathy dramatically improve RV or ESP/telepathic
efficiency. Secondly, my research has found that groups of
people RV the same site at the same time amplify their RV
There is a merging of the
biophysical RV state functions of the field effects involved
that boost the RV efficiency. We have mentioned the ’Hundredth
Monkey’ effect where the more people practice a meme, (habitual
action activity) the easier it becomes for the group. The
knowledge of memes, information passed through the generations
may be of interest in this connection. It is a well known
phenomena that there is a threshold of people or animals
repeating the same meme after which the meme becomes habitual to
the race or species.
The best example is the Japanese
monkey that learns to wash the sand out of its wild rice by
washing handfuls of this sandy rice in the sea. Other members of
its troop copy this meme. Once a hundred or so, of its peers
have learnt this action, the meme miraculously appears in other
monkey troops, on other islands far removed from the original
progenitor of this meme.
The ’Hundredth Monkey’ phenomena is
a well known anecdote about the spreading of memes by remote
influencing. My discussion of biophysical field effects and how
they can interact with other members of the species would seem
to indicate that when a threshold number of biophysical field
effects have learnt a new meme the intent for that meme is
spread by spontaneous telepathy.
This means that for the first people
RV was very difficult but as more people practice RV the easier
it will become. A similar effect can be had with ESP and
telepathy. Group augmented ESP and telepathy can dramatically
boost latent Psi-talent in the individual and result in a growth
of paranormal abilities as the biophysical field of the
individual merges with the group and in the process is
amplified. This amplification process of the individuals
biophysical field is then carried over to the individual upon
the return of the biophysical field to the single state.
Group amplification of biophysical
fields enables the individual biophysical field to develop from
morphogenetic functioning through to primary consciousness and
hence to high-order consciousness where ESP/telepathy is
available. When the person’s biophysical field leaves the group
mind, it loses its high-order consciousness, but there is an
augmentation of its natural consciousness. Continued practice of
group augmented ESP/ telepathy leads to an acceleration of this
development enhanced as it is by the group mind.
In this way individuals can achieve
the maximum capabilities of their Psi-genes in the order of
months rather than years. Further to this, the genome can be
changed by biophysical field effects so the group augmented
biophysical field effect can be used to change the groups genome
to develop new Psi-genes. It can also be used to enhance the
Paranormal Psycho-Neuro-Immunological effects in the individual
and can thus be an aid to healthier longer lives for the members
of the group.
30. This Is the first time these points have been
mentioned outside of superpower military research facilities and
the multinational research being undertaken by Sony. The above
effects mean that any group of people can use RV or
ESP/telepathy as a tool in their own research effort or to cause
physiological changes to benefit healing and longevity.
Synthetic Telepathy
In New Scientist, a recent article describes how Japanese
scientists are beginning to electronically read the P300 brain waves
so that computers can scan the brain for verbal content.
31 . This research has at
present been able to match up only a handful of words that are
passing through the subject’s brain. There has been much
anecdotal reference to a super secret part of the US military
who have developed means of electronically scanning the brain to
read the subvocalisation that passes through the victim’s mind.
Synthetic telepathy, the
ability to electronically scan subversives brains would be a
valuable tool for the US military who since the fall of the
Soviet Union fear their own population more than foreign
Lacking the sophisticated telepaths
that the Russians have developed by using a gamut of drugs,
brain surgery, invasive electronic stimulation, amplification
and psychotronic generator interfaces there is rumour that the
US military have perfected synthetic telepathy. In synthetic
telepathy, the electromagnetic signals in the brain are of a
very weak intensity.
Only the signals associated with
subvocalised thought are of interest. The areas of the brain
associated with speech are Broca, Wernicke and the Supplementary
Motor areas of the brain ( see fig four, Pulsed ELF Modulated
Maser Interrogative Synthetic Telepathy ) .
Therefore. connecting these parts of
the brain to a computer by use of electrodes can give an
information stream that could be decoded by very sophisticated
computer systems to read of the subvocalised thoughts in the
brain. It is well known that the NSA, is the largest of the US
state security organizations possessing the most advanced
computer systems in the world. If Japanese medical research is
already detecting a few key words just using P300 EEG signals
then one can safely assume that the NSA can read off a good
portion of subvocalised thoughts.
If one factors in the alleged
transfer of alien technology from the so called ’Greys’
then full comprehension may be child’s-play. Reading the article
Nexus Vol3 No3 on the
Covert Operations of the US National
Security Agency, the author John St. Clair Akwei,
makes mention of EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural
Monitoring (RNM), and Electronic Brain Link (EBL).
This electronic RMCT has been in
development since the
MKULTRA programme of the early
1950s. It is alleged that the Kinnecome group at the NSA Fort
Meade are deploying this RMCT against their citizens on a grand
scale. Another group at Fort Bragg is alleged to be involved
with synthetic telepathy and the use of electronic RMCT to
augment the capabilities of the Green Berets involved in the
programme. One of the aims of the research may be the removal of
conscience in the soldiers so that they become useful in
expungement of internal subversives such as the militia groups.
My research into biophysical RMCT
has enabled me to discover the principles by which this
electronic RMCT could be made to work. It appears that so called
’alien technology’ is not needed for synthetic telepathy and
that the US military have been using RNM since the early 1980s.
To be effective synthetic telepathy must be usable on
subversives without having to physically place electrodes on
their heads or in their brains.
US military personnel may have first
developed the use of MASERs and other RF/microwave devices that
carry ELF audiograms that interfere with the motor areas of the
brain by destructive interference of motor neurone signals in
the brain ( rather like the systems used to generate real-time
replicas of the noise that the car engine makes but out of
phase, so canceling the roar of the motor by destructive audio
interference ), or just simply swamping the brain with the 10Hz
bioelectric resonance signal associated with motor impulse
coordination ( analogous to radar jamming ).
This would induce paralysis in the
victim, and combined with the short term memory brain wiping
technology, using ELF audiograms that inhibit calcium efflux in
the brain and so stop the subversive remembering what happened
to them, physical extraction and crude synthetic telepathy of
the prisoner by placing electrodes on their skulls may be
effected. Planting microelectronic devices in the victim’s brain
would then be the next step so that behavioral control and
synthetic telepathic subvocalised control signals could be
transmitted to the subversive’s brain, bypassing his ears.
32. It would have become clear after this that some way
to effect synthetic telepathy from a distance would be more
effective. Though a world wide cover story of alien abductions
(even if they were really going on) would enable primitive
physical synthetic telepathy to be tested and deployed behind
this smoke-screen. A further useful result of alien abduction
rumors would be that anyone abducted by the US military for
experimentation or interrogation would never be believed.
33. Synthetic telepathy would need a way of detecting the
15Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions that are
linked with sound which by passes the ear, ELF frequencies that
are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain
associated with subvocalised thought and EEG signals such as the
P300 signals mentioned previously. New technology, involving low
frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built
which can scan through walls and look inside peoples bodies like
34. Deployment of this technology is at least a decade
old and it would enable security personnel to see a subversive
in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further
to this, being able to see inside the victim’s head would allow
computer controlled targeting of specific brain centers in the
victim’s brain even when he was walking around the house. With
the sophisticated computers in the NSA’s possession this
type of targeting becomes possible.
The next step is to scan the
specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises.
The main problem in this is that the world around the victim
generates a vast background
EM noise that swamps out the tiny 5 milliwatt signals in the brain. Fixing the detector on the 15Hz
centered window of ELF signals or the P300 band of emissions is
simply not possible at a distance unless the low level signal
can be extracted from the noise. My interest in the subject came
from the research I have been doing in augmenting weak RV
As described in the last section
using group augmented RV, weak information signals can be picked
out from a much larger background noise, because the noise
effects each of the remote viewers in different ways, but they
all detect aspects of the same weak RV signal in the same way.
This method of using many detectors
to give parallel signals of the same source, can be used to pick
out very weak signals of interest buried in a sea of random
noise because the same weak signal is detected by all the
receivers. Cross referencing the multiple signal returns from
all the receivers and looking only for identical signals can
enable very weak signal detection from the background noise.
With precise targeting through walls
at the victim’s head made possible, pulsed frequency MASERs
fired at the specific brain centers of the subversive while he
resides in his own home becomes possible. Dr. Ross Adey’s
research at Loma Linda Veterans Administrative Hospital in
California, discovered that the best method of getting ELF
signals into human brains is to make it a pulse modulation of a
high frequency field.
35. By firing ELF pulse modulated MASERS, which scan up
and down the window of frequency emissions given off by
subvocalised thought interference effects can be measured in the
MASER beam. The victim’s ELF brain emissions will interact
constructively or destructively with the pulsed frequency MASER
carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised
thoughts. If we fire converging pulsed MASERS which are out of
phase at the brain or brain centers of the victim the out of
phase ELF modulations of the MASERs will by destructive
interference cancel each other out. Thus no resonance effects in
the brain will be established to perturb the brain emissions of
the subvocalisation occurring.
36. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being
effected by the low level emissions in the victim’s brain, the
shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive’s
brain can be detected. A simplistic version of this would be a
LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being
bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the
LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence
into sound. In pulsed ELF audiogram modulated interference MASER
synthetic telepathy RMCT, the ELF emissions in the victims brain
constructively or destructively interfere with the ELF
modulations carried by the MASER as it pulses up and down the
frequency window of the frequency range of subvocalised thought.
Analysis of this data will need the low level signal to be
picked out of the noise.
37. Since we used at least two pairs of converging MASERS
targeted on the brain of the victim, the subversive’s ELF
emissions will effect the MASER beams in exactly opposite ways
while the background noise will cause various different changes
in the two MASERS. If we only look for identical but opposite
perturbations in our pulsed window of ELF modulated MASER return
signals, then computer simulation can build up a picture of ELF
emissions in real-time that are going on in the victim’s brain.
Having already built up a library of
excitation potential signatures for differing words and
groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode
the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the
subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory
of NSA state-of-the-art computers, ready for analysis by NSA
personnel. Using ELF audiograms carried by a single
pulse-modulated Maser subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the
victim’s brain.
This enables US synthetic telepathy
operators the ability to enter into conversations with the
subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will
get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find.
A US general in 1992, gave a lecture where synthetic telepathy
was first revealed to the world. The mechanism I have described
by which synthetic telepathy might operate is well within the
technology of the US military. Since the military have no qualms
or ethical considerations to worry about one can be sure they
have developed synthetic telepathy in a usable form.
telepathy at a distance therefore becomes a reality.
38. In conclusion, it can be seen that telepathy has come
along way since the early days of research. Russian telepaths
have made massive advances in the biophysical and electronic
spheres of research. While the US military in all probability
have a fully functioning synthetic telepathy system which would
be deployed against internal subversive such as the militia and
black activists. It seems your own thoughts may not be private
any longer. Worse still, your own thoughts might not be your
own. George Orwell’s 1984 may have been a utopia compared to the
police state of the mind which
the NWO are building under our
1 Psi Spies, Marie-Louise
Small, Encounters Vol. 7; Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron
Curtain, Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Shroeder.
2 New Scientist, December 20th.
3 Future Fantastic, 9th August, BBC1.
4 Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, Daniel C Dennett.
5 Noam Chomsky: Three Models for the Description of
Language, 1956; Syntactic Structures, 1957; Review of Skinner,
1957, Language Vol. 35; Cartesian Linguistics, 1966; Language
and Mind, 1972; Reflections on Language, 1975; Rules and
Representations, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Vol3; Language
and Problems of Knowledge, The Managua Lectures, 1988. Signs
point to the Language Instinct: Philip Cohen, New Scientist, 17
Feb., 1996, No 2017.
6 Gerald Edelman, Neural Darwinism, 1987.
7 Refer to entire work of Rupert Sheldrake.
8 Page 176 Darwin’s Dangerous Idea.
9 Revolution in Science, JB Cohen. Lichtenberg develops
the notion of paradigmata as ’frameworks for thought’ and
identifies the contextual nature of belief Marx and Engels were
to exploit. Lichtenberg goes chasing after the primitive
(atomic) elements of scientific knowledge that could be
considered the analogue of the grammatical standards which make
language work and which would explain the extragenetic nature
the intents behind seminal language.
10 Arthur Koestler’s, The Ghost in the Machine, 1967; The
Self and the Brain, Popper and Eccles, 1977; Res Cogitans, 1972,
and The Matter of Minds, 1984, by Zeno Vendler.
11 Eccles has put forward the idea that the non physical
mind is made up of millions of ’psychons’, which influence
millions of ’dendrons’ (tracts of pyramidal cells) in the
cortex. These psychons would be analogous to what Hume and
Descartes would call an idea.
The Presence of the past,
Rupert Sheldrake, p220-222. Telepathic Impressions.
Stevenson I, Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press,
1970. S Palmer, A community Mail Survey of Psychic Experiences,
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research,
73:221-251, 1979. 1971. Handbook of Parapsychology, B.B. Wolman,
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1977.
13 Mind Trek, Joe McMoneagle.
14 The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, C.G.
Jung, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959. Twenty Cases
Suggestive of Reincarnation, I Stevenson,
Charlottesville:University of Virginia Press, 1974.
15 It is reported in
Cosmic Top Secret, William
Hamilton III, Inner Light Publications, 1991, page108, that a
worker called Thomas C (Thomas Castello)
was employed at a top secret US
underground base at Dulce, New Mexico. US military were working
in conjunction with aliens. It is reported that on Level 4 of
the base, human aura research, as well as all aspects of
telepathy, hypnosis and dreams were studied’. Thomas goes on to
say, "they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the
physical body and place an ’alien entity" life-force-matrix
within a human body after removing the "soul" life-force-matrix
of the human’.
16 From Russia with Anxiety, Bob Rickard, Fortean Times,
No87, June 1996.
17 Bright Air, Brilliant Fire, Gerald Edelman.
18 Encounters No 11 Lucid Dreams: Life Is but a Dream,
Chris Kenworthy.
Nexus Vol3 No6,
Remote Viewing, Turan Rifat.
20 Remote Sensing. For a
brief discussion on remote sensing the author’s web site may
prove of interest.
21 Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain, Sheila
Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder.
22 Psi Spies, Marie-Louise Small, Encounters Vol. 7
23 In 1973 a Russian scientist named Dr. Igor Vladsky,
sent a letter to a Harvard psychologist called Gene Kearney. In
this letter the Russian leaked information about the Leningrad
psychical research facility and its experiments into
telekinesis. The story of how researchers set off for Russia to
find this base is retold in From Russia with Anxiety, Bob
Rickard, Fortean Times, No 87, June 1996.
24 On the Plurality of Worlds, David Lewis, Basil
Blackwell Ltd.1986. The Multiverse, Kenneth Parsons, Encounters
Vol. 10,.Aug. 1996.
25 The Archetypes-of the Collective Unconscious, C.G.
Jung, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1959.
26 An Information package on
remote viewing is available, price £163.00+SAE, £168.00 Sterling
outside the UK, plus another information package on RV and UF0s
is available, price £163.00+SAE, £168.00 Sterling outside the
UK, from Paranormal Management Systems, PO Box 2749, Brighton,
BN2 2DR. UK.
27 Superlearning, Shelle Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder,
28 ’Stephen Schwartz’s Mobius Group of 1975, conducted
research into psychic questing and remote viewing’, mentioned in
From Russia with Anxiety, Bob Rickard, Fortean Times, No 87,
June 1996.
29 Dr. Jessice Utts
http //www.jse.com; Professor
Jessica Utts, scientific verification of RV. Visit Jessica Utts
site as a stop of point for other RV sites and places of
interest. The Journal of Scientific Exploration; Stanford, Vol.
10 No 1, pl-lll. Dr. Jessica Utts has carried out a statistical
analysis on the results of the US RV programme. Her results
confirmed a greater than chance effect, which proved that RV
exists, be it a small effect. The work of the Society of
Psychical Research on RV: ’ESP’ Fact Sheet by Dr. John Beloff,
psychology Department, University of Edinburgh Refer to the
Internet for Dr. Ray Hyman and his rebuttal of RV which has just
been released.
30 Encounters, Vol. 10, Room with a Remote View, by
Richard Forsyth. This is an article about the author. For an
account of Paranormal Psycho-Neuro-Immunology, please look at
the authors web site and
Nexus Vol3 No6
31 New Scientist, 20th July 96.
32 Secret and Suppressed, Edited By Jim Keith, 1993, by
Feral House, documents the implantation of microelectronic in
the victim’s brain against his will. It also has an interesting
chapter on RMCT by Anna Keeler. Psychic Dictatorship in the USA,
by Alex Constantine, Feral House, Portland Oregon, USA, 1995,
also contains a very good chapter on RMCT.
33 This idea that the US military could use alien
abductions to cover up military abduction for use in mind
control experiments, appeared in UFO Reality Vol. 3, in an
article on mind control by the editor of the magazine, Jon King.
34 A New Scientist article of this year, detailed how the
low frequency microwave technology scanners could see through
objects rather like X-rays.. These devices were intended to be
deployed at airports to look inside passengers bodies for drugs.
Devices such as these enable security personnel to look through
suspect’s walls and see the person walking around inside their
home. They also enable MASERs to enter selected parts of the
brain, as the scanner can target the MASERs accurately on any
internal brain structure. MASERs calibrated at this frequency
would be useful for carrying ELF modulated signals through the
walls of the subversive’s home directly into his brain.
35 P228 Electromagnetic Man, Cyril W Smith and Simon
Best. Hilary Bacon, London 1989.
36 How the Brain Minds its Peas and Bees: Philip Cohen,
24 Feb. 1996, No 2018 shows how advanced medical research is
elucidating the electrochemical basis of neuronal activity with
regards to language.
37 FBI research into Wavelet Analysis Packages, enables
information to be easily removed form a background of noise.
Little Waves, Big Squeeze, Ian Stewart, New Scientist, 2 March,
1996, No 2019.
38 Non Lethal Death, David Guyatt
Some Aspects of
Antipersonnel Electromagnetic Weapons, David Guyatt. Turan Rifat
Paranormal Management Systems 1 September 1996.