by Dan and Sheila Gendron
October 2012
ZenGardner Website
Part 1
October 11, 2012

If we were to pinpoint the one pervasive
emotion in society today, it would be fear.
People all around you are fearful of
almost everything. They fear the police. They fear the
TSA and all the other “alphabet
police”. They fear losing their job. They fear losing their house.
They fear their city or town government. And they fear the mother of
them all - fear of continuing life without enough money to maintain
their current lifestyle (or at least the one they remember from a
decade ago).
Most people rationalize these fears as
normal because “everyone has them”.
We are trained from a very early age to act out of fear. We fear our
teachers wrath, so we do our homework. We fear clergymen, for they
decide if we go to heaven or hell, so we say all the right prayers.
We fear older children who may bully us so we cross the street to
avoid them.
Later on in life we fear the cost and
hassle of a ticket, so we fasten our seat belts. We fear losing our
house so we work in a job that means nothing, offers us no personal
satisfaction other than just enough money to keep us trying to reach
the carrot on the stick.
Try this experiment...
List all your obligations for the next 30 days - work, social and
financial - then place a star beside those that cause you any
concern (fear). Most people who do this discover there are multiple
things in their immediate lives that cause them fear.
Today, in 2012, there is plenty outside of our daily lives to fear:
Are you scared yet?
Many of these fears are constantly and purposely reinforced by what
I like to call “the pop culture”. Television is the greatest
purveyor of fear, usually by embedding feelings of inadequacy.
I recently read that the average
American watches 34 hours and 39 minutes of TV per week. That’s a
good deal more than it would take to participate in a college
course. Like the college course, you are being instructed and
trained by the TV.
Edward Bernays coined the term
“television programming” and his rationale was crystal clear -
television was
designed to program people into
becoming happy consumers.
These happy consumers are being
motivated to purchase garbage by an external force that exploits
feelings of inadequacy. Every time we watch a commercial that shows
the handsome man with a real “babe” sitting next to him in his shiny
new car, in our minds we feel inadequate for not having a new car,
These feelings of inadequacy open the
door to fear, especially when we are given nothing of real value to
replace those desires.
Fear is the toolbox of “the
powers that be” (TPTB). Fear is the lowest vibration
humans can be affected by or give off. It impedes our path to higher
(vibratory) levels of consciousness and ascension as human beings.
People who live in a constant state of
fear are very manipulable.
TPTB understand that if they can make
people fearful, they can make them do anything.
It is fear - manipulated fear - that makes us compliantly stand in
line to be groped before embarking on a plane, regardless of the
fact that no terrorist plot has ever been discovered nor stopped by
such action! Although some who suffer through the TSA’s groping
express anger, the real motivation for compliance is fear.
The manipulators, TPTB, are fostering fear of everything. The
intensification of this fear began as a full-frontal assault in the
days immediately after 9-11. It was fear that caused Americans to
lay down - not once, not twice, but 3 times - and approve and abide
by the Patriot Act and now NDAA.
It was fear, not patriotism that caused
many of us to cheer the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
It is manipulated fear that allows a
once free society to accept such a campaign such as “See
Something, Say Something” - fear your neighbors, fear
those who think the Constitution was a pretty good document before
it was overruled by executive orders, fear those who are not
dependent on “the system” for their lives, fear those who have a
different opinion than you do.
It is fear that keeps us from opening
our mouths and saying “No” to those actions that we know are not
TPTB know this music very well and play it long and hard for all
it’s worth. They are congratulating themselves, patting each other
on the back for causing 350 million people to be so fearful that
they consistently act against their own self-interest - and against
the last vestiges of freedom.
Their jubilation is caused by knowing
that 99.9% of you are easily controllable and predictable. Hitler’s
“final solution” required countless numbers of troops, Gestapo and
SS to carry it out. Today it is done with a TV ad campaign, shown in
the aisles of Wal-Mart.
Today TPTB brag that most will walk into
what they know is their execution without even having to be told the
lie that they are going to be de-loused.
How do we overcome this fear that has been instilled in us? When I
was a child and afraid of lightening and thunder, my mother got out
the encyclopedia and we read about thunderstorms, about how the
lightening was 1 mile away for every 5 second delay before hearing
the thunder. I was never afraid of a thunder storm again.
Look at the reality of that which you fear.
Do we need to fear Al-Qaeda because of
9-11 to the point of fearing any Muslim person? It wasn’t they who
planned it out, they were simply stooges who were blamed for an evil
action against 3000 innocent Americans, which action was at its
essence an excuse to take Americans’ freedoms away. There has been
no secondary attack in the 11 years since that horrific event.
If they wanted to destroy us, wouldn’t
they attack when we were still reeling from the first one?
Do we need to fear a neighbor who might be having an agitated
conversation on his cellphone in a Wal-Mart to the point of calling
in a SWAT team? Not if we take the time to take a walk past our own
house to our neighbor’s to introduce ourselves and thereby learn who
he or she is.
Do we need to fear an
83-year-old grandmother taking her final flight to see her
grandchildren to the point of humiliating her before
allowing her on a plane?
Or a 4-year-old child screaming
in terror?
Or a business executive?
What do they have to fear from
you that they need to grab your genitals as you run the
gauntlet of TSA “agents”, wherever they set up shop?
The truth is, they do fear you.
They fear that too many of us are
waking up, thinking for ourselves and replacing that fear
with self-determination.
TPTB fear anyone who claims their own
birthright to live the life they choose that does not harm another,
without fear. They need you to fear them, or their plans won’t work.
You can’t control 7 billion people with a whip, but you can control
them with fear.
It has worked since
the days of
Nimrod, who convinced his people to store all their
grain in his grain bin to keep it safe from imagined attackers
“lurking” outside the city walls.
Shed the fear. Be kind to each other. Help each other. Love each
other. These actions leave less and less room for fear to take hold
of you. If this is a new concept for you, start small.
Start with your family, expand it to
your co-workers, and then to people you don’t even know.
Once you feel how good it is to not live
in fear, it may become a habit.
And wouldn’t that foil their plans?
Part 2
The Power of No
October 25, 2012

Some people in the scientific community speak of “genetic memory”,
also known as racial memory.
This is the way in which a person’s DNA
can be permanently altered by external, psychological forces. This
change - and its emotional effect - is then carried forward to the
next generations. There are genetic fears implanted deeply within us
by which we are manipulated on a daily basis. It is also possible to
be free of these fears and loosen the controls under which you live.
The purpose of programming fear into the masses of people is to
control us - and is it ever effective! Fear, although it is a very
low vibrational force, is an extremely powerful emotion. It is used
extensively in brainwashing programs, because nothing makes the
implanting stronger than a good dose of fear.
In order to rid ourselves of the fear, we must look at the methods
used to instill it.
According to ancient stories,
Nimrod of old Babylon, King of the
Chaldeans, known as a brave hunter of boars, convinced his people
that there were great dangers outside his city walls (see
Hegelian Dialectic and external
threat), and that not only should the people live within its walls,
but they should give him all their grain and other produce, plus any
precious metals or gems, to hold in his protected bins for
“security” (or rather, the illusion of safety).
He even gave them a little clay tablet
as a receipt that he told them could be traded for other goods.
(Sound familiar?)
But the people did as they were told
because they were given a dose of fear. That is, until all the goods
in Nimrod’s treasury were spent, leaving the city and its people
bankrupt and open to invasion and defeat by the Persians.
But still it left a genetic memory
implant to fear a non-existent external threat.
In the Dark Ages the feudal system trained us to fear the lord of
the manor, who was, in turn, controlled by the church. The lord
promised to protect his serfs from marauding bands of strangers (the
fear factor) if they would work the land and give him all but a
minuscule part of what they produce - just enough for the serfs to
stay alive to be able to work the land next spring.
If he sold his estate, they were
considered part of the property - nothing more important than a
plow. Education was repressed for the masses and allowed only to the
gentry, lest the serfs discover the deception they had been enslaved
The people did as they were told because
they were given a dose of fear. That is, until the repression was so
heavy that it gave rise to all manner of secret societies where
scholars could freely discuss more enlightened ideas.
But still it left a genetic memory
implant to fear a non-existent external threat.
The European Royalty did not bother
inventing an outside entity for the people to fear. They taught
their subjects to fear the kings and queens by the public execution
of those who disobeyed their commandments. They used the guillotine
or draw-and-quartering, and they made sure that the people watched
the event.
The people weren’t there because they
wanted to see the blood and gore, they were there because the were
commanded to do so.
So the people did as they were told,
because they were given a dose of fear. That is, until the people
had enough and revolted, overturning or changing the monarchies. But
still it left a genetic memory implant to fear “authority”.
I’m going to use the term “Black
Magic” here, but call it what you will - propaganda, mind
control, group think, 100th monkey, etc. It’s all the same thing
under different names. Regardless of whether or not you believe it
or believe in it, it is what TBTP use, so it bears discussion.
Under black magic rules, the subject of
the malicious intent MUST ACQUIESCE FIRST. The victim must be in
agreement on some level for the power to work. When you do not
acquiesce, they have no power over you whatsoever.
So the choice of being groped so you can travel by air or not is
very important, but not in the ways you may think. Most will say “I
need to travel for my job.” Others will say “I want to be able to
visit Grandma for the holidays.”
And still others figure it’s a small
price to pay to be able to go to Hawaii for vacation. But few really
understand what is going on. The malicious, occult intent of all the
enhanced security procedures is pure black magic being used against
It doesn’t matter to those who practice black magic whether you
believe in it or not. For most of those who are employed by TPTB,
they don’t really believe in it either - they are just
compartmentalized functionaries, being used to carry out an esoteric
mission. But the choice is still the same: you can either go through
the cancer-causing scanners, or the pervert grope line.
Either way they’ve got you by the balls.
And they have you by your own choice; your own acquiescence.
How long would it take to get rid of the naked body scanners and the
groping cretins of the TSA if only 10% of the air travelers, bus
travelers, train travelers, shopping mall pedestrians, prom goers,
et al, said’ “NO”, regardless of the personal consequences to
their travel plans, but “YES” to the great awakening of their
There is something far more valuable going on than your ability to
have a job, to visit granny, to vacation in Hawaii. They really
don’t want you to know how much they’ve gotten you to give up.
Nothing you possess is more valuable than your sacred choice. The
most important thing TPTB try do you is make you forget that you
have a choice.
And they do it with fear...
Those who allow this fear into their lives - with excuses like it’s
my job, my visit with relatives, my vacation - need to realize they
are being deeply conditioned to acquiesce to the next piece of your
humanity that TPTB want to take from you.
TPTB are just waiting for you to say,
“please let me visit granny,
please let me have my job, please let me have my vacation”,
...or whatever carrot they dangle in
front of you next, whatever next manufactured fear they have a
solution for, waiting for you to acquiesce, to ask them to take your
natural rights, so that you feel secure against whatever imaginary
monster they have caused you to fear.
No to What?
No to someone else controlling your
No to having your genitals grabbed to board an airplane or go
No to wars fought in your name!
No to being programmed by TV!
No to the false Left/Right paradigm!
No to accepting anything as truth just because someone “in
authority” told you so!
Now we are being taught to fear “Al-CIA-da”,
Muslims as a whole, and most of all, each other.
Are you perfectly willing to
accept travel papers to travel within the USA?
Taser bracelets to fly?
Aggressive cavity searches (a
TSA term, we didn’t make it up)?
Having your passport invalidated
by the IRS?
Being put on a no-fly/no-gun
buy/no work list because of your opinion?

The greatest occult secret is your
ability to say “NO” to that which is wrong.
Remember the story that saying “Get
behind me, Satan” requires him to step aside? You have that much
power, and they - all the Satans out there - have none UNLESS
Your power - and your sacred duty - is
to say “NO” to that which is wrong.
A lone man faced Chinese tanks in
Beijing's Tiananmen Square by saying NO and the tanks stopped.
Nelson Mandela faced life in
prison by saying NO and apartheid in South Africa stopped.
The French Revolutionaries faced the
guillotine by saying NO and the oppression stopped.
Gandhi faced the British
Empire by saying NO and the servitude of the Indian people
A woman from Atlanta, Georgia, was
told she had to go to a distant seminar for her job. She said
NO. She told her employer that she would not agree to being
groped nor irradiated in order to fly. They sent another
employee in her place. Her co-workers asked why going through
the TSA was a problem for her. She said, “Because it’s not a
problem for you,” and then proceeded to educate them on what is
going on around them.
What sets these people apart in history
is not only that they said NO, but that they continued to say
NO in the face of adversity - even under extreme persecution,
some even unto the threat of death.
If we acquiesce to being controlled, if we give up our personal
dignity to be a part of that which is indisputably a corrupt system,
then are we not the reason for its existence? Don’t we hold some
amount of responsibility for the tyranny and oppression by not
exercising our sacred responsibility to say NO?
The next time you’re in line at the airport, realize a very sacred
thing is about to happen.
You will be given a choice. You can
choose to continue in that line, inching closer to the scanner and
the gropers who will decide if you are someone worthy to be allowed
to fly, pushed forward by the masses at your back. Or you can choose
not to give away your power; you can choose not to acquiesce to
their control.
You can say NO.
What genetic memory do you want
to leave to your progeny?
Will you evolve into someone who
makes their own life choices without fear?
Will you break the chain of fear
and allow your DNA to repair itself for future generations?
Gandhi defeated the British Empire by
saying NO...
Say NO to the fear.
The pain will stop when you stop hitting
your head against the wall.