Creation of the Galactic Family
The Womb of Lyra
The Sirius
The Winds of
Pleiadian Cousins
Gateway of Arcturus
Earth Inception
Zeta Reticuli - Transformation and Awakening
Integration - Coming Home to Ourselves
"It was not the mixture, O men,
of blood and breath that made the beginning and substance of
your souls, though your earthborn and mortal body is framed
of those things. But your soul has come hither from another
— Empedocles
From the earliest days in Earth's
recorded history, there has been a bittersweet emotion that wells up
within us as we gaze into the expanse of the night sky. Some of us
long for the day when the human race can travel beyond the stars. Is
it really just a hope for the future rather than a remembrance of
our past?
The human consciousness has intricacies that still remain
unexplored. What stirs us to push evolution to its limits? What
drives us to create dissension between the races on our planet?
Perhaps it is possible that we are playing out a cosmic drama and
have only temporarily forgotten the script. We know that what one
country or race does upon the Earth affects another. This idea may
also spread outward into the universe. Perhaps what we do here
affects countless other civilizations on other planets. Could we
really be that linked together?
The information presented in this book is a compilation of years of
insights, deductive reasoning, and channeling. Meticulous cross
referencing of various channels has been conducted (primarily using
the work of co-author Lyssa Royal), as well as research into a
number of respected anthropological and metaphysical works.
reader may consider these ideas to be literal or symbolic, for the
story is the same. There is no claim that this is the ultimate truth
of our galactic family's emergence into this reality. If it works
for you, use the insights given here as a catalyst for your own
growth. If not, perhaps it can lead you one step closer to your own
personal truth.
One of the most important ideas to accelerate the human potential is
the allowance of all truths to be a manifestation of the One Truth,
whatever it may be. Through this allowance emerges unification. If
nothing else, let this book be fun to read, interesting, and
stimulating to your imagination. Your belief is certainly not
required - but your willingness to be an explorer is!
This is an introductory book. An extensive glossary has been created
at the end of the material for any unfamiliar terms that may have
been used. Each chapter represents a different facet of an intricate
tapestry and how the tapestry affects Earth. Through many
discussions, the information has been honed down into a framework
that will introduce the reader to a cast of characters. The cast is
not complete.
There are countless other members and dramas being
played out throughout our universe. These characters have emerged as
the ones who seem to matter most to the human drama here on Earth.
There are certain assumptions carried throughout the material that
are a foundation for the rest of the information. One of these is
the idea of reincarnation and the infinite nature of consciousness.
It is not necessary to embrace this concept in order to grasp the
material, but it will allow the reader a more expanded view of the
bigger picture.
Another assumption presented is the idea that each being possesses a
higher awareness. It is purported that regardless of the level of
existence a being has chosen for a given lifetime, it retains an
awareness (conscious or subconscious) of its connection to the Whole
and its divine identity. This concept connects us with the idea that
it is we and we alone who control our destinies. Therefore,
evolution is in our own hands.
Throughout the entire book the assumption will also be carried that
the "Whole," or the integrated mass consciousness of our galactic
family, has always existed. For the purposes of the information
presented, there will need to be some set parameters. These
parameters will allegorically refer to the "beginning" of the story
as being the Dimensional Infusion and the "end" as the Integration.
In many cases labels have been used to denote places or people (such
as Sirius, or Sirians). In general, these labels are fluid, more
denoting a realm or vibrational awareness than a fixed idea. In a
case such as Lyra, for example, the possibility is respected that
the very stars spoken of have become black holes and white holes
many times over.
Therefore, these can be spoken of as ideas rather
than concrete points in time and space.
These ideas carry weight;
this is quite apparent in our legends that give importance to other
star systems.
The Dogon tribe legends, the
Sumerian Texts, and the
ancient Egyptian writings all claim contact with beings from other
star systems. These legends must come from somewhere. Though their
language and contemporary style of expression differ slightly, the
consistency of their content is beyond argument.
Information about the past of the human race can enrich our lives
here on Earth. If we are to truly transform, it will be through the
infusing of awareness onto our world, not using the awareness to
escape from our responsibilities as citizens of Earth and the
Galactic Family.
Note: Read the footnotes and
the glossary!
Back to Contents
1 - Dimensional Infusion
With its celestial keys,
Its chords of air, its frets of fire,
The Samian's great Aeolian Lyre,
Rising through all its sevenfold bars,
From Earth unto the fixed stars."
— Longfellow on Lyra
from Occultation of Orion
All consciousness and energy was once
fused into an integrated whole.
This Whole was aware of aspects of
itself, but in a different way from individualized consciousness. In
Earth's present development the self is recognized first, then
society, and finally the Whole, All That Is, or God. Separation is
still created. This separation from the Source is an illusion. This
illusion is a tool that provides the Whole with all the necessary
lessons and challenges it needs to experience in order to
reintegrate back into the Source.
Before this fragmentation from the Source, the Whole existed in
another octave of dimensional reality. From this realm of
unification, portions of All That Is wondered what it would be like
to fragment and temporarily forget integrated existence. The force
of this thought on such a mass level began to create a
fragmentation. The illusion created from
this fragmentation would be a challenging forgetfulness in which
consciousness would need to create (from its own divine nature) the
remembrance to once again unite.
What has been termed "creation" is indeed this fragmentation, or,
more descriptively, the Dimensional Infusion. The Whole's initial
curiosity about a fragmented existence actually created the reality
itself. It required a shift in perspective, focus, or frequency. As
part of the Whole, aspects of the
Galactic Family were partially
responsible for laying out the blueprint that was to guide their
development. Therefore, the statement "we are God" actually has
viable meaning.
The blueprint that was laid out contained many different ideas. It
first held the notion that polarity and fragmentation would be the.
norm. The encoding in the blueprint provided the option of Free Will on the part of each fragment or soul. The challenge was in
remembering that each consciousness possessed it. The more Free Will
is used, the more divine memory is invoked. When faced with a
polarized reality, Free Will becomes the liberator. When a soul
forgets it possesses Free Will, the lessons become much more
challenging, yet quite rewarding.
Another idea present in this chosen blueprint was that fragments of
the Whole would be entirely responsible for their actions during
this state of amnesia. Whether or not it was remembered, every
action taken would generate a response from the universe. Some have
called this karma; however, it is much more than "an eye for an
Instead of punishments for negative behavior, there is always
the option of expanding one's awareness.
Therefore, in a sense,
wisdom erases
Though this may sound like the rules for some kind of cruel cosmic
game, the outcome has already been decided. With this in mind, it is
not necessarily the destination that counts but the journey along
the way. It is literally how the game is played.
Another blueprint agreed to was an etherically generated code built
into the fabric of the universal tapestry.
This code would allow
bipedal, carbon-based humanoid forms to be the normal, naturally
developing vehicle for the incarnation of human-type consciousness
on planetary structures. This code exists on meta-atomic levels that
science is just beginning to learn to measure. The symbology of
polarity plays out in the human body form.
The Earth human is
symmetrical, with two arms, two legs, two eyes, ears, etc. The body
is joined into a whole by a torso and a head.
It was also decided that during the evolutionary development of
humanoid forms (within the Earth's galactic family) that the male
and female polarities would manifest in separate but complimentary
body types. This serves as a reminder that in order to create,
polarities must always be joined or integrated. The notion is widely
held that an individual has a tendency to feel most "at One" when
he/she is joined with another in love.
What was the actual process of the Dimensional Infusion? There
exists within the time/space fabric of the constellation Lyra what
can be called a white hole.1 Compare this white hole to a prism.
passing a beam of light through a prism, one gets a spectrum of
light fragmented into seven visible color frequencies.
1 A focus of intense light and
energy. In this case, a birthplace
When a
portion of the Whole passed through the Prism of Lyra (the white
hole), consciousness was fragmented into seven vibratory frequencies
that represent the mass consciousness of Earth's galactic family.
Each fragment became conscious on all of these different frequencies
or densities. Frequencies were previously experienced as being
integrated into the Whole (like white light).
When this portion of
the Whole passed through the prism, it manifested as seven aware
frequencies. Consciousness also fragmented, and the fragments moved
"away" from each other as the "Big Bang" theory symbolically
suggests. The illusion thus arose that each fragment was very, very
The Whole understood that the purpose of this experience was to
learn to reintegrate from a point of separation. But how?
individual souls or in groups the fragments sought out the universe
that was just created. The Dimensional Infusion not only created a
consciousness fragmentation, but it also created the stars, planets,
gases, and molecules that make up physical reality. However,
physical reality represents only a few of the energy frequencies
that emerged from the fragmentation.
As science has discovered, matter is densified energy vibrating at a
specific rate. Every aspect of the universe is made up of energy.
Earth technology it has not yet been discovered how to measure
certain portions of reality. If technology possessed this ability,
an infinite number of gateways into time, space and dimension would
be seen. For the time being, the seven frequency levels that Earth's
galactic family fragmented into by passing through the Prism of Lyra
will be explored below.
From this point forward the term
''density" will be used in reference to these frequency levels.2
2 See
Glossary of Terms for the
differences between "density" and "dimension."
FIRST DENSITY: Awareness as a
point; Physical matter.
This frequency level is the most basic. It provides the
matter and energy for the creation of atoms and molecules.
The basic life forms of mineral and water, for example, are
all operating from first-density frequency. Humans possess
this frequency within themselves as well. It makes up the
basic genetic codes.
SECOND DENSITY: Awareness as a
line; Biological matter; Development of group or species
The consciousness expressed by second-density vibration does
not possess self-awareness (or ego). Most species within the
plant and animal kingdoms exist here; however, their
placement in density depends upon many additional factors,
including the presence or absence of ego.
awareness; Ego; Loss of group identity, development of
individual identity; Ability to remember past and cognize
the future while retaining present awareness.
This is the density where human
beings emerge. It is a vibration that creates the illusion
of separation and thus a challenge toward awakening.
Presently humanity is going through a transition period into
fourth-density reality which can account for the many rapid
changes the human race is undergoing. This is the frequency
that expresses the most separation from the Whole. It is
from here that many lessons about integration are learned.
This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of
growth within the Self.
Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) presently exist
simultaneously in third and fourth densities and are
transitioning out of third along with humanity. The
consciousness of primates exists in third density as well.
The evolution of primates is
becoming increasingly apparent, as one begins to observe
them displaying several characteristics that were once
thought of as indigenous only to humans (such as language
acquisition and pathological behavior).
FOURTH DENSITY: Containment of
volumetric awareness; Super-consciousness; Reintegration of
group identity without loss of ego identity; As vibration
increases, perception of past, present, and future become
more fluid along with the ability to interface with
multidimensional and multidensity realities; Negatively
oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain.
Presently on Earth, fourth-density reality is overlapping
third. In humanity's case, this can account for the
increased desire for unity, peace, and unconditional love as
opposed to the illusion of separation that characterizes
third density. The vibratory rate of one's reality is
stepped up, and therefore one may be faced with personal
issues in a much more rapid and intense way.
It is easy to see how this is
coming into play with the thousands of individuals upon
Earth who are in therapy, in substance-abuse programs, and
engaging in humanistic efforts to better the planet. This is
the frequency of responsibility. This is the frequency when
one begins to remember the encoding of Free Will.
This is the last frequency where
physical bodies are the vehicles for the expression of
consciousness. Hence many civilizations choose to spend long
periods of time within this density.
FIFTH DENSITY: Experiential
awareness of "I" as a group identity; Not bound by linear
In this density sentient consciousness begin to awaken to
its heritage. This is the density of wisdom. As one awakens
the wisdom within, they very often want to share it with
those who are still focused in the lower densities.
Many from this realm choose to
become guides for others. A fifth-density being merges with
its family of consciousness ("oversoul" or "higher self," if
you will) and begins to remember. This is the first density
in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced.
(Note: There is no clear-cut distinction when transitioning
from fifth to sixth and sixth to seventh densities. Because
these densities are not physically oriented, there is much
blending in these transitions.)
SIXTH DENSITY: Awareness as the
dimension itself.
This has often been called the ''Christ Consciousness", in
that it displays a frequency level equal to that of the
Christ or Buddha. From this frequency a total remembrance
occurs, and one begins taking responsibility for the Whole
rather than the Self.
The process of progressing the
Self and progressing the Whole become one and the same.
multidimensional experience; Group-matrix identity
(Social Memory Complex).
This is the frequency of total Oneness or integration. Those
who vibrate to this frequency are merged in identity and
become a mass-conscious whole. They magnetize those in other
frequencies and provide the current for the natural flow
toward integration.
Once the seventh density beings
reach critical mass, they will progress through the Prism of
Lyra (from our point of view it will then be a black-hole
exit point) and reach the next octave, where another
adventure awaits.
It is important to note that as portions
of the Whole fragmented through the Prism of Lyra, each
consciousness retained awareness on all density levels.
However, part of the forgetfulness
remained. From most highly focused density levels (such as third and
portions of fourth), an unawareness may occur concerning the
coexistence of other levels. As integration occurs, one becomes
aware of these other aspects.
The microcosm always reflects the macrocosm. This is visible in the
"coincidence" of how atomic structure mirrors the structure of a
solar system. It is the same with the fragmentation of portions of
the Whole into individual beings or soul groups. When one incarnates
into a physical body, it can be likened to a mini-passage through
the Prism of Lyra.
The process of soul fragmentation as one incarnates physically can
be likened somewhat to Freud's id, ego, and superego theories. As a
fetus, the soul demonstrates a first-density consciousness. At that
point, one is aware of itself as intricately connected to the
Physically, one is a mass of DNA codes with the
potential to become a conscious human being. Since Freud did not
take his hypothesis into prenatal development, there is no
correlation. If he were to have created a label that described the
fetus' relationship to its environment, then it would have been a
first-density description.
When the child is between birth and two years old, he/she begins to
demonstrate second-density consciousness. A separation begins to be
perceived between itself and the environment and its desires become
externalized. There is still somewhat of an egocentric point of
view, which correlates this developmental level with the id. What
distinguishes a child's second-density orientation from third
density is the lack of a distinct ability to differentiate between
itself and the environment.
From approximately the second year of life onward, third-density
consciousness becomes the primary framework demonstrated. This is
the development of the ego and the awareness of the child as a
separate individual. These are crucial formative years; one can see
that if development is disrupted (such as through abuse) the
personality can fragment and perhaps create dysfunction later in
Many individuals retain this third-density consciousness
orientation of ego throughout their entire lives.
The development of the superego, or higher awareness, is a typical
fourth-density trait. Humans have the option to develop this aspect
of themselves. This is a reintegration of the fragmentation of
personality that occurs through the birth process, as well as
integration on a spiritual level.
As the human race begins to move
more solidly into fourth-density consciousness, it is suspected that
this personality fragmentation process will become less apparent,
and perhaps children will begin displaying fourth-density
characteristics earlier in their development and retain them
throughout their lives.
In childhood one must learn how to adapt and integrate into a
workable framework. If one cannot do this (such as in the instance
of child abuse) psychological disorders will very often be displayed
when adulthood is reached. Pathologies such as
Multiple Personality
Disorder can occur because the natural third-density personality
integration process did not occur during childhood. Some
extraterrestrial civilizations have learned to detect and transmute
the seeds of pathological disorders during childhood, and therefore
have no incidence of adult pathologies.
If it is understood that no matter how far an individual fragments
(either on a soul level or in the personality), and that the way
back home is always through integration, he/she will never lose
sight of the goal.
In this case, we can go home again.
Back to Contents
2 - Creation of the
Galactic Family
"I am Ra, from whom time began.
I am the hub of a wheel,
A day star hovering over an endless sea.
I am not the harvest; I am the seed.
I am not the Lyre; I am the song.
I will not pass away."
— Egyptian Book of the
Dead, Ellis Translation
In passing through the Prism of Lyra,
the first fragmentation created a group of beings that can be called
the Founders.1
1 Other terms such as
Watchers, the Eternals, the Reflectors, and the Seeders have been
used by other individuals and are equally appropriate.
The Founders embodied the group consciousness of what
eventually became humankind. They can project to a very high level
of fourth density, but their natural state is nonphysical. In
splitting off from the portion of the Whole that passed through the
Prism of Lyra, they still retained a memory, if somewhat dreamlike,
of the idea of integration and the purpose of the fragmentation. It
is they who orchestrate humankind's evolution.
They play the roles
of the parent archetype, in male and female polarity balance.
The Founders became aware of the blueprint that was chosen as they
fragmented from the Whole. From this blueprint they knew that
"children" carry the encodings of the
"parents." Since they played the parents' role, it was their
responsibility to influence the growth of the new consciousness
about to be created. In doing this they became the blueprint, began
to understand and live it, knowing that this would encode future
The Founders began to understand the natural energy patterns of the
polarized reality just created.
It became obvious to them that the
newly fragmented group consciousness interfaces with specific
realities (i.e. densities) within three main points:
A point of
pure positivity
A point of pure negativity
The integrative
point of the two
All interactions occur within the lines that
connect each point, with very few aspects of consciousness existing
within the points of purity. This realization inspired them to
understand a paradigm of polarized reality, which was something
exciting and new to their understanding.
The paradigm, as it emerged
for them, is shown below in a two-dimensional diagram.

Both negative and positive polarities moving toward integration
As they pondered the paradigm they began to understand the mechanics
of how the fragmented consciousness would once again merge back
through the Prism of Lyra. The linear model above can be changed to
bring about the triadic relationship of the template.
Here is an illustration:

This triad represents the probabilities
of the integrative process. Civilizations naturally move randomly
(according to the laws of chaos) within the triadic template until a
balance of energy is reached.
If a civilization or consciousness chooses integration (the
willingness to grow from both polarities), they will naturally move
toward the integrative point, fueled by the momentum of both
polarities. This can be viewed as an allowing form of integration.
If, on the other hand, a civilization or individual refuses
integration, the template expands to accommodate their denial of the
opposite polarity. The expanded template will not be outlined here
at the present time.
When they believed they were ready, the Founders began another
fragmentation. Just as a portion of the Whole became curious and
created this realm from its thoughts, the Founders emulated their
"parents" and exerted thought energy to create a fragmentation of
This fragmentation occurred far and wide; individualized
consciousness sprang from the Founders' group awareness and began to
explore the universe. Because of this fragmentation, every being
existing in the galactic family presented here is part of the
There are an infinite number of fragments and explorational
journeys. Some of these fragments grew into civilizations that have
played a part in the development of Earth. Some of those who have a
reference point in Earth's known reality will be explored in the
chapters ahead.
When the Founders fragmented, some allowed their energy to densify
sufficiently in order to enter a physical reality. The Founders had
already chosen planets that could support humanoid life. Then they
gently guided these fragments into a physical, third- or
fourth-density existence. After time had passed, the fragments
became more accustomed to physical existence, and assistance from
the Founders (who still existed in smaller numbers) became less
The first area to be eventually colonized after the Founders'
fragmentation was in the general vicinity of the Lyra constellation.
Most of the galactic family that has genetic connections to Earth
has roots in the Lyran system. It was there that the first attempt
at integration occurred.
The Founders thought that it would be easy
and predictable; instead, humanoid life-forms spread outward
exponentially until a very intricate tapestry was woven. The threads
of the tapestry began to become tangled until eventually the origins
of the thread became lost in the colorful maze of the tapestry's
The following are the main characters displayed in this tapestry
from the perspective of Earth:
The general area of the "birth" of the humanoid race. All
humanoid races in our galactic family have genetic roots
connected to Lyra. It is the symbolic harp upon which the
song of humanity is played.
A star within the constellation of Lyra. Descendants of Lyra,
Vega birthed a race of beings who manifested Lyra's opposite
polarity both in their beliefs and actions. There were
frequent conflicts between the Lyran and Vegan races.
A planet within the Lyran system which was the first attempt
at creating an integrated society.
A trinary star group, it is known in Earth mythology as the
Dog Star.
Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized
by beings from the Lyran star group. Sirius embodied the
energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive
toward integration. There is a large variety of
consciousness types that incarnate in this system.
This is the main "battleground" for the challenge of
polarity integration, seeded from Sirius as well as Lyra and
Vega. There is a direct connection with Earth, as explored
in later chapters (Orion).
Colonized by Lyran offshoots,
this group is Earth's main
genetic connection from extraterrestrial sources.
An archetype or future-self ideal of Earth, Arcturus assists
in healing personal and planetary consciousness. Its
vibration, primarily sixth density, has been attributed to
the angelic kingdom.
This civilization is intimately connected with Earth.
The Reticuli are the primary group instigating abductions (or
more accurately called "temporary detainments" since this
group always returns
the abductee). More will be said about
this group in later chapters.
Though some of these civilizations
overlap each other in time and may not appear linear, below is a
linear translation of the progression of various cultures in
comparison to each other.

Once one recovers from the initial shock of the idea that
extraterrestrials had something to do with Earth's heritage, it
really seems like a very logical explanation.
Why would the human
race egotistically believe that it alone is responsible for Earth's
genetic past? Upon Earth, races have "discovered" new races and have
begun integrating with them. Perhaps before this occurred, these
races never knew the others existed.
This model can hold true for
the universe as well as planet Earth. How many more ancient drawings
of rocket-ships and their pilots need to be found before humans can
break through the fears about discovering Earth's past?
The most obvious question is this: If the extraterrestrials are out
there, why don't they show themselves? An answer can be found in
humanity's approach to anthropological studies upon Earth.
Scientists do not go marching right in to a "primitive" culture
waving their cameras and equipment.
These types of cultural assimilations sometimes take them decades to
accomplish. In its own eyes, humanity may seem "civilized" enough.
However, to a race that has achieved space travel and perhaps even
global unity, humanity may seem primitive indeed. Perhaps they are
waiting, hiding in the bushes, allowing only a few humans to see
them until the signal goes out to the whole of society that they are
not a threat.
What if the signal that they are there never goes out to society?
What if humanity continues to ignore the evidence, hoping it will
all go away? To many of the extraterrestrials, this seems to be the
All non-threatening methods seem to have been unsuccessful thus
far. The primary game plan over the last few decades appears to be
much more profound in its potential to awaken humanity. Some of
Earth's visitors are now using fear. At times society is so quick to
validate negativity rather than positivity that humanity's own
framework may now begin to be used to assimilate Earth to its
previously denied reality. Fear awakens - rather rudely at that.
Perhaps that explains the growing observation of extraterrestrial
abduction experiences as a method of awakening humanity to a greater
At humanity's level of development, a model for the natural
evolution of a planet has not yet been formulated. It seems obvious
that a civilization would not be able to reach the cosmos and the
folding of space/time dimensions if it cannot resolve its conflicts
on a planetary level. The expansion of consciousness required for
such a leap may be dependent upon the unified whole. If the whole is
not integrated and balanced, attempts may be fruitless.
Humanity may
be experiencing this limitation now, with so many unsuccessful
space-launch attempts as well as space program budget restrictions.
Earth may just not be ready. Humanity wants to reach for the stars
but very often cannot even reach for the hand of its neighbor.
The extraterrestrial connection is important, but what is even more
important is developing a global perspective. Expansion will come
from action - the claiming of responsibility for Earth by humanity
itself. The extraterrestrials will not intervene to clean up
humanity's mess.
Earth is entering adulthood and has been kicked out
of the nest. It would serve humanity to release its victim-hood,
claim its divine birthright, and create heaven on Earth. The
extraterrestrials can only remind humanity of its unlimited
potential. Their communication (and our awareness of Earth's
heritage) can be likened to a dangling carrot.
If the human race
wants that carrot, perhaps it must do what needs to be done to get
it - unify and integrate.
Back to Contents
3 - The Womb of Lyra
"When I became," said he, "the
becoming became.
I have become the becoming.
I am one seeing myself, divided.
I am two and four and eight.
I am the universe in diversity.
I am my transformations.
This is my coming together.
Here are my selves become one."
—Egyptian Book of the
Ellis Translation
From the point of view of a reality that
can be perceived by physical beings, the form of the Founders has
two arms, two legs, a head, and a torso.
They possess large,
inquisitive eyes as a symbolic representation of their desire for
knowledge and of the ancient memory they carry within them. Physical
beings would view them as insect-like, very tall, and having long,
graceful limbs. Third-density humans can perceive them if they enter
an accelerated version of fourth density. Interactions with them are
usually able to occur in an altered state. From this state they
appear etheric and dreamlike.1
1 In dream symbology, the
Founders may translate into figures like large insects such as
praying mantises, walking sticks, and even grass hoppers.
Having fragmented their consciousness further, the Founders began
solidifying energy into matter. This created a prototype physical
race into which the majority of humanoid consciousness would
incarnate. On meta-atomic levels, organizational codes exist which
create a consistent humanoid-type body in a carbon-based environment
as the vehicle for physical representation of consciousness.
Founders used this naturally occurring code to assist them in
creating versions of themselves in both physical and nonphysical
states. This form symbolically reflected the aspects of the
polarized universe they had entered. Again, it is representative of
the idea that "parents" create "children" in their own image.2
2 This idea is reflected in
Rupert Sheldrake's work with morphic
resonance, which shows there are energetic fields that organize all
form. These fields can pass on characteristics to "unrelated"
aspects of the same species that are not necessarily in physical
proximity to each other.
The Founders are the energetic grandparents of the human race. It
was their desire to manifest different dimensional aspects of
themselves. This would produce root forms of life which would
facilitate the process of creating diversity within the new reality
that was just born. They are both the Source and the prototype.
As they emerged into this light form through the densification of
energy, they became aware that all life will once again evolve back
into the Founders and then into the Source. Consciousness will
scatter and fragment, sometimes beyond recognition; but it will
evolve back into the Source physically, as well as mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually.
Thus the Founders began the next step of the fragmentation process.
Their first action was to begin making the plans necessary to spread
life throughout the Lyran system. They were aware that over time the
life forms would naturally gravitate into planetary civilizations by
means of attraction.
Planets were chosen within the Lyran star group to house these new
races. As these planets naturally began to develop primate life, the
Founders seeded these developing primates with plasmic energy 3 on
meta-atomic levels within their DNA structure. This occurred over
many generations until the primates/humanoids possessed the genetics
necessary to sustain the higher vibrations of third-density
consciousness. With slight alterations, the incarnation process was
soon to begin on several planetary bodies.
3 Highly condensed energy manifesting as light.
The Founders fragmented themselves further in order to release the
consciousness necessary to incarnate on these planets. As this
fragmentation occurred, each consciousness was magnetized to a
specific planet where the vibrations were more compatible with the
individual fragment.
As expressed in the previous chapter, the basic template of the
consciousness that fragmented through the Prism of Lyra can be
considered a triad. It represents one polarity, its opposite, and
the integrative point. The Founders observed this natural flow of
energy emerging in the base species that were developing. These
different planetary groups were initially homogeneous, not yet
manifesting any single aspect of the template in an obvious way.
As time went on and interactions between individuals and groups
increased, many groups polarized into either negative or positive
orientations.4 Some groups began to display varying degrees of
integration. This scenario was expected by the Founders. However,
the process began to take on a life of its own. As the process grew
exponentially, the Founders began to see the infinite reflections of
the Whole, and to some extent it became overwhelming to them.
4 These negative/positive orientations are not judgments. It is
representative of the idea of poles, equal but possessing opposite
As these groups evolved and achieved space travel, they exposed
themselves to the development of other planetary groups in the area.
Cultures began to mix and grow. New philosophies were born. For a
period of time the Lyran races rapidly developed advanced
technology, expansive philosophy, and strong social development due
to the interactions between these planetary cultures. Then the
dynamics of the template began to be displayed.
Polarities began to solidify, generating their own polarization that
continued exponentially in turn. Negative polarities began splitting
and manifesting their own negative/positive poles. Positive poles
did the same. The feminine expressed its masculine, and the
masculine expressed its feminine. Polarities exploded like viruses
within the previously blossoming civilization.
The simple set of mirrors that the Founders had created shattered
into infinite fragments. They had lost direct contact with many of
the genetic windows (physical beings) that they had created. The
physical beings had now taken on lives of their own, although the
original programs continued to be an underlying factor influencing
their development.
The first group to develop as a specific non-Lyran species was the
Vegan civilization.5
5 Vega is the Alpha star (the brightest) in the Lyra constellation.
They formed a highly distinctive philosophy and
spiritual orientation and began to isolate themselves from the Lyran
races. They were initially a negatively-oriented civilization,
expressed as the negative pole of Lyra because they had adopted a
philosophy of
service to self (contraction). Lyra itself may be
considered the positive pole because all other civilizations were
"born" out of it (expansion).
As time passed, friction grew between the people of the Lyran races
and the Vegan civilizations. Neither group was progressing in an
integrative way. Both possessed within themselves the conflict of
polarity. Neither group was right or wrong; they all played out the
same ideas, only from a different perspective. They just could not
understand how to balance their energies. Polarization continued to
grow exponentially as they grappled with their relationships between
their civilizations and themselves.
A third civilization began to emerge from the Lyran races. Because
this planet was the apex of a symbolic triangle of integration
(playing out both negative and positive polarities), it can be
called the Apex planet during this stage of its development. Later,
it becomes a much more intricate piece of this galactic puzzle.
The Apex planet began its civilization by drawing in characteristics
from both the Lyra and Vega polarities. Genetically they were a
mixture. Within their race, diversity was even more widespread than
upon our present Earth. There were dark- and light-skinned people,
pacifists and conquerors, artists, musicians, and soldiers. Even in
comparison to our Earth race, they did not coexist peacefully at
Separation began occurring in the culture until the entire
planet was engulfed in the friction of polarity. No resolution was
in sight. The future of this Apex planet seemed hopeless - they
eventually allowed pollution and weaponry to nearly destroy their
When opposite polarities are forced, not integrated, they cause
fusion. This fusion manifested on the Apex world as nuclear war.
small number of inhabitants secured themselves underground, but the
remainder perished from their own inability to integrate. What
occurred on a planetary scale was quite interesting. From a point of
observation in space, it appeared that the planet destroyed itself.
From the point of view of the survivors who went underground, they
were very much alive. As a result of their nuclear explosions their
planet was eventually propelled into an alternate dimension.
After the cataclysm, radiation upon their world remained quite high
which forced them to stay underground. Once they recovered from
their emotional shock, it became time to pick up the shattered
pieces of their lives. Their development and their amazing
transformation will be explored in further chapters, for they play a
vital role not only in the transformation of planet Earth but of the
galactic family and the Founders as well.
Meanwhile, the Lyran races and the Vegan civilizations were
continuing with their development. Groups of Lyrans wished to remove
themselves from the friction with Vega and sought out many other
areas to colonize.
Groups of Vegans also escaped their planet's
conflicts and founded a number of civilizations including Altair and
Centauri (which will not be addressed in this material).
Gone were
the clear-cut lines of traceable philosophic and genetic history.
Humanity was spreading quickly, carrying with it the seeds of
experience and polarity. The goal was always buried deep within the
souls of each being and it gently nudged them onward. The goal was,
and still is, integration.
It is apparent that the beginnings of the entrance into polarity by
the Founders was not easy. They had created an equation that they
expected would conclude according to their calculations. As with the
new science of chaos, the movement of energy between these three
civilizations (Lyra, Vega, and Apex) became unpredictable to the
The entire
galactic family could only wait and watch,
knowing that in chaos there is order - divine order.
These early lessons have been imprinted into humanity's etheric
memory as a reminder of all that it has been and all that it can
become. Humanity is never alone in this struggle. The Founders still
wait silently.
They exist not only "out there" but also within the
soul of humanity as its most basic archetype. The cycle of life and
existence is merely a circle; the beginning and end are the same.
When humanity feels the call of evolution, it is the Founders
whispering through the expanse of time and dimension. They are a
part of humankind speaking to itself.
Perhaps it is time to listen.
Back to Contents
4 - The Sirius Factor
"Blazing as the star that cometh
forth at Harvest-time,
shining forth amid the host of stars
in the darkness of the night, the star whose name
men call Orion's Dog. Brightest of all is he, yet
for an evil sign is he set, and bringeth much
fever upon hapless men..."
— The Iliad
"He comes richly dight in many colors..."
-M.Martin, 1907
The realm of
was one of the first
to be explored by the curious consciousness that passed through the
Prism of Lyra and fragmented from the Founders.
Sirius represents a
very important symbol for the entire galactic family - that of the
triad. Though it has not been scientifically validated by most
astronomers, Sirius is a trinary star group.1 Symbolically, this
represents the template - two polarities at the base of a triangle,
and the joining or integrating of the polarities at the apex. It
reflects the basic foundation of the galactic family's desire to
once again unify through the merging of polarity.
1 Some astronomers, such as Van
Den Bos and Finsen at the Union Observatory in the 1920s, and more
recently, D. Lauterborn, are theorizing that Sirius is indeed a
trinary star group, but no viable data has been uncovered to confirm
that claim.
After the Infusion, many consciousnesses who chose to remain
nonphysical attracted themselves to the realm of Sirius. Here they
began laying the physical as well as nonphysical groundwork for the
vital role Sirius was to play in the unfolding drama. They were to
become some of the earliest genetic and etheric engineers following
in the footsteps of the Founders.
Anticipating what was to come, these nonphysical Sirians began
forming (through the transmutation of energy into matter) a
third-density world that would eventually be able to support
physical life. They also created more vibrationally focused realms
for the consciousnesses that would choose to exist there in the
nonphysical state. Thus, because of their ability to create realms
suitable for all manifestations of consciousness, they became known
as the Elders of Sirius.
During the Lyran and Vegan conflicts, representatives from both
polarities inhabited the Sirius realm with the desire to integrate
there. The Elders of Sirius prepared for an influx of both positive
and negative energy. They were quite aware of the scenario that
needed to occur.
The Vegans who chose to inhabit the Sirius realm decided to
incarnate physically within a third-density reality. Culturally they
were highly polarized in the masculine, and their philosophy was one
of domination, which was becoming more difficult to maintain in
fourth density. They felt they must dominate their environment and
control their evolution. According to them, this would allow them a
mastership of their realm, and from that point their evolution would
then progress at an accelerated pace.
From this desire the Vegans began plans for their colonization of a
planet orbiting one of the Sirius suns. If they were to maintain
their philosophic orientation of domination, the natural
polarization inherent in this philosophy could only be perpetuated
in a third-density existence.
They were to be tightly focused in the
physical, creating a veil of illusion and forgetfulness even more
dense than presently on Earth. They were so sure of their own
abilities (and so unaware of the lure of third-density separation)
that they zealously began speeding up the evolutionary process of
the primate-like species developing on the world they had chosen.
soon as the DNA of the indigenous species matched their desire, they
began incarnating.
Almost immediately, these new Sirians lost their memory connection
with Vega. The veil was too dense. Their desire to create
forgetfulness was so strong that they remembered nothing of their
origin. They did not dream. They did not meditate. They did not
pursue creative activities except to maintain their structure of
domination. When their zealousness translated into physical reality,
it created a culture driven by the desire for domination - over each
other and the universe around them.
As this negative Sirian planet was developing, a group from Lyra
decided to venture outward into the Sirius system. These beings
chose to remain in the nonphysical realms. Their orientation was
polarized toward the idea of
service to others. They were
particularly interested in the physical healing of those in pain.
The combination of the negative Sirians (who denied their spiritual
self) and the positive, nonphysical Sirians originally from Lyra
(who felt it was their duty to heal all those in pain) created a
dynamic of tension that echoed throughout the Sirius system and
The saga began.
The positives began bombarding the negatives with
love and healing energy on the subconscious and unconscious levels.
Because the negatives were so tightly focused, this created
psychological pain for them. The more the negatives resisted, the
more the positives sent healing energy. Friction occurred from this
interaction that was very uncomfortable for all consciousness in the
Sirius system.
The Elders of Sirius finally intervened.
It was decided that the conflict would once again be moved to
another locale. This time integration would be attempted from a
slightly less polarized perspective. The Elders sought out a home
for this conflict. It did not take them long to discover the
electromagnetic properties of the area called Orion.
Thus the myth
begins of how
Sirius, the Dog Star, leads the way for
the Hunter - Orion.
Once the initial conflict was removed from the Sirius system, the
physical civilization remained. They had cut themselves off from
spirit even to the point of death, where an immediate reincarnation
into the system occurred again, further alienating them from any
form of nonphysical existence. Therefore, most of the negative
society was unaware of a conflict, so they could not be made aware
of its movement into the Orion system.
Their society continued
within its haze of forgetfulness. Those desiring the
negative/positive integration now went to Orion from Lyra/Vega
instead of to Sirius. Sometimes, very infrequently, a soul would
awaken from the negative Sirius world and progress to the Orion
From the positive (nonphysical) Sirius perspective, they would now
be able to directly influence the ailing negatives. Many joyously
ventured to Orion to carry out this task. Others chose to remain
within the Sirius realm, concentrating their healing abilities
toward other goals. Other positives from Lyra joined the Orion
Galactic history was born.
Because of the positive Sirians' desire to facilitate physical
healing (their service to physicality instead of choosing
incarnation), they allied themselves with the energies of Arcturus.
Arcturus is oriented toward the idea of emotional healing. Together
they form the Sirius/Arcturus Matrix.
This matrix has found its way
onto nearly every physical planet within the galactic family as a
holistic energy representing the healing of body, mind, and spirit.
Planet Earth has known the Sirius/Arcturus Matrix in many forms. It
is an archetypal energy that is used by an individual or society for
many purposes. It is malleable and can be shaped into any
appropriate definition. Whatever the shape, it is devoted to the
service of physicality. The Sirius/Arcturus Matrix reminds the
fragments of their connection to the Whole and their natural
abilities for self-healing.
Though it is only a small percentage, a group of positive Sirians
decided to incarnate into physicality as well. However, they
rejected the humanoid form for a form that is more representative of
their nature. This form is the cetacean.
Dolphins and whales
represent a translation of Sirius energy upon a physical, polarized
world. In archetypal symbology, water represents the subconscious.
Cetaceans are there silently - in Earth's oceans and in the sea of
humanity's subconscious. They remain as a reminder of humanity's
potential for integration.
Of all the energies that are a part of the immediate galactic
family, the Sirius energy is the most widely used upon Earth. The
Sirius means "The Sparkling One" or "The Scorching One," also
called the "The Dog Star" and the "The Nile Star."
Perhaps because
it is the brightest and the second nearest star visible to Earth
(8.7 light years away), many ancient cultures recognized the
importance of the Sirius energy, most notably the Egyptians.
At times, Sirius consciousness may choose to densify its frequency
to become visible to third-density humans. During many of the
Egyptian dynasties it was quite common to have a visitation from a
Sirian in the disguise of one of their gods (such as Isis, Osiris,
and Anubis). These "costumes" made it easier for the Egyptians to
honor their presence, and often the visitations triggered memories
of the very early days when the "gods" walked openly upon Earth.
These Sirians gave the Egyptians (as well as other Earth cultures)
much advanced astronomical and medical information. Even today,
scholars are still questioning the origin of this information.
Halfway across the globe, the Mayan culture had its own unique
relationship with Sirius.
Advanced medical practices and galactic
astronomical information were imparted to them that presently have
not been unraveled by modern scholars. Theirs was a much more
personal relationship with Sirius. These Mayans were, in a sense,
tourists from the Sirius realm (incarnate here on Earth) who wanted
to experience physicality from a closer vantage point.
relationship with the Mayans was so intimate that the Sirians
actually shared with them the technology of transmutation - from
matter to pure energy/consciousness. When their lessons were
complete, the Mayan race vanished (transmuted), leaving behind a
trail for humanity to follow.
These Sirians left behind many time capsules and puzzles for future
generations to discover. One of these puzzles is the
crystal skull.
The crystal skull can represent the infinite nature of man and
consciousness. Looking into its depths, one can sense the past and
future. Humans have not yet learned how to translate the data and
emotions that are triggered when one gazes into its expanse. Perhaps
one day information encoded within the skull may ignite sparks of
memory within humanity, as the Sirians have possibly intended. They
are one of the primary groups who, in many forms, have left the
clues about Earth's past.
It is important to note that the Sirians are not meant to be spoken
about as a group of extraterrestrials as much as a group
consciousness expressing itself both physically and non-physically.
They have been a guiding force for the developing civilization upon
Earth. As will be explored in later chapters, they are one of the
primary characters in the creation of the human species on Earth.
Returning now to the negative Sirius planet, Earth has an analogous
translation of its philosophy. The practice that is called "black
magic" or the "dark arts" is rooted in the philosophy of the
negative Sirians. Within the Egyptian culture the organized worship
of the negative force took place within the temples and priesthoods
of Set.
This philosophy rejects the idea of re-inclusion into the
universal fabric. Those that practice this philosophy consider
themselves unique, separate, and egocentric. The illusion that they
have created is one of non-responsibility for their actions. It often
takes them many lessons and sometimes many lifetimes to recognize
that their actions and their beliefs create the very reality from
which they are trying to escape.
In translation, another manifestation of the Sirius influence on
Earth from a slightly negative perspective is the
Illuminati. The
Illuminati are a group of physical and nonphysical negatively
oriented (and even some positively oriented) extraterrestrials who
came to Earth as physical beings during the Inception.2
2 The Illuminati are not only comprised of Sirians. Other groups,
such as Orion, are part of the Illuminati structure.
These beings eventually felt they did not get the recognition (or
power) they thought they deserved.3 Many of these early off-planet
consciousnesses who interacted with humanity had allowed their
energies or their "histories" to evolve and become an archetype to
assist Earth. The idea of control is their identity.
If they cannot
control others, they feel as if they do not exist... and they are
terrified of nonexistence.
3 These beings represent only a small percentage of Sirius
consciousness. Since the Earth Inception the planet has developed
some very strong positive relationships with Sirius beings who have
been some of the main supporters of humanity.
This motivation has caused them to
attempt to interfere in Earth's development from the start. As with
an annoying insect, they are a bother, but rarely cause serious
problems. Only the individuals who have no sense of their own power
will be found in those power structures upon Earth that stem from
fear of powerlessness.
They cannot be an influence if one does not
allow them to be. It all comes back to the issue of claiming one's
own power.
One final idea concerning contemporary manifestations of the Sirius
energy has to do with the appearance of menacing extraterrestrials
as seen in UFO literature. For the most part, severely negative UFO
experiences, cattle mutilations, and the "Men in Black" phenomenon
are connected to the negative Sirius (and Orion) group who actually
generate more fear than damage.
At times the physical Sirians (and
Orions) can break through the layers of protection in the solar
system and try to wreak havoc.
What is their motivation?
In exploring the
ancient Sumerian texts concerning early history and
the nature of the conflicts of the gods, one gets a clear idea that
Earth (in whole or in part) was involved with issues of territorial
dispute by various groups at different times. The question has often
been asked why the Sirians seem to be so involved in Earth's
If it is indeed true that Sirius is a trinary star
group (as the
Dogon tribe's astronomical traditions suggest), could
it be that Sol (Earth's sun) is or once was the third star?
If that
is the case, Earth may have been part of a territorial dispute among
the Sirians from its very inception. This could explain why the
negative Sirians consider it to be their right to do as they wish on
Earth and why they point an accusing finger at other
extraterrestrials for wrongly interfering with Sirian internal
affairs, thus creating many historical disputes.
The Sirians may
consider Earth to be part of their territory. In present time, Sol
is only 8.7 light years away from the Sirius system which has been
considered by astronomers to be part of our local star family.
Many of the early Sirians were quite adept at genetic engineering.
During the Earth Inception the physical Sirians placed a latent DNA
code within the early humans. When Earth beings reach a certain
vibratory frequency as a race, this code will be triggered. This
code will assist those on Earth in remembering humanity's galactic
Contemporary negative Sirians are terrified of this. They have
continually kept themselves from transitioning into fourth density
for fear of nonexistence. They fear that if Earth transitions, they
will transition also and cease to exist. They believe if they keep
society in fear, Earth will not be able to make the shift. As a
whole, they cannot determine humanity's fate, for Earth humans have
more power than the negative Sirians realize. But they will
continue. They know no other way.
Whether dealing with physical extraterrestrials or archetypal
energy, the Sirian identity is entwined with humanity's. It is rich
with knowledge as well as challenge.
One must always remember Sirius
as the triad and what it represents - integration from
polarity-which is the destiny of Earth.
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5 - The Winds of Orion
"Begirt with many a blazing
Stood the great giant Algebar,
Orion, hunter of the beast!
His sword hung gleaming by his side,
And on his arm, the lion's hide
Scattered across the midnight air
The Golden radiance of its hair..."
— Longfellow
"Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades, or
loose the bands of Orion ?"
Job 38:31
When two opposite polarities meet, they
are naturally attracted.
When they attempt fusion (rather than
integration) they produce a force of enormous energy. They produce
sparks. They produce change. Sometimes they even produce pain.
This was the case with the civilizations of Lyra that attempted
integration within the Vegan and Sirius star systems.
The conflict
began playing out there, but was energetically expanded to include
Orion. Its beginnings were as a Lyran conflict. Through generations
it evolved into a new race's war, that of the Orions. As generations
passed, each side lost touch with what they were fighting for. Yet
the anguish continued.
The stakes were clearly marked. The "negative" side perpetuated the
idea of service to self. Within their philosophy, if one served the
self the whole was served. What they did not realize was that they
were denying the whole by the way they chose to carry out this
philosophy. This translated as the need for domination.
These were dark times indeed. Domination entailed behavior that
Earth humans have never experienced. Genetic manipulation of blood
lines was common, in an attempt to dilute or concentrate power. What
humans know as black magic was a common practice. Beings were so
saturated with their own fear that they struck out at all who were
different. The Earth legends of sword and sorcery are dim
remembrances carried in the etheric cell memory from the dark times
of Orion.
The "positive" side epitomized the idea of service to others. It was
their belief that the only way to survive was to be subservient,
even at the expense of the self. So an interesting dynamic was
played out. There were those individuals who were the dominators and
those who were all too willing to play the victim role. These
"positives" felt that to support the whole they must serve the whole
and relinquish the self. In reality they were denying themselves as
being a valid portion of that whole.
The Orion civilization was one of the very few that evolved into a
state of technological advancement while still being in a state of
intense spiritual conflict. Eons of time passed while the drama
continued playing out. It began with basic emotional manipulation
all the way to the other end of the spectrum - manipulation using
highly advanced technological tools. Reincarnationally speaking, the
same souls incarnated time and again, switching sides, trying to
find a way to bring the whole struggle into balance.
Within Orion history there has always been underground resistance.
Throughout the ages its strength ebbed and flowed like the pulses of
their red giant
Betelgeuse. Usually they would be discovered by the
"negatives," disbanded, and punished. Any time they built up some
momentum, it radiated too loudly and they were found.
As the philosophy of the resistance solidified, it became apparent
that they needed to squelch the radiation of their ideas.
decided instead to symbolically absorb. They allowed people to come
to them. They became like a black hole which was unable to be seen,
but the force and momentum of their energy was as powerful as a
silent wind. Their organization was thus called "The Black League."
The symbol of their struggle became the
black dragon. A new aspect
of the drama began to unfold.
Now there were three facets to the struggle: There were the
dominators, the victims, and the resistance (fueled by the friction
of two polarities). The Black League became quite successful in
thwarting the efforts of the dominators (known as the Orion Empire);
however, it was only enough to reduce their momentum to a
standstill. An energy impasse was reached.
Within the souls of these repressed people existed a great
desperation. They knew the extent of the Orion Empire's control. The
Empire had devised ways to control astral bodies; death was no
longer freedom. Many individuals studied with heretic teachers to
learn the ancient knowledge of dimensional consciousness travel.
were successful, but those who were found a way out of the Orion
system forever. Through focused concentration and disengagement from
the Orion mass-conscious belief systems, a small percentage of
individuals were able to leave their bodies (die) and successfully
target or home in on beings who had escaped or were reincarnated on
Earth from Orion.1
The Orions had the capability to target Earth individuals in Earth's
past, present and future.
Once these beings were targeted, the Orion entity
was able to create a window through which he/she could travel. When
he/she came through that window and incarnated on Earth, that being
became "lost" in the Earth mass consciousness. This was a safety
mechanism; if they did not know their own identity, they could not
be pursued by the Orion Empire.
The escapees then entered Earth's reincarnational cycle and most
likely continued to play out the Orion drama unconsciously within
their soul patterns. At times they could have been immediately
pursued through the window by Orion Empire representatives. Often
these Empire representatives became "caught" in Earth's mass
consciousness as well and had to enter the reincarnational cycle;
when they incarnated they carried their old Orion desire for control
with them.
As the desperation grew, the Black League decided to fight even
harder. They had people who played both sides. Smuggled reports from
informants resulted in an even more intense resistance effort. They
began to employ tactics borrowed from the dominators. All this was
done in the name of freedom. They eventually learned that freedom
was elusive, and the conflict intensified.
With all of their efforts the Black League could not understand why
they were not being successful in liberating the victims. They
became discouraged. The people hungered for a form of spirituality,
but all that was present was a gnawing emptiness and fear. Nothing
worked. For a few generations the Black League remained stagnant,
only an idea and nothing more.
Then something miraculous occurred.
During generations of spiritual
gestation a seed began to grow. A soul incarnated who embodied all
the hopes and dreams of the Orion races and had none of the hatred
or fear. When he was born, he was safely contained in an
energetically and emotionally neutral environment deep within the
planet so he would not become polarized. At adulthood he began to
teach. What he taught began to shed new light on the struggle. What
he proposed could end it once and for all.
He taught universal laws - positivity cannot be achieved through
negativity. The Black League was fighting fire with fire, only
creating a blaze instead of peace. One must integrate positivity and
negativity to the balance point. One must love, not fear. The idea
of peace and freedom must be loved so much that one is willing to
live it in one's soul despite outside manifestations. The Black
League thus learned that their intentions were good, but their
actions only caused more of what they despised.
This realization occurred on mass levels. It opened new doors of
spirituality for the people of these oppressed worlds. They had a
long way to go, but at least they now knew where to start.
Once the dynamic began to be understood from higher levels, it was
decided that they would transmute this energy by moving outward into
the galaxy and starting fresh. From these higher levels they called
upon the Founders to assist them in choosing a world. Of primary
concern was an assurance that all the tools were provided on this
new world for these adventurous beings to begin transmutation of the
Orion energy.
Free Will/Choice was the primary tool, as well as a
latent DNA code that would trigger a desire for societal
preservation when if it became possible for them to self-destruct.
The world that was chosen was Earth. The Founders then began
engaging various physical groups to carry out the Earth Inception.
[See chapter 9]
Earth has manifested the Orion drama in an attempt to balance
polarity throughout humankind's history. The fall of
Atlantis, the
Roman Empire, and the ongoing religious wars are all examples of
memory patterns from Orion that are emerging to be cleared.
Throughout all of these dramas the human race has survived and has
kept total oppression at bay.
Humanity continues to play out the
same dynamic: victims, perpetrators, and resistance. However, this
time light is beginning to spread and even the resistance is
beginning to learn early on that one can't fight fire with fire.
The contemporary Orion civilization, existing in the same time
continuum as present-day Earth, has already healed its conflict.
Because Earth is still playing out Orion's past in an attempt to
balance it for itself, the primary contact humanity receives from
Orion has been judged to be negative.
The Men in Black phenomenon as
well as some manifestations of the Illuminati structure are playing
out the past Orion need for control.
Men in Black (MIBs) have several origins. Some are human
incarnations from Orion and/or negatively oriented Sirius energy;
others are actual past Orions who have traveled "forward" in time to
present-day Earth. (These include Empire representatives who were
caught in Earth's mass consciousness as they pursued Orion
They perceive Earth as a threat. From their point of
view, as humanity awakens and liberates itself it magnetizes the
oppressed Orion beings to seek freedom here. They want to keep these
windows of opportunity closed for the victims of Orion, keep Earth unempowered, and stay in total control. The MIBs are only one
manifestation of this idea; generally it is played out on Earth in a
much more subtle way.
Those individuals who carry the oppressive
patterns from Orion act from their soul memory and are not
necessarily conscious in their desire for absolute control. In
researching twentieth-century MIB encounters, one comes across the
ironic behavior of these beings - they function at a very autonomous
level and seem to never claim for themselves the power that they so single-mindedly attempt to wrest from humans.
This may suggest that
the MIB is only a pawn in perhaps an even more bizarre power
The Orion drama is not an experiment done to someone by someone
else. All those who choose to be a part of the Earth Transmutation
do so through their Free Will. This Transmutation/Integration will
affect the entire galactic family created through the Dimensional
Infusion. This would initiate the beginning processes of the
Integration back through the Prism of Lyra. The integrated
polarities can thus be termed the "Orion Light."
There were stages built into the Transmutation project from which
the Founders would be able to gauge its progress. The first stage
was a simple seeding and developing of third-density life into a
strong genetic strain on Earth. The subsequent stages involved
various developments of civilization. The crucial stage is occurring
presently upon the Earth - the mass reawakening of millions of souls
to a greater spiritual purpose.
This awakening occurs naturally and begins to accelerate a widening
of the gap between the positive and negative poles (as seen
presently within society). The accentuation of this gap serves to
polarize and highlight the choices society may take - making it
clear that choices must be made at this point in time. Humanity does
not have the ugliness and pain of a tormented past to the extent
that the Orions had.
As Earth reawakens, all the tools become
visible for humanity to claim responsibility for the Whole and the
Self. The painful Orion memories may continue to surface, but the
healing of them will occur through humanity's proclamation of
freedom and choice.
When the Dimensional Infusion occurred, there were some individual
and group consciousnesses who chose to remain dormant. They allowed
themselves to serve as archetypes, and could be awakened as needed.
Some even allowed fragments of themselves to incarnate. An example
of this is the consciousness known as Merlin.
During the time of the
Orion drama the friction between the two polarities awakened the
sleeping magician. "He" became a guiding force in the drive to
integrate from both a physical and a nonphysical point of view.
Fragments of his consciousness would incarnate intermittently to
spark a memory of the past and a vision of the future.
He has gone
by many names on many worlds, but he always mirrors one's own beauty
as well as one's ugliness. His energy has been present in
association with Earth right from the Inception.
The Earth Inception will be examined more thoroughly in the coming
chapters. For the time being, it must be shared that this drama has
been created to be a success. Most who incarnate upon Earth are
involved (to varying degrees) in the Orion drama. Everyone is here
by choice.
The instant that one begins operating from a belief that
humanity is here against its will is the instant that personal and
planetary power has been surrendered.
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6 - Earth's Pleiadian Cousins
"Many a night from yonder ivied
ere I went to rest,
Did I look upon great Orion,
sloping slowly to the west.
Many a night I saw the Pleiads,
rising thro' the mellow shade
Glitter like a swarm of fireflies
tangled in a silver braid."
— Tennyson
During the early development of the
Lyran system the first friction between polarities began to occur.
Some Lyrans manifested the idea of the feminine polarity --
intuitive and allowing. They believed the path to reintegration was
through inner development. Other Lyrans, however, 'polarized to the
masculine. Their philosophy upheld the notion that in order to
evolve, they had to dominate the known universe. This caused much
dissension between the two.
As the Lyran civilization developed, a group of Lyrans decided they
would prefer to develop their culture away from what they perceived
were negative influences. Thus they searched the galaxy for a new
home. In their search they found a young planet rich in natural
resources. This planet was Earth.
For several generations this group resided on Earth, coexisting
peacefully with the developing primate race. However, over a long
period of time they found that they were not adapting to Earth's
physical and electromagnetic environment as well as they desired.
During this time they incorporated small amounts of genetic material
from the primates to assist them in assimilating to Earth's
environment. Over generations their DNA changed slightly, allowing
them to become more adapted to Earth.
While these Earth-Lyrans were incorporating primate genetics into
themselves, other groups of Lyrans were on the planet to carry out
the Founders' wishes as well as their own by inserting Lyran
genetics into the primates. The arrival of these Lyrans refueled the
conflicts the Earth-Lyrans initially escaped from, so they chose to
find another planetary system to colonize.
Desiring to build a new
culture where they could become isolated from old conflicts rooted
in their past, they explored the region widely before they decided
on an open cluster of young blue stars known as
the Pleiades.1
1 Splinter groups also
colonized other systems in Earth's galactic neighborhood.
When the Pleiadian star system began to be colonized by Earth-Lyrans
it was intended to be a very balanced, independent race. This was
reflected in their choice of a new, stable star cluster. More than
anything else, they desired to create a culture based on harmony,
truth, and unconditional love.
Once the colonization plan became
known, those of Lyran descent who desired a new home decided to
colonize other areas of the Pleiades star cluster as well.2
2 Visibly, we only see seven stars in the Pleiadian system. From
the Pleiadian point of view, there are hundreds of stars with
habitable planets (unseen from Earth) which make up the Pleiadian
These early Pleiadians (the previous Earth-Lyrans) possessed highly
developed intuitive skills, as well as an inbred desire to create a
community lifestyle. The Whole was as important as the Self. Even
with this desire, it took these beings generations to mature and
create their own identity separate from their Lyran roots.
generations they developed this new culture which was philosophical
in nature and technologically progressing at a rate perfect for
their development. Though there were several periods of conflict,
the cultural base that these new Pleiadians created remained stable
for many thousands of years.
Over generations the community-oriented Pleiadians began to favor
peace and tranquility so much that they learned to invalidate all
forms of negativity. Deeper and deeper they submerged their natural
humanoid tendencies, until a great emptiness appeared within their
being. There was no conflict, resolution, or learning. A voice cried
out from within them. There was a portion of them that desired to be
From this well of despair they reached out to their Lyran
forefathers. When the call was answered, the Lyrans were surprised
to find a culture that had virtually cut itself off from creation.
The Pleiadians had no knowledge of what was occurring in the
universe around them. They were unaware of the anguish of Orion,
even though they were both descendants of Lyra.
When the Pleiadians were made aware of the Orion struggle, their own
sleeping dragon awakened. They felt a passion. Once again they felt
alive; a deep mission was sparked within their souls. They offered
to be of service within the Orion struggle. It was then that they
committed themselves to fighting the Orion negativity.
Thus it began.
They entered the Orion struggle through many
vehicles. Some souls chose to incarnate directly into the system
within both polarity orientations (positive and negative) in order
to understand the struggle. The majority of these Pleiadians
incarnating into the Orion struggle became ensnared - it is easy to
enter the Orion reincarnational cycle but virtually impossible to
Others chose to ally themselves with the
Black League or
continue to incarnate within the Pleiadian system and attempt to
contain the expansion of the Orion Empire. They fought with every
ounce of their being against the negativity they saw around them.
Unconsciously they also fought the negativity still further - within
The struggle continued. The Pleiadians fought as zealously against
the Orion negativity as they did their own latent shadow selves.
Instead of finding a truth within, they only perpetuated their
hatred of their own negativity. It was only when the Orion Empire
destroyed one of their populated planets that they disengaged
themselves actively from the Orion struggle. The lifeless, charred
planet still stands in their system as a reminder of their past
actions. When that planet was obliterated, the Pleiadians were
devastated. Finally, an impasse was reached.
On the highest levels of being, every consciousness involved in the
Orion drama took a step back. They evaluated the situation. It
became obvious that the resolution needed to occur from a different
angle. They agreed to extend the conflict to another arena within
the galaxy.
The Pleiadians were faced with a choice: would they
return their energies to their home worlds, or would they agree to
resolve their own issues (as well as the Orion struggle) once and
for all?
Initially, they chose to return home. This allowed them to gather
their strength and search the very depths of their souls to find a
way to become whole. They were so afraid of the negativity that they
became immobilized. They waited. They pondered... and they faltered.
While they waited, the Inception project began in full force upon
the Earth.
The Lyrans were the physical directors of the project
(under the Founders), accepting assistance from other physical
groups such as the Sirians. It quickly became apparent that they
needed a genetic structure of terrestrial as well as
extraterrestrial origin for their Inception project. They contacted
the Pleiadians.
At first the Pleiadians expressed reluctance about becoming involved
with Earth once again. However, the Lyrans pointed out possible
Pleiadian benefits with a deft craftiness. Knowing that the
Pleiadians had originally incorporated Earth primate genetics into
themselves, the Lyrans admitted that they needed certain aspects of
Pleiadian DNA for the developing terran species on Earth.
Unknowingly, they also created a way for the Pleiadians to face
their negativity once and for all.
It was proposed that a DNA transfer from the Pleiadians into the
terran species over a long period of time would create a race of
humanoids who would be terrestrial but would also have
extraterrestrial roots. The closest ancestors of these Earth humans
would be the Pleiadians, and through these family ties the
Pleiadians would be allowed to be involved with the Earth species
During this involvement they would observe the
developing race, interact intermittently in order to keep them on
course, and learn about human negativity. This vicariously would
heal the pain of the Pleiadian past. After some reluctance to
associate once again with the Lyrans, a group of Pleiadians finally
From this agreement came thousands of years of Pleiadian interaction
with nearly every primitive culture upon the Earth.
Drawings of
space beings and spacecraft adorn
many cave walls, and many ancient
documents record the actions of these gods who came from the sky.
They saw themselves as "gods" no more than today's humans do.
However, from the point of view of a primitive people, they surely
must have seemed like gods.
During certain developmental stages of a humanoid species, it is
common to give up personal power to a godlike or magical figure.
This became widespread, and soon the Pleiadians began to relish the
power they were given. They began to wield it. Some began using fear
in order to manipulate. Their soul-level agreement to learn from the
developing Earth transformed into a satiation of personal desire.
Many ancient myths concerning jealous
gods are directly linked to these extraterrestrial beings from other
systems, including the Pleiades.3
3 Examples of these myths include the Egyptian accounts of Set and
Osiris, as well as the
Sumerian conflicts between Enlil and Enki.
These seem like archetypal battles; many cultures have legends of
similar figures that can be considered counterparts, or perhaps a
translation of one story.
When these power binges occurred, it was necessary for these
extraterrestrials to be reminded of their purpose. Very often
resentment built up on the part of the Pleiadians toward other
visiting groups. For a period of a few thousand years the Pleiadians
grew in power, and then were consistently reminded of their place.
The irony of the situation soon became known to them - they had
wished to get in touch with their negativity. Their wish had been
During these interactions the Pleiadians involved with Earth were
all from the same time continuum. Their contacts were consistent
with their development. They had not yet mastered the complex
technology of time/space manipulation. It wasn't until the twentieth
century that Earth has begun to pull in Pleiadian contact from many
different time frames simultaneously.
Though contact continued intermittently until the present day, it
has slowed in comparison to earlier times. Most Pleiadians no longer
consider Earth humans to be children, and they allow humanity to
make its own choices. Once Earth began its technological era, it was
watched very closely for the critical mass necessary to activate the
DNA code for preservation of the species.
Since the 1940s both
physical and nonphysical extraterrestrials have been monitoring
humanity and attempting communication, mostly in subtle ways. The Pleiadians were the first to begin a major benevolent contact
program physically with Earth. Although this was quietly carried out
as early as the 1930s, it began to be noticed on a wider scale in
the 1970s.4
4 There are indications that negative groups (such as the Sirians)
began contact in the 1930s as well and that their negative actions
were always countered by the more benevolent groups such as the
Pleiadians. This heavy contact activity (by both positively and
negatively oriented groups) appears to occur in 20-year cycles:
1930s, 1950s, 1970s, and as we will soon perhaps see, the 1990s.
A Swiss named
Billy Meier
has documented hundreds of hours of
communication with the Pleiadian cosmonaut Semjase. He also
possesses a large number of photographs of the Pleiadians'
spacecrafts which, using photographic technology, have never been
proven to be false. He claims to have been taken both backward and
forward in time by the Pleiadians (and their allies
the DALs) to
view various events.
This contact has caused major controversy since it was revealed.
Meier had been provided with evidence (by the Pleiadians themselves)
such as a metal sample which was analyzed on film by a noted IBM
scientist. The analysis revealed an unusual combination of materials
including a rare and expensive element called
Also, when
analyzed further, the sample seemed to display properties of both
metal and crystal. The metal sample subsequently disappeared, but
the film analysis remains.
Within the
UFO research community this case is a classic example of
throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Because it is "too easy,"
it is considered to be fraudulent. When Meier attempted to construct
models of Pleiadian spacecrafts to see if the photographs could be
faked, the models were found, and the whole case was labeled a hoax.
The teachings of the 1970s from Semjase and her associates are now
beginning to be more widely known. They teach spiritual truths as
well as give a partial history of the Pleiadian race. Some teachings
warn of impending natural and man-made disasters connected with a
new age to come. It seems that these Pleiadian beings were from an
orientation in their history where warning humans about approaching
cataclysm was part of their contact philosophy.
Though these
teachings may have been applicable when they were given, one may
question how they relate to today's mass consciousness.
There are indications that the mass consciousness of Earth made a
shift from a future of disaster to one of increasing responsibility
during the time period of 1980-1982. Since these Pleiadian teachings
were given before the shift was made, perhaps they represent an old
idea. It does not necessarily mean they are not valid, but it does
mean that perhaps there is a different outlook coming to humanity
instead - one which reflects the choices and changes humanity has
recently made on a mass-conscious level.
The Pleiadian contact coming to us presently (both in physical and
telepathic forms) may echo a different voice. Some claim to be the
future descendants of Meier's Pleiadians. These Pleiadians speak
openly of their difficult past and why they felt they needed to use
certain tactics in dealing with Earth.
They admit to having their
own motivations for contact, and thank this planet for all they have
learned. They are helping society to shed light on other forms of
contact in which they themselves are not directly involved (such as
negative abduction experiences). They are sincerely assisting
humanity by whatever means they can, allowing the planet to achieve
a global as well as galactic viewpoint.
The Pleiadians have specific reasons for being tentative in their
present interactions with Earth. For thousands of years they have
stepped in either to protect us from danger or to control us like
children "for our own good." Some splinter groups even manipulated
humankind for its own purposes. This has been a source of great
shame to them.
They now realize that humanity must make its own
choices and they must trust the human ability to do so. They have
created a karmic cycle through their interference. For their own
growth, it is imperative that this cycle be relinquished. The
thought of perpetuating the pattern of interference on Earth is the
single most fearful idea facing a Pleiadian.
Will Pleiadian contact with Earth continue in the future?
Since they
are the most similar to the Earth human physically (in
fourth-density form), it seems appropriate that they become one of
the first to walk this planet undisguised. They stress, however,
that as much as humanity might want to meet its cousins from the
sky, they will not initiate an open contact program until humanity
can embrace its brothers across the street.
It is up to this planet.
It is humanity who is calling the shots.
Are we finally ready to let
go of the fear of recognizing our heritage and accept their
outstretched hands?
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The Pleyades
7 - The Gateway of Arcturus
"Verily, when a person departs
from this world
he goes to the wind.
It opens out therefor him like
the hole of a chariot wheel.
Through it he mounts higher.
He goes to the sun.
It opens out therefor him like the hole of a drum...
He goes to the moon-
He goes to the world that is without sorrow..."
— Brihad-Aranyaka
When passing through the Prism of Lyra,
there were some beings who decided to remain in nonphysical form.
These beings lovingly chose an existence of service to those of the
more dense realities, such as third-density Earth. They realized
that on developing physical worlds the evolving life may need
assistance from other realms. This assistance would come in the form
of archetypes, angels, guides, and unseen inspiration.
These beings were attracted to the area of the star Arcturus.
During their initial attraction the star field in the Arcturus
region was slightly different from its present manifestation, but
the energy of the area remains constant. There is a gateway or
crossroads in the fabric of time and space in the general area of Arcturus.
These beings soon realized this
gateway passed
dimensionally through almost every other area inhabited from the
Dimensional Infusion. It was then that they began to understand
their purpose - to aid consciousness from many levels of awareness.
The Arcturan purpose is multifaceted. One idea is that they serve
humanoid-kind as an ideal. They represent the future self of an
individual or a society. Their energy is, by its nature, a magnet
that draws out positive potential and integration from the very
depths of being. They reflect to Earth where it is heading in its
Once humanity evolves into non-physicality, the ideal goal
is to achieve a consciousness similar to that of the Arcturan mass
consciousness. They recognize themselves as a group matrix,
committed to the idea of the evolution of consciousness.
Very often Arcturan beings will manifest to humans as angels. It is
known that one of the purposes of an angel is to serve humankind. In
a very real sense, the Arcturans have a dedication to humanoid-kind.
They have chosen to learn about physicality through physical beings.
They are etheric in nature. Their energy can be felt as a presence,
a surge of creativity or unconditional love. They will manifest
according to the belief system of the person with whom they are
interacting. To the more traditionally religious, it will be as
angels. To some of the more modern seekers, perhaps as
extraterrestrials or future selves. Either way the outcome is the
same - an interaction with a truly loving being devoted to the
service of physical beings and thus the Whole.
Because they serve physicality they interact not only with the
humanoid beings upon a planet, but also with the unseen kingdoms
whose evolution is different from that of humanoids. Each planet has
its own
devic kingdom - the consciousness energy of the plant,
mineral, and animal kingdoms - and the Arcturan energy acts as a
higher aspect of a planet's devic kingdom. Again, they repeat the
idea of reflecting the future evolutionary ideal.
There are a small number of Arcturans who choose to experience
physicality in order to serve. Rather than entering physicality
through the birth process, they choose to "walk in" an already
existing body on a physical world. They do not have the need (or the
"karmic compulsion," so to speak) to enter through the incarnation
process. By various agreements between souls, a "trade" is
The soul of a human who is emotionally in pain will
enter the Arcturus realm for healing, and the curious Arcturan will
temporarily embody upon a planet.1
1 This is not a common
occurrence. Many who claim to be "walk-ins"; have experienced a more
common process that can be called "soul braiding.": This process is
the bringing in of a higher frequency of the soul's own energy, not
an exchange of consciousness. It can be mistakenly understood as the
entrance of a new consciousness, whereas it is a stepping up and
integration of the original consciousness.
The primary service the Arcturans provide for physical beings is
that of emotional healing. Arcturus is more of a realm than an
actual place, and within the realm of Arcturus Earth souls who have
had traumatic deaths (or lives) are healed and rejuvenated. Because
the gateway of Arcturus connects dimensionally with Earth, all who
incarnate on Earth must pass through the Arcturus realm before they
reach the planet, unless they consciously choose not to. This
provides a healing for those about to be born, and a strengthening
of their choices and desires for the physical life about to occur.
The gateway of Arcturus prepares nonphysical consciousness for the
intense focus of physicality and thus sexuality. From the Arcturan
point of awareness, physicality and sexuality are the same
The Arcturus energy is particularly adept at various
forms of
sexual healing, such as in the case of sexual abuse during
childhood or adulthood. The healing energies of Arcturus are equally
nurturing for the abused and the abuser, for both are in much pain.
The utilization of the Sirius/Arcturus healing matrix can be quite
powerful in such cases.
The cetaceans, especially dolphins, can represent the Sirius/Arcturus
matrix to those in pain. Since dolphins are quite sexual and
unconditionally loving in their expression, they can serve as a
physical manifestation of the Sirius/Arcturus healing matrix. This
matrix is totally non-threatening, providing subtle healing on very
deep levels.
At death the human consciousness passes through the Arcturus realm.
There they are nurtured and cared for until they awaken to their
greater reality. In the case of traumatic death, a great tenderness
and healing is shared so that the soul about to awaken makes a
smooth transition.
In after-death experiences the light that is perceived at the end of
a tunnel is actually a representation of the Arcturus vibration.
This vibration will be translated through the perceiver's own belief
system. Because Arcturus is primarily sixth density, it is often
perceived as the Christ or Buddha vibration.
The light can be
equated with the future or higher self (Christ self) of an
individual. So in a sense, during the death process one is merging
with the higher self, which happens to share a frequency range
nearly identical to the Arcturus realm. There healing occurs.
In all
of creation there is nothing that heals, nurtures, and rejuvenates
the human spirit as completely as the Arcturus vibration.2
2 In many after-death experiences individuals have spoken poignantly
of the bright light they encounter. An account chronicled in Moody's
Life After Life states,
"A brilliant white light appeared to me. The
light was so bright that I could not see through it, but going into
its presence was so calming and wonderful. There is just no
experience on earth like it."
Entering the Arcturan vibration after
death can be equated with this experience.
Another idea that is synonymous with the Arcturus vibration is the
idea of creativity. When one is creating, one aligns with the energy
of the Creator. Since Arcturus serves as a "messenger" of the
Creator, so to speak, the vibrations are quite similar. In this way
Arcturus has been intimately bound to humanity from the beginning,
since humanity is always creating.
Arcturus is much more than a star. It is a frequency that one
possesses, within. It is a frequency of creation, healing, and
evolution. It has been with Earth and other developing physical
planets from their inception. It is less a character in the galactic
family story than an undercurrent - one that is ever present in the
entire Dimensional Infusion idea.
Because the energy of Arcturus is
an undercurrent that consistently interacts with us, the Earth
planetary environment often translates Arcturan energy into a form
that is meant to trigger individuals emotionally. An example of this
is the lenticular cloud, a spectacular cloud formation that molds
itself into a disk shape. It may look like a spacecraft, but most of
the time it is merely the Earth environment translating the energy
it perceives at an etheric level. These etheric "ships" serve once
again to remind humanity of its unseen connections.
Within polarized
reality Arcturus has chosen a counterpart to reflect other aspects
of its evolving nature. Its counterpart is the area called Antares.;
Within the dimensional gateway or crossroads there is a joining
between Antares and Arcturus which serves as a major focal point of
energy in this region. Most of the consciousnesses who incarnate on
Earth pass only through the Arcturus vibration.
There are others who
choose to pass through Antares before they reach Arcturus. These are
the individuals who work directly with mass-consciousness patterns,
matrices, and cellular evolution.
Antares is also the dimensional connection point between Earth's
quadrant of the Milky Way and
the galaxy Andromeda. The Antares/Andromeda
connection energizes the abstract concepts of existence and
consciousness necessary for physical races to begin to remember
their heritage, thus transmuting their past.
Most of the other races explored in this work have more
individualized agreements with planet Earth. The Arcturus connection
is very fluid, very malleable, but no less important. If one likens
all the other characters of the story to ingredients in a cosmic
soup, one can see how they all add to the flavoring. However, if one
likens Arcturus to the consistency of the bouillon in the soup, it
is apparent how the Arcturan vibration is a vital ingredient that
holds it all together.
Many manifestations of the Arcturan energy on Earth can be explored.
First, one can say that Arcturus and Sirius form a partnership.
Whereas Arcturus works with emotional healing, Sirius facilitates
physical healing. The Egyptians knew these connections and called
upon the energies of the Arcturus/Sirius matrix for assistance in
their rituals.
The Egyptian deity known as Anubis was a direct Sirian archetype, but worked with the Arcturan energy. Anubis guided
individuals into the underworld (the astral), or through the process
of physical death. There the energies of both Sirius and Arcturus
began the healing process with the soul.
The representation of the
jackal (or the "dog," as in the Dog Star of Sirius) as Anubis is a
blatant signal that the Egyptians were aware of the connection.
Anubis (as a Sirius archetype) led the departed soul to the Arcturus
realm where healing occurs.
Arcturus represents integration as much as Orion represents the
conflicting or polarized nature of humanity. The archetype of Merlin
has often been labeled a bridge. When two polarities attempt a
unification, there must be a common ground they both stand on before
the merging occurs. Merlin is thus a bridge between the explosive
Orion and the healing Arcturus.
He is the common ground. It is
apparent how his energy has been of major importance, not only to
Earth, but to all who experience polarity. Magic is the spark
created from the friction between polarities that ignites
Early in the development of Earth, the Arcturans agreed to density
themselves enough to be perceived temporarily. They interacted with
the early culture called
by teaching healing skills. The
memory of these interactions was carried throughout generations.
When the Lemurians migrated to many areas of Earth, these memories
were carried with them.
The statues of
Easter Island are one of the
few ideas that remain in the physical of their direct interaction.
These statues are not meant to represent these densified Arcturans
so much as to pay tribute to them. The position of the statues is
skyward, gazing at the horizon, waiting for the Arcturans' return.
Humanity has never had to wait for their return. The energy has been
present all along. If one looks inward instead of outward, they can
be found. They are the human race evolved to its highest potential.
They remind humanity and edge it forward into the magnificent spiral
of evolution.
Home is where the heart is, and the heart is the path
of Arcturus.
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8 - Earth Inception
"Then God said, 'Let us make man
in our image, in our likeness...' "
— Genesis 1:26
In whose image were Earth humans made?
Many of Earth's oldest scriptures imply that human development was
guided by gods who descended from the sky. Even anthropologists are
aware of the unusually fast development of Homo sapiens. Some
anthropologists estimate that the species Homo sapiens appears to be
millions of years ahead of schedule.
Whereas the evolutionary development between Advanced
Australopithecus and Neanderthal took more than two million years,
evidence has been found on Earth that Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon)
emerged approximately 35,000 years ago. What is even more intriguing
is that while the remains of man are continually discovered,
archaeologists have found remains from an even earlier Homo sapiens
in the areas of western Asia and Northern Africa.
These remains date
back 250,000 years before Cro-Magnon man. It should be stated here
that Homo sapiens has no evolutionary precursor.
Nothing evolved
into Homo sapiens - the species simply appeared.
Would extraterrestrials be interested in having a hand in
evolution? If so, what could they gain from Earth humans? Perhaps it
was a way for them to accelerate their own evolution.
It seems evident there were three main groups that orchestrated the
Earth Inception.
We identify them as:
the Founders
a Lyran group
a Sirian group
The Founders facilitated the Inception from a
point of non-physicality and were the overseers of the entire
project. Unaware of these nonphysical influences, the Lyrans
physically orchestrated the Inception and employed a Sirian group to
assist. Each group had its own motivations for their involvement.
Though the motivations were different, the goal was the same - the
creation of a humanoid race on Earth.
As stated earlier, the Pleiadians involved themselves in Earth's
evolution for their own benefit.
They felt that if they interacted
with humans, not only would they be able to be a part of the
development of their previous home, but they could learn about
negativity and integration without having to incarnate directly into
a world that was playing out those ideas. They were persuaded by the Lyran group, who were well aware of the genetic compatibility of the
Pleiadians with the new Earth humans being developed.
The Lyran group (a combination of various Lyran races) was always
experimenting. Just as humans have certain instinctive drives (such
as procreation), these extraterrestrials carry their own drives
which emulate their "creators" - the Founders. The Founders'
"offspring" instinctively carried on with genetic seeding. These
Founders were well aware that inbreeding would cause a race to die
out, and thus they continually sought new stock to keep the gene
pool mixed.
There was another primary Lyran motivation for their involvement
with Earth. After eons of conflict within the Lyran offshoot races
(Vega, Sirius, Orion, etc.), they were tired of creating
civilizations that were polarized and failed to exist peacefully.
They were determined that Earth was to be a planet founded on
integration rather than polarity.
The Lyran group felt that perhaps
what they needed all along was a planet whose beginnings were
integrated rather than one that was carrying the seeds of polarity
from other star systems. With this in mind they began formulating
their rigid plan for the Earth Inception.
The Founders, however, had other plans. They knew Earth was possibly
going to be the final ground for healing the Orion drama, and
therefore must remain polarized in order to resolve the conflict.
The Founders knew that the galactic family might finally learn about
integration through the experience of polarity resolution on Earth.
The Founders allowed the Lyran group to carry out their plan because
they knew it would eventually support the cosmic plan.
As for the Sirian group, their motivations were much closer to home.
They considered Earth to be within the Sirius trinary star system;
thus they believed they had a right to manipulate Earth genetics.
The Sirians were interested simply in establishing primitive
humanoid races on Earth that could serve as manual laborers while
they expanded their colonies to include Earth. Thus they supported
the Lyran project with their own goals in mind.
The Earth Inception
project began.
For many thousands of years during the early phases of the Earth
Inception project, the Lyrans 1 watched the developing primate race
on earth with cautious eyes.
1 These Lyrans, as well as
others, have been known by the Hebrew term "Nefilim," erroneously
translated as "giants." Nefilim literally means "those who have come
down." Genesis 6:4 states: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those
days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went to the
daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of
old, men of renown." The original Hebrew term translated as "renown"
is "shem," which literally means airborne vehicle, possibly
rocketship. Hence, "They were the heroes of old, people of the
Occasionally they took samples and made
slight alterations to the DNA structures. At critical points in
development they began inserting genetic material from the Pleiadians
2 (and other groups) into these primates. Over long periods
it became increasingly apparent that evolution was accelerating at a
rapid pace. When this became evident, the crucial prototype
experiments were initiated.
As implied previously, the Pleiadians carried Earth genetics that
successfully integrated into the Lyran stock. Thus they became the
ultimate choice to seed the terran race on Earth.
The story of
Adam and Eve is one of the few legacies left that can
subtly remind humanity of its beginnings. The tale contains many
symbolic references to the saga that occurred concerning the type of
species who were to inherit the Earth.
As stated, the Lyran group wanted a species founded on integration.
Therefore, they felt that the species must have no knowledge of
polarity - or "good" and "evil." They strictly controlled the
environment of these new humans so they would stay focused on
developing as perfect vehicles of integration. They did not want the
new humans to become like them - polarized. What the Lyran group did
not acknowledge was that they were also restricting choice on the
part of these new humans.
After generations of working with primates and extraterrestrial
genetics, the Lyran group developed a human prototype whose meaning,
"of the earth," has been translated into the name "Adam." The Adam
prototype was introduced on Earth to test its environmental
adaptability in many areas of the planet. (There were many Adams).
When this prototype was satisfactorily adapted, the Adams were
"So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he
slept. Then He took one of his ribs [or part of his side], and
closed up the flesh at that place." 3
Genesis 2:21
cloning and genetic
engineering, a female prototype was created that is translated as
Both were returned to the environment and watched closely.
Out of their desire to create a species that had no knowledge of
polarity, the Lyrans instructed all who tended the prototypes to
forbid them knowledge - to actually deny them the right of choice
which all divine beings are granted.
Hence, one can see the meaning
of the statement by God:
"From any tree of the garden you may eat
freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
[polarity] you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it
you shall surely die." 4
Genesis 2:16
The Sirians working with the Lyran group disagreed with this
philosophy. They felt the Lyrans' personal desires for creating this
species was misaligned with the rights of humanoid forms. These
Sirians, although wanting to develop the human race for their own
purposes, discovered they had a genuine affection for the new
humans. Despite this duality they decided to intervene, thus
inadvertently giving humans the opportunity to choose.
The Sirian group warned the humans:
"And the serpent 5 said to the
woman, 'You surely shall not die! For God knows that in the day you
eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,
knowing good and evil.'" 6
The serpent is an archetypal symbol that is found in many ancient
myths. The serpent's nature consistently portrays duality - it is
feared but yet is a strong ally for humankind. In the
texts, Enki, the god (Sirian) who protects humanity, is also
portrayed as a serpent. The judgment that the serpent is "evil" is
more contemporary and may have been a ploy used by the gods (Lyrans)
to keep humanity from following the instructions of the Sirians who
were attempting to assist humankind.
Genesis 3:4.
Being presented with choice and the need
for a decision involving their existence, the humans achieved
third-density consciousness. When the humans realized they had been
deceived by "God" they opted for knowledge. Once they made the
choice to receive knowledge of polarity they were fully anchored in
the physical.
They now possessed ego, or knowledge of "I am," and
became self-aware.
"Then the Lord God said 'Behold, the man has become like one of us,
knowing good and evil [polarity]. He must not be allowed to reach
out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live
forever.'" 7
Genesis 3:22.
Needless to say, the Lyran group was not pleased. In
their anger they denied humans knowledge from the tree of life
(Divine Heritage). The human race was thus forced to develop without
the knowledge of its connection to the galactic family and the
Whole. It would truly be a challenge.
To ensure that the humans did not seek this knowledge, the Lyran
group employed some precautions:
" the east of the garden He
stationed the cherubim, and the flaming sword which turned every
direction, to guard the way to the tree of life." 8
Genesis 3:24.
They left
humanity its heritage - the legacy of Orion (symbolically portrayed as
the sword), without leaving any knowledge of its resolution.
There are suggestions in the ancient Sumerian texts that the
cherubim are actual mechanical or robotic devices which, in this
case, protect the tree of life.
What is the literal translation of
the tree of life? In Sumerian the word for the tree of life was GISH.TIL.
GISH meant a man-made device; TIL meant (and still does
today in contemporary Hebrew) missile. Instead of an actual tree,
this may mean the "vehicle to life" - or a spaceship. In Sumerian
renderings there are clear depictions of rocket-ships, as well as men
saluting these rocket-ships.
It seems clear that the action by the
gods of stationing the cherubim to keep humans from the tree of life
was actually denying the humans the knowledge of their heritage. No
longer would the Earth human be allowed to openly intermingle with
the gods or leave the planet with them. Humans were banished from
the heavens.
What happened to the Sirian group who interfered with the plans of
the Lyrans?
By interfering they became energetically tied to the
development of Earth. They have always had many tricks up their
sleeve, and in this case they got the last laugh. When working with
the Lyran group during the genetic program, they inserted a latent
DNA code within the human cells.
This code is triggered by an
accelerating vibration that occurs when a civilization begins to
evolve spiritually.
As Earth accelerates toward self-awareness and
fourth density (which is
occurring presently), the code is
activated. Once activated, the human race unwinds its limited vision
like a coil until the expanse of All That Is becomes visible. It was
their way of allowing humanity to eat from the tree of life after
From these early seeders of planet Earth, humanity has been left a
challenge. As stated, the "children" who are seeded usually carry
the genetic codes and deep-seated attitudes of the "parents."
indeed Earth was seeded from a point of inequality and lack of free
Might this not explain why humans of many races today still
carry an underlying belief in the superiority of the Caucasian/Aryan
race (the Lyran group)?
Could it be that the very roots of racial
bigotry go as far back as the seeding of the planet?
The earliest
texts available to the seeker certainly suggest this.
The Sumerian
records give reference to the "black-headed ones" who worked the
mines of Africa for the gods. If this is the case - that humanity
carries the patterns of its forefathers - then this challenge is
just beginning. Breaking free from this godspell that has been cast
over humanity may be the key to the liberation of the human race on
In Earth's past the human race has received conflicting signals from
the gods.
There were times (some of which are recorded in
Sumerian texts, such as the great flood) when humans were abandoned
and left to die on the planet while the gods they trusted left in
their spaceships. During these times some gods "illegally" rescued
chosen humans. This has created an emotional encoding within the
human species during times of crisis. The encoding remembers both of
these patterns and a struggle is activated between the fear of
abandonment and the joy of salvation. It is imperative that the
human race resolve this dependence on the gods and become
On present-day Earth, extraterrestrial groups whose encodings are
rooted in the past still promise salvation. They come to humans as
physical space beings or speak telepathically to those who can hear
their frequency.
Often they name various Earth humans "commanders"
or "chosen ones," and continue to tempt the human ego to perpetuate
their own feelings of superiority. Though these off-planet groups
mean well for the most part, they continually perpetuate the gap
between the fear of abandonment and the joy of salvation, thus
encouraging the separative belief in elitism.
As humans take their
own power and enter planetary adulthood, those remnant groups will
transform as well. The majority of other extraterrestrial groups
have learned from their past actions and desire a resolution of this
conflict once and for all.
From the point of view of the Founders, the Plan was continuing
The Lyran group needed to play out the scenario for their
own growth. These early extraterrestrial "gods" left behind clues on
Earth that will eventually assist in awakening the planet to its
heritage. As humanity awakens to this knowledge, it will begin to
bring into play the tools that are needed to resolve the Orion
drama. Resolution comes from allowance.
If the human race can truly
allow diversity within unity from a point of non-judgment, Heaven on
Earth will be created.
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9 - Zeta
Reticuli - Transformation and Awakening
"They seek the very depths of
the soul. They seek communion."
— Whitley Strieber
The beginnings of the
Zeta Reticuli
civilization can be traced back in time to the inception of the Apex
planet in the Lyran system by the Founders. Theirs is a unique and
poignant development that has significant relevance to the evolution
of planet Earth.
The Apex planet allowed polarity, expressed through extreme
individualization, to tear them apart. Their technological evolution
occurred rapidly, surpassing their spiritual development which
prevented them from coexisting peacefully on their world. This
imbalance in energy caused the virtual destruction of the Apex
planet. From the view of an observer in space, the Apex world was
obliterated. From the point of view of the Apex inhabitants, a
different story occurred.
The Apex planet became extremely toxic. Pollution and high-level
radiation made the planet's surface uninhabitable.
The Apexians who survived the catastrophe secluded themselves
underground.1 It was imperative that integration occur within this
new underground society, lest the cycle of destruction recreate
itself. Recognizing its importance, they decided to force
integration (fusion) through a total restructuring of their reality.
1 This underground seclusion
produced various factions of Apexians. The one explored in the
present chapter is a more benign race. Others who were more
negatively oriented (and assisted in creating the chaos on the Apex
planet) eventually left the Apex planet after thousands of years and
settled in areas of Sirius and Orion, most notably Betelgeuse. The
negative beings who have present interaction with Earth have been
labeled as the negative Sirians and the Greys; they have their own
motivations for their interactions with Earth.
As the Apex planet approached its destruction, mentality and
intellect were so highly developed that it was becoming noticeable
in the physical forms of the Apexians. The craniums had increased in
size significantly over very few generations. Natural childbirth
became less and less successful because the craniums were not
passing easily through the birth canal.
The females simply could not
adapt to the rapidity of cranial growth. Anticipating what may be a
species crisis, genetic engineers began learning cloning techniques
which could eventually replace the birth process. For the Apexians,
this move saved their species - for after the planet's surface became
uninhabitable, the Apexians found themselves sterile.
Once they realized they were sterile, the Apexians decided to use it
to their advantage. They no longer wanted the type of civilization
they once had; they wanted to begin anew. Thus they steadfastly
decided to rigidly control the genetics of their future society.
Genetic engineers began work on the development of their new race.
This race (they believed) would be an integrated aspect of their
The first priority was to genetically alter the brain structures to
affect emotional expression. They shunned their past expression of
passion and chaos; they now wanted order. Their brains were thus
altered to output a consistent chemical response to external
stimuli. They achieved detachment from their ego structure.
generations of neurochemical manipulations, the Apexians became a
group mind. The individualistic expressions they were once extremely
proud of were now gone.
The combination of planetary radiation and the effects of their
cloning began to produce a race with little physical variance from
one person to the other. In order to utilize the planet's
underground environment more efficiently, their bodies were created
smaller in stature. In adaptation to the absence of ultraviolet
light and natural sunlight, their eyes began to respond to different
frequencies of the visual spectrum.
Their pupils mutated to cover
the entire eye, and the eyes enlarged to allow more surface space
for gathering light.
In response to the lack of fresh food, their bodies eventually
adapted to the absorption of certain frequencies of light as
nourishment. Their skin became photothermic and photovoltaic,
sensitive to light sources in the underground caverns. Salvaged
plants and luminiferous underground minerals aided in their
nourishment. Many of their organs, such as those of the digestive
and reproductive systems, thus began to atrophy.
The transformation
they underwent touched every aspect of their beings. A new
civilization began to emerge.
The force and vibration of the Apexians' previous atomic blasts
eventually folded the space surrounding the Apex planet and they
emerged "on the other side" of a dimensional doorway. During the
underground seclusion which lasted thousands of years, the Apexians
had no idea that their planet had changed its position in time and
It wasn't until they emerged onto the planet's surface
generations later that they found the star field had shifted
dramatically. It was then that they knew the extent of their
actions. The Apex planet had shifted its position (relative to time
and space) in the cosmos. It now existed "slightly off in dimension
compared to the worlds they were familiar with. To understand what
had occurred and use the knowledge to their benefit, they began to
master the science of folding time and space.
The day they finally emerged onto the planet's surface once again,
they had become a new species. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes,
they had managed to produce transformation from destruction. They
were no longer Apexians. They now assumed a new identity, that of
One People Reflecting the Whole.
From Earth's point of view, these One People can now be called the
Zeta Reticuli.2 Their planet, through its shift in dimension,
inserted itself into the vicinity of Zeta Reticuli 1 and Zeta
Reticuli 2 3 in the
Reticulum Rhomboidalis star group.4
2 As stated in footnote 1, there were many factions of Apexians who
went underground. While underground, several factions developed
themselves into benign Zeta Reticuli races. These benign entities
are the ones addressed in Chapter 9.
The faction discussed in footnote 1 can be considered the negative
Zeta Reticuli, who, after the shift into the Reticulum star system,
left the original Apex planet and colonized another planet in the
Zeta Reticuli system. They are nearly identical in appearance and
can be differentiated only by their vibration or behavior, which is
inherently negative in nature.
Perhaps when contradictory versions of the Zeta Reticuli are seen,
humans are actually interacting with the Reticuli from different
evolutionary points in their historical time line, even though they
all come from Earth's future. The more negative manifestations might
be their past, whereas some of the more harmless interactions might
occur from a further evolved state. When they come to humans in the
present, it is assumed that they originate from a single point in
time. If they are indeed coming to Earth from various points in
their development, it would explain the wide range of reported
abduction experiences conducted by the same beings.
3 Webster's Dictionary defines "reticular" as "like a network;
complicated." Some may surely attest that the psyche of the Zeta
Reticuli beings is complicated indeed!
4 One of the most famous early cases of UFO abduction that supports
the origin of these beings is the
Betty and Barney Hill
case. In
1961 Betty Hill was shown a map of a star group during her
abduction. Years later she drew this map while under hypnosis. At
the time, there was no reference to this group on known star charts.
It has since been discovered that Betty's drawing matches a newly
discovered star group seen from Earth's southern hemisphere. The
star group,
Reticulum Rhomboidalis (the Rhomboidal Net) houses the
star group now labeled Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2.
From that base
they began reestablishing their connections with the Founders of
Life. To this day they continue to carry out the wishes of the
Founders for galactic evolution. What they are just beginning to
realize is that they are carrying out their own evolution as well.
Today, the Zeta Reticuli require a way to strengthen their genetic
line in order to create a future for their race. After generations
of cloning using the same genetic material, they became severely
inbred and stagnant in their evolutionary growth.
Their race is
dying, but their oversoul wishes to continue incarnating in
physicality. They are deliberately keeping themselves from
transitioning to fifth density in order to leave behind a seed of
themselves that can genetically continue to reproduce. This will aid
the galactic whole in its evolution.
Recognizing their predicament, they called out to the Founders.
The Founders introduced the Reticuli to a diverse planet that
genetically possessed a gene pool from many human-type species as
far back as the inception of the Lyran races. Instead of the
Reticuli going from civilization to civilization gathering genetic
material, they could now get it in one place. This planet is Earth.
The Reticuli were primarily attracted to Earth in the 1940s, when
the planet began to possess the technology to self-destruct. They
are quite aware that their past represents a future possibility for
Earth. Because of their ability to travel through time, they could
have gathered genetic material from any time in Earth's past.
However, they needed genetic material from a period of Earth's
history when civilization stands on the brink of destruction and
transformation. This will aid them in their own integrative process.
In a sense, it is their way of changing their past. By interacting
with present-day Earth, they heal their past and change their
Today on Earth they carry out this genetic program. Since this
planet has not yet understood or embraced the idea of soul choice,
most of the individuals who are participants in this genetic program
consider themselves victims. There are thousands of stories of
terrorized abductees who are plagued by reoccurring experiences of
extraterrestrials who snatch them from their warm beds.5
5 Although most
abductions are carried out by the Zeta Reticuli,
there are isolated incidents of other groups using the abduction
scenario for their own purposes. For example, the
negatively-oriented Sirians, Orions, and those termed the "Greys"
very often use terrorizing methods. It is essential that humans
learn to differentiate the benign Zeta Reticuli contact from the
more malevolent interactions.
[OCR editor: benign zetas are screen
memories implanted by government and
beings to cover up the true abuses happening in the abduction
phenomenon. This book is full of rationalizations and slick
disinformation. Do your research before swallowing it.]
of terror occur because humanity is not yet willing to face its own
shadow, which is reflected in the mirror that the Reticuli
The Reticuli primarily seek specific human characteristics that they
bred out of their race eons ago. One such characteristic is a
variability of reaction to external stimuli. To relearn this, they
must sample and study human neurochemical reactions to a myriad of
Their most common method of studying these neurochemical secretions
is by the implantation of an organic probe. These probes are
inserted into the head of the abductee through either the nose, eye,
or ear cavity. These probes absorb and catalog neurochemical data
and are removed periodically for study and then reinserted. Should
an individual die, the organic probe can be naturally absorbed by
the body.
Not only are they seeking biological information from humans, but
they are also seeking emotional learning as well. It has been eons
since they parented children. The human nurturing ability is a
fascination to them. As they begin altering their neurochemical
structures, they will once again be able to respond maternally to
their progeny.
This is one of the primary reasons why women are
abducted and asked to hold hybrid children. These human females are
helping to reawaken the maternal and procreational instincts of the
Zeta Reticuli.
Humanity is not only helping them - they are playing a vital role for
Earth as well. The Founders are well aware that Earth's humanity
must integrate itself on several levels or the scenario of conflict
will continue. The Reticuli reflect to the human race one of the
most fundamental ideas that it has denied - unity. Humans reflect to
the Reticuli their own individuality, which terrifies them.
If the
gap created by humanity's fears can be bridged, transformation will
occur in a most profound way.
The Reticuli are presently acquiring genetic material from
volunteers who have, on a soul level, agreed to be a part of the
awakening of the Earth and the birth of a new civilization. At this
stage of the game, fear is still needed on the part of the
abductees. On Earth, fear is a primary obstacle to growth. If
humanity can move through fear, it will achieve many goals that
presently seem out of reach.
It will be done through awareness, not
through the validation of victimhood. The Reticuli need to confront
their fear as well (which they still deny), and move through it.
Without that fear, growth would be minimal. Sometimes the greatest
barriers produce the greatest rewards.
One of these rewards is the creation of a new hybrid race who
possess the integrated qualities of the Zeta Reticuli and the Earth
human. They will be unified and diverse. They will be rich with
humor and fluid with their emotions.
Most of all, they will be the
unconditionally loving heralds who lead us back to the Source of
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Zeta Reticuli Interaction With Earth
10 - Integration
- Coming Home to Ourselves
"And while all other creatures
from their birth
With downcast eyes gaze on their kindred earth;
He bids man walk erect, and scan the heaven
From whence his soul has sprung,
to which his hopes are given."
Integration means the allowance of all
levels of being as valid portions of the whole. It means letting go
of denial. It means embracing ourselves as well as each other.
Just as our unified consciousness created this realm of polarity, we
can transform it. When integration occurs, this realm will become
defined by very different parameters. We will become the archetypes
as well as the Founders. We will shift perspective and become
conscious of ourselves as the Creator.
It does not necessarily mean
that our identities will be absorbed. It could mean that we will
awaken to the point where we will consciously choose our destinies.
Perhaps we may choose to enter other realms and be the unseen
friends for planetary societies still playing the game of
We may even be another planet's extraterrestrials - pondering the
same decisions regarding interference that our forefathers faced.
In stilling ourselves and listening closely, we can hear and feel
the undercurrents of this transformation. Existence and change are
the only constants. We can play the game of illusion that we are an
accidental creation, but sooner or later we tap ourselves on the
shoulder and the game is up. In Earth's reality we have created the
Arcturans, Sirians, Lyrans, Orions, Reticuli, Pleiadians, etc., to
be the selves who tap us on the shoulder.
They are really part of
the same one thing - us.
So how on Earth do we encourage integration to take place? First of
all, we must know that it will take place with or without our
conscious action. The difference is only that conscious action will
allow the journey to be more enjoyable. We will feel more in control
of our destinies.
The conscious action that will accelerate our integration process is
very simple - allowance. If we allow on all levels in which the
integration takes place, we will see our paths unfold before us
Integration will take place on four main levels: Mental, Emotional,
Spiritual, and Physical.
For us to integrate our mentality means that we allow ourselves to
combine not only our cerebral processes, but our intuitive and
emotional ones as well. The kind of thought today that is validated
most is almost entirely head-centered. Formulas and calculations
determine the reality of twentieth century Earth.
If we can allow ourselves to understand
that the intuitive and emotional processes are just as valid and can
be used in combination with the mental, we will be well on our way
toward integrating our mentality.
Integrating emotionally
means that we begin learning how to embrace our shadow self.
We can start opening inner closets and digging deep into the
subconscious for beliefs which hold us back. More often than
not, these neglected parts of ourselves only want attention.
As the Pleiadians and the Lyrans before them discovered,
denial only prolongs the pain of existence. Let us learn
from these other selves on distant worlds. Let us not repeat
the same lessons over and over again.
To integrate spiritually
is perhaps the easiest of all. Each person possesses an
inner spirituality that is not connected to doctrine. If we
can release the doctrine and touch the innate spirituality,
we begin the integration process. It extends outward onto
the planet by the honoring of every person's truth as a
manifestation of the One Truth.
This allows each of us to
coexist within our philosophies without needing to change
each other's beliefs. The fact that God/All That Is exists
is not changed by our argument over which color robe "He"
wears. We are so afraid of being alone and separate that we
create even more separation through our desire to have a
unified doctrine.
If we have the courage to begin touching
this inner spirituality, we will see our transformation
Integration physically is
slightly different. It involves an acknowledgment of our
past and our history as being part of a grander scenario on
a cosmic scale. From the Source and the Founders we
fragmented. We have stretched our individualization to its
outer limits. Coming together will require us to once again
acknowledge and accept ourselves as part of our galactic
As we move through our racial fears and stop
allowing skin color and cultural differences to be barriers
between us, we also move through our fears by celebrating
the communion that the Zeta Reticuli offer us.
We can allow integration on all levels
into our physical life here on Earth.
Not one of us is "from" another place. We are from the Source, and
the Source is vast. To say we are "from" the Pleiades is a denial of
all the other ideas that we are. Our terrestrial selves become
confused if we continually deny that our existence is part of the
planet's body. We are of All That Is!
If we feel a connection to an
off-planet race, we are identifying with what they represent or with
various lives we have lived in that system. If individuals insist on
stating they are "from" somewhere, the suggestion is offered that
they proclaim their alliance with Earth. They have chosen a life
here. In a very real sense, Earth people can be seen as models for
integration. We are divine and terrestrial; of gods and men. We are
proof positive that human life can adapt to seemingly insurmountable
Let us celebrate humanity!
There are no space brothers who are really going to save us - they
are too busy saving themselves! We are not children. Though we are
still playing the game of unawareness somewhat, we are looked at by
other civilizations as an enigma. We are the civilization that
refused to die!
Our resilience and faith in our abilities has
continually proven our worth. We refused to be dominated and used by
the Lyran group in the Garden of Eden.
Various "plagues" by the gods
have not succeeded in wiping us out. Thanks to Noah and the Sirian
overlord who warned him, we have a flourishing civilization today.
Many have wondered why Earth has been observed by so many
extraterrestrial groups. Perhaps we are a predictable demonstration
of integration in action. It may be painful, but in our mass
conscious belief, pain can produce miraculous results.
Earth of the present and Earth of the future is indeed that miracle.
Let us celebrate that miracle by integrating ourselves and taking
responsibility for our planetary reality.
We are part of an
Association of Worlds and our membership is up for renewal! This
time, membership requires our awakening to the cosmic drama of which
we've agreed to be a part.
Our awakening will lead us home... to
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Glossary of Terms
Abductions: From the point of
view of an abductee, this is the unwilling detainment by
various extraterrestrial groups for the purposes of:
Genetic sampling
Tracking of genetic family
Maintaining and developing hybridization
Human maternal response observation
Observation of neurological responses to emotional stimuli
Communication; and other purposes including
The instilment of fear and terror, which is believed by the
negatively oriented extraterrestrials to halt the
development or acceleration of the abductees and of the mass
Listed are some groups involved in abductions
and their primary reasons for interaction.
Zeta Reticuli:
Physical Sirians (negative): #1, 2, 3, 8
Pleiadians: #1, 3, 6, 7
Greys: #8
Physical Orions
(negative): #8
Adam: This is the label given to
the first stable prototype model of Homo sapiens. "Adam"
comes from the Hebrew "Adama," meaning "created of the
Earth's soil," thus "earthling." In Sumerian the word is "Adapa,"
meaning "model man."
All That Is: This is a term that
many use in place of "God" or the "Creator," because it
includes the observer as part of the Creator.
Altair: Altair, whose
civilization was colonized from Vega, lies 15 and 1/5 light
years from Earth. Altair's magnitude is 1.3 and its color
pale yellow. The Altair civilization is quiet and
contemplative, given to peaceful philosophic orientation.
They are not currently involved in space exploration.
Andromeda: Andromeda is a large
spiral galaxy and is the closest to the Milky Way at a
distance of 2.2 million light years. The nature of the
Andromeda realm is abstract and fluid. A dimensional doorway
exists in our nearby galactic neighborhood as a bridge to
the Andromeda energy. This bridge/doorway is the star Antares.
Angels/Angelic Kingdom: Existing
within the realms of fifth and sixth density, the angelic
kingdom has interacted with Earth through various means.
These include spirit-guide manifestation, visions,
inspiration, channeling, and telepathic communication.
Energies appearing as angels are frequently from the
Arcturus realm.
Antares: Lying in the Scorpius
constellation, Antares is considered a binary star of fiery
red and emerald green. Antares is the interdimensional
bridge to Andromeda from our galaxy. Some souls, upon
physical incarnation, choose to pass through the Antares
gateway to reactivate soul memory.
Anubis: In ancient Egypt, Anubis
was considered a guide of the underworld. His usual depicted
form was that of a crouching desert dog or jackal. He was
known to lead souls through the astral (as in dream state)
as well as to Amenti, or land of the dead. It is interesting
how the prefix "an" in both Sumerian and Egyptian means "of
Heaven." Anubis (Anpu in Egyptian) and Anu (Sumerian) both
possessed the symbology of the jackal or dog, suggesting a
direct connection to the Dog Star Sirius.
Apex Planet, Apexians: The Apex
planet was one of the first developed societies in the Lyran
star group. After its planetary catastrophe the Apex planet
was shifted dimensionally into another region of space/time.
The Apexians eventually became the race of the Zeta Reticuli.
Archetype: The Living Webster
Encyclopedic Dictionary defines archetype as "model or first
form; the original pattern after which a thing is made, or
to which it corresponds." This definition suggest that all
of our archetypal ideas are inherent patterns (dating from
the birth of galactic humanity) that continue to evolve. New
symbols of these patterns are being found, but the innate
properties are the same.
Arcturus: Arcturus is seen as a
golden yellow star, with a magnitude of 0.3. Its energy
works with humanity as an emotional and spiritual healer. It
is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during
death and birth. It functions as a way station for
nonphysical consciousness to become accustomed to
Arcturus/Sirius Matrix: The
combined energies of Arcturus and Sirius provide a balance
of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. This matrix
has been tapped into by humanity since its inception and has
been known through many archetypal ideas.
Association of Worlds: The
Association is a group of physical and nonphysical beings
from many realms who come together for a number of purposes.
Some have called them a
galactic confederation or
federation. There is no hierarchical structure or authority
inherent in the Association. The primary purposes for their
interactions with Earth are:
to gently nudge humanity
toward a greater awareness of itself and its place within
the Association
to prevent a critical number of
nuclear explosions on Earth, which can cause a rip in the
fabric of space/time, affecting the galactic neighborhood.
They have absolutely no intention now of evacuating anyone
from Earth under any conditions. They understand the
absolute necessity for the human race to become responsible
for itself.
Atlantis: This was the combined
extraterrestrial/human cultural period prior to the flood.
The flood occurred in approximately 11,000 B.C.
Australopithecus: This term
denotes any hominid of the extinct genus Australopithecus of
the Pleistocene epoch. Advanced Australopithecus is the
first being considered to be truly manlike, existing some 2
million years ago.
Bipedal: Any being possessing
two feet can be considered bipedal.
Black Hole: A star becomes a
black hole when it collapses and reaches such a high density
that its gravitational field exceeds the escape velocity of
even light photons. Astronomers theorize that a change in
space/time occurs. This creates many probabilities,
entrance and exit points to other dimensional
birthplaces of future stars
an ability
to harness the powers of time travel
an entrance into an
antimatter universe
Black League: The Black League
was an organizational resistance pattern developed during
the Orion conflicts to counter the efforts of the Orion
Empire, which was attempting physical and spiritual
domination of the entire region. The Black League manifested
not only as underground paramilitary resistance
organizations but as a spiritual and philosophical
orientation that manifested in many forms. These patterns
have attempted balance in other planetary systems and are
presently playing out on Earth through the human
reincarnational cycle.
Cetaceans: Cetaceans are a
marine mammal of the order "cetacea" which includes whales,
dolphins, and porpoises. Cetaceans possess consciousness of
the same type as humans, and are considered by
extraterrestrials to be "water humans."
Channeling: Channeling is the
process of receiving communication from an infinite number
of dimensional realities. This communication can be
expressed via writing, verbal relay, artwork, music
composition, and any creative expression.
Cherubim: The most ancient
references concerning forms of cherubim (in the Akkadian and
Sumerian records) describe a mechanical security device
(i.e., robot) that was used to secure the highly sensitive
areas of the gods to which humans were denied access. This
idea later evolved into a more abstract and spiritual one,
displayed in the archetypal manifestation of a winged
celestial figure who guards sacred places and who is a
servant of God.
Christ Consciousness: The Christ
Consciousness is the aspect of a mass consciousness which
recognizes itself as a single being. This can be equated
with a sixth-density vibration.
Cloning: Cloning is an asexual
method for reproduction that uses an original seed or
genetic stock for replication.
Consciousness: Consciousness is
the underlying binding force of all creation. It exists in
infinite manifestations and may defy definition.
Cro-Magnon: Cro-Magnon was a
group of tall, erect, prehistoric people who used bone and
stone implements. Thirty-five thousand years ago this new
race of beings (identified with the larger type Homo
sapiens, or "thinking man") appeared seemingly out of
nowhere and coexisted for a period of time with the dying
race of the Neanderthal.
Crystal Skull: Found in southern
Mexico, the skull is carved out of crystal in the shape of a
human cranium. The most well-known skull is presently the
property of Anna Mitchell-Hedges. Many claim to have
mystical or paranormal experiences when they are in the
skull's presence.
DAL: Referred to in the contact
material from Billy Meier, the DALs are a humanoid species
who act as mentors for the Pleiadians.
Density: Density denotes a vibrational frequency and not a location, which the term
"dimension" implies. The density structure of this reality
is primarily expressed in seven levels, though each level
has sublevels within it. The density scale is a model used
to communicate one's perception of orientation in relation
to other realities.
Devic: In Sanskrit, deva means a
god or divinity; one of an order of good spirits. In Western
mysticism, the devic energy is the spirit consciousness of
mineral, plant, animal and more subtle forms such as
Dimension: Dimension refers to
one's location in space/time rather than a person's vibrational frequency (density). Webster defines "dimension"
as: "Magnitude measured in a particular direction,
specifically length, breadth, thickness or time." There are
an infinite number of dimensions existing within a given
density or vibrational frequency.
Dimensional Infusion: God -The
Whole, All That Is -be came curious about the idea of
separation and created a realm in which to explore it. This
was achieved by creating the boundaries of dimension. One
may equate the Dimensional Infusion with the process of
creation itself.
DNA: DNA is the abbreviation for
deoxyribonucleic acid which is a compound found in
chromosomes and consists of a long chain molecule comprising
many repeated and varied combinations of four nucleotides,
one of which is the sugar deoxyribose; subdivisions of the
molecule are believed to be the genes. DNA is the major
repository of genetic information.
Dogon: The Dogon people are an
African tribe living in the Mali Republic (western Africa)
near Timbuktu, thought to have migrated from Egypt. For many
generations they have possessed a knowledge of advanced
astrophysics concerning the Sirius star system that they
claim was given to them by beings from that system.
Easter Island:
Easter Island is
located in the Pacific between Chile and French Polynesia
and is known for the mysterious statues of humanoid beings
left scattered throughout the island.
Ego: Ego is the "I" or self as
distinguished from the selves of others. It is that part of
the psyche that is conscious in physical reality and acts as
the mediator between inner and outer worlds.
In Sumerian, Enki means
"Lord of Earth" and is considered to be the one who imparts
the knowledge of civilization to mankind. He was also known
to the Babylonians as "Oannes," and to the Egyptians as "Ptah."
He was the god of wisdom and knowledge, and throughout time
his symbol has been the snake. According to the Sumerian
texts, Enki was the one who instructed Noah to build an ark
so humanity could be saved. This was in direct defiance of
the orders of Enlil, who desired the destruction of
Enlil: In Sumerian Enlil means
"Lord of the Air" and was considered to be the chief of all
the lands. The Sumerians considered him to be supreme. Enki
and Enlil were half-brothers who had the same father, each
claiming to be the firstborn, which caused each to believe
he was the ruling deity. This conflict is thought to be the
source of many later conflicts between the gods.
Etheric: Etheric pertains to an
environment that is not based on physical reality but still
contains form. Many ideas or thought-forms in the etheric may
become manifest in the physical world.
Eve: Eve was the first female
prototype created from the cloning or gene splicing of the
male humanoid prototype called Adam. This pertains to Homo
sapiens only.
Founders: The Founders are the
collective soul of the humanoid family. To physical beings
they manifest in humanoid form - tall, graceful, androgynous
- appearing somewhat insect-like. Humanity is the result of
the internal fragmentation of the Founders.
Frequency: Matter is vibrating
energy. Different vibratory rates denote the properties of
matter. Frequency is the rate at which molecules or
consciousness vibrates.
Future Selves: Because the past,
present, and future exist simultaneously, a being may
contact parts of itself across the expanse of time.
Extraterrestrials will often contact their past selves (such
as Earth humans) to create a connection, and this can often
heal their own past. The idea of "higher selves" and "future
selves" can sometimes be interchangeable in that a future
self is an evolved version of the present or past self.
Galactic Family: The galactic
family is the group of extraterrestrial beings (physical and
nonphysical) who are interrelated energetically and/or
physically with Earth's development. These include:
the Lyran races
the Pleiadian races
Zeta Reticuli
...and many others not mentioned.
Homo: Homo (Latin for "man")
denotes a genus of the order of primates which includes all
races of modern man (Homo sapiens) and various extinct
Homo sapiens: Homo sapiens is
the single surviving species of human evolutionary
development, or modern man, belonging to the genus Homo and
the primate family Hominidae. The account in Genesis of the
creation of man refers to the creation of Homo sapiens, not
of other extinct species such as Neanderthal.
Human: Webster defines "human"
as "akin to humus, the ground; having the qualities or
attributes of man." This can be expanded by saying that the
term "human" refers specifically to the Earth human, who is
a subset of the larger humanoid family of the Lyran
Humanoid: Humanoid as used in
the text refers to anyone of Lyran descent.
Hybrid: A hybrid is anything
derived from heterogeneous sources or composed of elements
of different or incongruous kinds. The hybrids spoken of in
UFO literature are primarily a cross between the Earth human
and Zeta Reticuli beings. The specific process that is used
to create these hybrids has not yet been revealed. It uses
not only genetic splicing and cloning, but a form of
light-plasma engineering technology with which humans are
Id: Freud defines the id as
being the part of the personality structure that is
primitive, instinctual, childish, and obeys the pleasure
principle. The qualities of the id can be likened to the
humans' passage through second-density reality in the early
stages of life.
Illuminati: Webster defines
"illuminati" as "persons possessing, or alleging to possess,
superior enlightenment; a name for various sects or
societies which claim to possess superior enlightenment."
This may refer to humans as well as various extraterrestrial
groups (physical or nonphysical) who are either self-deluded
or who deliberately attempt to gain control of human
society. Some such negative groups may include: Orions,
Sirians, Lyrans, and "renegade" Pleiadians. The historical
foundation of
the Illuminati is rooted in times past when
various extraterrestrial groups were in control (or fighting
for control) of the Earth in whole or in part. Because of
these ancient interactions, the Illuminati believe that they
have territorial rights over the Earth that they still
disagree about amongst themselves. Some will attempt
incarnation in order to carry out their wishes in the
physical. The Illuminati can also be viewed from the
nonphysical as an archetypal energy that once interacted
physically with Earth. This group eventually side-stepped
natural evolution and became a specifically focused
archetype. This archetype is bound tightly with the planet
by its need to keep humans from their natural evolutionary
Incarnate: The act of
incarnation (as the term is used) is the process whereby a
soul will embody itself in a physical vehicle in a
separative density such as the third or fourth. The created
illusion is that there is a memory loss of the greater
identity of an individual consciousness.
Inception: The term "Inception"
is used in the text to denote the beginning point of Homo
sapiens on Earth.
Isis: In ancient Egypt Isis was
known as the wife/sister of Osiris, sister of Nephthys, and
mother of Horus. She is featured prominently in Egyptian
mythology as a goddess of immense magical power and as the
archetypal maternal figure. Other cultures have known her as
Ishtar (Semites), Athena (Greeks), Kwan Yin (Chinese), and
Inanna (Sumerians).
Karma: Karma denotes balance and
is a principle carried within the soul's energy from
lifetime to lifetime.
The old way of understanding was that
karma was balanced through "an eye for an eye." A more
multidimensional perspective claims that karma is superseded
by the exercising of free will and choice along with the
commitment to the practicing of one's highest truths. Karma
can be carried by an individual, a group, a species, or a
mass consciousness.
Lemuria was a continent
and a cultural period that predated and overlapped Atlantis.
It was located in the Pacific region of Earth and is thought
to have been the first culture influenced by
extraterrestrial sources.
Lenticular Clouds:
clouds have the form of a double convex lens or a lentil.
Often their breathtaking appearance is similar to a
saucer-shaped spacecraft. Although nature is often behind
such a cloud formation, sometimes the physical environment
will translate extraterrestrial energy or consciousness into
this form.
Lyra: The constellation of Lyra
has long been recognized in Earth's mythology. Some have
even connected it with the Pleiades (for example, Ovid, who
mentioned that the seven strings of Lyra equaled the number
of the Pleiades). This can be considered the birthplace or
womb of the humanoid race within Earth's area of the Milky
way. All subspecies such as Sirians, Orions, Earth/Terrans,
Pleiadians, Vegans, Zeta Reticuli, Centaurians, Altairians
(and many lesser-known groups) are descendants of the Lyran
Lyran Group: The Lyran group is
referred to as the original seeders of humanoid life on
Earth. The text refers to Lyrans as being the forefather
race of other groups such as the Pleiadians and Sirians, as
well as being the first physical fragmentation from the
Founders of Life.
Macrocosm: Macrocosm refers to a
large-scale model of a smaller unit. An example is the solar
system representing the structure of atomic particles.
Mass Consciousness: Mass
consciousness refers to the singular identity of a group.
For example, the mass consciousness of Earth is made up of
each individual consciousness integrated into a homogeneous
Matrix: (from Latin:
Mater/Mother) Matrix is that which originates, develops, or
encloses anything; a network of ideas that forms a symbiotic
relationship; an archetypal template.
Meier, (Billy) Eduard: The Swiss
Billy Meier is known to possess the most extensive contact
notes from repeated interactions with Pleiadian beings,
among others. Numerous photographs have been taken that
clearly show spacecraft in detail.
Men in Black: Also known as "MIBs,"
these beings are known as terrorizers of UFO contactees.
They are described as being tall and wearing dark clothing.
They have been seen with slightly oriental features and
often wear dark glasses. Their apparent purpose is to
frighten contactees into silence about their experiences and
knowledge. Originally thought to be government agents, other
ideas have presently surfaced such as: thought-forms,
androids, and negatively oriented extraterrestrials (Orions,
Sirians, and Greys). One or all of the above ideas (in
various combinations) can be correlated with the MIB
Meta-atomic: Meta-atomic refers
to the idea of beyond subatomic. The template that defines
the subatomic nature exists on a meta-atomic level.
Microcosm: Microcosm means
anything regarded as a world in miniature. An example of
this is how atomic structure relates to the structure of the
solar system.
Multidimensional: A
multidimensional idea is one that possesses many dimensions.
Humans are referred to as multidimensional because they
exist on many dimensional levels as yet unseen or unmeasurable.
Neanderthal: Neanderthal refers
to a paleolithic cave dweller of the Late Pleistocene epoch
(Homo neanderthalensis), whose bones have been found in
parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. The remains of the
Neanderthal have been dated as far back as 100,000 years
ago. They seem to have evolved out of Homo erectus and then
died out during the appearance of Homo sapiens 35,000 years
Noah: Noah is a Semitic
derivative of the much earlier Sumerian name "Utnapishtim"
and the Akkadian "Ziusudra." The writings of these
civilizations all portray a Noah-like character who is warned
of the flood by the god Enki. The Genesis story of the flood
is a condensation of much earlier and much more detailed
pre-Biblical accounts in Sumerian and Akkadian literature.
Octave: Octave is the eighth of
seven steps; it is the integration of seven levels. As it is
used in the text, it refers to a realm of existence that
consciousness will move into after integrating the seven
Orion: The constellation of
Orion is a pattern of stars that has intrigued mankind since
ancient times. The word Orion may derive from the ancient
Akkadian word "Uru-anna," which means "the light of heaven."
Western cultures have often identified this constellation as
the Hunter. The inherent energy of Orion is associated with
polarity conflict. Earth is presently attempting a final
integration of these polarities, hence the strong feelings
of connection that many humans display regarding Orion.
Orion Light: The term "Orion
Light" refers to the point in Orion's evolution where they
have succeeded in integrating polarity. It can also be
considered the Orion mass consciousness—the nonphysical
aspect of Orion that operates from a sense of unity and
Osiris: Osiris is considered one
of the principle Egyptian gods. He has been referred to as
"he who dwells in Orion with a season in the sky and a
season on Earth," among other epithets. Whatever his
identity, most ancient writings strongly point to his
extraterrestrial origin.
Photothermic: Photothermic
involves both light and heat. In their underground caverns
the Apexians/Zeta Reticuli mutated to convert certain
frequencies of light into heat.
Photovoltaic: Photovoltaic
refers to the idea of providing a source of electric current
from light or similar radiation. In the underground caverns
the Apexians/Zeta Reticuli mutated to the point where they
could convert certain frequencies of light and radiation
into electrical energy.
Plasmic Energy: As used in the
text, plasmic energy is a form of highly condensed, nearly
liquid light.
Pleiades: The
Pleiades group is
an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus, existing
approximately 500 light years from Earth. There are 250-500
stars within the cluster, although only nine have been
named. Most ancient cultures claim seven stars. These
include China, who called them the "Seven Sisters of
Industry," and Greece, who referred to them as the "Seven
Daughters of Atlas." More than any other star group, the
Pleiades has captured the attention of both ancient and
modern civilizations.
Polarity/Polarization: Polarity
refers to the presence or manifestation of two opposite (or
contrasting) principles or tendencies. Polarization is the
production of the state of polarity, where rays of light or
energy exhibit different properties in different directions.
Prism: A prism is a transparent
body with a triangular base used to polarize or decompose
light or energy into its spectrum.
Prism of Lyra: This is the
archetypal idea of the entrance of consciousness into this
reality. For Earth's galactic family the entrance point
exists within the Lyran system. As consciousness/energy
emerged, it fragmented into seven density frequencies, much
as a prism would fragment light into seven visible colors.
Prototype: A prototype is an
original model on which something is formed; an archetype; a
form on which a group is based. In the text the term/name
"Adam" is used to denote the prototype on which Homo sapiens
in based.
Reticuli: As used in the text,
Reticuli refers to the beings from the star system Zeta
Reticulum Rhomboidalis: This
star group lies north of Hydrus and the Greater Cloud and
contains thirty-four stars of magnitudes from 3.3 to 7. The
star system of Zeta Reticuli 1 and Zeta Reticuli 2 are
present in this formation and are seen only from the
southern hemisphere of Earth.
Science of Chaos: The study of
apparent random motion that reveals a much deeper level of
order below the superficial observation is referred to as
the Science of Chaos.
Semjase: Semjase was the name of
the female Pleiadian cosmonaut who served as Billy Meier's
primary contact.
Set: (Also spelled as: Seth,
Setekh, Setesh, Suty, or Sutekh.) Generally speaking, in
Egyptian mythology Set is seen as the god of chaotic forces
and violence. There has been considerable controversy over
his actual role in ancient Egypt. The temples and
priesthoods of Set are mentioned in the text in reference to
the worship of dark forces.
Sirian Group: As used in the
text, the Sirian group refers to a group of
extraterrestrials (not necessarily all from Sirius) who were
instrumental in the inception of Earth and the development
of the human race.
Sirius, known as the Dog
Star, is a member of the constellation Canis Major. It lies
8.7 light years from Earth and is the most brilliant star
(as distinguished from planets) observed by the naked eye.
Social Memory Complex: This term
refers to a mass consciousness or a nonphysical group-matrix
identity that has evolved from a physical society.
Soul Braiding: A soul braid is
the most common form of what has been labeled "walk-in." It
occurs when a physical individual takes in more of their own
higher, future, or parallel energy and incorporates it into
their own personality and physiological life.
The Sumerians were a
people who comprised one of Earth's oldest known
civilizations (approximately 4,000 B.C.), located in
southern Mesopotamia (Iraq/Iran). They were a non-Semitic
people of unknown origin. They claimed to have had the
foundation of their civilization given to them by the "DIN.GIR"
- pure ones of the bright-pointed objects, or people of the
fiery rockets - or, in human terms, extraterrestrials.
Superego: Freud defined the
superego as a system within the mind which, acting
consciously or unconsciously, brings perceived parental,
social, or moral standards to bear upon the actions and
decisions of the ego. As used in the text, the superego is
equated with the higher aspect of consciousness that is the
nexus for the integration of personality.
Time: Time can be considered a
specific continuum where the relationship of movement and
speed are measured through linear means.
Tree of the Knowledge of Good
and Evil: Referred to in the book of Genesis, it is the tree
in the Garden of Eden whose fruit God forbade Adam and Eve
to eat. As used in the text, the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil symbolizes the knowledge of polarity.
Tree of Life: In the book of
Genesis Adam and Eve were banished from Eden and forbidden
to eat from the tree of life, which would give them
immortality. As used in the text, the tree of life
represents knowledge of the divine relationship between
human beings and the Creator - thus revealing that our
spirituality is not dependent upon those who genetically
engineered us.
Vega: Vega is the alpha star in
the constellation of Lyra (even though it is actually closer
to Earth than it is to the other star systems in the Lyran
constellation). Vega was one of the first Lyran
civilizations to develop a unique and cohesive identity
which assisted in seeding and colonizing many systems,
including Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion.
Walk-In: Generally, a walk-in
experience will take two forms. The most common can be
considered a soul braid in which more of an individual's own
energy (higher self or future aspects) is brought in and
integrated with the personality. The second and more rare is
an instance in which an actual "separate" consciousness
inhabits a human body while the original soul departs the
physical plane. This is a highly personal experience where
the newly arrived entity does not need to proclaim its
origin or status. Quite frequently the soul-braid experience
is mistaken for the walk-in exchange because the personality
construct (as biochemically encoded within the brain)
experiences much the same manifestation in either case.
White Hole: As used in the text,
a white hole is an emergence point for consciousness and
Zeta Reticuli: Discovered in the
late 1960s, these two stars are located in the Reticulum
constellation, which is seen from Earth's southern
hemisphere. As used in the text,
the Reticuli are a race
with many subgroups who are conducting the primary genetic
experiments and abductions on present-day Earth humans.
Their average height is three and one-half feet. They have
large craniums and extremely large eyes. Their sex is
indistinguishable. Overall their intent is benign, despite
the trauma that many individuals experience in their
Back to Contents
Selected Bibliography
Anka, Darryl. The New
Metaphysics. Light and Sound Communications, 1986.
Burnham Jr., Robert. Bumham's
Celestial Handbook, Vols. 1, 2, and 3. Dover Publications,
Cott, Jonathan. The Search for
Omm Sety. Doubleday, 1987.
Dickinson, Terence. The Zeta
Reticuli Incident. AstroMedia Corp., 1976.
Ellis, Normandi. Awakening
Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead. Phanes Press, 1988.
Fix, William R. Star Maps.
Octopus Books, 1979.
Freer, Neil. Breaking the
Godspell. Falcon Press, 1987.
Fuller, John G. The Interrupted
Journey. The Dial Press, 1966.
Grant, Joan. Eyes of Horus.
Ariel Press, 1942.
Hart, George. Dictionary of
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.
Jung, Carl. Man and His Symbols.
Dell Publishing, 1964.
Kinder, Gary. Light Years.
Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987.
Krupp, E.C. Echoes of the
Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations. New
American Library, 1983.
McConnell, James V.
Understanding Human Behavior, Second Edition. Holt, Rinehart
& Winston, 1977.
Moody, Raymond. Life After Life.
Stackpole Books, 1976.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. The Arcturus Connection. (Cassette) 1989.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. The Sirius Connection. (Cassette) 1989.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. Lyra and the Pleiades. (Cassette) 1990.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. Pleiadian Ancestry. (Cassette) 1989.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. The Orion Conflict. (Cassette) 1989.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa Royal. Zeta Reticuli Visitors.
(Cassette) 1989.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. History of the Zeta Reticuli. (Cassette) 1989.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. The Association of Worlds. (Cassette) 1989.
Royal Priest Research/Lyssa
Royal. Earth Inception. (Cassette) 1989.
Sitchin, Zecharia.
The Stairway
to Heaven. Avon Books, 1985.
Sitchin, Zecharia.
The Twelfth
Planet. Avon Books, 1976.
Sitchin, Zecharia.
The Wars of
Gods and Men. Avon Books, 1985.
Strieber, Whitley. Communion.
William Morrow, 1987.
Temple, Robert K.G. The Sirius
Mystery. Destiny Books, 1976.
Wolkstein, D. and Kramer, S.N.
Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth. Harper and Row, 1983.
Wood, David. Genisis: The First
Book of Revelations. The Baton Press, 1985.
Zeilik, Michael. Astronomy: The
Evolving Universe. Harper & Row, 1979.
New American Standard Bible.
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1960.
Holy Bible, New International
Version. Zondervaan Publishers, 1978.
The Living Webster Encyclopedic
Dictionary of the English Language. English Language
Institute of America, 1977.
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About the Authors
Lyssa Royal holds a B.A. in Psychology and is an
internationally known channel and lecturer residing in Scottsdale,
Arizona. In 1979 she had a clear UFO sighting witnessed by her
family which triggered a profound interest in the extraterrestrial
Being inspired by channel Darryl Anka
and Bashar, Lyssa began a search for answers concerning Earth's
connection with other civilizations. She diligently honed her
channeling skills and began to receive information which, through
research, was later confirmed by independent sources. She continues
to channel and lecture around the world, and has been seen on
national and international television as well as in national
magazine publications.
Though she works quite often with
extraterrestrial information, the practical application of what she
teaches and channels is of utmost priority to her.
Keith Priest is an independent researcher and sculptor living
in Arizona. He studied Music at Michigan State University, majoring
in Piano Technology and Historical Tuning Systems. Keith's life
philosophy has always been to ask, "Why?"
His interest in the extraterrestrial
issue was triggered in the early 1980s through the channelings of
Darryl Anka and Bashar. Through his research he has delved into
Ancient Languages, Biblical studies, Anthropology, Archaeology,
History, and Religions, combining those studies with astronomy,
Mythology, and psychology.
Though he has never even seen a UFO
(much less an extraterrestrial), his studies have shown him that the
E.T. issue not only fits nicely into all these areas but in fact is
an integral piece of the puzzle that may connect them all.
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