by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
November 13, 2012
NaturalNews Website
When I began to investigate the horrors
that have been committed against humanity in the last century or so,
I was aghast to realize how many of them had been pursued in the
name of "science."
chemicals? "Scientific."
Orange? "Science."
eugenics agenda? "Scientific."
Genetic pollution and GMOs? "Rational science!"
The pursuit of science was supposed to
deliver humanity out of the age of superstition and ignorance, but
in many ways it has actually condemned humanity to a new age of
suffering and death.
And in the last century, it has been
wholly hijacked and bastardized by evil corporations with zero
ethics, zero compassion and zero concern for anything other than
their bottom-line profits.
Through the invocation of corporate-run
"science," evil institutions have delivered humanity into an age
where the very future of humanity is now at risk of total
For example, biotech science has given us global genetic
pollution in the form of genetically modified crops, none of
which have been rigorously tested for environmental safety before
being unleashed on the planet.
"Science" has also given us deadly
prescription drugs that cause horrifying birth defects (Thalidomide
and others),
vaccines intentionally laced with mercury and MSG, and now the
rise of terminator hunter-killer robots that federal agencies
plan to unleash against Americans who have been added to Obama's
"kill lists" as authorized by the
NDAA he secretly signed on December 31st, 2011.
"Science" has not merely compromised the future of Earth's
ecosystems; it has empowered corrupt governments to engage in
"scientific dictatorships" where science and technology are
routinely used to centralize power and oppress freedom rather than
serving humanity.
For example,
Monsanto's "scientific"
agenda has long been to own and control all agricultural seeds while
criminalizing seed saving by farmers, thus economically enslaving
farmers into a never-ending cycle of dependence on monopolistic,
genetically modified seeds available only from Monsanto.
This is but one example of how so-called "science" is being used to
crush human freedom and destroy human rights. (Most people would
agree that the ability to save seeds from one crop generation to the
next is a fundamental human right.)
When humanity destroys
itself, it will all happen in the name of "science"
At its most fundamental level, science
is supposed to be a framework for gaining knowledge about the
universe through replicable, independent experimentation and
In that sense, science is a valuable tool for gaining
knowledge, but the way science is practiced today almost perfectly
resembles a religion, not science.
For example, ask a "scientist" why there are so many children who
are maimed and killed by vaccines, and you question will be
immediately dismissed as unacceptable. Rather than actually
examining the data, modern-day scientists automatically reject
any evidence that disagrees with their dogma. That's not
science, obviously. It's religion.
Vaccines are only the beginning of the dogmatic religion of
modern-day scientism, of course: The far more profound dogma is
modern scientists' belief in the "materialistic" view of the
universe. In this view, there is no such thing as consciousness,
free will or even a soul. Everything that exists is made up of tiny
particles, they claim, and that's why we need to keep smashing atoms
together in supercolliders in order to try to determine what these
particles are made of.
This view is, of course, childishly absurd. In truth, there are
no particles, only energy expressed through waves of
Even more profoundly,
consciousness is the driving force behind the apparent physical
universe, starting with the consciousness and intention of the
Famed physicist
Stephen Hawking is the ultimate pessimist, believing in a
dead universe where there is no consciousness, no free will, no
mind and no Creator. In his anti-consciousness view, we are all
"biological robots" who are doomed to die and thereby cease to
exist. As absurd and pessimistic as this view sounds, it is
precisely the view of the world accepted by nearly all mainstream
They believe in the same fatalistic pessimism, the same
unconscious existence, and the same excuse for destroying life on
our planet because,
"nothing is really alive anyway."
Remember: These "scientific" worshippers of death and mindlessness
are precisely the same people running our society in many ways,
telling us:
to take more medications and vaccines
to fluoridate our
water with toxic chemicals
to irradiate our bodies with deadly
power our cities with nuclear fuel stored in power
plants like Fukushima
These so-called "scientists" attempt to
control society at every level, but they never admit they are
secretly "anti-consciousness" zealots who routinely express intense
hatred at the very idea of a Creator, or free will, or even the
existence of the mind.
In their denial and delusion, they border on
the insane.
This is why the term "mad scientist" rings true with everyone who
knows what's going on:
Science pursued by those who lack
understanding of reality becomes a threat to us all.
Science applied
without caution, without respect for life, and without a foundation
of ethics becomes a threat to all of humanity.
Science breaks its
promises to humanity
Virtually everything that science has
promised humanity has turned out to be an utter failure.
pharmacology, science promised us improved health and longevity but
delivered only the "management" of chronic sickness and disease.
Through GMOs, science promised us an amazing new era of food
abundance with higher crop yields and improved defenses against
weeds and pests. But it actually delivered lower crop yields,
roundup-resistant superweeds,
runaway cancer in animals who eat GMO and the threat of global
genetic pollution.
Science promised us endless, clean nuclear power but actually
delivered the imminent threat of nuclear meltdowns and global
nuclear fallout (Fukushima, anyone?).
Science promised us an era of enlightenment through the invention of
television but actually delivered the era of mind-numbing idiocy and
government control of the "programmed" masses.
Science promised an end to infections then developed antibiotics
which turned out to breed even more deadly
Nearly everywhere that science has claimed to improve our lives, it
has actually made them far worse. Even the invention of the
transistor has paved the way not to global enlightenment but rather
the global cesspool known as "social networks" where the world's
most dumbed-down computer users attempt to impress each other with
how uninformed and trendy they are.
Has science done anything GOOD for humanity? Certainly.
There are
many success stories, but these are almost universally accomplished
by individuals working independent of corporate interests and
focused on the betterment of humanity, NOT scientists working for
corporations or governments. Some of the best science of all has
been, predictably, suppressed by the modern science agenda.
For example, much of the work of Nikola Tesla has been viciously
suppressed for over a century.
Similarly, research by modern-day pioneers in cancer cures is
routinely suppressed by the FDA and state medical boards. Just look
the true
story of Dr. Burzynski in Texas.
Across the board, real science is oppressed and often destroyed
while sinister corporate science is allowed to dominate the
The fabrication of junk
science for corporate profit
GlaxoSmithKline, for example, recently
maintained a network of
44,000 doctors on its bribery list.
That's 44,000 people who
call themselves "scientists" but who are actually medical
prostitutes serving a corporate agenda.
Similarly, vaccine companies have been caught red-handed
faking clinical trial results in order to fabricate data for the
FDA. This is all part of the great vaccine scam -- an industry
literally run by criminal corporations and based almost entirely on
fabricated junk science.
The vaccine industry has abandoned even the appearance of actual
science and simply "decrees" everything it wants the public to
believe. Vaccines stop infections! Vaccines are safe! Vaccines
should be taken by pregnant women! The mercury in vaccines makes
them work better! ...And so on to the point of utter absurdity.
Even in the study of cosmology, scientists behave almost like lost
little children, screaming for their mommies in the way they
desperately try to claim the Big Bang happened spontaneously,
without cause, merely because it could. This idea of spontaneous
creation of an entire universe without any cause whatsoever
gives you a hint at the level of dumbed-down delusion these people
actually buy into.
Think about it: They don't believe that a mother
can telepathically feel a connection to her own child, but they do
believe that an entire universe can suddenly create itself out of
pure nothing, without cause. Which idea seems more absurd?
Check out more delusional science as revealed in my eye-opening
For the record, I'm actually a huge advocate of scientific inquiry,
the scientific method and the pursuit of knowledge via science as
one of many useful pathways. Natural selection, a theory
first hypothesized by
Charles Darwin, is very real and in fact going
on right now in your own back yard (affecting weeds, insects, moths,
What Darwin's theories completely fail to explain, however, are the
ORIGIN of the species - a realization that's especially ironic
the title of his most famous work. Natural selection says
nothing about how life began, how the universe began, or even how
planet Earth was first seeded with DNA.
There is absolutely nothing in the bag of tricks of modern-day
science that even comes close to explaining the origin of the
universe, faster-than-light spin-state travel, precognition or even
how a common refrigerator magnet really works, for that matter.
If modern science weren't so arrogant, it might actually be
tolerable, but these ignorant, childlike scientists run around the
planet insisting we should all inject ourselves with their
chemicals, or subject our bodies to their imaging devices, or eat
the foods they modified to be "better than God" and so on.
arrogance is a huge red flag that what they're pushing is really
steeped in deception, not humanitarian science.
And that's why out-of-control science must be stopped. It threatens
the very future of humanity and our planet, and if science really
claims to be serving the betterment of humankind, it should do so
from a place of humility and ethics while erring on the side of
Here's What Scientists Don't Want You to See
- The Dark Side of "Science"
by HealthRanger
November 7, 2012
TVNaturalNews Website
This hard-hitting video from Mike Adams,
the Health Ranger, reveals the dark side of science:
radiation experiments
human guinea pigs
terminator robots,
...and more.
This video reveals why humanity must STOP out-of-control "science"
and honor the precautionary principle. END GMOs, toxic vaccine
additives, biological weapons and other threats to humanity.