by Arjun Walia
August 25, 2013
Collective-Evolution Website

The Former premiere of British Columbia
Bill Vander Zalm is putting politicians on notice.
He sent a letter across Canada to
multiple politicians voicing his concerns over
the chemtrail
phenomenon. We are told that they are simply airplane engine
condensation trails, but now it is clear these trails are different
from what they used to be.
Instead of dissipating quickly, they
spread across the sky, expand and remain in the atmosphere for a
very long period of time.
Chemtrails are said to consist of tiny
particles of harmful toxins like Aluminum and Barium, Vander Zalm
claims there is a potential link to increased rates of Cancer,
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and more as a result of the spraying.
Bill is well aware that programs beyond the control of government is
a reality.
Governments are deliberately kept in the dark on projects
conducted by defence intelligence agencies and many of these
agencies hire private contractors and corporations to assist them.
Because they hire private contractors, there is absolutely no
oversight from congress.
The CIA and
NASA are now backing the
National Academy of Sciences in regards to Geoengineering projects.
(0) (5)
Geoengineering projects are any attempt
to alter the way the planet or its weather systems operate. It’s a
response to what has been labeled as ‘the
global warming
phenomenon.’ It is complete climate control and the manipulation of
it. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Geoengineering might soon be labeled
under "national security," in which case techniques and methods used
will be kept classified without the public knowing what is
Geoengineering has been a topic of interest for multiple
universities across the planet. They’ve even started to develop
specific programs for geoengineering, like Oxford University
recently did. (6)
As mentioned earlier, the fact that the
CIA is now involved means that all geoengineering techniques could
be kept classified. This is a disturbing thought. One of the
proposed techniques for combating global warming is spraying light
reflecting aerosols into the atmosphere.
Here are some words from the Former
premiere, Bill Vander Zalm, (7) who is extremely concerned about geoengineering projects taking place without the public knowing.
I believe it’s been going on for
sometime, but to what extent and how much the government knows
about it, I don’t know. Chemtrails are happening all over the
world, just exactly who’s engineering all of this I don’t know
and that’s exactly what I'm trying to find out.
Governments do things without
asking, and we find out about it when it’s too late. If they
don’t give me the information, then I'll take it further.
The Aluminium and Barium is very light, it stays in the air and they
say it reflects the sunlight back into space, they say they are
hoping to combat global warming with it.
Unlike contrails, chemtrails spread
and stay in the air for a very long time.
What goes up comes down, if
inhale the stuff, perhaps that’s why we have so many problems with,
MS (multiple sclerosis)
I have asked municipalities to
pass a resolution that if there is any program geared toward
climate change, and if anything is sprayed in the air it is done
with public consent.
Somebody needs to be out there
speaking out about these things (below audio).
Are Chemtrails a Risk?
What is he hinting at? These are pretty alarming statements
given the reputation of this man.
Does he know more? I’m glad to see
more and more people with a voice in the mainstream world speaking
This is alarming, because at the same time multiple scientists all
over the planet seem to agree that what we label as man-made global
warming is in fact not well understood like we think it is. The
founder of the weather channel strongly agrees that man-made global
warming isn’t real. Scientists have even suggested that global
warming has stopped and planetary temperatures have actually been
From my research, I’ve personally concluded that temperature changes
are a result of the natural cyclical nature of planet Earth. I do
believe pollution is a great cause for concern, that it impacts
health and damages our environment and it’s critical systems.
However, I do not believe that it is
connected to 'warming' the planet.
I believe that
global warming is
another "crises" manufactured in order to propose a solution that
fits an agenda
the "elite" have been playing out for years. The
problem has been labeled as global warming, and the proposed
solution is
Some corporations and elitist groups thrive of off planetary
conflict. There has been a lot of evidence to suggest that many
world events and causes for concern are created by the elite, so
they can then propose the solution.
One example (out of many)
9/11, create
a false flag "terrorist" attack in order to justify the
invasion of Iraq and other middle eastern countries, even though
they were not involved with anything having to do with 9/11.
Could global warming be another
problem proposed by elitist groups in order to propose the
solution of geoengineering?
Could this link to chemtrails?
What is the real agenda behind
I highly recommend these two videos if
you would like to look further into the phenomenon:
CIA Co-Sponsoring Geoengineering Study to Look at Reversing
Global Warming Options
Geo-engineering, Governance, and Social-Ecological Systems:
Critical Issues and Joint Research Needs
A Combined Mitigation/Geoengineering
Approach to Climate Stabilization
The economics (or lack thereof) of
aerosol geoengineering
On the regulation of Geoengineering
The CIA Wants to Control The Weather Through 'Geoengineering'
Geoengineering Quarterly - First Edition
Bill Vander Zalm puts politicians on